Qi Zai coldly snorted, his fingers slammed, and suddenly the mud rushed again to form a mud ball.

On the surface of the mud ball, there are countless faces of resentment. Although silent, but this situation, is still called Qi He heartful chill.

Qi Zai’s long sleeves are gently smashed, the mud is spherical, and it turns into a mud geek.

Qi Zai snorted and said: “This is actually the resentment qi. This resentment qi has been broken up by me once, but it can still override other resentment qi, appearing out, forming a body. Visible The master of the resentment qi, how resentful and hateful he was during his lifetime.”

Qi Zai asked again: “What is your name?”

“Ni Jian.”

This time, Qi Zai is clear.

So he asked again: “How old are you?”


Qi Zai continued to ask, the mud geeks answered intermittently.

Qi Zai’s problem, from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult.

After the passage of time, after a long while, Qi Zai finally figured out what happened to Ni Family.

A mysterious Gu Immortal, who controlled Ten Thousand Beast, suddenly attacked Ni Family, and the purpose was the same as Qi Zai, in search of contemporary Mud Phase.

But unlike Qi Zai, he doesn’t know who the contemporary Mud Phase is.

Therefore, he used the threat of the lives of the people in the whole village to force the contemporary Mud Phase to stand up.

As a last resort, Ni Family Patriarch came forward.

It turns out that he is the contemporary Mud Phase that is not the Immortal Gu.

Gu Immortal was overjoyed and forced Ni Family Patriarch to use it. Confuse him. And agreed that as long as he got a satisfactory answer, he let go of Ni Family.

Ni Family Patriarch For the sake of the life of the entire clansman, choose Gu Immortal who believes in the crime and sacrifices himself.

Mysterious Gu Immortal obtained the answer I wanted. But no words, command Ten Thousand Beast to smash the whole village.

Ni Family clansman angered and resisted, but the beast group was big, losing ground and losing a lot.

At the end of the day, Qi Zai conquered Desolate Beast Mire Monster. Come to the rescue.

The Ni Family branch, which was scattered throughout Southern Border. They were all deliberately supported by Qi Family Gu Immortal. Qi Zai is responsible for Mire Mountain. Every once in a while, check that the contemporary Mud Phase is the Ni Family owner.

He took a Desolate Beast Mire Monster in the muddy lake of Mire Mountain and left a will, manipulates Mire Monster. Protect Ni Family from accidents.

Unexpectedly, Mire Monster rushed to the battlefield to protect Ni Family clansman.

But the mysterious Gu Immortal is very powerful, take action in person, and attack many times to kill this Mire Monster.

Mire Monster died, Ni Family only the remaining clansman, immediately submerged by the beast group, no one to escape.

Originally quiet and peaceful Ni Family village. It was also crushed into ruins, and the corpses were wild and miserable.

A few days later, Qi Zai and Qi He arrived here to discover the matter.

And this Ni Jian is the grandson of the village’s Young Patriarch, Ni Family Patriarch. I lost my parents since I was young, and I was brought up by grandfather with one hand, and I was deeply involved in cultivation.

Grandfather was killed by the enemy, and the enemy did not believe it, killing the Ni Family, including himself.

After his death, the souls were taken away, leaving only a very strong resentment qi.

Qi Zai asked in detail step by step, Ni Jian was extremely impressed with Fang Yuan’s, and he knew everything.

According to his answer, Qi Zai gradually restored Fang Yuan’s appearance.

This is a short, but honest old man, with a beard black and white mixed with, just as strong as a wire. Yellow skin, small eyes, a bit of teeth.

“Who is this?” Qi Zai secretly compared the memory and found that he did not know this person.

Of course he does not know.

Fang Yuan is cautious, that is, facing the non-threatening mortal Gu Master, he will also disguise his identity and transform his body.

In fact, even if Qi Zai came to the scene and saw Fang Yuan, he would not see his disguise.

Because Fang Yuan had already raised the complete Gu insect through the Langya Earth Spirit not long ago, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Meet Like Acquaintance.

“This Gu Immortals is probably the Southern Border’s hidden cultivator… Hey, the autumn of events!” Qi Zai sighed.

Since the Roundeous Heavenly Mountain betting fight, Southern Border Gu Immortal inexplicably has broken a large number.

And these fall’s Southern Border Gu Immortals, which dominated Southern Border during their lifetime, have a myriad of cultivation resources.

As a result, a vacuum of interest is formed.

Many of the closed-door cultivation Gu Immortal are rarely seen, but they all start to emerge.

“This person is dealing with Desolate Beast Mire Monster, and it has to take more action. The strength of the battle is not good. I am afraid it is only one Rank 6 Gu Immortal. He knows the contemporary Mud Phase. This secret is Wu Family and Shang Family Gu Immortal. It is not clear. Will he be a junior of the other three phases?”

Qi Zai hesitated and decided to pursue it.

Patrolling Heaven Five Phases Thousands of years of gambling contract, Qi Family has been victorious. The short deadline is coming, but there is an unexpected mystery, Gu Immortal. This matter is of great importance, even more important than the Qi Family’s ancestors, and Qi Zai must figure it out!

Northern Plains, Langya Blessed Land.


A basin of cold cold water poured onto the face of Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng in a coma, chilled, suddenly awakened.

“This is…where?” He opened his eyes and found himself trapped in a cage.

And beside him, stood two Hairyman, dressed in armor.

One of them, still holding an empty basin in his hand, still has water stains in the basin.

Another pinching the whip, looking at him sneer.

“Who are you? Where is this?” Fang Zheng struggled fiercely, but he was tied up by Wuhua, unable to move a single step.

“stinky brat, you finally woke up? It was quite a joy.” Hairyman said the jailer, suddenly raised the whip in his hand, and suddenly drew it.

A bang.

The leather whip slammed into Fang Zheng’s chest and suddenly suffered severe pain, hitting Fang Zheng’s heart.

The thin coat on the chest was smashed, and a bloody wound ran across his chest.

Fang Zheng took a breath of air and twisted his face. It hurts him to be yelled.

“What is it called?!” Hairyman’s jailer is wicked and takes another whip.

The whip was drawn to Fang Zheng’s face and directly disfigured him.

Fang Zheng screamed again.

The Hairyman jailer is even more excited, the whip in the hand is twitching, and the spit splashes in the mouth: “bullshit Human Race. I let you call, let you shout!”

Fang Zheng was tortured and tortured, and he was so miserable that he was bullied.

After the intense wave after wave, he finally remembered that he was himself being held by the big brother Fang Yuan in the Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s dungeon. One day, suddenly many Hairyman came. Take him away.

“What happened? What happened to all this?” Fang Zheng was puzzled.

But he didn’t doubt how long. The pain quickly made him dizzy and unconscious.

“He fainted. This kid is really awkward.”

“hey hey, then pour cold water, let him wake up!”

The two Hairyman sneer.

Ice-cold The bitter water drenched through Fang Zheng’s body.

Fang Zheng twitched and slowly opened his eyes.

The mind is gradually awake, and the pain in the body. It also became clearer and became more profound.

The man who beat Fang Zheng’s Hairyman took a big step forward and stood in front of Fang Zheng’s.

Then he suddenly rose out of Long Haired’s thick hand and slammed Fang Zheng’s cheeks on both sides, biting his teeth: “stinky brat, falling into our hands, you don’t want to live. Don’t even think about someone. To save you! Fox Immortal Blessed Land has been captured by my great Hairyman Gu Immortals, and your big brother is already dead.”

“You obediently cooperate with us. We will give you a good time and make you die so uncomfortable. Say, how much do you know about Fox Immortal Blessed Land? How much do you know about your brother’s secret?”

Fang Zheng hearing that, I only feel a bit of a brainstorm.

He blinked and looked at Haiyman in front of his eyes in shock. He shouted: “What? Fang Yuan is dead?!”

“hmph, besieged by my Hairyman Gu Immortal. He is an Immortal Zombie, how can he not die? The ready to be smashed, Hahaha.”

“We Hairyman is not a good bully. They will come a day, we Haiyman will counterattack back and put all your humans under your feet!”

Two Hairyman jailers laughed heartily authentic.

Fang Zheng knew little about Gu Immortal, and he was really caught in front of him.

His eyes are sluggish and he is lost.

Central Continent, deep in Earth Abyss.

The dark dim room, Hei Loulan eyes closed.

Stone Gate slowly opened and Ying Wuxie stood outside the door.

Hei Loulan slowly opened his eyes and didn’t talk, just looking at the other side.

To be frank, the results of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain were beyond Hei Loulan’s surprise. Looking at the familiar “Fang Yuan”, Hei Loulan’s eyes can’t hide the complex mood.

“I have already decided.” Ying Wuxie spoke and broke the silence.

“Oh? I’d like to hear the details.” Hei Loulan said.

She understood that it was time to decide her life and death.

If Ying Wuxie is not willing to help her eliminate the covenant, then she will die. Obviously, since Ying Wuxie has revealed his identity, he will never let Fang Yuan’s absolute ally exist for him.

If Ying Wuxie is determined to eliminate the covenant and recruit Hei Loulan, Hei Loulan will have a chance.

Ying Wuxie actually hesitated for a long time.

He would like to rely on Hei Loulan’s identity and unilaterally lift her covenant to deal with Fang Yuan. However, Fairy Lishan Information Dao’s stipulations of the real, the Yuan Wuxie’s plan, has not yet been implemented, it has failed.

Hei Loulan’s use value has dropped dramatically.

Don’t forget, Hei Loulan and Shadow Sect have a blood enmity hate.

Dismissing the Information Dao covenant on Hei Loulan, as if liberating the other side of Fang Yuan. Then use the new covenant to constrain Hei Loulan.

If you give up, kill Hei Loulan. Although it won’t get the other’s Gu insect, Immortal Aperture will survive, and there is a body of Vigorous True Martial Physique. Thus, Fang Yuan still has the shackles of the covenant. It may be available when dealing with him in the future.

It’s light and heavy, and in the mind of Ying Wuxie, it’s already fixed.

He slowly opened the mouth.

no doubt.

a moment later, what he said will determine Hei Loulan’s life and death!

Ps: There is only one more today.

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