Three days later , in Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Paragon Immortal Aperture is vast, with a range of Five Regions and Nine Heavens.

After the success of Fang Yuan transcends tribulation, he stayed in First Layer Heaven for healing.

At this moment, healing has reached a critical juncture.

In a bloody lake covered with a hundred miles, Fang Yuan is immersed in the bottom of the lake at severe ten zhang.

He was extremely hurt and tragic and chilling. The entire lower body, with abdomen and broken, only the upper body, floating in the blood lake.

The rich vitality in the blood lake is constantly infused into his huge wounds.

After three days of brewing, a group of vaguely visible blood and light shadows have formed the appearance of hips and legs.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan opened his eyes.

His booth eyes are red, and for a moment, the bottom of the dark blood lake seems to be lit with lightning!

“Blood Dao refining, but also my fairy.” Fang Yuan secretly sighed in his heart, countless thoughts in his mind pēng pēng pēng flashing.

Thousands of mortal gus, which are mobilized by thoughts, are vividly shot out of the rays of light that cannot be ignored.

These mortal gu, alwaysy are placed in all corners of the blood lake.

At this point, the entire dark and deep blood lake is reflected in a red.

Gradually, the glory of these mortal gu is contiguous.

A Rank 6 Immortal Gu flies out of Fang Yuan’s body and rises slowly.

This round is like a bead. It has the size of a goose egg. There are countless twilight patterns on the beads. It is constantly changing, like Wanlian blooming, and it seems like a cloud.

Blood Dao Immortal Gu Blood Source !

This Immortal Gu is not recognized by Fang Yuan’s, this is the previous Langya Earth Spirit, combined with some of the Blood Dao Gu Formula in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

The role of the Immortal Gu Blood Source is to protect a portion of the immortal materials or Gu insect during the refining gu. If the refining gu fails. These immortal materials or Gu insects can also be reduced by the Blood Source Immortal Gu afterwards.

Since having this Immortal Gu. The last Langya Earth Spirit did not know how much resources were saved. For this Immortal Gu, the last Langya Earth Spirit is very good. It can be described as thousand Jin Buhuan.

But after the transformation of Langya Earth Spirit, a heart thought to revive the Hairyman family, no interest in refining gu.

When trading with Fang Yuan, Blood Source Immortal Gu fell into Fang Yuan’s claws.

Fang Yuan got it, although the surface is not moving, but the heart is extremely happy!

This is in the hands of Gu Immortal, and can only be used in Refining Dao to play its original role. But in the hands of Fang Yuan, the Blood Dao Grandmaster. It’s not just about making the best use of it, but it’s superb and it’s very versatile.

Just like now.

Blood Source Immortal Gu, the whole blood lake violently boiled, like a volcano erupting, burning and spewing at the bottom of the blood lake.


A lot of bubbles pop up on the lake.

The vitality of a stock, like the milk swallows, is simultaneously poured into the Blood Source Immortal Gu.

Blood Source Immortal Gu floats on top of Fang Yuan’s and spins around. Like an endless black hole, the whole life in the blood lake is captured.

Subsequently, after purification. A condensed vitality that can be observed by the naked eye, as if it were translucent, is injected into Fang Yuan’s body.

Ka ka ka.

Fang Yuan’s bones make a crisp sound and delight. The dry flesh and blood fills up instantly, like blowing a balloon. The scars on the skin disappeared. A long hair grows again and it grows black, just like a layer of oil.

The most important thing is the huge wound on Fang Yuan.

Originally, it is only the lower part of the translucent blood shadow. Under the irrigation of huge vitality, from the inside out. Turning to the truth.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan was seriously injured. The body is as intact as it is, intact!


Fang Yuan is like a sharp arrow, rushing to the bleeding lake, appearing in the sky.

Divine Sense glanced around, and he was satisfied with nodded: “The body of this Paragon Immortal Fetus is really mystery. The Dao Marks involve countless genres, but they don’t interfere with each other. Therefore, I use any genre. The treatment can be 100% effective. Otherwise, how can I directly cure this terrifying injury in just three days?”

Fang Yuan reached out and beckoned, Blood Source Immortal Gu Like a meteor, shot from the blood lake, flew to his hands in a blink of an eye.

Put this Immortal Gu in front of you and watch it for a while, Fang Yuan is full of emotion, press it on his chest.

Blood Source Immortal Gu Parasitic on Fang Yuan within the body, at Fang Yuan’s chest, turned into a scarlet bead pattern.

This parasitic method is not safe. Fang Yuan is ruined, and Blood Source Immortal Gu will suffer.

Immortal Gu itself is fragile, and infants with severe months old can trample on the Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

Income Immortal Aperture, the most stable.

But Fang Yuan At the moment, Paragon Immortal Aperture is still on the ground. Only for the time being, be careful not to hinder.

“Five hundred years of previous life, I was struggling to find a Blood Dao Immortal Gu, but I could only change Spring and Autumn Cicada. If there was such a Blood Dao Immortal Gu at that time, I would have mixed up to get Rich, even if it is 10 Great Ancient Sects, I have the confidence to fight.”

This is not a matter of Fang Yuan’s boasting.

Five hundred years of previous life, he has the strength of Rank 6 peak, two battles common Rank 7 Gu Immortal, all win.

Although there are external factors for the favorable location and people, but with Rank 6 defeating Rank 7, this record itself is already very dazzling!

Of course, comparing Bo Qing and Feng Jiuge, this record seems to be common. But don’t forget the key. When Fang Yuan defeated this Rank 7 Gu Immortal, there was no one Immortal Gu. He is forcibly defeating the powerful enemy with Blood Dao mortal gu and Mortal Realm Ultimate Move!

Five years ago, previous life, Fang Yuan became a dream with Blood Dao, not only created Blood Dao mortal gu, but also designed many Blood Dao Ultimate Moves, or powerful, or strangely dark, or Baleful Qi Ling people……

Fang Yuan’s Blood Dao Realm, up to Grandmaster, he lacks a single, Blood Dao Immortal Gu.

With this Immortal Gu, he can quickly improve the Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, forming numerous Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, causing explosive growth in battle strength!

Fang Yuan previous life For five hundred years, until the rebirth, there is no chance to get a Blood Dao Immortal Gu.

After being born again, he drifted away, swaying all the way, walking on the limelight. Because of various factors, I didn’t get any Blood Dao Immortal Gu.

(Actually, it is the influence of Will of Heaven.)

Until recently. He finally came from the Langya Earth Spirit and accidentally traded Blood Source Immortal Gu.

In fact, Fang Yuan does not want to be so early. Just carry out the cultivation of Blood Dao. But Blood Dao Gu Immortal seems to be spotted by Heavenly Court, named Demon Execution List. Blood Dao is so dangerous that even Demonic Path itself is not to be seen, and everyone is quick.

When Fang Yuan exchanged for Blood Source Immortal Gu, he thought: If you don’t need it, you don’t need it.

But it is counterproductive.

When transcends tribulation, he encountered Tyrant Immortal Chu Du. As life and death hang on the front line, he had to spur the Blood Source Immortal Gu to create a Blood Dao Ultimate Move, sealing the aperture wall.

When he was just healing, Fang Yuan also used a Blood Dao Immortal Move. Only this treatment of the ultimate move can heal his injury as soon as possible and guard against the huge threat of Chu Du.

Fang Yuan doesn’t want to ask for the Langya Earth Spirit too much. The more help, the bigger the barefoot. Fang Yuan still has reservations about the Langya Earth Spirit, at least the big secret of Paragon Immortal Aperture. He is hidden.

Fang Yuan is the Blood Dao Grandmaster Realm and has a deep accumulation of five years of previous life, improving Mortal Realm Ultimate Move to Immortal Rank. It is a natural thing to push the boat. It’s not like Hei Loulan. It’s difficult to raise Self Strength phantom to Immortal Rank.

In fact, he created a number of Blood Dao Immortal Gu’s Immortal Gu Formula in his previous life, but unfortunately Refining Dao and Wisdom Dao were too low. The resulting Immortal Gu Formula is not deduced and the disability is high.

Collapsed Blood Source Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan began to think about his own situation: “Three days have passed, Chu Du did not raid. It seems that he has no means in his hands to break through the Immortal Aperture aperture wall.”

Three days ago. Fang Yuan resolutely paid a serious price and sealed the aperture of the aperture wall. This makes Chu Du a loser.

Chu Du, if there is any means, will be used at that time.

But after three days passed, even if some means took time to brew, it would never last up to three days, so Fang Yuan estimated that Chu Du was poor.

This is not surprising.

Immortal Aperture fell to the ground and formed Blessed Land. As long as you don’t open the portal yourself, Immortal Aperture Blessed Land condenses a little Void, which is not obvious at all. It is extremely difficult for outsiders to break into.

In the beginning, Immortal Crane Sect in order to attack Fox Immortal Blessed Land, but also on on bloodline, rely on Fang Zheng, using the double-door method of Blood Dao to sense.

Chu Du itself is the Strength Dao Gu Immortal and penetrates the Immortal Aperture aperture wall, but it is obviously related to Space Dao.

Fang Yuan guessed the facts, but he did not have the slightest relaxation.

Although Chu Du can’t break into Paragon Immortal Aperture, he will definitely stop and guard here.

This is obvious.

Let’s think about it, Strength Dao Gu Immortal Chu Du, a heart-thinking idea to take Chu Du from Reckless True Meaning, how can I give up this huge opportunity?

At that time, against the super-power Liu Family, Chu Du could not stop, guarding the Liu Family headquarters Blessed Land, and finally waited for the Liu Family Revered Great Elder and fought with him! Fang Yuan Alone, how can it be comparable to Liu Family? Even with Langya Blessed Land, it is not as good as Liu Family. The bunch strength of the group of Hairyman Gu Immortal, don’t expect too much.

Moreover, even if Chu Du can’t break the aperture wall, he can find another helper.

“It seems that I am temporarily trapped here. If Immortal Aperture is brought home, can I escape Chu Du’s by Sword Escape?”

Fang Yuan shook his head.

“Sword Escape Immortal Gu is fast, but it is a straight line flying. To change direction, it has to stop, which forms a flaw. It is effective against common Gu Immortal, but it is not enough to face Tyrant Immortal. At least It is the hope of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

Thinking about it, Fang Yuan flew a little day.

Just at the height of the place where the transcends tribulation is located, the Snow Monster on the ground perceives the Fang Yuan’s trail, each and every one screams at him, and there are quite a few Far Ancient Snow Monsters, arms raised to Fang. Yuan throws a huge snow bomb of each and every one.

Sighed, Fang Yuan fled away.

“Earthly Disaster has passed, but these Snow Monsters have been left here. For the time being, they can only be left alone, and there is nothing worth destroying in Immortal Aperture.”

“I have Sword Escape Immortal Gu, but Sword Dao’s Realm is too low. Blood Dao is more promising. Next, I am improving from Mortal Realm Ultimate Move, launching Immortal Rank Blood Dao Ultimate Move, with Blood Source Immortal Gu as Core, dedicated to moving!”

Ps: WeChat public number is updated synchronously today, welcome everyone to pay attention!

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