Western Desert, a certain section of the road.

“Kill, kill this group of animals, the money is ours!”

“Grab his mother!!”

“Come on, keep it for me, these goods are lost, the Lord will never bypass us!”

The sound of shouting is deafening, and around a low sand dune, a bloody fight between thieves and caravans is unfolding.

This thief gang has been murdering in the Sand Desert all the year round. The members are all Human Race Gu Masters. They are all ferocious and brave, and they are well-versed in the battlefield.

In the caravan, the Human Race is rare, and the main body is Featherman.

These Featherman Gu Masters, some standing on the ground, guarding commercial goods, while others fly in the air, fighting fierce thieves.

A fire bomb slammed, the heat wave rolled, sometimes mixed with the wind blade, crossed the line in the air, squatting in the formation of the other side, set off a bloody flower.

Flame Dao and Wind Dao Gu insect are popular in the Western Desert, and Gu Masters is also the most common of these two genres.

After a while, the thieves firmly grasped the upper hand and suffered little damage. In the caravan, it is a heavy casualty.

Han Li is mixed between the goods, it is already blood, and the eyebrows are black.

In the recent fierce battle, he was unfortunately shot by an invisible wind blade, and he had a long, deep wound in his chest. Now he still has blood flow. The black of the eyebrows is a flame streamer, squatting beside him, the hot sand all around splashing, and the big half is caused by his face.

“Damn! don’t tell me I am going to put this life here today?” The battlefield scene made Han Li desperate.

He finally embarked on the road of cultivation and became a Gu Master. But being expelled, they can only wander around.

In order to make a living, he applied to become a member of this caravan. I did not expect such a large caravan to be robbed by robbers.


“This caravan is finished. I will not be buried with them.”

“If you are smart, just follow me. These Featherman are finished, even if you are alive, go back. You must be executed by the Lord.”

The defeat has been fixed, and deserters have begun to appear in the caravans.

They are all employed as Guardian Human Race Gu Master.

“These guys!”

“Don’t worry about them. Save primeval essence, even if you die, you must die!”

Featherman Gu Masters gnawed his teeth and was resentful.

“How can this be?” Han Li was stunned. He was still young. He entered Jiang Hu and was very young. Look at the escaped Human Race Gu Master. He has some reactions.

“Why don’t you escape?” A Featherman Gu Master came over, saw Han Li.

Han Li screamed, and he was so helpless that he knew the Featherman Gu Master, who was the leader of the caravan.

“Although your cultivation base is a bit low, some aspects are a hundred times stronger than yours!” Featherman leader sighed and patted Han Li’s shoulder.

His palm flashed and he shot Han Li’s shoulder three times, and he suddenly healed his injury!

“Great! Is this the power of the Rank 4 Gu Master?” Han Li was shocked. Open mouth I want to thank, but the Featherman leader has already passed him and ran forward.

The front line is already in critical condition. The Featherman leader had to fight in person.

Rank 4 Gu Master A take action, suddenly killing the thieves people turned upside down, a long time casualties.

In the thief gang, there is also a Rank 4 expert, but at the moment it is over to see the rear, indifferent at the at, the mouth with a silk ice-cold smile.

The leader of Featherman quickly ruled this battlefield, killing the Quartet and seeing Han Li’s blood. The rest of Featherman is even more applauded.

But the heart of Featherman’s leader is gloomy and heavy.

he knows. The other person’s heart is cruel, using these cannon fodder to kill his primeval essence. Wait until the thief’s expert go on stage battle. His primeval essence is not as good as the other side, and will definitely fall into the wrong wind.


At this moment, a dramatic sound of the wind came from the horizon.

Sound of the wind is vast, like Desolate Beast.

Everyone followed the sound, and someone suddenly exclaimed: “Well! It’s a golden twist!”

The tornado in the Western Desert is divided into gold, silver, iron, copper, etc., and the forformable power has its own size. Goldwind tornformform power is powerful, even if it is Rank 4 Gu Master, as long as it is caught, it must be bode ill rather than well.

Feathermen was in a panic, and the thieves’ gang was also a mess. It was like an explosive gunpowder. They screamed and roared and rushed to the caravan.

They will take the caravan before taking the golden silk torn around, and then carry the precious goods and grow away.

“Support!” Featherman leader shouted.

While the tornado was terrifying, Featherman got caught up, nine deaths and still alive. But they are born to fly, and the situation will be much better than the Human Race Gu Master.

This fierce battle has entered a period of intense heat.

Almost every moment, people lose their lives.

Han Li shrinks defense between the goods.

His cultivation base is low and not eye-catching, and we feel that he is not careful.

Han Li really doesn’t care, his shallow primeval essence is exhausted, and it’s no different from the common people.

The fire bombs and wind blades on the battlefield rarely touched Han Li, because the goods around Han Li let both sides tacitly choose to converge.

The tornado was extremely fast, and it was still in the sky, but it quickly rolled around the battlefield.

The wind whistling, countless yellow sands flying all over the sky, hitting Han Li’s body, a steady stream of numbness and pain.

“Withdraw!” Although very unwilling, the wise bandit leader still yelled and chose to retreat.

The robbers were like a gust of wind, with their wounds and red eyes, coming fast and going fast.

“Fast! Move these goods as far as possible.” The Featherman leader was terrifying, but at the crucial moment, the goods were placed first.

Feathermen was busy with the rescue of the goods, no one cares about Han Li.

When the tornado hit, Han Li was involuntarily and immediately absorbed into the wind. As with him, there are a lot of Featherman and a lot of goods.

Han Li was caught in the wind and turned around, unable to distinguish between east, south, west and north. He is like a catkin, dancing with the wind, and nowadays, at stake.

With a bang, he didn’t know if he was hitting a stone or a cargo. Suddenly fainted.

I don’t know how long it took, he woke up.

“You, you finally woke up.” An old man sat in front of him. Weak and authentic.

“You, who are you?” Han Li is still not too clear. He glanced around and found himself lying on the sand, surrounded by stones, dead bodies, and goods scattered everywhere.

“The tornado stopped? I actually survived?!” Han Li snorted and immediately rejoiced.

“Without me to save you, how can you survive?” old man laughed.

“Han Li many thanks elderly!” Han Li quickly gave a gift, sincere thanks.

Old man is pleased to nodded: “I thought that when I was not a fairy, I was in a situation like this. Now you are caught in the wind, it is also because of me. I and Tian Jin’s betting fight, finally I lost… Pro before death, old man will pay you this life True Inheritance.”

Central Continent.

The sword broke in the valley.

“Where did Sword Qi Gu fly?”

“Fast chase!”

“This Sword Qi Gu is mine, no one wants to take it away!”

A group of Gu Master make a big fuss, forming a rushing stream of people, knocking out from the valley.

“Kid, let the road open!”

“The roadblocker is dead!!”

Hong Yi just walked to the mouth of the valley where the sword broke, and saw a large group of Gu Master mad. Fly over. There are many experts for Rank 3 and Rank 4.

Hong Yi’s face brushed in white, and quickly fled, letting the road open.

A group of Gu Masters rolled up the sky. Hong long long rushed away from Hong Yi.

“This, what’s going on?” Hong Yi murmured in the mouth, still a shocked jump.

The conversation of the bypass person is a solution for him.

“I heard that it is a Sword Qi Gu of Rank 4.”

“It’s no wonder that so many people are robbing.”

“We are also rushing in, maybe we can also meet Sword Qi Gu of Rank 4.”

“Think of beauty. How long does this sword break the valley? Rank 4 Sword Qi Gu, maybe only one. Don’t be whimsical.”

“Sword Qi Gu…Rank 4?!” Hong Yi shook a bit in his heart, and his eyes reflected the envy.

He quickly started and ran into the valley.

In fact, he has explored this valley before, just before. Not so much.

It turned out that before the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Immortal Zombie Bo Qing was born, from the bottom of the fountain at the source of the Fallen Heavenly River. The violent shot of infinite sword light.

There is a sword light, it falls here, the mountain range here is divided into two sections, forming a valley landscape.

This is the origin of the sword breaking the valley.

At first, people didn’t care too much, but soon, Central Continent Gu Masters accidentally discovered that the wild Sword Dao Gu insect appeared in the valley.

It turns out that the original sword light is not unusual. Every word light has Sword Dao’s Dao Marks. After the word light falls here, Sword Dao’s Dao Marks is printed in the valley, forming a special environment and growing more and more. Wild Sword Dao Gu insect.

Paper can’t hold fire, more and more Gu Master came here to hunt for treasure.

In the scene just now, Rank 4 Sword Qi Gu was discovered and escaping from the crowd.

“Rank 4 Wild Gu worm, can not be met, I am even a came across, I am afraid it can not catch, too dangerous.” Hong Yi thought of it, while cautiously searching in the valley.

He gradually drifted away from the crowd, and in an inconspicuous corner, he found an amazing scene.

A common caterpillar is in the clam shell.

But the wonderful thing is that the caterpillar’s hard shell is shining.

After Hong Yi stunned, he immediately recognized this scene. He was ecstatic: “Good Luck Dao! I actually encountered the moment when the worms were sublimated into shackles. This breath of scent… really strong! I don’t know it is Rank. 4, or Rank 5 Gu?”

Hong Yi did not wait for the caterpillar to completely lick the shell, and quickly went forward to catch it.

Transfer immediately, in a safer place, he motivated the primeval essence and began to refine.

After a few moments, he refines and succeeds, getting a very weird Sword Dao Rank 5 Gu Insect. Dark and swarthy, the size of the palm, like a narrow iron scabbard.

Rank 5 Sword Scabbard Gu !

“What is the use of this one? I have a Rank 5 Gu, but my primeval essence can’t keep up, I can’t use it at all.” Hong Yi is secretly regretting, suddenly a wild Sword Dao Gu insect, from the grass in the side Drilled out and flew to his side, then flew into the Sword Scabbard Gu in his palm.

Hong Yi was shocked by the dazed and couldn’t speak for a while.

Southern Border, the nameless hill.

The night was shrouded and the rain poured.

“Shang Xinci, today you will put your life here.” A short man, carrying his hands, walked up to the top of the hill.

There, there are three Gu Masters, and they are defending according to danger.

a man and two women.

One of the female Gu Masters, who is very seriously injured, is Shang Xinci’s servant girl Little Lan.

Another female Gu Master, a gentle and waterfall-like Qingsi, white like snow, clear and beautiful, is Shang Xinci.

Looking at the newcomer, Shang Xinci smiled awkwardly: “Shang Bixi! I don’t think it’s really you, why bother you and me?”

Shang Bixi laughed heartily : “father is dead, big brother is dead, Chaofeng is also dead, as long as I kill you, my eighth brother will be able to board the Shang Family Patriarch. So you must die tonight!”

Shang Xinci heard this, as if it had been hit by an invisible giant force, and the body swayed and almost fell to the ground.

Her tone is sorrowful and sorrowful: “Just for a Patriarch, is Shang Pulao really so Cold Blood?”

Shang Bixi sneered: “Yes, you saved my eighth brother’s life, but what about it? Count on his graciousness, let the Patriarch’s position be handed over to you?”, Shang Family Patriarch is the place of 10,000 people. On the authority! You are excessive tendency to clemency, how can I win over my eighth brother!”

Shang Xinci shook his head: “When I saved him, I never thought about the Patriarch position.”

“This is the case, you have fallen to the present. Hahaha!” Shang Bixi followed.

“Miss Xinci, why bother with this littleman!” Ye Fan’s eyebrows twisted into awkwardness, and the tone of Shang Bixi was extremely disgusting.

“Young Master Ye, let’s go. All he wants is my life. I give it to him. You are an outsider, you don’t have to mix this drowning. You are going!” Shang Xinci pushed Ye Fan’s back and urged him. go away.

“I don’t want to go!” Ye Fan yelled, “Miss Xinci, solve my troubles, and the waters of the springs are reported, how can I leave?”

“hmph, it’s very nice. But if you want to go, you can’t go. Today, all three of you will die. Shang Xinci, you are still so naive! I don’t kill all three of you, don’t tell Will the survivors come to smash the reputation of the eighth brother in the future?” Shang Bixi said, step by step.

Ye Fan clenched his teeth tightly, even if he was seriously injured, the station was standing still, and he had to stop in front of Shang Xinci’s.

“Well, it’s a man.” Shang Bixi faintly commented, and immediately waved Ye Fan to the ground.

“If you are in a peak state, I still worry about you three points. But now that your primeval essence is exhausted, there is no threat. Hahaha.” Shang Bixi laughed and approached Shang Xinci.

Shang Xinci slowly closed his eyes and gave up the unnecessary resistance.

Pro before death, the deepest part of her heart, suddenly emerged a man’s silhouette.

Single thought head, involuntarily, if you can be in the before death, see him, how good.

However, after waiting for a while, I did not see Shang Bixi for a long time.

Shang Xinci opened her eyes in confusion and saw Shang Bixi motionless standing in front of her, only a few steps away from her.

But he was as stiff as a stone statue, and his horrified expression was fixed.

“hmph, because of some rich rights, it is my scum of Shang Family!” A female immortal shows figure.

“You?” Shang Xinci was full of surprises.

Female immortal Appreciate the look at Shang Xinci, soft voice Resentment: “Don’t be afraid, I am your Shang Family ancestor, Shang Qingqing. I have decided that from now on, you will succeed Shang Family Patriarch.”

Ps: This chapter is 4000, so come later. Welcome everyone to pay attention to the WeChat public number!

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