Time returned to not long ago. 》,

Fang Yuan tracked Ying Wuxie without fruit, stayed in midair and was in a low mood.

The night shrouded the earth, and it became thicker.

This is a cold night.

The wind blew, and Fang Yuan’s bones also showed a chill.

Originally his plan was very good.

Arranged in his own body, False Intent, special intention, deliberately lending Fixed Immortal Travel, according to Fang Yuan’s estimates, the plan was very successful.

But the truth is that he failed.

Fang Yuan didn’t know that he had succeeded, but because of Will of Heaven, because of Spring and Autumn Cicada, he fell short.

Since it failed, Fang Yuan decided to face it without any escaping and luck.

In fact, he was psychologically prepared. This is in this world, polished for hundreds of years of literacy.

Any plan, no matter how careful, will still have failures of possibility. Even if Shadow Sect and Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul have been tens of thousands of years old, will they fail to be considered so detailed?

Once the Demon Venerable will fail, let alone Fang Yuan?

No one will fail no matter which world is in this world.

Fang Yuan guesses the situation of Ying Wuxie’s.

It seems that because of the obstruction of Southern Border Gu Immortal, Ying Wuxie has no time to rush to Righteous Heavenly Mountain. This possibility is the biggest.

If so, Fang Yuan’s layout is still valid, and Ying Wuxie has not found it, the situation is not terrible.

Maybe Fang Yuan will continue to follow, and there will be a chance to recover the old peak on the spot.

But this is only one of the situations.

Fang Yuan is cautious and unpredictable. He likes to make the worst plans and the most adequate preparations.

“So what is the worst situation?” Fang Yuan is suspended in the night sky. Ask yourself this way.

In the worst case, Ying Wuxie discovered his layout. Then I will count on it and lie to Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan. Go to Fox Immortal Blessed Land or Star Form Blessed Land and go to the empty Yuan Yuan’s!

This situation is also very likely.

In Fang Yuan’s opinion: Ying Wuxie is Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Fragment, the background is deep, and it is not difficult to understand his layout. At the same time, it is even more crucial that Righteous Heavenly Mountain has a super huge dream!

Dreams have become the biggest obstacle, and it is impossible for Ying Wuxie to go back to Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Ontology has been deeply immersed in a dream, and Ying Wuxie is sure to want to save the ontology. But his Dream Dao Gu insect is very rare.

His original flesh, there are quite a few Dream Dao Immortal Gu, mortal gu, but the flesh self-exploding, these Gu insects do not exist, is still a big question mark. Gu insect itself is very fragile, even if it is Immortal Gu, the child can be crushed by hand.

Even if these Dream Dao Gu insects survived, the dreams are too big and too wide. Ying Wuxie At this time, it is impossible to enter the dream and find these Gu insects.

Fang Yuan did not have any luck, and immediately stopped tracking. Landed down to a hill below.

Southern Border Mountainous, forested forest.

Fang Yuan leaned back against a tall pine tree and sat on the thick branches. Sinking and urging Connecting Heaven Gu.

He is from Huo Kongtong. Borrowed four Rank 5 mortal gu.

One is just a smoke smog, and the other is a cloak of fire. The other two. It is Connecting Heaven Gu and Divine Sense.

The last two Gu insects are the standard of Gu Immortal. With these two Gu insects, you can communicate Treasure Yellow Heaven. Treasure Yellow Heaven is the first Gu Immortal exchange market in the Five Regions.

It is not surprising that Fang Yuan asked Huo Kongtong for these Gu insects.

Because if he had these mortal gus, he would definitely be able to buy some Gu insects from Treasure Yellow Heaven that wouldn’t be naked.

But if you borrow more, you won’t be able to. Even if Fang Yuan has Manner Gu, Huo Kongtong will not be suspected of identity, and the latter will feel that Fang Yuan is cheaper on him.

These four Gu insects, Fang Yuan, of course, carefully examined before use.

Connecting Heaven Gu is no problem, but when Fang Yuan was about to be motivated, his body suddenly trembled and his face was full of shock.

According to his shrewd, always makes the mood of anger and color.

But at this moment, his shock is the unprecedented degree since he was born again!

Even if it is known that Shadow Sect’s behind the scenes is Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, it does not make Fang Yuan so shocked.

Both body and mind!

The vibration in my heart is so hard to be self-made that he is so wide at the moment, looking at the long night sky, the thick leaves, and some surprises.

“Calm.” Fang Yuan blinked and persuaded himself, but his nose was ready and his heart jumped three points.

He reintroduced his mind into his own Immortal Aperture.

Second eye.

Fang Yuan looked at her new Immortal Aperture for the second time.


He frowned and covered the subconsciously muscles. A Unimaginable Immortal Aperture scene is presented in his heart!

What a wonderful Immortal Aperture!

“If you don’t witness in person, I’m afraid I will never believe in this world, there is such an Immortal Aperture!” Fang Yuan is filled with this thought.

In fact, he has already been mentally prepared.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul spent tens of thousands of years planning, almost emptying Shadow Sect’s old, for what?

Just to refining the Rank 9 Paragon Immortal Aperture!

Throughout the process of refining gu. The first is the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie set up formation, which sets out the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie without grand formation. The second is the body of the many Gu Immortal of the Southern Border fallen, and the Immortal Aperture, which are used as materials for the refining gu. Then came the Zombie Alliance members of the Five Regions, and hundreds of Immortal Zombies joined the grand formation. Then the Demon Venerable ontology sacrificed itself and motivated the Ten Perfect Grand Formation. Finally, Vast Tribulation and Myriad Tribulation, which are on on time after time, are brilliant!

Such steps, the difficulty of each step, even the Rank 8 Gu Immortal are Unimaginable! Just first step, to raise ten Ten Perfect Physiques, how easy it is! It takes tens of thousands of years to plan and wait, and some Luck Qi to achieve this. Not to mention the next steps.

It costs so much, and the sacrifice is so horrific. In the end, only one Rank 9 Immortal Gu was obtained.

Even if Fang Yuan doesn’t know the inside story, he understands that this Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu has extraordinary power!

Rank 9 Immortal Gu, in the Gu insect of vast as the open sea, is like Rank 9 Venerable’s status. Rarely extreme, precious and extremely powerful.

Fang Yuan has been exposed to Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

That is Wisdom Gu.

In the face of Wisdom Gu, he has no ability to charge refine!

He can only use Wisdom Halo, just like the best meal in the world, he can only smell it.

Even so, this scent is so wonderful that it gives Fang Yuan an unparalleled help.

Without Wisdom Halo, Fang Yuan will never develop so fast and can develop to such an extent.

Coincidentally, he contacted the second Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.

This time, he not only smelled its fragrance, but also swallowed this peerless meal into the belly!

“The Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu made by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul can never be so simple. There must be a place of profound mystery.” After Fang Yuan was born again, the thought was haunted.

But he was busy chasing Ying Wuxie, which led to no time to explore the body of the found mystery.

Fang Yuan’s This new body is made by Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. But exploring the mysteries, although significant, is not urgent.

As a matter of urgency, catch up with Ying Wuxie and get back to Gu insect.

Therefore, Fang Yuan put this matter behind the scenes.

Now, he has tracked the failure of Ying Wuxie and made the worst plan, intending to motivate Connecting Heaven Gu and communicate Treasure Yellow Heaven.

At this time, he first looked at his own Immortal Aperture.

This look, suddenly shocked him!

Because of this Immortal Aperture scene, it is no small feat, and has far exceeded the long-term accumulation knowledge of Fang Yuan.

The Immortal Aperture is clearly the Blessed Land of Rank 6 Gu Immortal, but the interior is large and very large.

To what extent?

Most of the Rank 6 Gu Immortal, Immortal Aperture Blessed Land are in Intermediate Rank or Lower Rank. The Lower Rank Blessed Land is more than three million acres, and the Intermediate Rank Blessed Land is more than three million acres, but not more than 6 million acres.

This is the case for most Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

A small number of Rank 6 Gu Immortal, similar to Taibai Yunsheng, has excellent inheritance, and the background is also very deep when promoting immortal, so the achievement of Higher Rank Blessed Land.

The size of the Higher Rank Blessed Land is higher than 6 million acres, but no more than 9 Million acres.

Higher Rank, Intermediate Rank, Lower Rank Blessed Land, almost all of the circumstances of Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

Said to be “almost” because they are still one special case.

That is Ten Perfect Gu Immortal. Vigorous True Martial Physique, Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, Reckless Great Sun, Ancient Moon’s Lonely Shadow Physique…

Once Ten Perfect Physiques is promoted to Gu Immortal, such as Hei Loulan, it will have Perfect Rank Blessed Land!

The area of ​​Perfect Rank Blessed Land is more than 10 million mu, but not more than 20 million mu.

(The situation discussed above belongs to the original state of just promoted immortal.)

The number of Perfect Rank Blessed Land is very rare. Because Ten Perfect Physiques itself is rarely seen, most of them will die halfway, and even fewer can be found.

Of course, once Ten Perfect becomes a fairy, the space of the Immortal Aperture alone is already a huge capital.

Immortal Aperture is as natural as possible, because the larger it is, the more Space Dao’s Dao Marks are, the higher the number of resources and the maximum size that can be loaded and produced.

Many of Gu Immortal often encounter such troubles during the cultivation process.

Immortal Aperture is out of space.

The beast group inside is too big and needs to be taken out. The nonhuman population inside exploded and needed to sell the slave. There are too many vegetation inside, which has affected the balance and needs to be removed.

Who doesn’t know, the bigger the beast group, the more cubs are produced each year? Who doesn’t know the bigger the population base, the more nonhuman will be? Who would be willing to eradicate the plants they planted, not let them grow longer, and the value is higher?

But there is no way.

The size of Immortal Aperture is here.

So, many of Gu Immortal tried every means to find ways to grow their own Immortal Aperture. For example, Tuoyu Immortal Gu is one of the ways to increase Immortal Aperture’s Space Dao’s Dao Marks and increase the Immortal Aperture space.

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