Chu Du.

The world calls Tyrant Immortal, the Legendary of the Northern Plains Gu Immortal!

He was born in poverty, not Huang Jin bloodline, the starting point is very low, and the opening is a fluke. Without Master and kinship teaching, he is cultivation alone. He majored in Strength Dao but was not limited by the predicament of Strong Dao. But with his talent, forcibly by the strength of oneself, create Jin Strength Gu, Strength of Ten Jin Gu, Strength of One Jun Gu, Strength of Ten Jun Gu and so on.

With these Gu insects, he grew up step by step, and under the horror of the world, he finally smashed the mortal body and made Gu Immortal.

But this is not the end of his Legendary, standing at the level of Gu Immortal, he looked back and created the Person Strength and Jun Strength Class.

This small genre gives Strong Dao the ability to apply its end, as if it is a dead wood, so that Strength Dao blooms in a new imposing manner.

Following the Beast Strength Void Shade Class, Meteorological Heaven and Earth Class, the Strength Dao genre has been added to the Person Strength and Jun Strength Class, which is recognized by the world.

With one person, he changed the pattern of the Strong Dao genre.

No one can deny his great achievements.

To date, Northern Plains’ Gu Masters has ten-eight-nine multi-cultivation Strength Dao, and the number of paths is Person Strength and Jun Strength Class.

Destiny is very wonderful, and ordinary people cannot be tempted.

Whether it is Chu Du or Fang Yuan, I have never thought about it and will meet each other in this situation.

Fang Yuan transcends tribulation, because of the power of Far Ancient Ruin Bat, the aperture wall of its own Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, was destroyed and broke through the outside world.

Chu Du is guarding his disciple, dealing with promoted immortal Disaster and Tribulation, absorbing Reckless True Meaning.

The size of the northern ice sheet is so large that the two choose the location of the transcends tribulation, which is so close.

A thousand miles apart, the two people’s sights are immediately, colliding together!

Chu Du just defeated the Dispatle’s Disaster and Tribulation, with one hand behind him, holding the frost in his hand, Serene, Yuan Yuelu.

Fang Yuan white robe flies. Sword Eyebrow star, full of injuries, fighting intent 滔天, as if the whole person is incarnation into a peerless Divine Sword. The sharp atmosphere makes Chu Du lightly owned.

“Someone is here to cross the Immortal Aperture Disaster and Tribulation. What’s going on? The Far Ancient Ruin Bat is clearly Reckless True Meaning, rely on Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster. This person has mastered the best way to copy Gu. Master promoted immortal, the result of Reckless, gain yourself!” Chu Du was full of shock. There is ecstasy!

“Tyrant Immortal Chu Du!” Fang Yuan was also shocked. “This guy guards other people’s transcends tribulation, it is definitely the idea of ​​playing Reckless True Meaning. Oops, my scene falls into his eyes, he will take the initiative to find me. Trouble!”

Fang Yuan The Immortal Disaster Refines Aperture ultimate move from Langya Earth Spirit, for Tyrant Immortal Chu Du, the temptation is absolutely huge.

“As long as I get his method, why do I need laboriously work, to cultivate disciple promoted immortal transcends tribulation? I can cite Reckless True Meaning in transcends tribulation. And Disaster and Tribulation is stronger, more authentic, and more efficient. Must, must get this method!!” Chu Du is in the heart, the figure is like electricity, and it is directed at Fang Yuan.

He was known as Tyrant Immortal, who was promoted to Rank 6 in the past, had a senior lose immortal to find trouble, and he was half-dead. Loose immortal moved to the rescue, and the result was three loose immortal was just promoted immortal Chu Du. All the way to kill the number of 100,000, will eventually kill three immortals.

A hundred years later, Chu Du and Liu Family Gu Immortal produce contradicted each other and played a dozen rounds. Liu Family Gu Immortal was defeated, and in public, begging for mercy, Chu Du did not hesitate to kill him directly.

After that, Liu Family dispatched Gu Immortals and Chu Du lost to four hands. Invisible disappeared for decades. When it reappeared, it was already the Rank 7 cultivation base. He was harassed and smashed Liu Family’s 18 Resource Points within three days. Liu Family three immortals chasing, he did not retreat, not only retired Liu Family three immortals, but also scored into the Liu Family’s headquarters.

Chu Du is surrounded by Liu Family Blessed Land and can’t stop. Liu Family Revered Great Elder Returned from the anger, Chu Du battled with him for three hundred rounds, Liu Family Revered Great Elder, is a senior Rank 7, but he couldn’t help Chu Du. In the end, he can only let him withdraw.

This battle made Chu Du famous, and made Gu Immortal World understand his hegemonic style!

No one Gu Immortal, dare to despise him. If you want to find his troubles, you should always think carefully and think twice.

However, after this battle, Chu Du converges, mainly based on hidden cultivator, rarely appearing. It was only recently attended the Northern Plains auction conference that appeared in front of the Northern Plains various immortal.

It turned out that the reason why Chu Du was able to skyrocket and defeat the Liu Family was because of the benefit of Reckless True Meaning.

He has cultivated several Gu Masters, defended its promoted immortal, and made his own Strength Dao Realm reach Grandmaster level to create his own Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

After the time was ripe, he seized the great opportunity of Liu Family’s weakness, barge in, not only reported the hatred of the year, but also officially established his own name.

Over the years, he has disappeared invisibly, still in the northern ice sheet, and tirelessly excavated the huge treasure of Reckless True Meaning.

Chu Du saw Fang Yuan, not only the trick of Fangin Fang Yuan’s hand, but also the anger of being discovered and stolen by his own treasure.

Therefore, he did not think much, attacked directly, wanted to take Fang Yuan down, and tortured the mystery of Reckless True Meaning.

A thousand miles away, for Gu Immortal, nothing.

The distance between the two sides quickly zoomed in.

“Well?” Chu Du was slowly extending his right palm, pointing to Fang Yuan in Immortal Aperture, but didn’t want a sword light. He had already shot him.

He responded quickly, but Fang Yuan’s reaction was faster than him!

Almost immediately, Fang Yuan spurred Sword Mark Demanding Life and shot Immortal Gu Flying Sword.

Flying Sword broke through the sky, and the bright silver sword light made Chu Du also have a sense of unrecognizable.

Chu Du smiled and stretched out his right palm, aiming at the Flying Sword.


A burst of sound, the air burst open.

A huge Strength Dao phantom, apparently Chu Du’s right hand, squeezes the air like a hill, sees like a slow but actually fast, grabs the Flying Sword Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan flashed a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Chu Du’s Strength Dao phantom is very similar to his Giant Hand Seal. But it is clear that his Strength Dao giant is not only more powerful but also more flexible than the Fang Yuan’s Giant Hand Seal.

Chu Du’s Strength Dao is a giant hand, synchronized with his right hand.

After catching Flying Sword Immortal Gu, Chu Du took a heavy grip and even lived directly with Flying Sword Immortal Gu seal.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt that the connection between herself and Flying Sword Immortal Gu had become minimal.

Chu Du’s brow suddenly wrinkled slightly, and he opened his right hand and found the center of the palm. A blood mark appeared.

It is the damage of ultimate move Sword Mark Demanding Life.

“Interesting.” He faintly commented.

Half barely fell, the blood marks of his palms have healed.

“Hand over the magic trick, spare your life. Um?” Chu Du made an all-nighter and looked up. The look is changing again.

At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan directly cut off his lower body and used some kind of Blood Dao Ultimate Move to refine the lower body into a thick plasma on the spot.

The plasma slammed into the Immortal Aperture vulnerability and it was in the blink of an eye. Fill in the Space Dao vulnerability and fix it quickly.

Chu Du quickly spurred the giants of Strength Dao and rushed.

But the difference was a thousand miles, he lost the opportunity, the giant hand rushed into the air, like a meteor fall, squatting on the ground, the ground directly pulled out a giant pit of ten zhang.

Chu Du flew to Fang Yuan and dropped the location of Immortal Aperture. He did not have the means to break into Immortal Aperture Blessed Land directly.

“Damn! How could it happen to Tyrant Immortal?” In the Immortal Aperture, Fang Yuan had only the upper body. Hanging flying. The injury was heavy, and his lower abdomen had been redefined by the blood.

The severe pain was absorbed by the body, and Fang Yuan was unaffected. In the face of the two Far Ancient Ruin Bats, the ice-like calm was maintained.

“You must kill these two Ruin Bats as soon as possible!” Fang Yuan gnawed his teeth, and his expression was extremely fierce.

Threefold Sword Wave !

This ultimate move was continually motivated by him, and the sly Sword Wave rushed to the ground and collided with Far Ancient Ruin Bat.


Fang Yuan spurted blood, dizzy, and was on the verge of fainting.

He has a headache. Threefold Sword Wave This alternative move covers a lot of Gu insects. The urging process is not at all simple, in order to mobilize the numerous Gu insects. Fang Yuan’s thoughts are exhausted, and the whole mind is in an extremely dry state.

Moreover, in order to protect the aperture wall and prevent the power of Far Ancient Ruin Bat from being destroyed again, Fang Yuan can only use the position of a mantis trying to stop a chariot to fight down the Far Ancient Ruin Bat’s each time.

Countdown is like the year.

Each time blocks the attack of Far Ancient Ruin Bat, and Fang Yuan is black. I am not sure if I can resist it again next time.

There is no ability to think of other things at all. All the thoughts have just been born, and they are immediately consumed by Fang Yuan, which is used to mobilize the numerous Gu insects on the body.

The two sides are like Deathsworn, who meets in a narrow way. They fight with a naked bayonet and stab the knife on the other side. They see who can’t support it first and fail.

I don’t know how long it took, a gust of wind blew, and Fang Yuan’s eyes were clear and bright.

“Is it successful?” He looked at the sky, Far Ancient Ruin Bat, who was falling, unconsciously whispering in his mouth.

Soon, the thoughts in his mind were enriched, allowing him to think more.

A Far Ancient Ruin Bat was finally killed by him. But there is one left.

Fang Yuan licked the dry lips, the white face of the paper, reappearing a distorted expression, and he continued to pounce on Far Ancient Ruin Bat.

The next scene is much easier.

Fighting against Far Ancient Ruin Bat alone, Fang Yuan’s pressure is greatly reduced, and more and more thoughts in his mind allow him to think more and calmly and wisely choose the way to deal with Ruin Bat attacks.

But he did not dare to relax.

If you are condensing a Far Ancient Ruin Bat, that’s awful.

Worse, the outside world is Tyrant Immortal Chu Du. If he is allowed to come in, Fang Yuan’s is extremely worrying and more terrifying than death directly in Disaster and Tribulation.

In the end, however, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi slowly subsided, Fang Yuan successfully killed the third Far Ancient Ruin Bat, and did not see more Ruin Bat produce, Chu Du is even missing.

“Disaster and Tribulation has stopped. This Disaster and Tribulation is finally over!” Fang Yuan powerlessly overlooking the place, Heaven and Earth has become a land of ice and snow, countless Desolate Beast Snow Monster, roaring, still He was exposed to fierce light.

“Fortunately, my Immortal Aperture is big enough and there are no resources. These Snow Monster will be put here first. They can’t get through the aperture wall.” Fang Yuan flew directly to the sky.

He is extremely injured and needs to recuperate.

At the same time of healing, we must actively prepare for it.

In the unlikely event that Chu Du suddenly came in, it was no joke!

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