It’s just Beastman Gu Immortal, and seeing this scene of Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, there is also a horror. Oh,

“Devil! Devil!”

“This Gloomy Soul has been completely paranoid. Although there are also objective causes, his heart is filled with disposition of a devil. He believes that nothing can be killed. He believes that the greatest pleasure is killing. He believes that Heaven and Earth Grand Dao’s core is still killing.”

“No wonder he can become a Demon Venerable, bringing the most slaughter to the world! Even the pain of tears in the soul is wonderful in his feelings. He seems to be calm and rational, but he has long been mad to the extreme. No one can save him. He has no medicine to save!”

“I have to admit that the invincible heart is the basis of invincibility. His cognition is a magical obstacle, but it is therefore unshakable. Everything can only reinforce the most wrong idea in his heart!”

“Myriad Tribulation is discouraged, I am afraid I can’t restrain him. Even if he is not Demon Venerable now, he can’t do ‘invincible’, his heart is still invincible!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals has a lot of talk, anxiety, fear, contempt, hatred, and fill each other’s faces.

Hey, hehe…

At this moment, among the sky, there was a sound of crisp and sweet birds.

Heavenly Court looked up and then rejoiced.

“Myriad Tribulation !”

“It’s another Myriad Tribulation!”

“Myriad Tribulation Ashen Memories has not been spent yet, and another Myriad Tribulation is coming.”

“Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable goes against the sky. Once born again, it must be loss of life. Heaven will never allow him to do this, so he will drop the incomparable Disaster and Tribulation. He is absolutely impossible to succeed!”

The sound of birds is getting louder and louder and more and more dense.

The clear jasper rays of light are shining in the sky.

A large group of flying birds formed a battle. Dive down.

“Myriad Tribulation Supreme Clear Empty Space.” In Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, someone recognized this trick.

This seems to be a flying bird. In fact, it is the unparalleled power of Space Dao. Flying birds pass, Heaven and Earth are empty. Nothing is left, terrifying of formidable power, shocking.

“This is the Supreme Clear Empty Space? In history, there was a failure of the Northern Plains sages to succumb to this robbery, but it was a life-threatening, and it was created to create the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. The descendants held it. Over Northern Territory.”

“right, it is this robbery!”

In the eager anticipation of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. The jasper bird descended and danced around the mountain-like Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

Wherever the birds go, they are like a sharp blade, forming a long and deep wound.

The wounds were scattered all over the place, and soon Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s all over the body was terrible.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul didn’t respond, yelling Ying Wuxie on the floor.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing is also a nervous face.

The fog lingers around Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, which seems to be its power, immersing Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul in the past.

Countless colorful smoke in the talland zhang sky. The circle is full of miles, and countless pictures are rolling in and out, showing ups and downs, showing the world the life experience of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable.

suddenly. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s position in the back of the head, the color of the smoke suddenly expanded, forming a giant curtain. Arrange all the surrounding images.

In the picture, a piece of green light. This is Green Heaven Fragment World among Immemorial Nine Heavens!

A group of Gu Masters is here, fighting a group of Featherman Gu Immortal.

It is still Gloomy Soul of Gu Immortal. Also mixed with it. He black robe black hair, fluttering in the wind, vertical and horizontal battlefield, killing intent.

“Human Race, you are too aggressive!” Featherman Gu Immortal leader furiously shouted, throwing an Immortal Gu Home.

It’s Feather Holy City.

More than a dozen Featherman Gu Immortal flew into the Immortal Gu Home, and the Feather Holy City broke out of the magnificent ray.

Human Race Gu Immortal lost, and immediately defeated.

Gu Immortal Gloomy Soul is also hard to stop the Immortal Gu Home, suffering serious injuries and death.

The curtain disappeared and was broken down into countless pieces. Thousands of pictures, around Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul up and down, left and right, wrap up him, almost impenetrable.

His countless energy during his lifetime, as long as there are emotional fluctuations, are now appearing at this moment, so that the onlookers are dazzled and dazzled.

Gloomy Soul’s life is like infinite concentration at this moment.

Everyone can see that he is getting farther and farther on the Demonic Path, the murderous nature is getting heavier and heavier, and the cultivation base is getting higher and higher.

A large curtain suddenly opened, crowding out the surrounding picture.

This is the location on the left leg of the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

Seeing this degree, the celestial beings also have clear comprehension, knowing that the more the picture of the color smoke is, the more the mood of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is at the same time.

Therefore, when this scene opened, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

This is a silver white space.

It is the place where Heavenly Thief True Inheritance is located.

Gu Immortal Gloomy Soul came in alone, and an arrogant demeanor was revealed between the eyebrows. He said to himself: “Heavenly Thief, you are Demon Venerable, but you are already dead. You leave the inheritance and give it to me.”

However, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance is reserved for Demon from Beyond The Heavens.

Gu Immortal Gloomy Soul is clearly not Demon from Beyond The Heavens and is not qualified to inherit inheritance.

He used all means to vomit blood, his face pale, and he returned.


When Gloomy Soul achieved the position of Demon Venerable, Hengba Heaven and Earth, Tu Yu Cangsheng.

He stood up to the peak, and his eyes were full of frost.

The exhibition faraway, all corpses all over the body, a loss of life.

This is also recorded in the history of Human Race. Gloomy Soul has broken through a super power and slaughtered thousands of people just to get Longevity Gu.

He played this Longevity Gu in his hand, but his eyes were very confused.

He looks at Heaven and Earth and muttered to himself: “Hey, if you want to kill me, why are you creating us?”

He has the power of unrivaled beneath the heavens, but his heart is confused.

His Slaughter Dao can’t explain this doubt.


It is another big curtain.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable came to the Heavenly Thief True Inheritance space, where he was a young man.

Heavenly Thief will condense in front of him: “But anyone who becomes a Venerable has an out of the ordinary. But I hope that you can exalt your hand and keep my True Inheritance and leave it to the fated person.”

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable carries both hands, expression indifference: “When I was young, I was eager to get everything here. But now, I have achieved Paragon Dao. Your things here, even if they are precious, have not attracted me. I am here. , but there is a doubt in my heart.”

Heavenly Thief will say with a smile : “I understand. People who come to you and me. There will be many doubts about Heaven and Earth produce. So, I will share my experience with you and let you make a reference.”

“Good.” Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable nodded.

Heavenly Thief will continue: “You may already know that I am not a person in this world. In your understanding, I am Demon from Beyond The Heavens.”

“The World I came to has a different landscape and background than this one. For me, I am just a visitor here, I really want to go home. I have been working hard for this in my life.”

“My real name is Ben Jiesun. I have an original appearance, golden hair, and blue eyes. Before I came here, I had a beautiful fiancée and was negotiating for the wedding. My social status is also high because I am a Mecha Great Master.”

“Chicken rack?” Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable has a strong interest in his eyes.

He traveled through the Five Regions and heard for the first time what it was like the Heavens’ World.

“Mecha…you can understand him as a kind of awkwardness. Or armor. People are in it, manipulates, and a powerful battle strength.” Heavenly Thief will reluctantly explain.


After a while, another scene came out.

88 Floors in True Yang Building.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable holds a Ju Yang True Inheritance. After watching, I suddenly sighed: “This body possession method, although life prolonging. But with the soul, but linger on in a steadily worsening condition. It is inevitable to die. To life prolonging, or Longevity Gu first. The road to Gu Immortal. Disaster and Tribulation are heavy, ** hard to resist, hard to survive, Long Life is against the sky… difficult!”

“Ju Yang, Ju Yang, even if you create 88 Floors True Yang Building, you are trying to search for Northern Plains Longevity Gu. But Will of Heaven is sinister, and the production of Longevity Gu is getting less and less, even if you want to win the world’s Longevity Gu, How can it be?”

“The Longevity Gu is produced, which is what Will of Heaven does. To stay in Heaven and Earth, the key is Will of Heaven.”


Among the River of Time.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable stands in midair and overlooks a Red Lotus on the river.

He squatted on his body and gave off a thick shade that eroded Red Lotus.

Finally, I tried my best to make a face on the surface of Red Lotus.

“Historically, the most mysterious Red Lotus Demon Venerable…” Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable sighed, his face was tired, his eyes were shining. “I’m going to have a look, why did you deliberately close your hand and leave the remaining Fate Immortal?” Gu ?”

a long time.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s look, mixed with wonder and confusion.

He whispered in his mouth.

“Constellation Immortal Venerable is a good calculation!”

“It turned out that only the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens can completely break the fate.”

“Like Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, it can only be regarded as a half Demon from Beyond The Heavens. Similar to the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Soul Penetration I created. Because his soul source is beyond the Heavens World, but the body is produced from the native.”

“I want life prolonging, I have to violate Heavenly Dao, disobey Will of Heaven. Unfortunately, Will of Heaven has no soul, I can’t kill Will of Heaven. Maybe on on this Red Lotus’ True Inheritance’s essence, can achieve half Demon from Beyond The Heavens ……”


In a dark secret room.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable sits on the floor with numerous gu formations in front of him.

There are many bodies in the gu formation. There are men and women, old and young, and nonhuman species.

At this time, the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, the hair is scattered, full of blood is full of hands, thin shape like a sly, deep in the eye socket, a pair of scorpions but stunned.

He stared at a book in his hand.

Human Ancestor Biography.

“Human Ancestor Biography, Human Ancestor Biography, I can’t think of you until today, I really understand you. You are the explanation of Human Dao, the True Inheritance left by Human Ancestor.”

“With the help of Human Dao, I was able to create a new flesh. After Soul Penetration, it was half a Demon from Beyond The Heavens !”

“Maybe not only, I can still…”

“It’s a pity. It’s all too late, it’s too late! I’ve been hurt and ill, and death is in sight.”

This scene, the watch of Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, was very shocked.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable unrivaled beneath the heavens, actually died because of the injury. Who actually hurt him? Or is he testing Human Dao and hurt himself?

Myriad Tribulation Supreme Clear Empty Space is still going on.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Thousands of arms, most of which have been cut off by sapphire birds. He is riddled with scars, still not moving and the slightest resistance.

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