100,000 years ago.

Southern Border, the magnetic mountain.

The night is shrouded and dark. The wind and thunder are rolling, and from time to time, lightning illuminates a battlefield.

On the mountainside of the Suspended Mountain, more than a dozen Gu Masters are on the ground.

The rain was pouring, but it was not able to wash away the strong bloody smell here.

A fierce battle has already come to an end, and there are only two people left on the battlefield. The outcome is already very obvious.

“Hahaha” A young man laughs, his eyes are red, full of bloodthirsty colors. He stepped forward to another Gu Master.

Another Gu Master old man, seriously injured, difficult to fight again. He squatted back, but his feet were tripped and fell on the muddy ground.

Youth Gu Master slowly stepped out of the heavy rain curtain, standing in front of the old Gu Master’s, overlooking him condescendingly, his eyes are ice-cold, without a trace of warmth.

But the old Gu Master’s eyes, but no fear, but full of incredible resentment

Old man whispered: “Why? Why Xiaoyou, I am your pro-grandfather, you are big with one hand, and you are also taught by myself. You can have today’s achievements, but also family to cultivate Why do you want to raid the top of the family, why should you repaying kindness with enmity? Why? Why?

In the face of the strong question of the old man, the youth Gu Master looked down and chuckled: “Why? I really didn’t really think about it. Um… If you really want to say something, it may be because you are upset.”


“Yeah…what is the strength of the family without the strength of the other party, you have to swallow the voice. Say what respects the old and love the young, the gracious and shameful, don’t rush to the Senior. Say what the family will rely on me to support, maintain the reputation, think for the clansman. In order to be a wise Patriarch in the future… It’s really irritating. I’m so annoyed when I was young, I thought I could endure it, and I endured it. I finally couldn’t help it.” Youth Gu Master said, his mouth opened. Leaking out the teeth of Senbai.

“Just because of this?” The old Gu Master was so angry that he was so eager to sit up.

His eyes wide staring angrily, yelling: “How come you become like this? What are you thinking about in your head? I really blinked, forcing you for so many years hehe, I actually want to give the village to you?”

The old Gu Master angered to the end, and the voice brought out the crying room, and actually cried directly.

“Enough is enough” youth Gu Master looks pale, and the cry of the old man makes him extremely annoyed.

He held up the right hand. Suddenly.


a light sound, the old Gu Master was smashed into two left and right sides, blood spewing, internal organs falling, dying with a grievance.

The youth Gu Master suddenly calmed down, motionless.

He was dressed in a black robe, like a stone statue, standing in the rain.

He lowered his head and looked at the body under his feet, and his mind could not help but reveal the memories of the past.

Childhood. Grandfather took him on a bamboo horse and flew a kite. After being measured by the Higher Rank natural talent, grandfather smiled. After becoming a Gu Master. The way grandfather teaches hands. Also with him, he handles family affairs, and teaches…

a long time.

Youth Gu Master spits out one mouthful of impure air, smirk.

“He He He…Hahaha.”

Soon, the laughter flew, he suddenly looked up, looked into the sky, his arms fully open.

His tears flowed, his heart filled with sorrow, but at the same time his face. All are extremely satisfying expressions.

He feels like a person who is getting drowning. Suddenly, broke the water. Struggling to go ashore.

He involuntarily breathes large, bloody smell, seems to be mixed with clansman’s resentment and anger, screaming at him.

But he felt the air, really fucking fresh.

“Although it is very sad… But is this freedom? Hahaha. I knew that it should have been killed. These noisy things should have been killed. If you don’t look good, you will kill them directly.”

Youth Gu Master shouted in the torrential rain, excited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Kā chā.

A thunder and lightning flashed, illuminating the face of the youth Gu Master is full of joy.

100,000 years later.

Thunder and lightning, the electric dragon flashed, also illuminating the face of your Gu Master’s.

Only then, he has become unrecognizable and turned into a monster of thousand zhang, three heads and thousand arms.

“Noisy, hong long long, that’s enough.” Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul open mouth.

Nearly a thousand arms are simultaneously forceful, Demonic Qi is rolling, permeate heaven and earth, a tornado column that will be wrapped around the body, tearing all the way.

The whistle sounded 90,000 miles.

Cover and press

Lightning In this howling, all disappeared.

The clouds are scattered, Myriad Tribulation, which is broken by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul

It seems that even Myriad Tribulation can’t help him.

The power of Demon Venerable is so far.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan and the others Heavenly Court Gu Immortal are all in vain.

“Is it successful?” Bo Qing Ying Wuxie looked back and looked at her face.

But immediately, the sky is again gloomy down, and the boundless grey cloud accumulates above the head of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

The second wave of Myriad Tribulation is brewing

Bo Qing Ying Wuxie suddenly complexion sank.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals is simultaneously sighed in relief.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Six eyes, revealing a contemplative color.

Suddenly, he raised hundreds of arms and was easily inserted into the cloud of the waist.

This cloud was transformed by the Ten Perfect Grand Formation, and with the help of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, it was very violent.

“Not good, he is accelerating grand formation”

“Although I don’t know what he wants to make, he can’t let him do it.”

“various immortal, let me work with me”

Under the leadership of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, Supervising Heaven Tower suddenly illusory, surrounded by ghosts and flies smoothly.

a moment later , Supervising Heaven Tower turned from a virtual to a real, bang, blasting the air, fiercely slamming on the right side of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s head.

Suddenly, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s head was slammed down and his chin crashed into the collarbone.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul roared and hundreds of arms caught at Supervising Heaven Tower.

“Return” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord shouted.

The six Heavenly Court Rank 8 Gu Immortal around me is responsible for this.

Supervising Heaven Tower once again succeeded in Void Transformation, making Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s counterattack an empty one.

This ability of Void Transformation is also one of the Supervising Heaven Tower’s tools. Just to start. It’s not easy, it takes a lot of thoughts and energy. A means of absorbing foreign offensives like the Graceful Battle Stage.

Six Heavenly Court Gu Immortal has two consecutive Void Transformations, and has been tired of feeding for breath.

Supervising Heaven Tower Void Transformation. Floating on top of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s. At this time, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s hundreds of thick and dark arms. It is like a serious shrinkage, becoming thin and slender.

With his help, Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie has no dramatic changes in the grand formation, and it is filled with dark clouds, which quickly condense toward the center.

In the center of the dark cloud, a ball is faintly visible, slowly spinning, and scattering fourteen kinds of brilliance.

See this scene. Supervising Heaven Tower Lord turn pale with fright, quickly ordered: “Turn off these arms”

Supervising Heaven Tower, like Lisuo, cuts all the way and draws a dazzling light in the air. Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s has a broken arm along the way.

“Ying Wuxie, you are going to deal with Heavenly Court Gu Immortal” Immortal Zombie Bo Qing quickly shouted.

They come to deal with Fang Yuan and the others, it is very easy.

However, due to various shocks, several times were interrupted.

Ying Wuxie bite his teeth, but he is not willing to go this way: “And slow, let me sleep Fang Yuan first.”

Said. He mobilized the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Leading Soul to Enter the Dream at the Rank 8 level.

Fang Yuan has nowhere to dodge and is caught in a dream.

The lakeside pavilion, the zither sound is melodious.

Fang Yuan sees Constellation Immortal Venerable again.

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation

Fang Yuan hastened to play Dream Dao ultimate move. The dream is still motionless, at most in his vision, a wave of transparent ripples.

His Dream Interpretation, although restraining dreams, is only a Rank 6 layer. In contrast, Ying Wuxie’s ultimate move at this time has reached Rank 8.

The difference between the two is too great, which prevents Fang Yuan from unlocking the dream.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s heart sinks into the bottom.

The zither sound tweeted thousands of times, Constellation Immortal Venerable smiled slightly at Fang Yuan. Open mouth is low.

Fang Yuan smiled and knew that he had lost this time.

Void Transformation

Supervising Heaven Tower once again escaped Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

But Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s ghost hand did not stop. Plug in the Ten Perfect Grand Formation again.

Supervising Heaven Tower intends to attack again, but see one of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s heads. Suddenly wide-eyed eyes, eyes on the Supervising Heaven Tower.

Supervising Heaven Tower can’t get rid of the state of Void Transformation

“Hahaha, this time, are you giving me a break and seeing it?” Ying Wuxie clasped her hands and smirked.

“Fang Yuan” Hei Loulan Taibai Yunsheng shouted.

But Fang Yuan is falling asleep, how can he wake up.

Bo Qing is about to kill Hei Loulan Taibai Yunsheng, and suddenly it has a strong attraction from the earth.

All the monks were caught off guard, each and every one was sucked onto the ground, their legs were deeply inserted into the land, and a terrifying amount of Intangible Strength was restrained by them, making them difficult to act.

Vast Tribulation

Bo Qing Ying Wuxie startled, did not expect that in addition to Myriad Tribulation for the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, there are still Vast Tribulation lurking them.

“How are they not controlled?” Soon, the two were taken aback.

I saw Hei Loulan Taibai Yunsheng once he landed on the ground, he recovered his freedom and was free to walk.

Hei Loulan Taibai Yunsheng was surprised and happy.

The latter quickly grabbed Fang Yuan, who was sleeping, and hurried back.

What makes them even more happy is that the mysterious ball is born in the Ten Perfect Grand Formation, and the power around it is gone. If Fang Yuan wakes up, he will be able to mobilize Fixed Immortal Travel and successfully evacuate.

However, Fang Yuan is now in a deep sleep.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing’s eyes, the glittering killing intent, was about to spur Sword Dao Immortal Gu, but found that the thoughts in his mind had just risen and were taken out by the earth.

Apparently, Vast Tribulation has a wide range of capabilities. Not only can you deal with Gu Immortal’s body, but you can even influence your will and emotions.

In this way, Bo Qing can only look at the eyes at Hei Loulan and the others, and successfully slipped under his eyelid

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