The sky is vast, vast and vast.

The white clouds rolled and swayed under the feet.

A huge lion screamed low, and the thick limbs stepped on the Void and ran in the clouds.

This lion, like a snow, has no variegation.

The thick gryphon flutters in the clouds, and huge waves of waves spurt under its feet.

On the back of the lion, there was a huge seat, and two Gu Immortals sat side by side.

The women’s old and decrepit, 60-70 years old look, but their eyes are radiant, full of excitement, fidgeting, and watching.

The man is what you look like, the nose of the eagle hook, the bone eyes are slender, and the body is sullen and sullen.

“seventh grandpa, your mount is really outstanding, and it is only half a day, we have already flown tens of thousands of miles.” Female Gu Immortal pays tribute.

“This is the Desolate Beast Qi Lineage Lion. It’s not a cloud, but it’s natural to control the airflow, so it can take off in the air,” said the youth man leisurely.

“The lion who can control the airflow and fly in the air, the granddaughter has never seen it. What does Desolate Beast… mean?” Female Gu Immortal asked immediately.

Youth Male Immortal laughed silently and said: “Qi He, you just promoted Gu Immortal, Gu Immortal World’s common sense, you don’t understand it is normal. This Qi Lineage Lion, with Qi Dao’s Dao Marks, can swim once in adulthood. The sky, but the number of such lions is very rare, and the Five Regions are almost extinct, only visible in White Heaven and Black Heaven.”

“As for Desolate Beast, it’s a kind of monster. It’s like Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3 in Gu Master, except Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Immemorial Desolate Beast. Desolate Beast vs. Rank 6 Gu Immortal, because a Desolate Beast can often compete with one Rank 6 Gu Immortal. Far Ancient Desolate Beast is the first XomiX, Immemorial Desolate Beast and the first.

Female Gu Immortal Qi He hearing that, the eyes are shining, once again look at the Qi Lineage Lion, secretly said in heart: “No wonder I felt a strong threat on this lion. Fortunately, I encountered seventh grandpa, I only Fortunately, crossing tribulation is difficult. Become Gu Immortal. Really let me fight this lion, I am afraid I will be torn into pieces.”

Youth Gu Immortal Qi Zai has hundreds of years, Rank 7 cultivation base, just using Longevity Gu. It seems so young.

When he was old and fine, he saw Qi He’s face, and she thought about what she thought and thought.

Reaching out to pat the shoulders of this younger generation, Qi Zai comforted: “Small He don’t worry. It’s just like a fairy. Just wait until I have finished the matter, then we will return to Qi Sea Celestial Grotto, where you still have A few elders. If you know that our Yi people have one more Gu Immortal members, they will be very happy. You will live in Celestial Grotto for a while, and you should ask more for your elders. Remember to read more, ask more, Learn more.”

“The granddaughter thanked the seventh grandpa for pointing.” Qi He’s face was dry, and he quickly stood up and solemnly bowed to Qi Zai.

“Well… let’s sit down and talk about it.” Qi Zai nodded. There was a gratifying color in the eyes.

Qi He sat down, her face was puzzled, and hesitated. She asked: “Since we have more Gu Immortals elders in Qi Family, why not follow the Southern Border super-powers like Wu Family and Shang Family?”

Qi Zai showed a smile on the bottom of his eyes: “You want to ask why our elders have become Gu Immortal, but unlike Wu Family and Shang Family, they are taking care of the family’s descendants. Bullying, is it?”

“The granddaughter didn’t dare.” Qi He panicked hurriedly said.

“When I was cultivation alone, I had the same question as you.” Qi Zai sighed, the eyes are full of memories. “The reason is that the words are long.”

“tracing back to the source. Also talk about our Qi Family’s Old Ancestor, one of the Patrolling Heaven Five Phases thousands of years ago.”

“Patrolling Heaven Five Phases?” Qi He doubts.

“Patrolling Heaven Five Phases is the five Gu Immortals expert recognized by Southern Border Gu Immortal World. The five experts all have Rank 8 cultivation base, standing at Gu Immortal World’s peak. They often join hands to explore White Heaven and Black together. Heaven, closely related. So they are collectively called Patrolling Heaven Five Phases. Our Qi Family ancestor is one of the Phases in Five Phases. And our Qi Family is also based on Qi Dao.”

“Rank 8 Gu Immortal !” Qi He is stunned.

Qi Zai exclaimed: “Rank 9 does not, Rank 8 dominates! Rank 8 Gu Immortal Almost every one is Legendary, and every move has great influence. At that time, Southern Border’s Patrolling Heaven Five Phases is even more famous. The other four domains have a good reputation. Because of the five artists’ similar interests, they are closely related and often join hands to resist the enemy. Under normal circumstances, Rank 8 Gu Immortal is a solitary. Therefore, in White Heaven and Black Heaven, The other four domains of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, seeing Patrolling Heaven Five Phases, usually take the initiative to avoid the front and avoid the edge.”

“At that time, Southern Border’s Gu Immortal World, because of Five Phases, over the other four domains, Five Phases is no more than limelight. However, after a few decades, Patrolling Heaven Five Phases fell apart.”

Spoke until here, Qi Zai’s tone can not help but sink.

“What is this?” Qi He asked.

Qi Zai sighed and continued: “The specific reason, I am actually not too clear. It is said that Patrolling Heaven Five Phases, in the process of exploring White Heaven | daytime, found a major secret. This secret represents Unimaginable Achievements, only one person can get involved. Five Phases who want to master, are not willing to regress. But the strength of Five Phases is not much different, and read the old feelings of cooperation, so Five Phases ancestors set a gambling contract.”

“gambling contract ?”

“right. This gambling contract, for a thousand years. The gambling contract content: Five Phases have to stand by and let their respective bloodline develop and self-destruct. After the millennium, the number of new Gu Immortal is the most Who is the winner?”

Qi He counted the time, a thousand years of thorough past, and asked: “Which one wins?”

Qi Zai smiled bitterly: “A thousand years later, there were two new Gu Immortal, the same number, no match. The other three families are reluctant to give up, and three to two, and forced to join the next round of betting fight. So, for a thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years… until now, the Five Phases ancestors have long since passed away, but the five gambling contracts are still going on.”

“This is the case!” Qi He heard the secret of this millennium for the first time, and he could not help but stunned.

After a while, she accepted it and said with emotion: “So, if there is no such gambling contract, aren’t we going to have five superpowers in the Southern Border?”

Qi Zai slowly shook his head: “In the Five Phases, there are loose immortal, there are also Demonic Path people, and the Zhan Family, mostly Righteous Path Gu Immortal, has the patience to do.”

“Which Qi Family is the gas phase, then what are the other four phases?” Qi He asked.

Qi Zai knows nothing about it: “Gas Phase, Mud Phase, White Phase, Blood Phase, Eat Phase, collectively known as Patrolling Heaven Five Phases. The place I am going next is exactly where Mud Phase is.”

“Seventh grandpa goes to Mud Phase, what are you going to do?”

Qi Zai hesitated for a moment, lost with a smile: “Forget it, telling you it’s no problem. Recently, Southern Border Gu Immortal World has a major event, and a large number of Gu Immortal are dying in Righteous Heavenly Mountain. We Qi Family also has an ancestor who is hurting there. So this time, we are looking for contemporary Mud Phase, that is, to make him (her) help us to calculate the truth.”

“Ah! Righteous Heavenly Mountain…” Qi He whispered.

Regardless of Fang Yuan previous life, the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain in this life covers both immortal and mortal. Therefore, Qi He has heard about it.

But what she knows is that the Southern Border forces send mortal experts to attack Righteous Heavenly Mountain, eradicate Demonic Path, and defend Righteous Path. In Southern Border, Demonic Path has never been so fanciful to build momentum. So suffered the violent cull of the Righteous Path.

Qi Zai told Righte Mountainly’s gambling contract to Qi He.

Qi He understands that the truth is true.

She whispered in her mouth: “The difference between immortal and mortal, as far apart as clouds and mud. The Experts of Rank 4 and Rank 5 are just the chess pieces that’s all.”

This is really a bit of impact compared to Qi He, who has just become a fairy.

Qi Zai listened to her ear and was laughed.

Gu Master is not only a change in strength, cultivation, but also a psychological change.

At this time, Qi Zai happened to be on the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, which promoted the faster transformation of Qi He and adapted to the new identity.

There is no words at the moment.

Only Qi Lineage Lion is constantly rushing, and Qi Zai and Qi He are silent.

The surrounding clouds are rolling, and Heaven and Earth are vast.

Because the gu formation has been arranged between the seats, there is no wind, no noise.

This scene, is it that mortals can see?

Qi He looked in his eyes and felt that Heaven and Earth were vast. The mortal ants, the taste of the rumor, were gradually diluted. I thought, “Yes, I am already Gu Immortal, not the mortal ever. immortal and mortal I don’t have to remember it.”

With a sigh of relief, Qi He’s mood gradually calmed down and a subtle change took place in the whole mind.

Qi Zai secretly nodded, active started talking: “In fact, thousands of years later, among the descendants of Patrolling Heaven Five Phases, our Qi Family is the most prosperous. The Blood Phase descendants have been completely extinct because of the repair of the Blood Dao. Among the Immortal Aperture, like a pig in the circle, not thinking about progress, lazy, not enough. The last part of the White Phase has also been lost in recent years. Mud Phase clansman, although distributed in the Southern Border, But already has no Ni Family Gu Immortal.”

Qi He feels great, nodded and said: “How difficult is it to become a fairy, if it is not seventh grandpa take action, the granddaughter may have died in Disaster and Tribulation.”

Qi Zai laughed, slowly shaking his head and looking at Qi He with deep thoughts: “In fact, Ni Family is the most promising, producing a family of Gu Immortal. It is just because it is the most promising, so it is hindered by the rest of the family. It is now a tragic situation.”

“After three thousand years since the establishment of the gambling contract, Ni Family has a talented Refining Dao Gu Immortal Ni Ren, and is the last one in the history of Ni Family, one Gu Immortal. He is here before death, planning for the future of the family. In violation of the gambling contract The take action helps Ni Family, and some of the carefully selected Immortal Gus are refined into the descendant bloodline.”

Ps: Two tonight, tired everyone has been waiting for a long time. The state has recovered a bit, and the owed can only be slowly replenished, or the quality must be guaranteed. Writing here, more than three million words, is not easy. It is even harder for friends to come here. It is really not sloppy!

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