The wind whispers in the ear, and Fang Yuan wades through the mountains. Even if you don’t use Gu insect, it’s fast.

After the ravages of Disaster and Tribulation, it is no longer a flat, but a mountain seat.

Southern Border Mountainous, this is a major feature of this region.

“I ran for so long, there was no rest in the middle, but I still didn’t feel tired! The most important thing is that I didn’t use any Gu insect at all.”

Fang Yuan At this point, she has already felt the special features of this body.

Gu Master’s body, before the transformation of Gu insects such as Black Swine Gu and White Swine Gu, did not differ much from the mortal body.

It is because of the addition of Dao Marks that Gu Master’s body has all kinds of profound mystery, which is unusual.

“My body is originally made by Rank 9 Immortal Gu Paragon Immortal Fetus. It seems that Dao Marks in my body is absolutely quite a lot. At least the Dao Marks in Strength Dao is definitely stronger than my original accumulation. Much more!”

Fang Yuan secretly assessed.

He has not felt tired since he became Immortal Zombie. However, if you restore the original physical state, running like today, you must not run halfway, you have to stop to rest.

Fang Yuan climbed in the thick forests, and the steep rock was just like his hands and feet.

Fang Yuan is still naked, like a white wave, moving through the dense forests.

The dense forests are clearly distinguished in his vision. Even in the process of rushing, it is just like static, and Fang Yuan easily avoids it.

“Using the terminology on Earth is dynamic vision. My dynamic vision is so good to the extreme! This is absolutely inhuman. My original body, only using Gu insect, can have such a degree.”

Three times and five divisions, Fang Yuan climbed the peak of this hill.

The dark mountain forest in the field of vision suddenly disappeared, and the field of vision was suddenly wide open.

The wind blew his long hair and fluttered behind him.

Fang Yuan gasped for three breaths. Suddenly he calmed down and his breath was slow. It seemed that he had just rushed all the way, and nothing happened at all.

The level of physical strength to Unimaginable!

The mountain wind is cold. Fang Yuan is still naked, not in the film, but he does not feel any chill.

Heartbeat quickly calmed down, and each time the heart beats, it is very slow and powerful.

Fang Yuan has a long way to go.

His vision is extremely broad.

Look inside the steps. All scenes, sub-to completely appear.

With a light sweep, Fang Yuan squinted and the expression condensed.

He found traces of the battle.

“It seems that Taibai Yunsheng and Hei Loulan took my body and encountered other Gu Immortal here. The two sides played against each other.”

Fang Yuan slammed and jumped directly from the foothills.

With a bang, he landed directly on a rock below 30 feet.


Even the feet, did not feel numb!

It is the surface of the mountain rock under the foot, covered with spider web-like cracks.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes. Start trying again.

The height difference is getting bigger and bigger. From the first 30 feet, it quickly grew to five feet, eight feet and twelve feet.

Converted by the distance unit on Earth, 30 feet is nine meters, five feet is fifteen meters, which is already the height of 5-Layer. Twelve feet, already a building, an electric tower.

Twelve feet are still far from the limit of Fang Yuan’s, and all the way up to five hundred feet.

To this extent. Fang Yuan finally felt the bottom of the foot numb. His guts grew bigger and he had deliberately landed elsewhere in his body.

The chest is facing the ground, behind the ground and so on. The hard rock is often pulled out of the pit of each and every one.

Fang Yuan stood up from the pit, if nothing happened.

Even the whole body is crisp and numb, it feels quite good!

Taking a deep breath, Fang Yuan jumped again.

This time is fifty-eight feet.

This height does not matter in Fang Yuan’s mind. The key is that this time Fang Yuan decided to land on his head!


A muffled sound. Fang Yuan The whole head is deeply penetrated into the stone.

With his hands forced, he pulled his head out of the crater.

The skull is the hardest part of the body, but Fang Yuan still feels a bit.

He felt a numbness in his scalp, and his head was a little dizzy.

But this sense of vertigo lasts only two or three breaths, and to a very small extent. When the cool mountain wind blows, it disappears without a trace.

Fang Yuan touched her head and examined the whole body carefully.

No scars, even the hair is not lost!

Summarized in an idiom, that is no loss.

Fang Yuan tried to pull out his hair. He found that his hair was very tenacious. He used a very great effort to unplug one.

This hair is thicker than the regular hair, black and shiny, giving the impression that it is a very thin wire.

Pulling hard again, actually pulling constantly, very tenacious.

Fang Yuan Thoughtlessly, wrap this hair around his wrist, wrap it around for a few laps, and then tie it up firmly.

This hair can’t be littered, but if you have someone to go, it’s a good calculation.

Fang Yuan rushed to the side of the battle while continuing to jump and test his limits.

The height has been continuously improved, and it has quickly reached more than 80 feet from more than 50 feet.

To this extent, Fang Yuan has felt pain, but has not reached an unbearable level.

In the end, when it reached more than 100 feet, Fang Yuan finally stopped the experiment.

Jumping from this height has already made him feel the obvious pain, and the parts of the ground, the skin is red, and bruising and bruising occurs.

“More than a hundred feet, isn’t that the limit of this body?” Fang Yuan secretly snarled.

This height has reached the point of terrifying. The Iron Pagoda in Paris on Earth is only three more than a hundred meters , that is more than one hundred zhang high.

“By the flesh, without any defensive shackles, it has reached this level. Even Gu Immortal, the flesh alone, rarely reached this level?”

“It seems that there is a lot of defensive nature in Dao Marks on my body.”

This discovery slightly relieved Fang Yuan.

After all, in his hands, Solving Riddle, change the soul, attitude of the three major Immortal Gu, are not defending Immortal Gu.

To the legacy of the battlefield traces, Fang Yuan squatted down and looked closely.

“It seems to be them.” Soon, Fang Yuan stood up, brows frowned.

There is no detective of Gu insect. Very inconvenient, Fang Yuan is not sure.

But he knows that he must chase it!

“time is limited.”

It’s too late to look at my own discover mystery, just the experiment is just a matter of hand. Fang Yuan continues to follow.

Soon, he found traces of the second and third places.

Fang Yuan slowly changed direction with the traces.

Most of Gu Immortal’s fights took place in mid-air. There are not many traces that hit the ground. Plus Fang Yuan can’t fly. The difficulty of tracking him is very high.

As time went by, Fang Yuan’s heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Suddenly, a figure, like a meteor side, drops from the sky.

A bang, falling in front of Fang Yuan.

The flames swelled and the forest around the severe steps was instantly burned clean.

“Who?!” Fang Yuan’s eyebrows, the sustained light in the eyes, coldly shouted.

“Under Huo Kongtong. Dare to ask this friend. Did you come from Righteous Heavenly Mountain?” The newcomer was burning with flaming flames and his attitude was not friendly.

Fang Yuan’s face quickly gloomy down, changing the breath of Immortal Gu, not answering: “You are just right. Just flying in the air, can you see what suspicious people are not?”

Newcomer felt the change of Immortal Gu’s breath, and suddenly knew that Fang Yuan was not irritating, and the momentum was stagnant.

The Rank 6 Gu Immortal with Immortal Gu is not a majority.

Although Huo Kongtong is a rogue cultivator, he has already invested in the Southern Border Chai Family.

Chai Family is a super power, this Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Chai Family Gu Immortal is a commandment. Chai Family Revered Great Elder sent Guest Elder Gu Immortal Huo Kongtong to explore.

When I heard Fang Yuan ask, Huo Kongtong said: “Suspicious people? You are alone in the broad daylight, running around. You are the most suspicious person!”

He was silent for a moment. After all, he spoke up and replied: “There is no one in the square, except for you.”

“Damn! Hate!” Fang Yuan snorted, his face twisted and stunned. It seems to be chosen.

Immediately, he clenched his fists again, gnashing teeth and said to himself: “It seems to be running far! But even if you flee to the ends of the earth, I will catch you up. This shame, I want You are a hundred times, repaying thousands of times!”

Huo Kongtong See Fang Yuan, and suddenly there is speculation: “It seems that this person is running naked. It seems to be a bad way for others. He has lost a lot of Gu insects and suffered a loss. This person is temperate and angry. I am still careful.”

Fang Yuan hasn’t explained anything yet, and Huo Kongtong explained it to Fang Yuan.

Moreover, he does not want to provoke Fang Yuan. If it is to stop the disaster for others, it is not worthwhile.

“Righteous Heavenly Mountain, I didn’t go deep, you can go see it yourself!” Drop this sentence, Fang Yuan break into a run and leave.

For this answer, Huo Kongtong is naturally dissatisfied. Just want to stop Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan will stop, but instead he will return: “Wait! You are Huo Kongtong? Chai Family?”

“That’s right.” Huo Kongtong replied, replied.

Fang Yuan had a ugly smile on his face: “Very good. I am not old with your Revered Ninth Elder, and his Battlefield Ultimate Move Wan Clan is perfect, isn’t it?”

Huo Kongtong quickly replied: “Ninth Elder is still in retreat.”

“Hey, he was confined by his grandfather. The last time I played the fairy 嘿… Hey! When I dealt with this, I went to visit him.” Fang Yuan said, he extended the hand to Huo Kongtong: “You take some Gu insect and use it for me.”

“Ah?” Huo Kongtong.

“Oh, what are you deignified Gu Immortal, lend me a mortal gu nothing more, so what do you do?” Fang Yuan impatiently said.

Huo Kongtong thought: “Ninth Elder retreats to perfect Battlefield Ultimate Move. It is just an excuse for the outside world. The truth is that it is a playful fairy. The other party knows this, it should be related. I am attached to Chai Family, a rogue cultivator. Ninth Elder is not only a Chai Family, but also a grandson of Revered Great Elder. If I meet his friends, if you don’t borrow Gu insect, you will not be able to say it.”

Let’s borrow.

Anyway, mortal gu, it is nothing.

Huo Kongtong took out Gu insect and handed it to Fang Yuan’s hand, and asked: “I don’t know the brother, what is the name of the surname?”

“Good to say. I am Dongfang Xiongji.” Fang Yuan waved.

Huo Kongtong suddenly blinked and his heart was broken: “He is Dongfang Xiongji? It is indeed one of Ninth Elder’s bad friends. The name is called Southern Border, and the seeking revenge for the slightest grievance is very small. But he looks Isn’t it like this? Oh! He has no clothes and can only change appearance. That’s all, this borrowed Gu insect, don’t want it. It can be good to send this Littleman.” (~^ ~)

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