“Ah? What does this mean?”

“Every time, long or short, someone in the Ni Family Gu Master will have a bloodline condensation. After the past, Immortal Gu will be formed in the body.”

Qi Zai looked at the long cloud in front of him and continued: “Ni Ren’s move is to help Ni Family’s descendants produce Gu Immortal. His talent is extraordinary, refine to the Immortal Gu in the bloodline of the younger generation, and others can’t take it out. Even if it is re-trained, it will certainly fail. And these Immortal Gus are specially selected by him, without the immortal essence, and can be used by mortals, but the price is quite high.”

Qi He blinked again and again, and he also admired Ni Ren’s heart: “If I can help with Immortal Gu, I might even be able to pass through Disaster and Tribulation alone.”

Qi Zai suddenly laughed a few times, and Sen cold breathed out: “Ni Ren has worked hard, but for thousands of years, Ni Family has never seen one Gu Immortal. The Immortal Gu he chose is too expensive to use. If the mortal masters Immortal Gu, even if this Immortal Gu can’t be taken by others, it is like a baby holding a treasure, how can it be safe?”

“Ni Family, once with the body has Immortal Gu produce, we call it the contemporary Mud Phase. Mud Phase within the body , produced the first one Immortal Gu, is an Information Dao Immortal Gu, named ‘ Say it is a non-‘. This can tell the message between Heaven and Earth, so that Gu Master can blurt out the answer, but can only say yes or no. Every time you answer a question, you have to spend Gu Master for fifty years of life. Essence.”

Qi He’s brow scorned: “Fifty-year life span? The price is so huge! The contemporary Mud Phase, will you be willing?”

Qi Zai laughed and didn’t answer.

Qi He suddenly had a slight shock.

She has more than 60 years of life experience, and she has seen many people in the world. At this time, she finally realized that Qi Zai had the meaning behind her own words.

“An answer, the contemporary Mud Phase will consume 50 years of life span, how can I agree? But seventh grandpa is Gu Immortal, contemporary Mud Phase is just a mortal nothing more. He is reluctant, what is the relationship?”

“Ni Family is so desolate, I am afraid there are also calculations for the Qi Family ancestors.”

“And my Qi Family family is in a bad situation. don’t tell me ancestors Gu Immortals really can’t help?”

For a time, Qi He’s heart was cold.

After the journey, Qi He was silent and had no openings.

Qi Zai lips closed. He is a quiet man.

But this time said that many, but also educated the younger Qi He. Since she has become a fairy, it is a member of Qi Family Gu Immortal.

Qi Family is acting, not decent. If you include Gu Immortal, which is not in line with the concept, it must be a loss to the interior of Qi Family.

Qi Zai speaks implicitly. But Qi He has apparently realized what he meant.

“Mire Mountain is not far away. This time is going to Ni Family, let Qi He do it. Even if you sacrifice this Ni Family clansman, there is not impossible.” In this thought, Qi Zai flashed a little cold glow in his eyes.

Qi Zai thought about it and sat down on the Qi Lineage Lion and landed slowly.

In the field of vision, it is a white cloud.

Soon, the Qi Lineage Lion penetrated the clouds, and Qi He was wide in front of him, seeing the green hills and clear waters. Kneeling at your feet. This is the grandeur and majesty she has ever seen as a mortal, and she has never seen it.

Surrounded by the mountains, there is a dark mountain, such as a crane in a flock of chickens, which is particularly conspicuous.

Even the trees in the mountains are mainly brown black.

“Well?” It was close, and Qi Zai’s eyes were condensed.

Soon, Qi He also found something wrong.

On the east side of the mountain, the place to the sun. There is a village.

But at this time, the village has been turned into a ruin. The blood is flowing all over the ground, and the corpses are everywhere.

Not only the body of the Human Race, but also the body of various ferocious beasts.

“How can it like this?” Qi He exclaimed.

Qi Lineage Lion landed slowly on this piece of blood. Qi Family The second fairy spreads this battlefield.

The strong bloody smell is coming from the nose. Into the horrible situation, Qi He could not bear to watch.

Qi Zai is full of indifference, muttering-ly said: “Mire Mountain here is a special soil, the blood has not dried up completely, obviously Ni Family was slaughtered. It is just 1~2 days ago.”

“It’s weird. There are so many wild beasts here, not the usual Beast Tide. Ni Family Luck Qi is really bad, actually hitting this kind of Beast Tide.” Qi He also started talking.

Qi Zai swept away with a chilly look: “hmph, what’s Beast Tide, it’s clear! Mire Mountain’s Beast Tide, there’s only one, that’s Mire Monster Beast Tide.”

Qi He startled: “What? Who is it, so cruel, making such a devastating thing!”

Immediately, she pondered: “This person can control Ten Thousand Beast, the means is very high, when is the Southern Border such an Enslave Dao Gu Master?”

“hmph! This person is not Gu Master, but Gu Immortal.” Qi Zai went to the middle of the village.

The center of the ruins is covered with a thick layer of black mud, and the blood around it is bright and clear.

“This Ni Family clansman holds a Desolate Beast Mire Monster. But now this Mire Monster has collapsed. Enslave Dao Gu Master is stronger, and the Beast Tide alone can’t help this Desolate Beast Mire Monster. Only Gu Immortal take action !” Qi Zai said solemnly.

“Gu Immortal?” Qi He didn’t expect it, it was Gu Immortal.

She felt a strange feeling in her heart: she had lived for decades and had never seen Gu Immortal silhouette. Unexpectedly, the recent transcends tribulation, seeing his seventh grandpa, now knows the trace of another Gu Immortal.

“I am now Rank 6 Gu Immortal, the level is different, so the things that have come into contact have changed dramatically.” Qi He is secretly sighed.

Qi Zai’s face, the more ice-cold.

On his trip, he came to the contemporary Mud Phase. But now that Ni Family village has been slaughtered, his hopes for a successful plan are slim.

“Hmph! Killed the Ni Family family. When I left, I would like to see actually who are you exactly?”

Qi Zai coldly snorted, showing a lot of ice cold killing intent: “Do you think that this is done, I can’t help it. The means that the gas ancestors passed, can actually be estimated by common sense?”

Qi Zai said,ududly extended the right hand.

Right hand Two fingers, only the thumb, index finger and middle finger.

Three fingers pressed Void, the fluttering movement, Qi He did not care, but did not expect the movement caused by this move, is incomparable gigantic.

A loud bang.

The entire Mire Mountain shook a bit, and the atmosphere trembled fiercely. The bricks and slabs of the village ruins were like winds and winds, and they were flying around.

Qi He couldn’t help falling back one step. Surprised by this huge noise.

Wu wu wu ……

The bitter green of a stock has risen from the battlefield everywhere.

At first it was only a few dozen, but very quickly. The number of the greenness of a path of has skyrocketed, hundreds of thousands, and hovering in midair. For a time, the entire battlefield was covered with a layer of green light, which was spectacular.

“Come.” Qi Zai snorted. Three fingers are suddenly buckled inside to form a powerful and powerful talons.

He was far away from the bleak greenness of the flying, and suddenly arrested.

These breaths were immediately subjected to an extremely powerful suction force, as if the 100 rivers entered the sea and flew to Qi Zai’s eagle claws.

Dozens of breathing time, originally hiding the sky and covering the earth, has been dissipated, and it has been integrated into Qi Zai’s eagle claws.

Qi Zai’s eagle claws, which have no normal skin color, become strange green.

“seventh grandpa. Your hand!” Qi He only looked at it, and felt that his body and mind were cold, and a shocking rest ment filled his heart.

“You just promoted immortal, or most of the mortals, don’t get too close.” Qi Zai snarled, his words still as smooth as ever.

Qi He nodded, quickly took a few steps back and turned his eyes.

Immediately, she heard Qi Zai’s words: “These greens are the resentment of the various corners of the battlefield. That Gu Immortal slaughtered Ni Family. The men, women and children have not let go, vicious and merciless There is no living thing in the Ni Family. Naturally, it has a desperate resentment against the destiny and the enemy. These breaths are not only left on the battlefield, but also mostly entangled in the murderer.”

“Go in!” Qi Zai suddenly broke.

At the same time, his talons are released, the green right palm is aimed at the black mud under his feet, and suddenly shot.

In an instant, all the resentment is accompanied by Qi Zai’s action. Was taken into the mud.

This is not a common mud, but the body of the Desolate Beast Mire Monster that is filled with Earth Dao’s Dao Marks.

“Qi Dao has a long history, Small He, you are optimistic, this is one of the means for our Qi Family.” Qi Zai is difficult to conceal an arrogant demeanor.

Hua la.

Under the Qi Zai’s means, the mud suddenly surged up to form a huge mud ball.

The thick mud ball floats in the air and slowly rotates.

On the surface of the mud ball, countless faces emerge.

The look of these faces is full of anger and hatred.

“Hey!” Qi Zai open mouth sprayed, spouting a mysterious atmosphere.

The breath melts into the mud ball, which quickly deforms into a weirdo composed of mud.

The mud geeks screamed loudly: “Kill! I am going to kill you!”

Qi He screamed: “don’t tell me is Ni Family’s life?”

Qi Zai’s means, in her opinion, is really somewhat ridiculous.

“Since Fate Gu has been broken, there are more ways to resurrect the world.” Qi Zai explained, and immediately asked the clay monster who was roaring in front of him, “What is your name?”

“Ahhhhh ……” The mud geek is still roaring, and the limbs are dancing wildly and out of anger.

Qi Zai frowned and asked again.

Mud geeks turn a deaf ear, angry cursing: “The murderer! Forced me grandfather, I want to break you down!”

Qi Zai coldly snorted, the thoughts are moving.

The mud geek is made by him and naturally belongs to his control.

“Who are you? You are also the murderer! I want to take you too…” The body of the muddy geek trembled, as if it was hit by lightning, and the body shook down and countless mud points.

The roar screamed, the mud geek calmed down, and looked at Qi Zai and Qi He with empty eyes.

Qi Zai spits out one mouthful of impure air, he knows: This mud geek’s mind is extremely simple, just the resentment qi generation. To ask questions, you can only ask one question at a time, but also step by step, not too difficult.

“What’s your name?”

“Ni Jian!” The mud geek roared again.

Qi Zai heard it as “you squat”, in the eyes of the severe light flashing, coldly snorted a hand, long sleeves sweep.

With a bang, the mud geek was completely broken up and turned into a muddy mud that fell to the ground.

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