In Central Continent, who else is calculating Ying Wuxie?

The first thing that Ying Wuxie came up with was Heavenly Court. Point novel,

Since ancient times, the world’s first Gu Immortal forces.

Three Demon Venerable can’t beat Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court, which has been in charge of three generations of Immortal Venerable.

Even Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable unrivaled beneath the heavens, did not want to attack the Heavenly Court.

Unsurpassed Heavenly Court!

Super Gu Formation constantly operate, against the mysterious Great Expert’s Wisdom Dao projection, the entire gu formation inside emits a faint black glow, and emits an overwhelming zhī ya sound.

“In a short effort, who can make this Super Gu Formation so overwhelmed? Only Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Wisdom Dao Great Expert!” Ying Wuxie turned pale and instantly sweated.

Shadow Sect has been created since Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable fallen, and has been developed by X and Life. Because of the strategically fascinating peak, the loss is terrible, leaving only a few remnant forces. Now, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is trapped in a dream, leaving only the only hope of Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie knows how heavy the responsibility he shoulders is.

If he is figured out and there is no such thing as a modified escape from Fixed Immortal Travel, he will surely be chased by Gu Immortal, such as the wolf-like tiger, the endless Heavenly Court, until it dies.

“It doesn’t matter if I die. The key is that the ontology is completely immersed in the Danger Realm. My Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable turns the real fall! into a record in the long river of history. I am not willing!”

Ying Wuxie growled and struggled to sit up in the upper body.

He advertised consciousnessness, perfused immortal essence, and began to preside over Super Gu Formation.

Gu formation quickly stabilized. The secluded man is like a running water, flowing in the battle. The voice of zhī ya, which is overwhelmed, has gradually weakened.

There is no host by Gu Immortal. The power of gu formation is totally different!

Previously, this Super Gu Formation was not hosted by Ying Wuxie’s, and it was able to defend itself against Fairy Ziwei’s projections. Now with the chairman of Ying Wuxie’s, Power has skyrocketed more than ten times and immediately stabilized the situation.

But in contrast to the situation of Ying Wuxie’s, it is getting worse.

He just woke up from a coma and his condition was very wrong.

Because the refining gu failed, the trump card ultimate move was used. In order to skyrocket their own Luck Qi, the soul was severely damaged.

After waking up, he continued to host the Super Gu Formation without any healing time.

Ying Wuxie hosted the Super Gu Formation for a while, and he was dizzy, seeing stars, and his body was crumbling, almost fainting again.

“No! This Super Gu Formation is hard to host, and it has to be countered by Wisdom Dao. It involves spending a lot of Essence, Qi and Spirit, and I can’t perseverance.”

Ying Wuxie A heart sinks straight.

“Stone Slave !Hei Loulan!” He called the sound transmission and, as a last resort, told the two people about the operation of the Super Gu Formation. Entrust is used by the other party.

Soon after, he was completely perseverance and fainted.

“Master!” Stone Slave is loyal. After working with Super Gu Formation, he was found to be in a bad state of Ying Wuxie. Run gu formation immediately and give treatment to Ying Wuxie.

Hei Loulan is responsible for defending Fairy Ziwei’s projections.

The situation is stable.

Ying Wuxie finally woke up again.

His status has improved a lot. When I was awake, I asked, “How long have I been fainted?”

Stone Slave replied: “Two days and three nights, the owner.”

“Can the other party stop calculating?” Ying Wuxie asked immediately.

“No.” This time it was Hei Loulan sound transmission.

Ying Wuxie’s face is dignified, and his heart has sunk into the bottom of the valley: “It has been calculated for two consecutive days and three nights. It seems that the other party has eight-eightines, which is Heavenly Court Wisdom Dao Great Expert. Wisdom Dao is enough to rival Supervising Heaven Tower Lord! , Heavenly Court ……”

Heavenly Court’s water, too deep.

After three generations of Immortal Venerable, countless Rank 8 Gu Immortal was stationed. Shadow Sect’s development of 100,000 is arguably huge, but compared to Heavenly Court, the background is still very shallow.

Shadow Sect’s side has been studying for tens of thousands of years, and it took a chance to pay a heavy price. He successfully placed a traitor Lian Jiusheng in Heavenly Court.

But after Lian Jiusheng entered Heavenly Court, there was not much information to inquire.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal mostly sleeps and rarely moves.

However, it is this little intelligence that shows the strength of Heavenly Court and makes Shadow Sect quite worrying.

First and foremost, Heavenly Court has the Rank 9 Fate Gu. This Immortal Gu, even Red Lotus Demon Venerable, was only broken and not completely destroyed.

With the core of Rank 9 Fate Gu, the Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home Supervising Heaven Tower is even more powerful, not just in name only, but also in reality. Finding the range of investigations by the people of the Destiny, directly covering the entire Five Regions and White Heaven and Black Heaven, the range is terrifying.

Secondly, Heavenly Court Celestial Grotto has always been is free from disasters and tribulations, seems to be because of the swallowing of a large number of fragments of Immemorial Seven Heavens

Finally, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal’s research on Immortal Aperture, reached deep and unmeasurable. At this point, even Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul sighs.

Join Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal and the first thing to do is to dedicate your own Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto to Heavenly Court Celestial Grotto. When you go out to Heavenly Court’s, you get a wonderful Void Orifice that is dedicated to filling immortal essence and Gu insect.

This method involves the deepest mystery of Heavenly Court, which seems to be Genesis Immortal Venerable’s handiwork ! Rank 8 Gu Immortal After merging Immortal Aperture into Heavenly Court Celestial Grotto, it completely eliminates Disaster and Tribulation and sleeps deeply, greatly delaying the passage of life span.

Heavenly Court has been created since the Remote Antiquity Era, more than three hundred thousand years ago. During the period, three Immortal Venerable’s Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto and countless Rank 8 Gu Immortal’s Celestial Grotto were merged into Heavenly Court.

So the vastness of Heavenly Court Celestial Grotto is simply horrifying, and the in-house possession of immortal materials is unparalleled. With these resources alone, Heavenly Court Celestial Grotto is completely self-sufficient and does not need to harvest anything in the Five Regions.

How many Rank 8 Gu Immortal sleep in Heavenly Court, even the vast majority of Heavenly Court members are not very clear.

But as long as you think about it, you will understand the vastness and terrifying of the potential forces of White Heaven | daytime.

However, since ancient times, only Longevity Gu is the orthodoxy of increase longevity. Heavenly Court Gu Immortal has a lifelong prolonging, and certainly has some drawbacks. Only what this drawback is, Lian Jiusheng has not been explored, which has become one of the biggest regrets of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Compared to Heavenly Court, it’s just that 100,000’s Shadow Sect for many years is too weak. Shadow Sect is like an iceberg, distributed in the Zombie Alliance in the Five Regions, which is part of the iceberg that is revealed on the sea. Old Man Yan Shi, Bo Qing, Purple Mountain True Monarch and the others are part of the iceberg below the sea. And Heavenly Court, it is equivalent to load the sea of ​​icebergs. The sea is deep and unmeasurable, the sea is floating on the iceberg, what is hidden in the depths of the sea, perhaps hidden countless dragon python Xianxiong, perhaps Gu Immortals have all died, the truth is unknown, and may never be known.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, Lian Jiusheng, Bi Chentian, Fairy Ziwei, Grandma Sha, and just over the last few thousand years, joined Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal. It has not settled into the depths of the sea, and it is considered a huge wave on the sea.

“Master, what should we do next?” asked Stone Slave.

Ying Wuxie fell into deep silence.

He is exhausted and thinking hard!

Now, Fairy Ziwei’s calculations are like a lance, forcing Ying Wuxie to defend the defensive (Super Guy Formation). Although the Super Gu Formation is powerful enough to block Fairy Ziwei’s projections, But as the matter stands, Super Gu Formation requires Gu Immortal to host, and as if restrained the hands of the Ying Wuxie group of people.

And simply defending, too passive, long-term loss, far from wise.

“Heavenly Court started with me, I am afraid not only to deal with my Shadow Sect, but also to fight Fang Yuan’s. My body is Fang Yuan’s, and to a certain extent, it is also a disaster for Fang Yuan.”

“This time Fixed Immortal Travel refining is not good, very embarrassing. Ten chances, coupled with the last surge of Luck Qi, even if the reason for Connecting Luck, thinning my Qi Luck, the success may be quite large. Fang Yuan That situation can be successful. I am in a much better position than him, but still fail. I am afraid that Fixed Immortal Travel has been robbed. If so, it is very likely to be Heavenly Court!”

At this time, on the side of Langya Blessed Land, the traitor Sixth Hair had sent a letter to Ying Wuxie asking for sin.

Therefore, Ying Wuxie knows very well about Fang Yuan’s situation.

“It seems that only abandon the car to protect the handsome, self-sacrifice.” Ying Wuxie’s face is determined and determined.

He decided to abandon his subordinates in exchange for his own escape.

With the power of Super Gu Formation, you can hide his breath for a while, and the power of Fairy Ziwei’s calculations is firmly involved in the gu formation.

Thus, Ying Wuxie can take the opportunity to escape, cross the Five Regions Boundary Wall and leave Central Continent.

Central Continent is dragon’s pool and tiger’s den. Shadow Sect’s has too little residual force. When you leave here, you can come to any of the other four domains. For Ying Wuxie, it is boundless oceans, vast skies.

“Fighting Immortal Travel failed, but my own cultivation base, but the bottom of Rank 6, is far less difficult than the Round 7 and Rank 8 across the Boundary Wall. The next step is to work harder, roaming the four domains and integrating all the renumant forces. Heavenly Court Even with Rank 6 Fixed Immortal Travel, those Rank 8 Gu Immortal can’t be used. Supervising Heaven Tower is also ruined, not afraid of it.”

“The camp here is only abandoned. The person who hosts the gu formation is at least two Rank 6, or one Rank 7…”

Ying Wuxie thought for a moment and decided to abandon Stone Slave, take Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan.

The loyalty of these three people can reassure him, especially Hei Loulan, followed by Stone Slave and Taibai Yunsheng again.

The main reason is that he has to cross the Boundary Wall many times. When crossing the Boundary Wall, the cultivation base is lower, but it is more advantageous. The Rank Slave of the Rank 7 cultivation base is rather cumbersome.

Ying Wuxie made the decision and implemented it immediately.

Stone Slave has no objections, his loyalty can be seen in the sun and the moon, and even before his departure, his own Gu insect accumulation, and the Stoneman Tribe in Immortal Aperture, are completely handed over to Ying Wuxie.

Ying Wuxie’s Immortal Aperture was dead. He took Gu insect himself and sent the Stoneman tribe to Hei Loulan’s Immortal Aperture for foster care.

With Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng, leaving Stone Slave to attract fire, Ying Wuxie immediately retreated and directed to the nearest Five Regions Boundary Wall.

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