All the people present, can’t believe their eyes!

Zither Heart Tribulation, Drifting Stars Tribulation, and two Vast Tribulations were cracked by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, as easy as drinking water.

“This, is this the Rank 9 Demon Venerable’s power?” Fang Yuan shocked.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is dead, presented in front of the crowds, just his soul.

This huge soul has been separated from the normal form of human beings.

He is up to thousand zhang, and he is standing on the ground! The perfect cloud of Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie is only found in the waist of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Fang Yuan and the others are located in the air and the mosquitoes are similar. Look at Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s thigh, as if to see the Moyun Mountain.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s chest, has been towering into the sky, he is shouldering the sky!

There are three of his heads.

The head of the head has Dragon Horn, Griffin, Viper, and Ivory.

The head on the left is peach, grass, and three eyes.

The head on the right has clouds, electric eyes, fire ears, and gold mouth.

His arm has a thousand, five hundred on the left and five hundred on the right. Dark as ink, shiny muscles, hard lines, Demonic Qi Senran.

He also has a thousand ghosts, just Heavenly Court Gu Immortal go to a lot of trouble, using Embroidery House, the ghost hand sewn on the surface, but only one in a thousand nothing more!

“Ah! This image, this image! don’t tell me is? Impossible! Impossible!” Fairy Lishan has recognized the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, screaming. She clasped her head in her hands and shook her head again and again, and she had no trace of Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

The image of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s is not a secret. It is widely circulated in Gu Immortal World and even in the mortal world.

Especially in the Southern Border, many villages, countless mortals, have superstitious Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s custom. People use clay to create a statue that resembles Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s. Every festival or sacrifice, worship and memorial.

Hei Loulan’s pupils shrank into needle-sized sizes, and they were shocked to say nothing. He was shaking slightly under his body.

Hey, Taibai Yunsheng rolled his throat, swallowed a mouthful of water, and sweated all over his body.

Fang Yuan’s face. Then there is momentum and yearning.

The shock before it disappeared without a trace.

“This… Is this the ultimate of Soul Dao? The soul is back to reality, interfering with matter, condensing like the flesh, incredibly powerful! Such a soul background. Absolute far surpasses 100,000,000 Human Soul. My soul is compared to it. It’s the difference between the worm and the moon…”

“It’s such a powerful Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, still dead, and the soul is in Life and Death Gate. Now he breaks the door and goes against it. What is the intention?”

“When can I reach Realm like him? But even if you reach these Realm, you will inevitably die. My pursuit… Eternal Life… Does it exist?”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are shining, and at this moment, he is excited.

Despite being the Immortal Zombie. But he has the illusion of hot blood!

Expert is a teacher.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is a sage, and there is no doubt that he is at the forefront of the gu cultivator.

Even if Fang Yuan has five hundred years of previous life experience, but standing in front of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, he is like a scene at the moment, like a mosquito!

But Fang Yuan’s was terrified and it was gone.

Instead, it is more exciting, almost fanatical!

It is like a person who is determined to be on the highest peak, seeing a very high mountain, although not his own goal. But it is full of strength, want to climb, go beyond!

Death has long been left behind by Fang Yuan.

Die on the way to climbing. The bones are gone, soul destroyed, what is it?

This is my lifelong pursuit!


At this time, Supervising Heaven Tower suddenly burst into a magnificent light, and suddenly shattered Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s ghost hand. Regain freedom.

After all is Rank Immortal Gu Home at 9 level.

In the tower, the atmosphere is condensed to the extreme.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals Close to lips, watching the giants of this permeate heaven and earth, the heart is extremely depressed.

“Sure enough, it’s Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, the mighty magic, terrifying!” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord laughed heartily, his body swelled, silver white beard made all around fluttering, big sleeves fluttering, such as battle flags hunting .

His fighting intent was like a fire, and soon infected other Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

In the eyes of all the immortals, there was a flame burning.

“Will of Heaven is not to be violated!”

“The sky is irreversible!”

“Even if you are Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, you have slaughtered the world and killed people.”

“Your age is over!”

“If you die today, you must also protect the Grand Dao!!”

“Come, motivate Supervising Heaven Tower together.”

Various immortal Supervising Heaven Tower has an unprecedented brilliance.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s left head casts a gaze, snoring, and several arms swiftly waving.

The entire Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has a speed that is completely incompatible with the size. In a flash, a few ghosts took the Supervising Heaven Tower and wrapped it in the palm of his hand.

One by one’s ghost hand, and then stretched over, superimposed on each other, suppressing Supervising Heaven Tower in the center.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Naturally unwilling, Supervising Heaven Tower’s radiance, through the fingers of the ghost hand, like a sword, stabbed.

More than a dozen ghosts were stacked together, but they swayed.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul did this, but no longer supervised the Heaven Tower, and all three heads looked up and looked at the sky.

Although he is as tall as thousand zhang, his sky is higher and still on his head.

It seems to be irritated by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s arrogance, and the deepest part of the sky is brewing a thunderstorm.

The feeling of the end of the day, covering the heart of the ordinary immortal in the field.

“This… is no longer Vast Tribulation.”

“This is Myriad Tribulation !consigned to eternal damnation !”

Shadow Sect Gu Immortal lost his voice.

Above the Vast Tribulation, there is Myriad Tribulation.

Myriad Tribulation terrifying, Rank 8 Gu Immortal If you have played three games, you can achieve Rank 9 Venerable!

Heaven is angry, it seems that Vast Tribulation is useless to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, so I created Myriad Tribulation directly.

Myriad Tribulation Wind Thunder Cage!

Hurry up.

The abrupt outbreak of Myriad Tribulation is beyond the expectation of almost all of Gu Immortal.

There are countless lightnings in the sky, and countless tornadoes, like a dragon, wrapped around Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has three heads, all roaring towards the sky. Six pairs of eyes, bursting out of the sky of the blood light, killing intent boiling, stunned.

Thousands of arms and hands are almost a simultaneous dance of scatter, one by one ghost hand tearing the wind-filled dragon. Each and every one small mountain-like giant punch, against the lightning of the sky.

Hei Loulan and the others have lost their ability to speak.

The sight in front of me seems to be the reappearance of ancient myths.

Myriad Tribulation is for Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul and Ten Perfect Grand Formation. Fang Yuan and the others are wrapped in grand formation. It is safer.

“This Myriad Tribulation, the giant of formidable power, far surpasses is unusual!”

“The body is still supported.”

“Ten Perfect Grand Formation?”

“The 60% has been refined.”

“Only 60%… The next Disaster and Tribulation will definitely be more terrifying.”

Speaking of this, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals are silent.

The real enemy. Not Heavenly Court, not Fang Yuan, but this Grand Grand Dao!

If it is in a complete state, Shadow Sect has confidence. But now, due to various factors such as Heavenly Court and Fang Yuan, the status is very incomplete. Even the Ten Perfect Grand Formation was once broken, and it was saved at the expense of the entire Zombie Alliance.

“Feather Holy City has been lost, the body is out, and we have no use.”

“right. Put in Ten Perfect Grand Formation. It’s good to save more time.”

“So, those people?”

“Take us two to clean up.” Ying Wuxie looked at Bo Qing, started talking.

After the Disaster and Tribulation, it will be more terrifying. Shadow Sect Gu Immortals is very small against the effects of Disaster and Tribulation. It is better to sacrifice yourself and promote grand formation.

The true identity of these Shadow Sect Gu Immortal is actually Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment.

Because of this, Shadow Sect remains mysterious and hidden behind the scenes. Secretly developed for so many years, no exposure.

Because of this, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals is a dead-end, regardless of sacrifice. Unite.

This big force is actually just Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s only one horn!

After negotiating, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals, including Seven Stars Child, Song Zixing and the others, made the same choices as Old Man Yan Shi, devoted themselves to grand formation and sacrificed on the spot.

Only two people are left.

One is Ying Wuxie. Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, the cultivation base is also growing over time. At the last moment of life span, it will become the full Rank 9, the last trump card of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

Another is Immortal Zombie Bo Qing. Bo Qing is also one of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment, but at the moment he is only Bo Qing’s body, with the body Remnant Soul but not Bo Qing, but Mo Yao.

Mo Yao Remnant Soul does not directly promote the grand formation even if it is invested in grand formation. It can only be used as immortal materials to be refine. Of course, this is not worth the candle, so it is left behind.

In the big picture, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul took control of the situation and countered Myriad Tribulation while suppressing Supervising Heaven Tower.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing and Ying Wuxie had no worries and went to Fang Yuan and the others.

Fang Yuan and the others, naturally not their opponents, seeing this quickly and withdrawing.

But by the grand formation wrap up, and banned Space Dao, where to escape?

Bo Qing waved his hand, the sword light flashed, and Fairy Lishan flew out of the first level, and the blood spewed from the neck.

The power of Sword Immortal cannot be resisted at all.

Resetting Person !

At the crucial moment, Taibai Yunsheng evoked Resetting Person Immortal Gu.

Fairy Lishan regained his original shape, touched his neck, and his eyes filled with panic.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing held his hands and smiled: “Rank 6 Time Dao Gu insect, can you make me lose?”

Bone barely fell, Fairy Lishan both eyes ,大,within the body Sword Qi broke out, the whole person turned into a bloody broken meat.

“Little aunt!” Hei Loulan screamed, his eyes red, killing Bo Qing.

Ying Wuxie stopped Fang Yuan.

He stared at Fang Yuan: “Fang Yuan, you can get out of my dreams, very interesting. So now I am already Rank 8 cultivation base, I have to see if you can escape the dream!”

“Do you know my name?” Fang Yuan whispered and felt bad.

“He He He. You are Demon from Beyond The Heavens. It’s still useful for my Shadow Sect. I will leave you a life. Don’t think about Spring and Autumn Cicada. This is the Rank 6 Immortal Gu. It was calculated by Old Man Yan Shi. The state at this time is also embarrassing to use again, isn’t it?” Ying Wuxie wins and smiles and approaches.

“What?!” Fang Yuan was shocked.

Ps: The monthly ticket broke the 700 plus, waiting for a long time! (~^~)

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