“Shadow Sect is ahead of time?” Fang Yuan looks at the sky, speechless.

Although he wants to act in advance, but after practice, he knows that the plan is beautiful, and the reality is helpless.

In the previous life, after the Southern Border Gu Immortals resisted several waves of Damage and Tribulation, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals suddenly appeared.

But in this life, the Shadow Sect Gu Immortal also followed in advance, setting out the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie without grand formation.

This time, Fang Yuan is no longer in a hurry to retreat.

the reason is simple.

The worst case has already appeared.

Like previous life, Fang Yuan’s Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu is also ineffective in this battle.

90%’s Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie is a grand grand formation, even if it is the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage, I am afraid that it will take a lot of trouble to break out.

Fang Yuan has also solved a lot of Battlefield Ultimate Move, especially in Eastern Sea’s Yu Lu Blessed Land.

But the Battlefield Ultimate Move in Yu Lu Blessed Land, although exquisite, but unmanned, is a dead object. Even if someone is hosting, the most powerful state is not the 1% of the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie.

Although Fang Yuan is not a Formation Dao Gu Immortal and is not proficient in Formation Dao, there is still some eye for it.

Going out now will definitely become the target of public criticism. Southern Border Gu Immortals will not miss Fang Yuan, Shadow Sect Gu Immortals will certainly not sit and watch Immortal Gu Home taken away by Fang Yuan.

“Repress the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, then look at the timing and use the Immortal Gu Home tough breakthrough.” Fang Yuan focused his attention on the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie.

The sudden appearance of Shadow Sect Gu Immortal, to a certain extent, also helped Fang Yuan.

Without them, Southern Border Gu Immortals will definitely focus on Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan’s physical and mental pressure is a loose, he has more energy to deal with Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie.

Surnamed Fang Yuan, the Immortal Zombie still has a lot of spare capacity.

In the face of Fang Yuan’s endless offensive, he motivated Immortal Gu and encouraged the intent. The confrontation is extremely determined and intense.

Fang Yuan, at one time, he couldn’t pick it up.

“The Immortal Zombie was also a rigorous schemes and deep foresight. He used the fighting intent in an attempt to refine Immortal Gu Home. The result was not. It may be that he was weak and he fell asleep. In his sleep, he should be a hope. Woke up, rely on the accumulation in front. Successfully turned over.” Fang Yuan guessed that this opponent can also be’t help but gave some admiration.

If it is the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie of Strength Dao, I am afraid there is no such means.

But this Immortal Zombie is very different, he has such a good Strength Dao inborn talent, actually abandoned, specializing in Wisdom Dao.

Whatever he thinks, no one knows.

But what Fang Yuan knows is that his Wisdom Dao means that he will forcibly drill a loophole in this losing game.

Maybe this Immortal Zombie is asleep. I woke up and had been sleeping many times. So tossed, only accumulated some intent intent. As a result of sleep, Immortal Gu Home purified his fighting intent.

If there is no Fang Yuan to intervene, according to this trend, the Immortal Zombie will definitely be able to escape.

Not only can he get out of, but he can also capture the Graceful Battle Stage.

It is a pity that his plot has become empty, but it has been first won by Fang Yuan.

When Fang Yuan was dealing with this Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, the situation on the Righteous Heavenly Mountain was growing rapidly.

Thousand Pearls, Mysterious Yin Flying Frost, Deserte Beast, Dragon Roar Tribulation, Four Flame Clouds Concealed Tribulation, Snow War Casualty Tribulation Lightning

One of the Disaster and Tribulation. Like the previous life, the power is more terrifying, and the Southern Border Gu Immortals suffers a lot.

They did not try to break through.

But 90%’s Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie has no grand formation, and the trick is that they can breakthrough.

Follow the previous life. They mistakenly believe that Ying Wuxie is the biggest flaw, and they suffer from Leading Soul to Enter the Dream Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Later, they also hoped for Disaster and Tribulation, hoping that Disaster and Tribulation could help them destroy Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie. But Shadow Sect Gu Immortals took the initiative to launch the offense.

Over time, Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage. Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie is getting weaker and weaker.

When Fang Yuan gradually saw hope, Southern Border Gu Immortals was completely desperate.

They almost died, not in the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie Battle Formation, which was drowned by terrifying Damage and Tribulation.

There are only two Rank 8 left, seriously injured, between the gap between the Disaster and Tribulation and Shadow Sect offensives, such as headless flies, linger on in a steadily worsening condition.

At this point in time, Fang Yuan is also helpless.

He did not try to help these Southern Border Gu Immortal.

He has not completely suppressed the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, and naturally hopes that these Southern Border Gu Immortal can delay some time.

Not long ago, he secretly sounded transmission, trying to tell these Gu Immortal Ying Wuxie’s.

But Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie has no grand formation, and has covered the Range of Heavenly Mountain. It is not only forbidden but also forbidden. Fang Yuan can’t think of it.

Fang Yuan also tried other means, but all failed.

After trying a few times, Fang Yuan gave up wisely and decisively, focusing again on the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie.

At the same time, in the higher part of the sky, a white towering tower is quietly suspended.

Immortal Gu Home Supervising Heaven Tower

“Tower Lord, Southern Border Gu Immortals has lost everything, we take action,” Bi Chentian asked.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord with a cane, on the Supervising Heaven Tower, his eyes are transmitted, and the battlefield underneath is reflected in the heart.

“A great grand formation. This array looks like the Far Ancient Battle Formation. It is actually on the Dao Marks set up formation of Ten Perfect Physiques. The man-made array is essentially Battlefield Ultimate Move. But this grand formation, There is still one shortcoming, that is, the lack of the last Strength Dao Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie. If it is called Ten Perfect, it can be tricky,” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord commented.

“It’s no wonder that these people from Shadow Sect’s want to win the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie under the mountain.” Lian Jiusheng suddenly realized.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord stroked his beard pondered then said : “To get the Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, it is not easy. It is necessary to cross the Graceful Battle Stage. It is not busy. Bo Qing and the others have not yet appeared. “”

“Our trip, there are 13 people from Gu Immortal, Immortal Gu Home Supervising Heaven Tower. But through White Heaven | daytime, across the Five Regions Boundary Wall, the road is still incomplete.”

“The other side still has a backhand, let them live for a while. Southern Border Gu Immortals is wiped out, but there is not Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster, who is not good at the bottom, wants to run out, But it provoked Will of Heaven. This mighty Disaster and Tribulation, and, in the end, is more terrifying.”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is not in a hurry.

This is not the same as previous life.

When he was in previous life, he was the Saw Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, and he had to kill the Thunder.

But in this life, Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie was pressed by Fang Yuan, unable to move a single step, did not show up, Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is not in a hurry to take action.

Although there are 12 companions around, they are all like-minded people, each of which is Rank 8 cultivation base. But Supervising Heaven Tower Lord didn’t dare to be reckless.

“Heavenly Court still not taking action” in the distance, Bo Qing looked up at the sky and looked solemn.

His previous life was forced to attack Sky Lotus School, and he could only attack War Immortal Sect. As a result, Shadow Sect was not used in advance.

But in this life, there has been a difference. Blue Envoy Seven Stars Child Immortal Zombie died, together with him and Yu Muchun, Song Zixing, formed Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, making Bo Qing appear in Sky Lotus School soon.

Attacking this sect is also the Shadow Sect’s plan.

Bo Qing and the others delayed for a while and then withdrew.

But the Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is not so fooled. He was upset and returned to Heavenly Court for easy access to Supervising Heaven Tower. Also calculated is the key place of Righteous Heavenly Mountain, he quickly tried to call Gu Immortal, even the Supervising Heaven Tower moved out, rushed to here.

“Since he doesn’t act, we take action first.” Song Zixing’s voice came through Information Dao Gu insect.

Bo Qing nodded: “I will come first.”

a moment later , magnificent ray skyrocketing, a large-scale Immortal Gu Home, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Well,” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is amazed. The Immortal Gu Home is hidden in the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie. I don’t know what kind of clever means I used. He didn’t detect it before.

Immortal Gu Home flew in midair, and then squatted down to Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Fang Yuan’s face is blue and her eyes are cold and the severe light.

“Immortal Gu Home Feather Holy City” he gnashing teeth, did not think of the key moment, originally belonged to Feather Holy Gu Femort Holy City Feather Holy City, actually appeared here.

When the city appeared, Fang Yuan felt uneasy.

Now I see this huge Immortal Gu Home, straight to myself, and Fang Yuan’s heart sinks into the bottom.

He is extremely unwilling, and he will succeed if he sees it. Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, already in jeopardy, can’t hold it.

But now, he has to stop

Feather Holy City crashed directly and Fang Yuan had to spur the Graceful Battle Stage to compete.

Immortal Gu Home If you don’t push it, the battle strength won’t work. The degree of urging is different, the amount of immortal essence consumed is more and less, and the combat power is also high or low.

Even the Supervising Heaven Tower, the Rank 9 level Immortal Gu Home, will be smashed by Bo Qing’s sword light when it is not fully motivated.

“Graceful Battle Stage, from”

Fang Yuan’s heart was interrupted, no longer disguised, and the real body appeared.

Righteous Heavenly Mountain crashes in an instant, and the Graceful Battle Stage is like a red meteor that goes against the sky.

It also takes into account Space Dao’s Gu insect, which has a strong invisible force. In the twinkling of an eye, Fang Yuan is sucked into the Graceful Battle Stage.

At the moment, Fang Yuan officially takes over the Graceful Battle Stage.

“Fang Holy City” Fang Yuan heart coldly snorted, big palm wave, a Pengnk 9 Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence swayed out.

From Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Rank 9 immortal essence, this is not covered

Graceful Battle Stage, originally covered in red light. After the consumption of Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence, the red light of this squad, like a volcanic eruption, explodes the distance of 5~6

“What” manipulates Feather Holy City’s Bo Qing, cried out in surprise.

In the blast of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, Feather Holy City was slammed into the Graceful Battle Stage.

A large number of city wall door tiles, which were scattered, were turned into a one by one in the air, and the Gu insect was scattered in the wind.

No suspense, Fang Yuan lost Bo Qing

Ps: Today’s second, the monthly ticket breaks 500 plus.

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