However, these methods, such as Tuoyu Immortal Gu, are only a icing on the cake. Regardless of the high cost of using these tools, it is mainly the size of Blessed Land, or the grade of Blessed Land itself.

Looking back, look at Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

His current Immortal Aperture, every layer is more than 50 million acres!

50 million acres has already surpassed a Ten Perfect Gu Immortal’s Perfect Rank Immortal Aperture. But this is just one layer in the Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan found that his Immortal Aperture is divided into ten layers.

every layer of the area, should be more than a little 50 million acres.

So count, ten layers, that is 500 million acres!

What is this concept?

Fang Yuan has no concept.

Because he never heard of it, he never imagined that there was such a big and abnormal Immortal Aperture in the world!

The space is huge, this is only the first point.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture is also divided into ten floors.

This phenomenon is very special.

Normal Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, usually does not have an internal structure, only have one unified space. Such as Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Star Form Blessed Land.

When is the internal structure of Immortal Aperture?

It was when Immortal Aperture became Celestial Grotto.

At this time, Immortal Aperture is often subject to specific changes due to the specific circumstances of Gu Immortal itself, and different parts are internally divided.

Just like Starry Sky Celestial Grotto, it’s an obvious example.

“My Blessed Land has the characteristics that Celestial Grotto has. Even the world’s top Langya Blessed Land is spatially unified. Langya Blessed Land falls from the Celestial Grotto level. And my Blessed Land, It’s just the beginning of Rank 6, and in this first layer, it’s subdivided into five parts.”

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture, a total of ten floors.

The first layer has vast land. Turned into five small parts.

From the second layer to the tenth floor, there is no land, and it is empty.

More called Fang Yuan, the five parts of the first layer are very neatly divided.

In the middle, it seems that the soil is the most fertile and has many landforms.

A piece in the south. Mostly hills and mountains. Wet and foggy.

The north part is based on grassland and the wind is blowing.

In the east, the islands are scattered all over the ocean.

The west side is relatively desolate and the temperature is very high, mainly in the Gobi and Sand Desert.

“This kind of pattern. Isn’t it the current World Regions? Southern Border, Eastern Sea, Central Continent, Northern Plains, Western Desert…” Fang Yuan is guilty.

To his surprise, there was a second layer to the tenth floor.

This 9-Layer space has no soil and nothing. But all with colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Violet, White, Black.

“Immemorial Nine Heavens, aren’t these nine colors? But later, because of Human Ancestor and its ten, it crashed seven days, and on the vast land, the World of Immemorial Seven Heavens was sprinkled. Now only White Heaven and Black Heaven are left. “”

“9th layer days. Five Great Domains, 95…Paragon. So what is it called Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu?”

In fact, Fang Yuan has long felt that his Immortal Aperture will be different and will be excellent. But he absolutely did not expect that it would be so good.

Excellent makes Fang Yuan a little… panic.


This mood seems difficult to understand.

But for example,

Like Taibai Yunsheng, it is already an elite. Hei Loulan, Ten Perfect Gu Immortal. It is the genius among them.

So what is Fang Yuan now?

He has gone beyond the scope of genius, to use a word to describe it, that is: monster!

For genius, people will envy hatred. For monsters, which have greatly exceeded common sense, people will panic, and they will… and then quickly!

Fang Yuan previous life For five hundred years, Immortal Aperture is also a Higher Rank. After the rebirth, Strength Dao promoted immortal, Immortal Aperture is the Intermediate Rank.

He tried to reach the Perfect Rank.

But suddenly it seems that he owns the Immortal Aperture.

Suddenly, he found himself from a common Gu Immortal and became a perverted monster. As it should be by rights, the heart will naturally have a hint of panic.

“The Immortal Aperture must not be exposed. Once exposed, I am afraid I will be hit and chased.”

“But this Immortal Aperture, even if it is said, I am afraid no one will believe it. Ah, no, at least Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul will believe it.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan’s face is inevitable.

The better the Paragon 95th Immortal Aperture, the deeper his hatred with Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul and Shadow Sect’s!

Although Fang Yuan has not completely explored Paragon Immortal Aperture’s profound mystery, the apparent hatred between him and Shadow Sect and Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has been able to live under the same sky.

Even if the opponent does not have a Rank 9 cultivation base, it is also Quasi Rank 9. Faced with such a strong enemy, Fang Yuan naturally has a pressure in his heart.

“Currently, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s ontology is trapped in a dream.”

“But he has been planning for tens of thousands of years and he must have a backhand.”

“Ying Wuxie is his Soul Fragment and now replaces my body and my whereabouts are unknown.”

“The key is the demise of the Zombie Alliance, the ruin of the Shadow Sect, and how many backgrounds remain in this secret superpower?”

“And, previous life for 500 years, Shadow Sect, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, have you succeeded?”

The new flesh is easy to use.

Fang Yuan In a twinkling of an eye, there are many things, and the thoughts in my mind are colliding, one after another.

“Or communicate with Treasure Yellow Heaven first.” Fang Yuan set his mind.

I found Paragon Immortal Aperture, which took him some time, but it didn’t matter.

He spurred Connecting Heaven Gu, and then used Divine Sense 蛊 to “find” Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is the first trading place for Five Regions Gu Immortal, and it’s a big deal. It was formed by Gu Immortal’s Celestial Grotto, which combines a large piece of Immemorial Yellow Heaven.

Yellow Heaven in Immemorial Nine Heavens, the same level as White Heaven and Black Heaven.

Even if a mortal looks up, he will find White Heaven and Black Heaven. As long as Gu Immortal uses Connecting Heaven Gu, in his perception, Treasure Yellow Heaven is obviously like a torch in the darkroom.

The process of communicating Treasure Yellow Heaven. Very smooth.

Soon, in Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, a flat mirror was formed. In the mirror, it is Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Fang Yuan spurred Divine Sense 蛊, a steady stream of thoughts instilled.

Not a while. He contacted Earth Spirit Little Fox Immortal.

According to the entrustment of Fang Yuan before leaving, Earth Spirit Little Fox Immortal will basically open the Connecting Heaven Gu in her hands.

After Fang Yuan was born again, although he did not know that the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain would be the last one, he understood that once the matter was exposed, Fox Immortal Blessed Land would be encircled by Central Continent Gu Immortal.

Resources from Dragon Fish, Nether Fire Dragon Python, etc. in Fox Immortal Blessed Land, ready to move. Moved into Star Form Blessed Land one after another.

There is still left in Fox Immortal Blessed Land. It is Soul Shaking Mountain, several Fang Yuan Stone Nests, and a large number of Hairyman slaves.

In the underground caves, there are also Wisdom Gu and some Sword Dao Immortal Gu from Fang Yuan from Immortal Zombie Bo Qing.

Soul Shaking Mountain is reserved for Fox Immortal Blessed Land and is convenient for Audacity Gu trade. After all, Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Spiritual Fate House, Immortal Crane Sect. There are direct links. If you change to Star Form Blessed Land, it is easy to infer.

Another point is that Fox Immortal Blessed Land is Enslave Dao Blessed Land, which has a large number of Enslave Dao’s Dao Marks, which helps Fang Yuan manage the numerous Hairyman slaves. These Hairyman, if you switch to Star Form Blessed Land, will not be more obedient than Fox Immortal Blessed Land, and will not try to refining gu.

Although Hairyman is only nonhuman, there are also people who are Seven Emotions and Six Desires, which will be negatively completed.

of course. Fang Yuan also considered Hei Loulan and Burning Heaven Enchantress.

As for Wisdom Gu, Fang Yuan is the most wanted to transfer it. But Fang Yuan does not have this ability. At the time, he and Wisdom Gu reached an agreement, just because of the special situation nothing more.

Fang Yuan contacted Earth Spirit Little Fox Immortal.

“is Master?” Little Fox Immortal asked happily.

“It’s me,” Fang Yuan replied.

“Is it really Master? It’s going to be the secret number!” Little Fox Immortal said again.

The two men are on the nickname, Little Fox Immortal is happy: “Master, are you still there? People can miss you.”

Fang Yuan laughed, the general will be something critical. Informed Little Fox Immortal and ordered her to adopt the B Group.

Until now, Fang Yuan is under considerable psychological pressure, fearing that one day, Central Continent Gu Immortal besieged Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

In order to minimize losses, Fang Yuan used Wisdom Halo to figure out different solutions in different situations.

And he taught these programs to Little Fox Immortal.

It’s good to be rainy.

But after listening to Little Fox Immortal, I thought about the plan. After a moment of squatting, I cried on the spot: “Master, Master, don’t you want Little Fox Immortal? Little Fox Immortal is very embarrassing, and will listen to the owner later. if.”

“Oh.” Fang Yuan laughed, “You can rest assured that the B-group scheme is the latest revision. You follow this scheme and the other party will not really accept you.”

Little Fox Immortal broke into laughter and had 100% trust in Fang Yuan, and he did not doubt Fang Yuan’s inference.

She acted on the program and contacted the Langya Earth Spirit.

On the side of Langya Earth Spirit, Fang Yuan had already said hello. After all, he is the Guest Elder Revered Elder of Langya School.

Langya Earth Spirit quickly dispatched some Rank 6 Hairyman Gu Immortal, through Star Gate, to Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

They cast the Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze and turned it into a giant. They picked up Soul Shaking Mountain directly, then incorporated it into a Immortal Aperture of Hairyman Gu Immortal, and brought it back to Langya Blessed Land through Star Gate.

Little Fox Immortal led them again and came to Wisdom Gu. These Hairyman Gu Immortal were stunned. After the news came back, after the Langya Earth Spirit was shocked, he quickly mobilized Wisdom Gu into a Hairyman Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture and brought it to Langya Blessed Land.

Knowing this result, Fang Yuan also sighed in relief.

Exposing Wisdom Gu to the Langya Earth Spirit was forced to do so.

It turns out that Langya Earth Spirit is not disappointed by Fang Yuan. He after all is Rank 8 Old Ancestor Long Haired’s obsession. The original Old Ancestor Long Haired, on the Refining Dao, is more than Ju Yang Immortal Venerable and Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable.

He claims to be Refining Dao throughout the ages, such a character, background deep and unmeasurable. There are also posters, if not limited by Old Ancestor Long Haired physique, is a nonhuman Hairyman. If he is a normal Human Race Gu Immortal, he can also achieve Rank 9 Venerable’s High Realm!

After Langya Earth Spirit moved Wisdom Gu to Langya Blessed Land, Fang Yuan contacted Star Form Blessed Land and moved Soul Shaking Mountain to Langya Blessed Land.

As a result , Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley are all in Langya Blessed Land.

Even if Fixed Immortal Travel failed to self-destruct, Ying Wuxie succeeded. He came to Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley through Fixed Immortal Travel, which was also the Langya School for Fang Yuan.

Ps: The monthly ticket breaks the 1100 plus.

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