It is another scene.

In Life and Death Gate.

Death-Immersion Realm.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable has no flesh and presents the soul of three heads and thousand arms in front of everyone.

He looked at his face in the water and said to himself: “Very good. The Soul Devour technique I created from Gourmet Dao not only restored my peak but also swallowed other Gu Immortal souls. Their life memories and cultivation experience! He He He, is this a blessing in disguise…”

“But until the end, I have not found other Immortal Venerable, Demon Venerable’s soul. Constellation Immortal Venerable is not, understandable. Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable is not, is it successful to go home?”

“It’s time to return to the world. Without Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley obstructing the path, I have to get out of the Life and Death Gate, which is much easier than Human Ancestor. But for the time being, the body should not be dispatched. Let’s get some Soul Fragment and go out for me. paving.”

“hmph! Wait for me to regain your strength, then come and pack you.”

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is a special soul. He is sleeping at hu hu, and his body is full of yellow gold-like brilliance, like the sun, falling on the lakeside.


The next screen is no longer Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, but seven mortals.

“Revisit the sky, I feel a lot of emotions.” Among the seven people, one looks up to the sky.

“I am waiting for the mortal, but with the various cultivation experience given by the body, I can certainly build Gu Immortal.”

“Adverse Current River blocked the road, it was originally ten Soul Fragment, but only seven of us succeeded.”

“If the body is coming out, I am afraid I will go to a lot of trouble. Once I have been informed by the people, it will be more troublesome. They will never sit back and watch.”

“Surely, it’s still scattered, and the Five Regions are developing in secret. Every once in a while, they talk to each other.”

“In this case, why not create an organization and hide your eyes and ears?”

“right. It’s called Shadow Sect, it’s unobtrusive like a shadow, but it’s everywhere. One day, the whole Heaven and Earth will be shrouded in the shadow of me!”

“Good. I am waiting for seven people. They are coded red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet. It is like Immemorial Seven Heavens, once aloof and remote, but now it has fallen. So warn yourself, don’t be lazy!”


“The original Sword Immortal Bo Qing. It is really one of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment!” Heavenly Court Gu Immortals exclaimed.

One of the old women, 惭愧-ly said: “The ironclad is in the forefront, and there is no dispute. My Spiritual Fate House has a bad responsibility to monitor.”

“Demon Venerable means, it’s hard to prevent. Even Heavenly Court is mixed with his temptation Soul Fragment. Not to mention lower sect Spiritual Fate House? Fortunately, the Tower Lord is aware. Using Supervising Heaven Tower found this shock, which made We have a chance to stop this devil’s devil!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals sighed.

At the moment, although they can’t continue to harass, it seems that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s is not good.

Since the arrival of Ashen Memories Myriad Tribulation, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has been standing still, leaving the next Myriad Tribulation Supreme Clear Empty Space, and his injury is now terrible.

“青.” On the ground, Mo Yao Remnant Soul of Immortal Zombie Bo Qing within the body was also swayed by the young and handsome young in the picture.

Around her. The same fog and fog, showing a vivid scene in the depths of memory.

A messy ruin, a broken body, blood flowing all over the floor.

It seems that after a fierce battle.

“Beloved Qing! Don’t die, don’t die! You are dead, how can I survive?” Mo Yao, holding Sword Immortal Bo Qing, crying helplessly.

Bo Qing weakly powerlessly holding Mo Yao’s hand: “I don’t hide anything from you now. I am from Shadow Sect, this is Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment. You love the wrong person, fall in love with me. It will only hurt you. You go, go quickly. If you don’t leave, it’s too late.”

Mo Yao was shocked and shook his head. Resolutely refused: “No, I don’t go! I don’t care what you are. I only know that we love each other deeply. This is the most important thing. Others I don’t care! Can’t live with you, but I don’t. Can die with you!”

“Oh Oh!” Ying Wuxie is on the side of the look at, tut tut. Surprise color.

The fog is tumbling, and the picture beside Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has become more confusing.

Previously, it was just a Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable one-person perspective, but now it is divided into seven people.

These seven people just inherited the background of a small part, and each has a bitter pain.

And every once in a while, the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul on the Death-Immersion Realm will still travel to Adverse Current River and send out other Soul Fragments.

This makes the picture more chaotic.

However, there are still many big scenes that attract everyone’s attention.

Shadow Sect is a group of six people.

They are the first to leave the Life and Death Gate, and now they have become immortals.

“It’s my fault!” Green started talking, “If I don’t entrust Qing, let him teach me the Treasure Yellow Heaven’s profiteer, and I won’t let Qing fall into such a love network, rebel us, even the ontology is exposed. !”

“It’s not your fault. Green.” Purple comforted, “This is Will of Heaven’s martyrdom and framed! You don’t tell me? Didn’t you notice it? When we were mortal, it was not obvious. But with the growth base growth Everything is not smooth, and it is getting more and more bumpy. If you do anything, it will usually change, and completely spread the setback.”

“The green thing must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will interfere with the plan of the ontology!”

“How is it good? Sword Dao, the strongest battle strength. don’t tell me want me to gather together and eradicate him together?”

“This move is feasible, but it is very costly and risky. I have a plan! If it can be done, I can still win Fairy Mo Yao.” Purple Leisurely said.

“Oh? What is the plan?”

Purple laughed: “The reason why Qing is in love is because of the Spiritual Fate House township Immortal Gu Passion. This is as high as Rank 9, the formidable power is hard to match, so the green is so falling, in fact, no stranger to him. After all, his Sword Dao, It is not perfect, and it is difficult to resist this kind of offensive.”

“But it happened that I realized the experience today, Wisdom Dao Realm promoted to Great Grandmaster. Plus we have been keeping communication, I also know very well about Sword Dao. After the accident, I tried my best to calculate how to solve this problem. Problem. I figured out an Immortal Gu Formula that can be transformed into Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu.”

“Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu?”

Purple pipa first: “right. The so-called Huijian 斩 丝, this 蛊 不 Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Or inspired, believe oneself infallible to create this new Immortal Gu Formula.”

“Once he uses it, his body is shackled, he can restore his reason and return to us. Not only that, Mo Yao is still in love, we can use this and use her for her own use!”

Purple’s words made everyone happy and praised.

“Miaoji! Wonderful!”

“haha, it’s Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal purple.”


“What?!” Seeing this scene, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing on the ground, suddenly brows.

Mo Yao Remnant Soul, who is hosted inside, certainly knows his beloved, and in the future has indeed produced Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu!

“So, after Beloved Qing… Is it deceiving my feelings, or still loving me?” For a time, Mo Yao Remnant Soul fluctuated wildly, and his heart was filled with strong doubts.

At this time, another scene, next to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Shadow Sect is gathered together.

“As long as I am promoted to become Venerable, even without the appearance of the body, I can unrivaled beneath the heavens again. I have the invincible battle strength, even if it is Will of Heaven, I can’t help me. At least in this era, Longevity Gu has countless.” Qing slightly raised his neck, revealing an arrogant demeanor in his tone.

“You don’t want to underestimate Will of Heaven.” Green said solemnly, “The lessons we have received in these years are not enough?”

“Purple, you are our brains, what do you say?” Huang asked.

Purple look at at Qing: “From the first failure of Qing, as long as the preparation is sufficient, to eliminate the accident, it seems that the problem is not big… What is the situation of Fairy Mo Yao?”

“He He He.” Qing screamed a few times. “The silly woman actually prepared for herself to sacrifice herself. She ran to the 88 Floors True Yang Building and refining the Disaster Provoking Immortal Gu. At the time of my transcends tribulation, Vast Tribulation leads to his body.”

Purple shaking his head: “Although Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Luck Dao, it is true that it is not a chance. But Mo Yao this method, it is impossible to succeed. But since she has this heart, it is better to change the soul Immortal Gu, and that Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, handed over to her hand. In case your transcends tribulation fails, as long as the soul is not lost, the background is there, or you can quickly turn over.”

“Well. Ready to order.” Green ruthless nodded.


In this scene, the underlying Immortal Zombie Bo Qing was shocked.

Ying Wuxie Dark Dao is not good, even hurriedly said: “You, don’t think about it. This is Myriad Tribulation, not necessarily true!”

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing did not speak, but was silent as iron, holding his hands in his hands, his muscles were tight and his eyes were tightly closed.


Shadow Sect is gathered together.

“Blue failed. He used his own Immortal Aperture, which merged the Immemorial Blue Heaven pieces, studied Will of Heaven, and is now deeply involved in the dream.” Huang said so deeply.

All the people were silent.

For a long time, Zi slowly opened: “Although blue can be rescued by external forces, I think, but can’t rush to take action. This is the trap that Will of Heaven deliberately left, so that more members of us can reveal their identity.”

“oh! Which failed from the second impact of Rank 9 Realm, it can be seen. The resistance and Tribulation’s formidable power is more than ten times the first time! Obviously, Will of Heaven does not allow us to achieve Venerable. It has been dealing with us.”

“I don’t know everyone. Recently, I also felt extremely bad. First, green, then blue, then I am afraid it is me.”

All the people are surprised, hurriedly said: “Purple, don’t think too much.”

“It’s not a big thought. This is the hunch of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal… After I was in trouble, Gu Immortal Da Li replaced my position. Also, the power of Will of Heaven’s exceeds our estimate, but it is not unmasked. Shadow Sect should crouch as much as possible, concealing power in the dark, and going to the major event in the future, it is best to break out and let Will of Heaven not fully respond.”

Ps: 800 monthly ticket plus more.

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