“Also ask the master to pair a pair of secrets.” The weak voice, again.

Ying Wuxie opened: “Tianhua 9th layer.”

The voice answered: “The ground is divided into Five Regions.”

Ying Wuxie said again: “A thousand years of industry.”

The voice continued to follow: “I want to slaughter!”

Then, with a bang, Kneels down on the ground, whispering – ly said: “Stone Slave meets the owner.”

“Get up.” Ying Wuxie laughed, the sightman Gu Immortal who looked down at his feet, and raised his palm.

Stoneman Gu Immortal slammed three more heads, and he stood up respectfully.

But in the face of Ying Wuxie, he still drooped his hands, clung to his thighs, half-squatted, and lowered his head, his eyes only on Ying Wuxie’s feet, not looking directly at each other.

On his body, Immortal Qi is rich, and it is a level of Rank 7.

Ying Wuxie, using Fixed Immortal Travel, did not return directly to Fox Immortal Blessed Land to grab Soul Shaking Mountain, but instead moved to the secret base of Shadow Sect deployed at Central Continent.

Ying Wuxie’s soul, this is Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment.

Previously, straightforward innocence was due to Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, which eliminated the memory of the soul. Ying Wuxie memory dissipates, as if just born baby, natural shrewd is very shallow.

But life and death, the most tempered characters, and the infusion of Gloomy Soul in Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, Ying Wuxie’s memory has recovered, and the natural behavior has matured a lot.

He experienced a rebirth and already knew about Fang Yuan’s deployment.

Not only is Gu insect, it is unable to use, but there is still Fang Yuan’s False Intent in mind. If you don’t pay attention, you will influence your thinking.

He has a large number of Gu insects in his hands, as well as an assortment of Immortal Gu, but Ying Wuxie can only use Fixed Immortal Travel.

In this case, he naturally does not naively run directly to Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Even if he has the means to swindle Earth Spirit. However, it takes a lot of Gu insects to perform.

If you don’t get ready to enter Fox Immortal Blessed Land, you must be recognized by Earth Spirit. If you break your identity, it will be a big problem.

Therefore, Ying Wuxie uses Fixed Immortal Travel to arrive here first. Prepare.

“Take me to the Earth Eye first.” Ying Wuxie instructed.

“Yes. Master.” Gu Immortal Stone Slave quickly rushed.

The two drilled into the ground, passing the winding Dark Dao, all the way down, before coming to an underground pit.

This pit is huge and covers a hundred miles.

The yellowish brown dust in the deep pit is thick and heavy, and it is constantly rolling. Ups and downs.

On the periphery of the deep pit, there is a heavy gu formation, which serves to heal, cover, support and so on.

Ying Wuxie takes a closer look, carefully distinguishes it, and can see it faintly. The center of the tobacco soil is faintly surrounded by a soul ball.

He observed for a moment, sighed.

This group of soul balls is naturally the soul of Bo Qing.

When Sword Immortal Bo Qing transcends tribulation failed, it was saved by Shadow Sect Soul Fragment “Yellow”. But thousands of years have passed. Bo Qing’s soul’s injury has worsened, not only has not recovered and looks, but has become a soulball.

Bo Qing’s soul is swayed by Vast Tribulation, and Water Dao’s Dao Marks is lingering and constantly producing. Although it was suppressed by the powerful Earth Dao’s Dao Marks in Earth Eye, it will not cure the symptoms. It can only delay time and cannot cure.

Even Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s background doesn’t do anything about it.

But Shadow Sect’s side has never given up.

In order to guard this, Shadow Sect conquered a group of Stoneman. A little bit, to cultivate a Stoneman Gu Immortal.

The Stoneman Gu Immortal is Stone Slave.

Originally, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul had been planning for tens of thousands of years to refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. Although Stone Slave only has Rank 7, it is also a battle strength.

Unfortunately, when he was recalled, there was an accident here.

A wild one-eyed giant monkey appeared, and Stone Slave had to stand up and irritate the giant monkey and take it away.

At that time Supervising Heaven Tower was established, the situation, Shadow Sect innocently handled this file, and did not pick up Stone Slave.

As a result , Stone Slave Gu Immortal is a lucky one who has returned a life.

In fact, there are not a few accidents in all aspects of Shadow Sect.

In addition to Stone Slave, the most obvious example is Qin Baisheng encountering Feng Jiuge.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul wants to refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, intended to go against the sky, Will of Heaven will naturally stop. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul If it’s Demon from Beyond The Heavens, the situation will be better. Unfortunately, he is indigenous and is greatly hindered by Will of Heaven’s.

Shadow Sect’s strength, no small, distributed Five Regions.

Because of the obstacles of Will of Heaven, it did not play its full strength.

After the failure of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, Shadow Sect was also defeated, especially the lower sect Zombie Alliance was completely destroyed, and the loss was extremely heavy. But in Five Regions, there are still some layouts left.

Just like Gu Immortal Stone Slave.

After a musk.

“Where is this?” Taibai Yunsheng drilled from Ying Wuxie’s Immortal Aperture.

“How is it not Fox Immortal Blessed Land?” Then, Hei Loulan also came out of Taibai Yunsheng’s Immortal Aperture.

The two glanced around in confusion and found themselves in a subterranean chamber.

The layout here is extremely rough.

The two were using the detective Gu insect and immediately found themselves in the underground chamber, but it was a little corner in the entire underground labyrinth.

“This is the tunnel of Stoneman’s life. So, is this underground?” Taibai Yunsheng is somewhat awesome.

Ying Wuxie nodded : “right . We have been returned to Central Continent and are now in Earth Abyss. The Stoneman here was transferred a long time ago. This is a secret camp set up by Master.”

“No wonder Fang Yuan, you have also dropped Star Form Blessed Land into Earth Abyss. The original Master already has a stronghold in Earth Abyss.” Taibai Yunsheng said with a smile.

“The original Fang Yuan’s second piece of Blessed Land is also in Earth Abyss.” Ying Wuxie secretly wrote down, nodded quietly.

“Purple Mountain True Monarch?” Hei Loulan hearing that his heart moved, narrowed his eyes and stared at Ying Wuxie, asking again, “Why not go directly to Fox Immortal Blessed Land?”

Ying Wuxie was prepared and calmly replied: “I don’t want to go back. But now I am exposed. Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is aware. Although they return to Central Continent’s speed, it is not comparable to Fixed Immortal Travel, but don’t forget them. There is a means of Information Dao. It is a simple matter to inform 10 Great Ancient Sects and encircle Fox Immortal Blessed Land. They must have done it!”

“We go back directly, maybe we fall into the trap. So I will go back here first, just to inquire about intelligence.”

“What did you find out?” Hei Loulan asked.

Ying Wuxie sighed: “Sure enough, as I expected, my identity is exposed, and now Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects are already aware that we are overthrowing the 88 Floors True Yang Building. Fox Immortal Blessed Land has been surrounded by the group, attacking Blessed Land. Just in between.”

Taibai Yunsheng was shocked: “Soul Shaking Mountain is still there. How is this good?”

Taibai Yunsheng knows that Fang Yuan has found a method of rebirth. As a result , Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s value is greatly reduced, more importantly the cultivation resources in Blessed Land. Soul Shaking Mountain is the top priority, and with it, there is an inexhaustible source of income.

Ying Wuxie sneered : “Fox Immortal Blessed Land is lost, it is a foregone conclusion. The resources inside. Let 10 Great Ancient Sects keep it. I will get it back sooner or later. It is imperative to prepare for me to recover as soon as possible… Eh! ”

Ying Wuxie suddenly paused and his face was horrified.

“What’s wrong?” Taibai Yunsheng asked.

Ying Wuxie’s anger in the eyes, flashing away, immediately removed the smashed body of Fixed Immortal Travel: “I used to have Shadow Sect tricks and forced the promotion of Fixed Immortal Travel. Now it has been ruined!”

“This?!” For a time, Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan felt very sorry.

Fixed Immortal Travel is extremely practical, and it is destroyed at this time. The presence of three immortals is a feeling of blood in the heart.

Ying Wuxie’s heart of surprised and angry is even worse: “How did Fixed Immortal Travel suddenly self-destruct? It seems that this is the means left by Fang Yuan. Damn! He not only counts me. Deliberately used Fixed Immortal Travel for me, trying to induce me to go. Righteous Heavenly Mountain, and actually left this hand! Since Fixed Immortal Travel can self-destruct, then Fang Yuan’s other Gu insect should be the same.”

Thinking of this, Ying Wuxie couldn’t sit still.

He also intends to find ways to conquer Fang Yuan’s Gu insects.

Fang Yuan’s this hand, hit him a big completely unprepared.

“Special intention. It should be a special intention! It seems that I have to race against time, borrow Immortal Gu, suppress these Gu insects. Can’t let them follow themselves!” Ying Wuxie yelled in his heart, his face could not cover The color of anxiety.

Taibai Yunsheng felt uncomfortable and asked with concern: “Fang Yuan, what happened?”

Ying Wuxie’s face gloomy seems to be dripping out of water: “The trouble is big. I have to deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise the other Gu insects will end up like Fixed Immortal Travel!”

“This! Is there anything I can do for you?” Taibai Yunsheng hearing that, my heart suddenly seemed to have a fire, and I was anxious.

“You should take a break, and Stoneman will take you to rest. Oh, this thing I can handle. After all, the Master left, not just this stronghold, but also the network!” Ying Wuxie finished, stood up and left .

At the same time, Central Continent, Heavenly Stairs Mountain.

“Troubled! Breaked!”

“Hahaha, Fox Immortal Blessed Land was finally broken by us.”

“I have to see, how much benefit Fang Yuan has saved!”

“Everyone don’t be impatient, don’t forget that Soul Shaking Mountain is going to be our 10 Great Ancient Sects.”

Central Imtinent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects’ Gu Immortals, swarming in, rushed into Fox Immortal Blessed Land.

Then, like a chilly water, drench them down!

“Empty, how is it empty!”

“Nothing here, how can it like this?”

“Soul Shaking Mountain? Where is Soul Shaking Mountain?”

Central Continent Gu Immortals yelled.

“Are you Feng Jiuge adults?” Fox Immortal Earth Spirit took the initiative to come to Feng Jiuge’s with his big, watery eyes.

Feng Jiuge glimpsed: “It’s me.”

“My Patriarch people taught me to tell the grown-ups that he should take away the things that he took. As for this piece of Blessed Land, it is directly transferred to the adult Feng Jinhuang.” Fox Immortal Earth Spirit is very generous.

“What? Fang Yuan is one step faster than us?!”

“Before joining forces, isn’t it that others are still in Southern Border’s?”

“Why is Fang Yuan alone giving Fox Immortal Blessed Land to Feng Jinhuang?don’t tell me between them…”

“Speaking, since Gu Refining Grand Meeting, the two of them are very close. This is what Ten Sects knows.”

Gu Immortals 嘀嘀gu gu.

Feng Jiuge’s eyes swept away, and these rumors suddenly disappeared.

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