This Vast Tribulation is completely unreasonable!

Not only is the transcends tribulation Gu Immortal trapped on the ground, but it also affects their thoughts.

No thoughts to mobilize Gu insect, how does Gu Immortal use his means?

Unless there is a means of Wisdom Dao, compete.

But there is a premise that this Wisdom Dao approach must have been laid out before. Otherwise, once the priority has fallen, then Gu Immortal can’t be used even if he has the backhand of Wisdom Dao.

Start with a strong hand and then start to suffer.

Losing the first mover, basically finished.

This shows that Vast Tribulation is stronger, not to mention Myriad Tribulation.

“Damn!!” Ying Wuxie struggled, but no results, but deeper and deeper, screaming.

“Don’t struggle, don’t think too much. These will make us worse. This is not something we can solve.” Immortal Zombie Bo Qing is very calm.

To be precise, the Mo Yao Remnant Soul inside is very calm.

She has experience.

During her lifetime, she helped beloved Bo Qing transcends tribulation, and she saw the Vast Tribulation, which is more terrifying than this!

In comparison, Vast Tribulation is rather gentle and harmless.

“It seems that I can only hope that the body will be saved.” Ying Wuxie sighed and stared at Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

I saw Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, the same muddy feet, a pair of dark feet, half of which fell into the ground. Not only that, but the forefoot part of his left foot was also tightly sewn on the ground.

This was the result of an attack by Immortal Gu Home Embroidery House in Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

From the point of view, the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is powerful, but it has actually used all of its strength, but has not taken control of the overall situation.

At the moment, his six eyes, two of them hold the Supervising Heaven Tower, making it impossible to move a single step, and the other four are watching the sky.

Above this sky, in the dome. The gray mourning clouds became thicker and thicker and began to descend.

The second Myriad Tribulation came.

However, it is different from the first wind and thunder cage. The wind and thunder cage is fast, reaching the point of Unimaginable. In a blink of an eye, the wind thunder has been added and has been trapped.

The speed of this Myriad Tribulation is extremely slow.

Slow enough to make people who transcends tribulation make countless counterattacks.

But Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul didn’t move.

He stood quietly as if it were a silent mountain.

“don’t tell me The body has been recruited?” Ying Wuxie yelled. Seeing anxiously, “With such a good opportunity, you are counterattack!!”

But until the gray mourning cloud almost completely shrouded the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, the latter did not move at all, just staring at the Supervising Heaven Tower and keeping it firmly in control.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is complaining.

They used the means of Void Transformation to let Supervising Heaven Tower evade the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s attack. But I did not expect that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Void Dao Realm, far surpasses imagined, definitely the Great Grandmaster level.

Supervising Heaven Tower’s Void Transformation tactics. Instead, it was used by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul and was unable to return to the entity. Can’t be honest, how can we fight, how can we harass?

“Myriad Tribulation is coming!” Ying Wuxie gnashing teeth, waiting for the gray cloud of sorrow, slowly covering it.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing also involuntarily squinted his eyes and strained his muscles.

Vast Tribulation has already left them with no backhand. Now that Myriad Tribulation is coming, is it Bo Qing and Ying Wuxie’s doomsday?

But the great cloud is lowered. It seems that there is no harm.

“What’s the matter? Don’t tell me Myriad Tribulation?!” Ying Wuxie was nervous for a long time, but she didn’t move, her hands rubbed around her body, and she was stunned.

Immortal Zombie Bo Qing did not answer him.

However, someone in Heavenly Court Gu Immortal recognized this Myriad Tribulation. But Ying Wuxie can’t know the answer.

“This don’t tell me is Ashen Memories?” cried the recognized Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

“What is Ashen Memories?”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal fell into memory: “I was inherited a Rank 8 Gu Immortal’s inheritance when I was young. That year, the Rank 8 Gu Immortal was defeated by Myriad Tribulation Ashen Memories. When I was staying, I was stubborn. The inheritance of the inheritance. This Myriad Tribulation, no harm to the flesh, but directly to the bottom of the heart of the memory. These memories are the major trauma of the transcends tribulation Gu Immortal, or the shadow of life.”

“You must not underestimate this Myriad Tribulation. The Rank 8 sage, under this Myriad Tribulation, has struggled to support less than a fragrant scent, and has lost his fighting spirit, is discouraged, and has no fearing intent. , no fun.”

“As the saying goes, he is his biggest enemy. Like Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, unrivaled beneath the heavens, is his biggest enemy not his own? People live in this world, even if they become Rank 9 Venerable, There is always a weak time. It is always a step by step cultivation from the weak, and it is constantly becoming stronger. Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is a world of murderous nature, terrifying, and later people speculate that he was a child. What is the stimulus.”

“Who can’t hide the pain in the deepest part of the heart? Who can have no shameful things that are difficult to talk about? Who can have made a choice against the nature? Who can make no mistakes in growth? Wonderful, wonderful! This Myriad Tribulation is amazing! I am afraid that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is going to be planted here.”

Myriad Tribulation – Ashen Memories.

It was because of this Myriad Tribulation that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul did not move.

He knows what kind of attack can’t dissolve the robbery. Only by plunging into it, facing the past, all kinds of shame, shadow, shame and shame, can transcends tribulation.

The gray clouds lingering around him suddenly had brilliance and sound.

Presented in front of the crowds is the scene of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s childhood.

“Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!”

A dry Gu Master, surrounded by a family of three, the bone eyes red, full of screaming roar.

“Hey! You can’t kill the mother!!” A boy guarded the mother who was seriously injured behind him and shouted in exasperation.

“Hmph, Demonic Path, everyone is stunned! The righteousness is annihilated, and Righteous Path is!! What can’t you kill? Not only can you kill, but you must kill. Only killing her can cleanse my family. Shame!!” Gu Master old man, righteous words, open mouth anger, is the boy’s grandfather, the family’s Patriarch.

Patriarch’s words, received many Family Elders, and elite Gu Master’s response.

They shouted.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”


a light sound, bright red blood splatters.

The boy turned quickly, a moment later, and he widened his eyes. The eyelids are reduced to the size of the tip.

I saw his father, who has crossed himself in an instant. He was flushed, and he was jawed, and his eyes were tearful. The intense emotions in my heart are hard to suppress. And the sharp blade he holds is deeply inserted in the heart of his beloved wife.

Boy open mouth wants to call.

But after all, no sound was made.

From that day on, he began to become silent.

Obviously, this little boy was Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable in his childhood.

Under the influence of Myriad Tribulation Ashen Memories, the shadow of his childhood. It is no longer buried only in the hearts of the parties, but in front of everyone.

The fog changed and another picture appeared.

It’s about a few years later.

The boy has grown up a little and stands in front of grandfather.

As a grandfather of Patriarch, he took a sip of tea and asked leisurely: “I will let you read the history books of our family. Do you have any gains these days? Come and tell grandfather.”

“grandfather.” The boy took the first gift, this is the way, “grandson has gained a lot these days. I have a lot of experience.”

“Oh? Say to grandfather to listen.” The old man engrossedly said.

“Grandson looks at history and finds that there is one big truth in the world, that is – kill.” The boy is quietly said.

“Kill?” The old man frowned and his voice was heavy. “Explain to grandfather.”

“Yes.” The boy continued. “We are hungry. If we want to feed our stomachs, we must kill the prey. We have enemies, we must kill them and lift the threat. The world is too peaceful. We must kill the heroes and control Right…” The boy talked slyly, but did not notice the brow that the old man wrinkled more and more tightly.

The boy continued: “Overview of history, you kill me. I kill you. What is a hero? It is a lot of enemies to kill. What is a loser? It is to kill the other party and be killed.”

“Actually, although killing is only a word, but there is also a deep knowledge inside. How to kill, is to use Gu insect to do it yourself, or hire Gu Master to take action for yourself? Sometimes. Can not just and honorable to kill, Ming kill, If you have a big problem, then choose assassination. There are many different kinds of assassinations, for example…”

“Enough!” The old man was suddenly screaming, and under the air, he slammed the cup in his hand to the ground.

The pieces were spattered on the boy’s cheek, and a hole was made, and the blood slowly flowed down.

The old man took a bit of it, stood up and pointed at the boy, very angrily shouted: “I want you to read the history books, it is to let you pay tribute to the achievements of our ancestors, to know the history of my family’s glory. It is to let you understand the ethics and shame. Let you know the glory of Righteous Path. You actually gave me a killing? Which is the genius of this door?! You, you, you, give me a ban for a month, stay in the house and reflect on your fault!!”

“Yes, grandfather.” The boy was commanded, his tone was low, but there was a stubborn light in the depths of his eyes.

In the fog, the picture changes again.

A few years later, the boy has become a Rank 1 Gu Master boy.

“He He He, today I always have a refining shackle, hiding in the study, let grandfather startled!” The teenager sneaked into the study.

“Well? No. I’m just Rank 1 Gu Master, but grandfather is Rank 4. It’s easy to find me. It’s better to hide behind the secret door, hide in Dark Dao, and then come out to scare grandfather.” Change your mind, open the secret door, and hide in.

Soon after, he heard the movement.

He did not dare to open the secret door and could only listen to the sound.

Two people entered the study.

His grandfather’s footsteps were heavy and violent, and he looked angry.

“This unfilial son! He really wants to rebel? Vital point his relatives?!” The old Patriarch was furious, and the palm of his hand was shot on the table, making a loud noise.

“Patriarch, the evidence is conclusive! Patriarch You have been exposed to the information of Longevity Gu for eighty years, and it has been leaked out. Young Patriarch’s murder is definitely no doubt.”

A hoarse voice.

The boy heard it in an instant, this is the family’s family Elder, Patriarch’s confidant.

“hmph! This unfilial son, want to seize power from me, is it possible?!” Patriarch shouted.

“Patriarch adults, young Patriarch, there are also a lot of high-level people.” Only listen to the hoarse voice.

Silence for a moment.

The voice of the young grandfather, this is low: “The power of unfilial son is indeed not to be underestimated. If it is blatantly killed, it will not only damage the reputation of the Righteous Path, but also the Cheng family family internal strife, the loss of power. Um… Then prepare for it, start with a strong hand, find a chance, and secretly assassinate him. If the death light is extinguished, as long as the unfilial son is killed, the other Family Elder will naturally be separated.”

“Patriarch wise!”

In the Dark Dao behind the secret door, the boy clenched his mouth tightly, and his body was shaking.

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