The specific reasons have not been verified.

In short, the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage suppressed the Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie for so many years, the state of the two formed a delicate balance.

Immortal Gu Home is almost stateless, and the house is filled with pure fighting intent.

Today, Fang Yuan has completely converted the fighting intent to its own use, and has also pushed out other Southern Border Gu Immortal.

Since I was born again, I have been planning for a long time and finally got what I want at this moment.

Fang Yuan is filled with joy.

But at the same time, he is inevitably nervous.

“Come on, hurry up.” Fang Yuan secretly urged himself.

The fighting intent is his own, but it takes some time to take over Immortal Gu Home.

This time is the most vulnerable time for Fang Yuan.

If in Southern Border Gu Immortal, who couldn’t think of it, directly killing the killer and bombarding Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan would have to resist and expose it.

Southern Border Gu Immortals flustered and exasperated, the anger and hatred in the heart, filled with hearts.

If you really find Fang Yuan, they will definitely attack the group, and they will unload Fang Yuan and smash it into bone.

Their mood is completely understandable.

After all, these months, Gu Immortals tried their best, and in order to win the first, what means were made to win the Immortal Gu Home.

But in the end, the hope in my heart collapsed. Immortal Gu Home, which has been thought of as a dream, has become a thing of others.

If Fang Yuan follows the gambling contract, step by step, and win the cents step by step, the cents also have time to accept this fact. But Fang Yuan was sneaking, holding them aside and completely ignoring them. This way of taking Immortal Gu Home, in the view of Southern Border Gu Immortal, is tantamount to stealing, treacherous, shameless

What are your own efforts these days?

It’s totally useless.

Although Southern Border Gu Immortals did not attack at the moment, various methods of investigation were used.

Just a short moment. Fang Yuan felt dozens of fluctuations and swept through him.

His heart was naturally more tense, and the muscles and muscles were involuntarily screwed up, and the whole body was blown up.

Although he has Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Meeting Past Acquaintance. But after all, it’s just an improved version. Even if it is the original version, it will not improve the era, and Gu Immortal can detect to discern.

Fang Yuan has full confidence in the fraud of Rank 7 and Rank 6 Gu Immortal. But to lie to Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the grasp is not very high.

Time is one minute and one second. Sliding in the heart of Fang Yuan’s.

In Fang Yuan’s mind, all kinds of thoughts are like the tide of the sea.

With the Immortal Gu Home being gradually taken over by Fang Yuan, the internal structure of the Graceful Battle Stage is clearly displayed in the heart of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan took all the time and tried his best to identify these Immortal Gu and mortal gu.

Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, at this critical moment, gave him considerable help. Relying on these Immortal Gu, mortal gu, Fang Yuan to calculate the various aspects of Immortal Gu Home.

Therefore, Fang Yuan knows about Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage. In a short period of time, from scratch, advanced by leaps and bounds.

“Successful” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed and his heart shouted.

At this moment, he was finally done and completely took over the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage.

The Immortal Gu Home has become his thing, and the Fangor single Gu head can move the Immortal Gu Home out.


Just then, the gate of the ward was kicked.

Xiao Shan, Lu Zuanfeng and other three Rank 5, with a large team of people. The momentum came in fiercely.

“This, this, and that, are suspicious people. All killed.” Xiao Shan is covered with Murderous Qi, pointing to three beds, drinking high in the mouth.

It turned out that Southern Border Gu Immortals not only madly explored themselves, but also dispatched their respective pieces, in the camp of Righteous and Demonic two sides. Start a bloody cleaning.

Any object suspected by Gu Immortals must be strangled in order to provoke Fang Yuan, a savage behind-the-scenes hand.

Southern Border Gu Immortals are all in a hurry.

Even if you reveal your identity, and the truth of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, you can’t take it anymore.

“Although I didn’t see my Meeting Past Acquaintance, but I still doubt it?” Fang Yuan whispered.

Xiao Shan contains Fang Yuan in the three suspicious targets of his finger.

Shortly Rank 5 Gu Master Sun Panhu, a face smirked to kill himself, Fang Yuan is calm and not nervous.

Of course, Fang Yuan still showed a very confused and annoyed look, and said: “What is the undercover of the Righteous Path?”

“Is it you?” Sun Panhu loudly roared, flung to Fang Yuan, kicked and kicked on Fang Yuan’s chest.

Fang Yuan’s chest, immediately deep depression, heart rupture, a lot of blood spewed out.

Fang Yuan screamed and raised his hand to fight back.

The result was again punched by Sun Panhu.

A bang.

Fang Yuan’s corpse slammed into the wall, then slipped down, fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and “death” was on the spot.

After “going to the next place” was finished, Xiao Shan waved his hand and took the momentum of Mortal Qi.

The wounded who left lose one’s head out of fear, and the bodies of three bad luck ghosts.

Fang Yuan is of course not dead.

This is just a disguise.

Meeting Past Acquaintance’s disguise, although limited to human form, shows the appearance of death, with no difficulty.

Fang Yuan still needs some time.

Taking over the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage is not enough. There is one more thing left, which needs Fang Yuan to handle it.

That is, then suppress Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie

In the Graceful Battle Stage, there is still a lot of immortal essence left. Fang Yuan mobilized Immortal Gu Home, with his own fighting intent, to form a majestic force, hitting Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie.

The sleeping Rat 8 Immortal Zombie suddenly opened his eyes and violently resisted.

Fang Yuan’s heart coldly snorted: “It’s not so easy”

He is not surprised.

Because of the previous life, the Rank 8 Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie ran out.

Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie has such a response and is one of the things that Fang Yuan estimated.

Strength Dao Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie is a must-see for Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan naturally does not take it easy. He has also prepared a number of means to deal with this situation.

But just as he was ready to start, the Tribulation Cloud suddenly rolled in the sky and the ground began to tremble slightly.

Southern Border Gu Immortals is amazed, has been low roaring sound: “What is going on?”

“This seems to be a sign of Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster”

“Good end, how can there be Disaster and Tribulation?”

“don’t tell me is someone who is transcends tribulation not”

“Who is who he is transcends tribulation, what I am most concerned about now is to smash the thief who stolen Immortal Gu Home”

Fang Yuan is also very surprised: “The time has not yet arrived, how can it be bad in advance, Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster has come, then Shadow Sect will be far behind?”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but hesitate.

“Island and Tribulation started in advance, don’t tell me is the impact of my rebirth? Shadow Sect is mysterious and powerful, should I retreat?”

In fact, at this time, give up Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, but not impossible.

After all, the world is not just a Vigorous True Martial Immortal Zombie, but also Hei Loulan.

Even between Hei Loulan and Fang Yuan, a covenant was signed. But as long as the Covenant’s time limit is reached, or Information Dao is used to break the covenant, Fang Yuan can also deal with Hei Loulan.

In the past, Fang Yuan had no strength to deal with Hei Loulan. Behind Hei Loulan’s, there are Fairy Lishan and Burning Heaven Enchantress.

But now Fang Yuan has Immortal Gu Home, as long as immortal essence, can suppress the three female Gu Immortal, what is her Rank 7, Rank 8, or what Ten Perfect Physiques.

Immortal Gu Home is in the hand, and Fang Yuan is ready to go.

“However, it is a pity to give up. This is the Vogorous True Martial Immortal Zombie of Rank 8, even if it is murdered by Hei Loulan. It is also a matter of the future. Who can make it clear in the future, how can it be guaranteed that it will become a covenant? If you give up here and deal with Hei Loulan, you will be afraid of night dreams.”

When hesitating, the altitude is muting again.

Old Man Yan Shi appeared and led Ten Perfect Gu Immortal to form the Ten Perfect Immortal Zombie without grand formation.

Southern Border Gu Immortal was surrounded by anger, and the anger in the heart was even more powerful.

Gu Immortal angered: “Who is the Immortal Gu Home? Is it your ghost?”

There are also Rank 8 Gu Immortal coldly snorted: “There is a sense of the end of the Tibetan head, the ability to come up with the true face, the old man has to look at it, there are still people in this Southern Border to calculate me”

Old Man Yan Shi looks at the southern border various immortal , disdainfully sneered , and then turns his head, looked towards Ying Wuxie : “I have to explain your things, I have to explain, you have to remember.”

Ying Wuxie blinks innocently, nodded and said: “You go to hell, don’t worry about me.”

He was born only six hours, the cultivation base reached Rank 6, and he achieved Gu Immortal. But for the whole World, the concept of life and death is still very ignorant.

Old Man Yan Shi shook his head helplessly.

His intention is not to create such a helper.

“Unfortunately, my accomplishments in Human Dao are still not comparable to Human Ancestor. Human Ancestor’s Ten Perfect Physiques can last forever. I created Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, but only nine hours of life span. Although the soul sinks The drawbacks of sleep have been removed, but the memory in the soul is still being wiped out by Dream Dao’s Dao Marks.”

As a result, even if it is a temporary imposing knowledge on Ying Wuxie, it is useless. The more you instill, the faster you forget.

Only by letting himself remember it, there is a slight effect.

Old Man Yan Shi concealed the regret in his heart: “I have gone, but I am before death, I will calculate it for you again.”

“Be careful of yourself” Old Man Yan Shi After finishing the last words of the last sentence, the whole body turned into a blizzard of sand and completely dissipated in the wind.

Along with his soul, many Shadow Sect Gu Immortal sacrificed themselves and put their souls into the grand formation.

Immortal Zombie Ten Perfect is a grand grand formation that has been greatly improved by the numerous sacrifices of Gu Immortal, reaching 90%.

Southern Border Gu Immortals has been trying to break through this grand formation, and now the grand formation is perfect to 90%, making these Southern Border Gu Immortal both shocking and scary.

On top of the head, thousands of pearls robbed from high altitude.

Southern Border Gu Immortals have temporarily abandoned the breakout and turned to the Disaster and Tribulation that came to their heads.

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