It is also a large picture.

“Green, let’s go!” Huang slammed his green arm and dragged him out.

“No, I don’t go! There is still a rescue. You see the ten Immortal Fetus 蛊, and the breath remains!” Green yelled, struggling, “Let me go, that’s my life’s pains!”

“Do you think this explosion is a pure accident? Look at these remaining Rank 8 immortal materials, you are carefully examined!” Huang anger shouted.

Green was shocked, and the color of clear and bright flashed in his eyes. He recognized it. Immediately, full head, cold sweat, and heart lingering – ly said: “These immortal materials are filled with Will of Heaven. That was close, just the moment I was actually influenced by Will of Heaven. Even if I have such a grand formation, I have been caught in the Northern Plains trench and I have been spotted by Will of Heaven?”

“Only the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens will not be noticed by Will of Heaven. We are aware that there is nothing to be discouraged. Give up, let’s start all over again.” Huang Kuanwei said.

Green is speechless, staring at a piece of sand, heavy face nodded.


“I have already told you that your inference is completely wrong, and Red Lotus’ True Inheritance has nothing to do with me.” Gu Immortal Da Li reluctantly said.

Opposite Time Dao Gu Immortal, the face is covered in a layer of fog, not clear. Only the red Lotus nicks on the forehead are bright and colorful.

He (she) sneered: “I use the Time Dao method in Red Lotus’ True Inheritance to calculate, how can I make a mistake? Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s one True Inheritance, it falls on you.”

Da Li was silent for a moment, and finally said: “There is nothing to say, fight!”

After that, I will go back.

“You finally don’t hide!” Mysterious Gu Immortal is also fighting intent.

Fighting for a long time.

Gu Immortal Da Li lost to the opponent and was suppressed by Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage.


Myriad Tribulation Supreme Clear Empty Space is finally over.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was unrestrained and was covered with scars by thousands of bluebirds. The whole body was cut by one third.

At the same time, Supervising Heaven Tower seems to be moving, and it seems that there is also a tendency to break free from the state of Void Transformation.

The gray mist that permeates the surroundings, unconsciously. Has dissipated more than half.

This shows that Myriad Tribulation Ashen Memories has also passed most of the time.

But the Disaster and Tribulation in the sky is still going on!

Another wave of Myriad Tribulation is on the top of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

It seems that as long as Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul does not die. Will of Heaven will not let him go!

Myriad Tribulation – sinister oil.

From the sky, drop a drop of viscous lethal poison slurry.

These oils seem to be very hot, dripping on Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, and immediately chi chi, with a purple mist.

The slurry penetrates and flows in from the previous wound. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was eroded by oily smears.

Soon, these lethal poison slurries changed from a drop to a series, and a series of turns into countless cockroaches, falling from the sky, shrouded in a single hundred li.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s huge body, bathed in lethal poison, is eroded and rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the body quickly shrinks.

But he never saw any action.

Ying Wuxie underneath. The face is full of anxious colors.

He wants to shout, but he is in the Vast Tribulation. Any action, even an excited thought, will make him sink deeper and deeper.

“What’s wrong, you two are like this!” He whispered and turned to Immortal Zombie Bo Qing.

From the beginning, Immortal Zombie Bo Qing was silent as if it were a stone statue, motionless, seemingly sorrowful than death, and indifferent to everything outside.

Fortunately. They are at the foot of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Blocked by the towering body of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, Myriad Tribulation has not yet caused any harm to Ying Wuxie or Immortal Zombie Bo Qing.

A few miles away from 100,000.

Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng helped each other and tried to escape.

Behind them, a group of Southern Border Gu Immortal was chasing.

The local consciousness of the Five Regions Gu Immortal. They are quite strong. Even in the most enlightened Eastern Sea, the foreign Gu Immortal is not so mixed, often being oppressed and crowded by Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.

In the previous battle, after Hei Loulan almost killed a Southern Border Gu Immortal, things became more and more out of control.

Southern Border Gu Immortal is furious, you are so arrogant in Northern Plains’ outsiders. Bully intolerably, do not say on the Southern Border, but also hurt our people. What is this place for our Southern Border?

Therefore, the pursuit of killing, not only that, but also called friends to join, and called a number of help.

Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng are in a bad state and have injuries. They fought back and forth, deliberately guided, farther and farther away from Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Hei Loulan has a big ambition and doesn’t dare to get there again.

That’s not the stage for Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

Even Rank 7 is not, and Rank 8 can only be a supporting role.

That is Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul and Will of Heaven’s!

Myriad Tribulation sinister oil has ended, and now Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is shrouded in another Myriad Tribulation.

This Myriad Tribulation is no longer known, breaking through the limits of historical records.

It is invisible and inferior, only a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere.

Breathless, wherever he went, triggered the explosion of time after time on Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is a soul, but it is as solid as a Soul Beast.

Now the atmosphere is being bombarded, the body of the tall and sturdy has disappeared, leaving only the skeleton, and the large soul has been blown out by all around.

In the fog, there is another scene.

Old Man Yan Shi spit blood, holding Heavenly Mystery Gu, whispering in his mouth: “The original Fang Yuan’s body has Spring and Autumn Cicada. No wonder he can be converted into Fixed Immortal Travel to Central Continent’s Fox Immortal Blessed Land to capture Soul Shaking Mountain. Then smashed Royal Court Blessed Land and collapsed 88 Floors True Yang Building !”

“He is both Demon from Beyond The Heavens and Spring and Autumn Cicada, obviously escaped the fate… He He He, this will be the best chess piece for me to deal with Will of Heaven’s. Fine, let me serve you and Taibai Yunsheng Cover up and prevent others from guessing you.”


Qin Baisheng peeked at Immemorial Ruin Bat and the Disaster and Tribulation between Heaven and Earth.

This was exactly the scene when the Dongfang Changfan body possession was reborn and thus transcends tribulation.

“Dongfang Changfan, but the body possession is reborn, but because of the smell of the body, it is noticed by Will of Heaven, and it is so catastrophic. In the future, the body must be born again, I am afraid that Disaster and Tribulation will be even bigger!”

On the other side, Brilliant Flame Thunder Pond Immortal Zombie nodded: “We can go, this temptation to Will of Heaven’s is over. Just why Chu Rong hasn’t returned yet?”

At this time. Fairy Jiang Yu shows figure, expression is bad: “Chu Rong is dead, the action of recycling Ordinary Thatched House failed!”

“What happened?” Qin Baisheng was shocked. “Chu Rong has a Realm from Flame Dao Grandmaster. Rank 7 cultivation base.”

“It’s a descendant of Demon Immortal San Mao.” Fairy Jiang Yu said, “This person is very deep, and the means is very ruthless, even I almost can’t come back.”

“Demon Immortal San Mao… oh, fine. Just give up the Ordinary Thatched House. The plan is just around the corner. You can’t get the identity of the Immortal Gu Home, and you will be tempted by Will of Heaven’s.” Qin Baisheng pondering for a moment, this Only then.


Unrestrained Valley.

Shadow Sect group of people, facing Central Continent Gu Immortal, looks heavy.

Qin Baisheng stared at Feng Jiuge and sighed: “Will of Heaven’s blow has come. Yan Shi hides the pieces of Fang Yuan and hides his whereabouts. Central Continent Gu Immortal investigates Fang Yuan, and the result is smooth, but instead The investigation came to us.”

“What should I do now?” asked Fairy Jiang Yu.

“It seems that it is impossible to fight.” Qin Baisheng bit his jaw.


“cough cough cough…” Old Man Yan Shi coughs. It was pale, weak and exhausted as if it were the next breath, and there was danger of breathing.

“This time used Heavenly Mystery Gu, which has lost hundreds of life essences. But it is also worth the money, and the Spring and Autumn Cicada is not in good condition. It has been used.”

“Looking at Fang Yuan’s early arrival at Righteous Heavenly Mountain, it is clear that I already know the Battle of Righteous Heavenly Mountain. So it is inferred that the ontology has failed once, so the red Lotus’ True Inheritance won on the right, let Fang Yuan Rebirth. Return to the past, change the future. Oh, thanks to the Spring and Autumn Cicada of Rank 6, it is not enough.”

“This way. Fang Yuan is undoubtedly an excellent benchmark. Looking at his next performance, I will be able to figure out more.”

“Do you search directly for his soul, will it be more straightforward? Will it affect the overall situation?”


“According to my deployment, Bo Qing, Seven Stars Child and the others, has tried to delay Heavenly Court’s footsteps. This result should be much better than the previous lifetime.”

Old Man Yan Shi is made in the pavilion. Look at Qingshan white fog, unpredictable.

“The Zombie Alliance is also well-placed and can be used as a back-up for saving the situation. Of course it is best to keep it, oh, I hope I won’t use it.”

“With the new Longevity Gu, my life essence is still more than twenty years. It is time to die. Soul Fragment belongs to the ontology, it is just what it should be. But before the death, then the underestimation of the ontology The Disaster and Tribulation.”

After a while.

“Cough cough cough. I didn’t die? So, Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster have been exhausted by me? No, it’s the Shadow Sect think tank of each generation, the last step of the calculation, finally have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly ,reached Qualitative change!”

“He He He, it’s a bit ironic. With the Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu as the core, the Wisdom Dao ultimate move can be used to calculate the content of Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster. However, this Immortal Gu is created by the land. He tried his best to eliminate it. The influence of the ontology, I did not expect after death, actually helped the Shadow Sect.”


See this scene, Heavenly Court Gu Immortals turn pale with fright.

It turns out that Shadow Sect has reached the point of calculating Disaster and Tribulation! Thus, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is motionless in Myriad Tribulation and is quite suspicious.

The mysterious Myriad Tribulation has gradually come to an end, and the last Myriad Tribulation has come.

Jing Hao robbery!

Countless green vines, covered with sharp barbs, from the sky, from the ground, burst out, and entangled in Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Soon, millions of vines, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul wrap up, forming a huge rattan ball.

They linger, entangled and tightened, and rooted in the body of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, they used Demon Venerable’s soul as a nutrient sucker!

“It’s not right! It’s not right!”

“He is deliberate, you look at the Ten Perfect Grand Formation!”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal looked away and suddenly woke up.

It turns out that Shadow Sect has already calculated the contents of Disaster and Tribulation, so it has been arranged in a targeted manner.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul deliberately does not resist, just wants to rely on Myriad Tribulation’s strength, and integrates its Soul Dao background into the grand formation as a nutrient for grand formation.

“What exactly does he want to produce? Actually treat his own devil as a coffin refining!”

“Not just that. Myriad Tribulation is actually on his body, engraving the Dao Marks of Space Dao, Poison Dao, Qi Dao, Wood Dao, and destroying his Soul Dao’s Dao Marks. The reason why he can hit Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul And because these Dao Marks are not weaker than he has accumulated the Soul Dao background for 100,000!”


Perceived this, Heavenly Court Gu Immortals involuntarily suck in a breath of cold air.

In this way, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul not only refines himself, but also uses the power of Myriad Tribulation to help him achieve his plot.

What is he trying to figure out?

Ten Perfect Grand Formation has entered the final stage. In the fog, the ball of light has become more and more round.

A heart of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord suddenly sinks into the bottom of the valley.

His face is full of perseverance, said solemnly: “Can’t go on like this anymore. We must destroy Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s plot! No matter what he refining, he must destroy this Ten Perfect Grand Formation as soon as possible.”

“But we are already in the state of Void Transformation.”

“No, we have another chance to fight back. This is the result of only the supervising Heaven Tower Lord of all generations. The until now is a strictly conservative secret!” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals suddenly surprised and happy: “Isn’t that fast to use?”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord smiled and said the price of the use.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals fell into a dead silence.

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