“Relocation of Fox Immortal and Star Form Blessed Land, this rear is also settled.” To complete this major event, Fang Yuan involuntarily spits out one mouthful of impure air.

He did not care about victory, first to lose. This has already been done. No matter how Ying Wuxie responds, Fang Yuan’s losses have been greatly reduced.

It is also interesting to say, and he and Ying Wuxie’s identity equito to reverse it.

Fang Yuan is committed to Eternal Life, and the original flesh is nothing to him. There is no feeling of nostalgia between them. There are only three aspects he cares about.

The first is the Gu insect on the original meat.

Second, it is the cultivation resources accumulated in Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land.

Third, it is the relationship between Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng, Langya Earth Spirit, Spiritual Fate House, Immortal Crane Sect, etc.

Fang Yuan looked at the dark night sky, the wind on the top of the mountain scratched the pine trees he was sheltering, and the branches shook.

In his heart, he said: “According to this season, Fixed Immortal Travel should have been self-destructive. Next, other Gu insects have been self-destructing. I don’t know what Ying Wuxie will do?”

“The hopes of these Gu insects are very small. The resources of Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land have been emptied. Fox Immortal Blessed Land falls in the hands of Central Continent Gu Immortal, while Star Form Blessed Land is hidden in Deep in Earth Abyss. Today there is only the third aspect, Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng and the others.”

Fang Yuan thinks carefully.

Among them, the relationship between Central Continent Spiritual Fate House and Immortal Crane Sect has been broken.

Fang Yuan smashed the truth of 88 Floors True Yang Building and has reverted to the whole world. Heavenly Court is looking for it, definitely looking for Fang Yuan trouble, Ying Wuxie is facing the body of Fang Yuan’s, in a way, it is for Fang Yuan.

Therefore, these aspects are not enough.

Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng are really worrying about Fang Yuan.

Fairy Lishan and Burning Heaven Enchantress were killed, and Hei Loulan’s use was greatly reduced, but she was still Ten Perfect Gu Immortal, Vigorous True Martial Physique. Coupled with the five-hundred years of previous life’s Spiritual Fate House, the status of the contemporary fairy, who is a strong luck, is also a hero, must not be underestimated.

Taibai Yunsheng. Although there are only two Immortal Gus, each is the best Gu insect, which is extremely useful.

Fang Yuan is extremely worried that these two people will be used by Ying Wuxie to embarrass themselves.

and so. After contacting Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land, Fang Yuan followed up and tried to communicate with Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng through Treasure Yellow Heaven.

They also have a will in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

This is the means of communication that was reserved early.

But Fang Yuan communicated the will of the two men in Treasure Yellow Heaven, but still did not really contact the two.

Only when these two people actively communicated Treasure Yellow Heaven, these wills return to the ontology and communicated before they can know the truth.

No contact. Fang Yuan’s eyes are even more worried.

Without any choice, he gave up trying and then contacted Langya Earth Spirit.

This time is almost immediately received response!

“Good boy, you have finally contacted me!!” Langya Earth Spirit was very excited and shouted.

To be honest, when he promised Fang Yuan to help him relocate, he mainly believed that Fang Yuan had joined Langya School.

When he found Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, especially Wisdom Gu, he was completely shocked!

Use a word to describe. That is shock.

He absolutely did not expect that Fang Yuan’s background would be so deep.

It was so deep that it made him unbelievable.

When I heard the voice of Langya Earth Spirit, Fang Yuan grinned as if she had a Long Haired. Like the orangutan’s Earth Spirit, it is alive and kicking on the ground, dancing and exaggerating.

The Langya Earth Spirit is from Old Ancestor Long Haired and is very special. It is made by double obsession.

Now this obsession. Aggressive, I want to make the Hairyman Leader the master, become the owner of the Five Regions, and suppress the Human Race.

More irritating than the previous divine poise and sagelike features.

But no matter which one, as long as it is Earth Spirit, it will not lie, it will be a rectum. Fang Yuan and Earth Spirit get along with the Human Race Gu Immortal, which is incomprehensible and incomprehensible.

Seeing Fang Yuan doesn’t talk, the Langya Earth Spirit over there is really unable to endure, and continues to cry: “Fang Yuan, Langya School can help you a lot this time. Otherwise you lose these, don’t you kill it? You said, what do you pay for me?”

After a pause, Fang Yuan heard Langya Earth Spirit again: “Your kid hastened to give it to sect. I will never treat you badly, but you are our Guest Elder Revered Elder! I will count you as a massive The sect contribution. Enough for you to exchange for countless Immortal Gu Formula, and Immortal Gu!”

Fang Yuan Since I asked Langya Earth Spirit to take action, I was naturally mentally prepared. Anyone who comes to see Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, and Wisdom Gu will be tempted. Even the Langya Earth Spirit can’t be excused.

Although the Langya Earth Spirit is a rectum and a stubborn, it is not unintelligible.

Immediately, Fang Yuan calmly responded: “I am the Guest Elder Revered Elder of Langya School. These are mine. Great Elder, you don’t want to smother me?”

“Ahhhhh!” Langya Earth Spirit yelled at her hair. “I knew you wouldn’t want to join Langya School, so I can directly confiscate your supreme treasures! Damn, I’m telling the truth again. “”

Fang Yuan laughed.

At the beginning, since Langya Earth Spirit wanted Fang Yuan to join Langya School, it was natural and sincere.

Now the two sides have already agreed that Langya Earth Spirit wants to repent, it is already late. At least by his own means, he would have been unable to get in touch with the original covenant.

Even if he wants to go back, he has to prepare for a period of time to unravel the Information Dao covenant between the two sides.

Even so, because he wouldn’t lie, Fang Yuan can get intelligence by just a little temptation.

With this alone, Fang Yuan has already eaten the Langya Earth Spirit.

However, Fang Yuan has deliberately thought that Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley and even Wisdom Gu still left Langya Blessed Land.

Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley are the two treasures that Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable once controlled. If Fixed Immortal Travel is not destroyed, does it mean Ying Wuxie and the others, can you return to these two places anytime, anywhere?

Fang Yuan If you put these two treasures into your own Immortal Aperture, it would be a big mistake. It is simply opening the door and stealing the wolf.

And Wisdom Gu, Fang Yuan can’t use it for the time being.

He is now resurrected, with a new flesh, no more than Immortal Zombie.

Fang Yuan at Immortal Zombie, not afraid of Wisdom Halo. But this time, if he was in the middle of this light, life span brush cuts, but it is Fang Yuan unacceptable price.

So, in the future forced, Fang Yuan or not to use the Wisdom Gu better.

“I got Paragon Immortal Aperture this time, but I lost the support of Wisdom Gu. It is a mistake. However, one day, I will find a way to use Wisdom Gu freely.” It’s better to leave Wisdom Gu to Langya Earth Spirit and save it. I’m also worried about it.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan said to Langya Earth Spirit: “Revered Great Elder, you let me directly give these three treasures to sect, that is impossible. But we can cooperate with each other. I will Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, and Wisdom Gu, lend it to sect. Sect is responsible for keeping it, and if it is an accident, it will be repaid ten times. In addition, to compensate for some of my sect contributions, it will be fine.”

Langya Earth Spirit hearing that big joy, dancing over there, shouting: “You kid is very acquainted. That’s good, that’s good. With Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, I can give those children refine soul, strengthen Soul. It is good for them to refining gu! There is Wisdom Gu, hey hey, this is Wisdom Dao Rank 9, Life-Bound Gu of Constellation Immortal Venerable, tut tut 啧! Use it to calculate Immortal Gu Formula, simply Don’t be too good.”

Fang Yuan listened to the spirit of Earth Spirit, he actually knows how to use Wisdom Gu, can not help but ask.

Earth Spirit is not an idiot, laughed and responded: “You need to know how to use Wisdom Gu’s method, just take your sect contribution and change it. Let’s Langya School, but it’s fair!”

The two sides discussed the matter and discussed the cooperation.

Fang Yuan also talked about Featherman Zhou Zhong, the nonhuman Gu Immortal, even if it was Fang Yuan’s slave, but the relationship it’s not that it cannot be done. Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan know Zhou Zhong, this person is already exposed. Not as good as those on the first command Featherman, a temporary stay in Langya Blessed Land. Anyway, the space of Langya Blessed Land is very big. Of course, you can’t compare with Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture and that’s it.

After the bargaining of the original Hairyman slave, Fang Yuan and Langya Earth Spirit in Fang Yuan Stone Nest, these Hairyman are still owned by Fang Yuan, but they must abandon the slave relationship and can only be regarded as Fang Yuan’s subordinate to Langya School.

Langya Earth Spirit loves Hairyman because of her origins, despise other races, and has big Hairymanism. Naturally, Fang Yuan will not continue to use these Hairyman as slaves.

He did not fall out with Fang Yuan, and it is already rare to have these Hairyman still belong to Fang Yuan.

In fact, Fang Yuan is also happy to see this.

These Hairymans are already free and belong to Langya Blessed Land. But as long as Fang Yuan mobilizes them and lets them refining gu, they are self-defeating and there is not much difference between them.

Even these Hairymans will be cultivated by the Langya Earth Spirit and will be established in the Cheng Family in Blessed Land, which will encourage them to inspire the refusal of the gu and increase their efficiency.

Finally, Fang Yuan gave a brief introduction to the Langya Earth Spirit about Ying Wuxie and Shadow Sect’s.

Langya Earth Spirit listened at a glance, and after Fang Yuan finished, it took a long time to react.

“You have even Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s Life-Bound Immortal Gu Spring and Autumn Cicada!” Langya Earth Spirit called again. “What happened to your kid, Dog Shit Luck? No, you won’t even have Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Life-Bound Immortal Gu Dog Shit Luck, are you?”

“The original Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Life-Bound Immortal Gu, turned out to be Dog Shit Luck? Is it Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu?”

Langya Earth Spirit Humph Two voices: “Good Luck Equal to Heaven That was his old age. In his early years, it was Dog Shit Luck. I have worked with him during my lifetime, how can I not know?”

Ps: The state is not good, this chapter is still delayed. The two more owed before, as well as the need to add more, are recorded in the account, can only allow me to slowly make up next month. I am so sorry! (~^~)

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