Fang Yuan repels Feather Holy City, naturally it is not clear that it is Immortal Zombie Bo Qing in the manipulates.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Yuan drove the Graceful Battle Stage, circled the air and turned his head down to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Along the way, Disaster and Tribulation hits the Graceful Battle Stage like a downpour and sizzles.

The Graceful Battle Stage defense is enough to support the Disaster and Tribulation blows at this moment, regardless of the ground.

The Righteous Heavenly Mountain at the moment has collapsed and turned into a ruin. The Demonic Path Gu Masters on Righteous Heavenly Mountain is naturally a very heavy casualty. At first glance, sorrow and glory, terrible.

Fang Yuan glanced at it and didn’t look at these ants.

His eyes sparkled with chills, and things have been so, he still can’t give up.

The crackdown has just failed, but Fang Yuan has a chance.

“Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, you must be mine!”? Graceful Battle Stage is about to squat down, and suddenly the second Immortal Gu Home intercepts the way on Fang Yuan.

The Immortal Gu Home is dark and has an irony glow.

Its appearance is also a castle.

But not the splendid holy city of Feather Holy City, but the war fortress of Steel Muscle Iron Bone.

If, for example, Feather Holy City is the prince Young Master of 36翩翩, then this Immortal Gu Home is an iron-clad warrior.

Fang Yuan blinked in the eye, biting his teeth and slamming straight up.

He must fight every second.

The more time left for the Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, the more he can recover to a better state.


The loud noise was deafening and the two Immortal Gu Homes slammed together.

A majestic swell of waves, suddenly broke out. Washed away in all directions.

Between the waves and the waves, the rocks are rolling. The body of Gu Masters is mixed with the body.

The two Immortal Gu Homes are in a stalemate.

Despite the momentum of the Graceful Battle Stage, the Iron Fortress Immortal Gu Home was barely resisted.

The two sides are competing.

Iron Fortress Immortal Gu Home is slowly retreating. The Graceful Battle Stage is getting weaker.

“Graceful Battle Stage is Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home, and this one is probably also Rank 7, and it is good at defense.” Fang Yuan flashed a clear comprehension in his heart.

He sighed and thought that the opportunity was fleeting.

Although he tried to grasp it, he did not succeed in the enemy.

This period of time is enough for Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie to completely get rid of Fang Yuan’s suppression and regain it.

Fang Yuan failed. Immediately decide to retreat and leave this right and wrong.

Turning the direction, the Graceful Battle Stage is flying.

Fang Yuan did not fly directly to the sky, but slammed into the southeast.

The third Immortal Gu Home and the fourth Immortal Gu Home appeared one after another.

Both Immortal Gu Homes are small, with a long blood light, War Chariot shape, and the other is Yin Qi Sensen, an old house with grey walls and white walls.

Four Immortal Gu Homes trap the Graceful Battle Stage that Fang Yuan controls.

Fang Yuan charge to the left and dash to the right. Entangled by four Immortal Gu Homes, the Immortal Zombie Ten Perfect is not produced.

In the Graceful Battle Stage, Fang Yuan is as heavy as water.

He did not expect it. Shadow Sect actually has such a huge handiwork.

An Immortal Gu Home is already a rare thing. Shadow Sect actually took out four Immortal Gu Homes at once, at the cost. What exactly does Shadow Sect mean?

Although the situation is not good for himself, Fang Yuan is still calm and ice.

The enemy is extremely powerful. But the situation has not yet reached the point of collapse and despair, because there is still one party that does not take action.

Fang Yuan looked up at the sky from time to time. He is waiting.

Since Shadow Sect is launched ahead of time, Heavenly Court will not measure it? Even if it is not calculated, according to this time, it should be reached.

When Heavenly Court Gu Immortal takes action, the situation will be disrupted and Fang Yuan will have a chance.

“But Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, why are you still not doing act?” Fang Yuan thought of Rank 1, but then actively suppressed the power of the Graceful Battle Stage.

Originally the red hair erupted Immortal Gu Home, like the strong man from the vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger, gradually became a dead old man.

For a time, the situation changed.

Fang Yuan’s Graceful Battle Stage, pressed by four Immortal Gu Homes.

In Supervising Heaven Tower, the white light in the eyes of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord gradually dissipated.

He just used Supervising Heaven Tower to calculate it once and it was just over.

He sneered at the corner of his mouth: “There is a Demon from Beyond The Heavens under the Graceful Battle Stage. The name is Ancient Moon, the name Fang Yuan, the Royal Court Blessed Land is destroyed, and the 88 Floors True Yang Building collapses. This person seems to have an unclear relationship with Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable and Red Lotus Demon Venerable. Don’t look at him being beaten now, it’s just acting that’s all, so that we can take action.”

“Oh? That looks like this, Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect’s side, is it an enemy or a friend? Don’t tell me they are fighting, but it is a play?” Lian Jiusheng asked.

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord swings: “Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect’s relationship, I am not interested, it is not important at all. Since he wants to take our take action, then we take action. The Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie underneath Grand formation is the key to the other side’s plan. I have figured out that they have been obese with the last key Immortal Zombie. Zhu Jun, along with me, motivated Supervising Heaven Tower, destroying grand formation, defeating the enemy’s plot!”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is a must-have, fighting intent.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals next to him, looks solemn, work together.

A light beam erupted and slammed directly into Ten Perfect Grand Formation.

“originally also want to use Fang Yuan, paralysis Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, try to delay the time. It seems that this shallow trick can not blind the people of Heavenly Court. Hands-on!” Blue Envoy Seven Stars Child Immortal Zombie, an overview of Shadow Sect global, ordered.

“Well, Heavenly Court has finally started.” Fang Yuan just wanted to have a hi, and saw three other Immortal Gu Homes, which came out!

A gazebo, red brick green tiles. A pavilion, flying in white. A ground altar, golden light swaying.

Three Immortal Gu Home join forces, and it is difficult to block the Supervising Heaven Tower’s blow.

“…” Fang Yuan has no idea what to say.

When is Immortal Gu Home so worthless? Each and every one is going out, what is this?

Fang Yuan’s feeling of badness in his heart is getting thicker and thicker.

He originally thought. Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain is a deep pool. But did not expect. This turned out to be a sea!

The water inside is too deep.

During the five hundred years of previous life, the Five Regions were in chaos. The battle of this scale is only five fingers!

“Good. Feather Holy City, Unbreakable Iron Fort, Blood River War Chariot, Grievous News Graveyard, Green Wave Pavilion, Weaves Cocoon Pavilion, Golden Firmament Altar… Seven Immortal Gu Home, all hit by me.” Inside Supervising Heaven Tower, the sound of Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is heard.

He was one after another and broke the name of the Shadow Sect Immortal Gu Home. The sound was like a thunder, and it sounded tens of thousands of miles.

“So, now, let’s take a look at Supervising Heaven Tower’s real power!”

Supervising Heaven Tower Lord shouted and shook Nine Heavens.

Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home Supervising Heaven Tower. Fully launched.

There is no sign.

The sky is white!

The world is white!

Even Fang Yuan, who is in the Graceful Battle Stage, can only see a blank at this moment.

It’s all light.

White light.

Full of the world, all directions, the universe, the four wild.

These lights seem to be harmless, and Fang Yuan’s heart has not even produced a dangerous feeling.

“This…what is the attack…” When the white light suddenly dissipated, Fang Yuan came back to his senses.

Take a closer look. He was shocked all over the body.

In the sky, the wreckage of Immortal Gu Home is being spilled.

These broken bricks and tiles, in the process of falling, gradually restored countless Gu insects.

No one Gu Insect survived.

The dead bodies of these Gu insects. Flying in the wind, all around scattered.

The most peculiar thing is that it looks from the outside. These dead Gu insects have no scars, but they have no breath.

The closest three Immortal Gu Homes to Supervising Heaven Tower. The Green Wave Pavilion, Weaves Cocoon Pavilion, and Golden Firmament Altar have fallen apart. And the rest of Immortal Gu Home. They are also unclear.

Overall, however, Fang Yuan’s Graceful Battle Stage was the least affected.

“Is Heavenly Court deliberately closing my hand?” Fang Yuan’s thoughts flashed and he immediately denied it.

“hmph!Demon from Beyond The Heavens…” Supervising Heaven Tower Lord glanced at the Graceful Battle Stage and immediately turned his attention to the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie.

The last blow was the rush to Fate Immortal Gu, the formation of the offensive.

This is an attack with fate power.

The fate is destined.

There is no life, no effort can be obtained, don’t ask for it.

If you are defeated by your life, you must lose.

This is an attack that cannot be resisted.

It was originally possible to break the Ten Perfect Grand Formation, but it was taken over by the three Immortal Gu Homes.

In contrast to Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie, Ying Wuxie has already flown out, and his original position was replaced by Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie.

“It has been suppressed for so many years, and it is such a big squad to get out. Hahaha, I like it!” The Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie laughed.

Suddenly, the Supervising Heaven Tower, with his fingers high, shouted: “Heavenly Court’s little nephews, come here! For my rebirth.”

Ten Perfect Ten Immortal Zombie has no grand formation, it is completely mobilized!

The dark clouds are soaring, covering the entire battlefield immediately, and spreading out quickly, seemingly endless.

Ten Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie, hidden in the dark clouds, disappeared.

Countless Immortal Apertures, like a little bit of starlight, are drawn by the mysterious power of grand formation.

These Immortal Apertures are all left behind after the Southern Border Gu Immortals fallen.

Immortal Aperture plunged into the depths of the clouds and condensed together.

Countless Gu insects, Immortal Gu, with mortal gu, tumbling in the clouds.

At this point, Fang Yuan finally saw a little door: “The original Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie has no grand formation. The real essence is a Refining Dao grand formation! What does Shadow Sect really want? Actually, the Southern Border Gu Immortals of Immortal Aperture, both directly used as coffins?!”

This kind of means is simply shocking.

Gu Immortal of aloof and remote, at the moment, became a cockroach, was arbitrarily executed, and then used to refining gu.

Even Fang Yuan, who had the experience of previous life five hundred years ago, has never seen such a scene.

Shadow Sect, the mysterious organization, hidden behind the history, its real purpose, planning for countless years of planning, finally revealing clues at this moment!

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