
Fang Yuan flies in the air, like a big Fireball. He burns around the flames, and drags a black and gray tail of a long feet behind him. The sound is not weak.

The situation just happened is still very dangerous.

Fang Yuan encounters Huo Kongtong, although there are three Immortal Gus, there are some Moral gu of Soul Dao and Dream Dao. But it is not comprehensive. If you really want to fight it, it is necessary to fall into the trap.

Even if Fang Yuan wants Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and Huo Kongtong changes the soul, it can’t be changed.

Before, he and Ying Wuxie changed their souls and consumed a lot of mortal gu.

All of his Gu insects in his body are still in a complete set.

However, with his own acting skills, Fang Yuan not only turned his back on the dangers, but also swindled the four Rank 5 mortal gu.

“Before the World, I participated in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain and joined the World Gamble. I witnessed the Southern Border Gu Immortal internal strife and learned a lot of important information. Fortunately, how can I know Chai Family Ninth Elder and Dongfang Xiongji? The relationship.”

“This time I can lie to Huo Kongtong and rely on Manner Gu!”

Although Fang Yuan mastered the original Meeting Past Acquaintance, he improved it to form a new version of Meeting Past Acquaintance with Manner Gu as the core and thousands of mortal gus support.

But this ultimate move, of course, he can’t use it.

Just now, facing Huo Kongtong, he used Manner Gu alone.

“The role of Manner Gu’s is to disguise the true feelings of the heart and express a false attitude, but it can make others believe it.”

After a while, Fang Yuan felt that the Manner Gu was very useful.

Just because Manner Gu was secretly used, his performance was flawless. Huo Kongtong always felt that Fang Yuan was in an angry and angry state, and it was better to provoke Fang Yuan.

There is still one The great thing is that the Manner Gu Rank number is very high and the conditions of use are extremely low. It just takes a lot of effort that’s all.

Fang Yuan has just been reborn successfully, and his immortal essence is naturally rare, far less than the previous savings.

“Unfortunately this Manner Gu is not mine, always to return Hei Loulan.” Think of it. Fang Yuan is full of regrets and regrets.

Although he changed his life and changed his body, the soul was still the original and did not change.

After he was born again. A new covenant was set up with Hei Loulan and Fairy Lishan.

This covenant is very binding, with few loopholes, and naturally binds the allies and souls of the allies.

Therefore, even if Fang Yuan changed his body, he could not violate the covenant.

“But the covenant’s effectiveness should be divided into two. One is in the soul. The other is in the flesh. Now I can only count as half of the allies.”

“oh! Even so, the damage of breach of contract is too great, even if it can’t affect my body, my soul can’t afford it.”

“Well… I’m afraid there are a lot of Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks in this body!”

On the way to thinking, Fang Yuan suddenly thought of Rank 1, realized another point.

He remembers deeply: he has just become Immortal Zombie, his brain can’t turn, like the old man who will be on the wood. Thinking is extremely slow. Later, the method of rely on Wisdom Dao made up for this shortcoming.

Now I changed my fresh body and thought a little. I suddenly felt the agility of thinking, just like a horse swallowing swallows. Inspirational, as if the essence spring is spewing.

In the process of thinking, the thoughts of each and every one are produced in large quantities, like the wonderful waves in the tide.

“I finally didn’t use Wisdom Dao Gu insect to make up for the lack of thoughts!” At this moment, Fang Yuan almost got wet.

before. He also has to rely on Gu insect , produce ideas to help them think.

Now, the flesh is fresh. Autonomous production a lot of thoughts. And there are so many kinds of thoughts.

There is Evil Thought, there are good thoughts, misses, and there is Empty Thought, there is war. Have evil thoughts, have obsession…

“As long as a person is alive, the thoughts in his mind are all-encompassing, and the wordy is mixed. It’s not surprising. It’s just that the speed of my thinking is far beyond the mortal world. Even under Wisdom Halo, I can stand alone for a long time!”

Because of this, Fang Yuan speculated that this physical Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks should also be a large number.

Just how much there is, Fang Yuan still has no quota.

Clear thinking, unprecedented. Even before the first body, before it became Immortal Zombie, I am afraid it will not be the same.

“In addition to Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks, Flame Dao’s Dao Marks will never be less!” Fang Yuan glanced at the flames in his body and flashed a glimpse of his eyes.

The flame clothes on his body are the cloak of the flame of Rank 5. Once used, the whole body ignited the blazing flame, the flame is harmless, but the effect is very gorgeous, and the wind is tight.

Huo Kongtong also uses this flaw, but it is only covered with flames, and the flame is high but the length of the adult index finger.

But Fang Yuan’s flame at this time not only covered the whole body, but also was very solid. The height of the flame directly exceeded the forearm of the adult man.

In addition to the flame cloak, Fang Yuan also “borrowed” a Rank 5 flying smog.

Now Fang Yuan is flying in the air, which is the ability to fly smoke.

Behind Fang Yuan, the black and gray smoke directly dragged the weekly feet long, which is not to say. The key is the speed, which has greatly exceeded the limit of the flying smoke, and even comparable to some Mortal Realm Ultimate Move!

In the process of flying, the wind whistling in the ear, and the foothills quickly receded.

Fang Yuan in the heart is more and more. There are a few: “It seems that there are more than Flame Dao’s Dao Marks, and there are many Dao Marks that are good for flying.”

Finally I can fly!

As a result , Real Yuan of Fang Yuan Flight Great Master can be fully utilized.

Being able to fly, means that the battle will become extremely flexible. People stand on the ground and can only move back and forth, or jump up. But in the air, all directions, head and foot are all in the direction of dodge.

This is a qualitative change.

The overall battle strength, because of this Gu Insect, pulled out of the air!

Of course, the current Fang Yuan’s battle strength is still very low at the Gu Immortal level. If you encounter another Southern Border Gu Immortal, you have to rely on Manner Gu to abduct.

“Try to avoid fighting. It is best to catch up with Ying Wuxie! Uncover his identity and meet Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng.” Fang Yuan intends to do so.

Although Righteous Heavenly Mountain is now over, it has been overwhelmed by huge dreams. Ying Wuxie will not launch the Fang Yuan special intention without going to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Once the time limit has passed, Fang Yuan’s original Gu insect will be self-destructive.

But as long as Fang Yuan controls the situation, there is still a solution.

That is, through the help of Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng’s, he quickly raised Gu insect and changed his soul again.

After changing the soul, Fang Yuan returned to his body, and he could mobilize Gu insect and extract the special intention from Gu insect.

Here to explain the relationship between the soul, the flesh, and the thoughts.

It is impossible to produce thoughts because of the flesh, and the body provides the mind.

The soul produces ideas, but not lasting, you need to provide a place for the storage, and the collision between the thoughts is thinking.

Gu Master manipulates Gu insect , in general, is mobilized through thoughts.

Ying Wuxie’s soul, the idea of ​​produce, nature is different from Fang Yuan. So he can’t mobilize Fang Yuan’s Gu insect.

Time is tight, and Fang Yuan must race against time.

Being able to fly in midair makes his vision extremely open.

Searching is a hundred times more convenient than before!

Along the way, he repeatedly found traces of the battle.

Most of Gu Immortal’s battles took place in the air. This feature is not the same as the Gu Master.

Gu Immortal has Gu insect and has time to tempering the flying combat capability. But Gu Master usually doesn’t work.

Therefore, these traces of fighting are caused by the aftermath of the battle and the damage to the ground of the mountain. It is not very obvious.

Fortunately, the Southern Border is mountainous, and it is even less obvious if it is in the low-lying Northern Plains. If it is Eastern Sea, Western Desert, it is even worse.

But even so, Fang Yuan did not catch up with the goal.

The breath is getting darker, and one of his hearts is sinking into the bottom of the valley.

“oh!” He looked up to sky and heave a deep sigh, resolutely gave up and continued to follow, instead of direct evacuation, and quickly left.

Fang Yuan is always risky in tracking the search.

Righteous Heavenly Mountain Here, it has become a place of right and wrong.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul refining gu transcends tribulation , Southern Border Gu Immortal A lot of fallen, things are so big, there will definitely be more and more Southern Border Gu Immortal, rushing here to find out.

Ying Wuxie and the others are the Southern Border Gu Immortal that came across these encounters.

Huo Kongtong encountered by Fang Yuan is also one of them.

But the difference between the two is that the former is Northern Plains Gu Immortal, which was suppressed by the hostility of Southern Border Gu Immortal. Fang Yuan is a Southern Border 蛊Immortal Qi, no doubts.

But staying again, even if Fang Yuan has Manner Gu, it is not safe.

“I have a lot of False Intent in my mind, and Ying Wuxie didn’t come over. Is it because of the blocking of Southern Border Gu Immortal? Or did he discover my layout? Or is it another hidden?” Fang Yuan guessed.

“The big Shadow Sect, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable tens of thousands of years of planning, there should be backhand and layout. Even the Zombie Alliance’s industry in each domain is rich enough. Will Ying Wuxie go to one of them?”

“Assuming the worst plan, if he is on my identity, confiscate my property, how should I deal with it?”

“Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley have been used by Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable rely on cultivation, both at Fox Immortal Blessed Land and Star Form Blessed Land. Even if Ying Wuxie does not know the scenes of Fox Immortal and Star Form Blessed Land. With Fixed Immortal Travel, it’s ok to go to Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley?”

“After changing the soul, Earth Spirit should be able to tell. But there are many ways to spoof Earth Spirit. The other side is Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment…”

Fang Yuan gradually stopped flying and suspended in midair.

The cold wind continually blows, it seems that has blown into his heart.

The night was getting thicker, and Fang Yuan’s face was also involuntarily caged with a layer of gray color.

Then, where are the Ming Wuxie, Taibai Yunsheng, and Hei Loulan, where did they go?

Fixed Immortal Travel !

The emerald dissipated and Ying Wuxie left the Southern Border, arrived Central Continent.

“Lord…Master?” Instead of waiting for him to look around, a slightly weak voice was introduced into the ear.

“It’s me.” Ying Wuxie sighed a little and calmly replied.

His eyes glanced around and his mouth tilted slightly, revealing a smile. (~^~)

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