Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 251 It’s a matter of life and death

Three middle-aged and elderly people gradually walked from the shadows into the light.

They are the three six hundred level old monsters of Tiansheng Group.

As soon as they appeared, they ignored everyone and ran straight towards Wang Wen.

Zhou Shengsheng said displeasedly: What do you three mean? From what you just said, it sounds like Tiansheng is going to destroy our No. 1 consortium?

The old man Tiansheng turned his eyes and looked at him, showing a sinister smile and said: Prince, this matter today has nothing to do with you. It is a personal grudge between Tiansheng and Wang Wen.

What is a personal grudge? Zhou Shengsheng raised his head and raised his chest without giving in to stop the three monsters: I am having a dinner with the King's team today, are you three planning to cause trouble in front of me?

Making trouble? The three old monsters looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. One of them said coldly to Zhou Shengsheng: Wang Min's friend the man in Tsing Yi killed our Tiansheng young master Zheng Xiaodong, and he himself even injured our Mr. Qin to the point of death. He was seriously injured and almost died, do you think this can be considered a personal grudge?

Another person directly stretched out his hand to attack: We are not here to cause trouble today, but to kill. Whoever blocks the way will be killed. Does the Crown Prince want to protect Wang Wen? Dare I ask if the First Financial Group has thought clearly about turning against Tiansheng and starting a war? ?”

Hear the words.

Zhou Shengsheng's face looked uncertain.

He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes wide with an angry look on his face.

But he fell silent.

The old monster who saw through it at a glance casually pushed him aside and gave him a way down the stairs.

behind him.

It's Wang Wen, Mi Lailai, Chen Hansheng and a few others.

The three monsters looked at Chen Hansheng with a half-smile but not a smile: What? Want to give it a try?

Chen Hansheng looked serious and turned to look at Mi Lailai.

Mi Lailai received a questioning look from the boss.

He ran his fingers through his hair and took his mobile phone to make a call: Gather at the food court of the Five District College to fight with the three old guys from Tiansheng.

Chen Hansheng threw the bag in his hand and shouted: Fuck! Just do it for fear of death! He also took out his mobile phone to make a call: Call someone! Surround Tiansheng headquarters and Qin Dongbei! Not tonight His death means my death!”

The phone hangs up.

The people next to him stared at him dumbfounded.

Everyone, including Mi Lailai, looked surprised and asked, Boss, are you going to have a hard time? The top teams can only fight at a high level. If you just start a group war, are you going to decide life and death?

Chen Hansheng's whole body seemed to be burning with blazing flames at this moment.

He stared at Tiansheng's three monsters with surging fighting spirit and said: The game they set up is about life and death, why should I stop at the last minute? I will have a vigorous fight today!

The voice fell.

Xiao Liu's legs in the remote area behind him went weak, and he huddled dejectedly into the shadows of the corner, not daring to show his head.

The five people in the security department looked at each other.

Jiang Daoli and the other four winked and shook their heads.

Vice President Jiang looked at the calm-looking Wang Wen next to him, and became angry. He shouted to Tian Sheng and the three monsters: You tower climbers should settle your grievances and fight somewhere else, and don't affect regional security and residents' rest!

Jiang Daoli and the other four were so frightened that they covered Vice President Jiang's mouth and dragged him back.

Fortunately, the three old monsters in front could not see any guards at all, and Jie Jie smiled and nodded.

He gave Chen Hansheng a thumbs up and took action directly.

He grabbed Wang Wen.


A transparent barrier was broken.

The old monster who shattered the barrier rubbed his fingers and said with a smile: Today I will learn the power of the three barriers!

Seeing that the other party started fighting at the slightest disagreement.

The crowd on Wang Min's side dispersed with a roar.

Mi Lailai protected Chen Hansheng.

Mo Ran protected Zhou Shengsheng.

Cheng Queyi protected Wang Wen.

Wang Wen: ???

He reached out to grab Cheng Queyi who was blocking him and cursed with a smile: What are you doing? Can you get involved in this? Why don't you go home quickly!

Cheng Queyi twisted his arms and refused.

Throw a ball-shaped mechanism with your hand.

The ball stretched in mid-air and turned into a long metal belt, shooting densely packed fine needles towards the three old monsters.

A little girl is more active than anyone else.

The three monsters casually waved away the thin needles that came towards them, and were just about to continue attacking Wang Wen.

Boom boom boom boom boom.

Continuous explosions surrounded them.

Those seemingly inconspicuous thin needles are actually powerful trigger explosives!

This hand even made Mi Lailai next to him look over in surprise, his eyes looking back and forth on Cheng Queyi.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Wang Min directly input mental power into the [Psychic Power Shield].

Those three old monsters who stayed on the 600th floor of the World Tower for who knows how long, their physical strength is definitely far beyond that of ordinary people, and it is impossible for Cheng Queyi to knock them down with a few small explosives.


A laser beam shot out from the smoke and hit Cheng Queyi directly.

Fortunately, Wang Wen prepared the [Psychic Shield] to trap Cheng Queyi in time to block this fatal beam.

Three figures stepped out of the smoke.

There was no damage except for some blackening on the sleeves and slightly messy hair.

But the three of them looked very angry.

It seems that being teased by a young girl is a shameful thing.

One of them took out a long scepter and pointed it slightly towards the sky. A fireball appeared in the night sky, falling from the sky and hitting Cheng Queyi's head accurately.

Wang Min didn't care about anything else and raised her hand to point to the sky.

A water ball appears in the path of the fire ball.

The fireballs collided with the waterballs and disappeared in pairs, turning into a puff of smoke that was blown away by the wind in mid-air.

The old monster smiled strangely when he saw this, and waved his staff and pointed upwards.

Countless fireballs formed in the air.

At the same time, the other two old monsters also rushed towards Wang Min from two sides, one with empty hands and the other with a gun.

Milailai left Chen Hansheng's side and faced the empty-handed old monster on the right using his mental control.

Mo Ran put on black gloves and punched the old guy holding the gun on the left.

The empty-handed old monster waved his hand, and Mi Lailai's mental control was interrupted, and he staggered and almost fell down.

The old monster with a gun aimed at Mo Ran. A bright red laser beam hit Mo Ran as soon as it came out of the muzzle. He had no time to avoid it. At the critical moment, Mo Ran only had time to block it with his hand, and the black gloves flashed with electricity. The sparks barely blocked the laser beam but made no sound.

The two old monsters knocked back the blockers with one move, and said with a smile: A rookie at level 400 or 500 dares to stop your grandpa.

Four or five hundred floors are not enough. Is six hundred floors enough? A voice suddenly sounded from beside the crowd.

Li He glanced at the three old monsters: I didn't go to Tiansheng, but you have been haunting us to cause trouble for the college. You think we are easy to bully! As he spoke, he rushed forward and threw Shen Rushuang out of his hand. .

Shen Rushuang's headless puppet seemed to have been tamed by Li He. He opened his arms and hugged the old monster with a gun. As soon as his clothes were lifted, his body began to heat up rapidly.

The old monster howled and used his hands to break free of the puppet's restraints.

But it was too late to aim.

He punched Li He and struck a blow, causing the ground beneath their feet to crack.

Li He took three steps back.

The old monster took a half step back and said in surprise: The power of the world? You are so young that you really have six hundred levels??

Hmph. Li He sneered and continued to charge without saying a word.

??? The other two old monsters were all attracted by the abnormality here for a moment.

At this time, Mililai's teammates finally arrived.

Fireballs from the sky also fell one after another, including everyone.

Things move too fast.

No one expected that the situation would become uncontrollable in just a blink of an eye.

Thanks to [Very Lazy Fish] for the tip!

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