Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 250 Fraternity First Tiansheng

Hear this.

Vice President Jiang was a little stunned and didn't know what expression to use in response.

Wang Min explained: It's not the Army. This is my good friend, Deputy Chief Jiang of the Fifth Region Security Department.

Security Department? Zhu Xingguo nodded and backed away.

Returning to Ren Ruanruan, they discussed softly in a voice that everyone could hear: Are the security departments so awesome these days? Dare you call me Master Xiao Wang?

Ren Ruanruan shook his head: It's hard to say. Maybe the Security Department has risen during this period, and there are people in the 500th and 600th levels. We cannot underestimate the heroes of the world.

Zhu Xingguo repeatedly echoed: It makes sense, and we cannot underestimate the heroes of the world.

Vice President Jiang felt as if he was being ridiculed.

Looking at Wang Wen in confusion: Is this your new apprentice? Is he okay?

It's okay, it's okay. Wang Wen laughed, patted Vice President Jiang on the back and walked forward: He calls me master, you call me Xiao Wang, we can talk about our own affairs without getting in the way, and we can go to the same place and eat hot pot until we starve to death. Got it!

Xiao Liu on the other side noticed the two people behind him extremely keenly.

He followed Zhu Ren a few steps behind and asked Zhu Xingguo softly: Sorry to bother you, but you call Wang Wen master? How many levels is he at now?

Zhu Xingguo looked at Wang Wen in front.

Then he looked at Ren Ruanruan next to him.

Genuine said softly to Xiao Liu: Less than seven hundred!

Xiao Liu was stunned.

Study this sentence carefully.

I always feel like I'm being ridiculed.


Of course less than seven hundred!

How much does it cost to be number one in the world? ?

Sure enough, what kind of master teaches what kind of apprentice.

The two people's ignorance is of the same origin!

A little bit of uncontrollable anger surged in his heart.

Together with the unhappiness caused by Wang Wen just now, it was also placed on the master and disciple.

I don’t want to deal with these low-quality humans anymore.

Xiao Liu staggered and moved a few steps to the side, as if to distance himself from the relationship.

Walking with your head down.

Thinking about how to finish what should be said to Wang Min at the dinner table without easily disturbing Cheng Queyi.

Unfortunately, today is not a day suitable for thinking.

Wang Min seems to have a lot of friends.

Before leaving the portal, take a few more steps.

Someone is catching up from behind.

Everyone turned to look.

Zhu and Ren were confused.

Vice President Jiang is right.

Only Xiao Liu looked confused.

As Mr. Cheng's right-hand man, of course he knows the senior executives of major groups.

It's midnight, why does Mr. Chen Hansheng from Boai Group appear here?

Under Xiao Liu's puzzled gaze.

Chen Hansheng ignored others and trotted to Wang Wen's side. He said softly: Mr. Wang, do we have time to talk about the resource team?

Wang Wen was happy: Why are you waiting for me to come out of the tower? That's great. Let's have dinner together by chance and talk about it later.

Chen Hansheng nodded and followed him silently. He glanced at Zhu and Ren with a slightly embarrassed expression.

What's embarrassing? Others don't know, but Zhu and Ren know it clearly.

Zhu Xingguo recognized Chen Hansheng through the street lamp and greeted with a smile: You are the old Chen who was scared out of the tower by the cement sculpture, right? Hahaha, it feels like I haven't seen you for a long time, Old Chen!

The last thing Chen Hansheng wanted to face happened. He touched his nose in embarrassment and handed Zhu and Ren their business cards: Let's have a laugh. We will have a chance to work together again next month. Please take care of them then.

Xiao Liu's neck stiffened when he saw this scene.

There was a big question mark hanging upside down on his face.

Ren Ruanruan took the business card and said with emotion: As expected of a big boss, using props to engrave a business card is so heroic!

Chen Hansheng waved his hands modestly to show that he was not worth mentioning. He approached Zhu Xingguo and asked, You have only just left the tower now. How many floors have you climbed since then?

Zhu Xingguo habitually wanted to sell his business cards into [Equivalent Exchange], but found that he couldn't use them outside the tower, so he had to regretfully spend money to find an aircraft to store them.

Hear the questions.

He looked up at Wang Min who was walking and chatting with five people from the security department in front of him, and quietly said to Chen Hansheng: Climb again... More than three hundred!

??? After Chen Hansheng confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his ears, his look at Zhu Xingguo became a little strange.

He cautiously said to Zhu Xingguo: You mean, more than three hundred floors? Not even four hundred?

Zhu Xingguo looked at Chen Hansheng like a hearing-impaired man: Of course not four hundred! If there were so many masters, there would be no need to worry!

This sentence seems a bit loud.

Wang Wen in front twitched his ears and turned to Zhu Xingguo: You still have the nerve to say it? You have to go up to the last level with Xiao Ren. Is it so painful for me? You finally got to this point and you actually came out of the tower. It's really me My good disciple!

Zhu Xingguo shrank his neck.

Hehe smiled and didn't dare to say anything.

Chen Hansheng sighed and patted Zhu Xingguo's arm, comforting him: It's okay. Try your best next time. No matter what, you will be better than me.

While several people were talking.

A fragrant figure quickly passed by the crowd.

Appeared next to Wang Wen.

Ignoring the girl grabbing his clothes.

He directly stretched out his hand to hold Wang Wen's arm, and said with a bright smile: My little brother is finally out of the tower. It's been a hard journey! You must be exhausted!

Wang Wei very smoothly raised her hand and pulled it away before the opponent's hand was closed.

No matter what object he bumped into along the way, his face remained expressionless.

He said calmly: It's better for us to keep a proper distance. I don't want to be misunderstood by your admirers.

Huh? Mi Lailai was freed, and without holding her arms, she hugged her chest. Then she nodded her chin as if nothing happened and said in surprise, I seem to smell a sour smell, it's vinegar. ?

Wang Min said to Vice President Jiang attentively: The college will definitely have its own core competitiveness in the future, you...

Mi Lailai pouted: Not polite.

Even though she said that, she had no intention of leaving at all, and she didn't know what she was planning.

Next to her, Cheng Queyi, who had clenched her fingers since seeing Mi Lailai appear, saw Wang Min acting rudely.

My heart is even more sweet.

He could pull the corner of his senior's clothes, but the other party couldn't even touch him.

This is the difference! ! !

At this moment, Cheng Queyi felt that she was surrounded by a strong sense of happiness, and her eyes when looking at Wang Min were so soft that they seemed to be dripping with water.

Outside the crowd.

Xiao Liu watched this scene quietly.

There was some surprise in his eyes.

In addition to Chen Hansheng, he is naturally familiar with Mi Lailai, the ace of Boai Group.

Those are the top group of metahuman tower climbers.

They are a group of people that the management of major companies must keep a close eye on.

Because the movements of these people often represent changes in the world situation.

Once a team like Mi Lailai reaches the 600th floor, it's hard to say who will be ranked second between Boai and Tiansheng.

In order to consolidate their positions, the two groups will definitely spend a lot of money to buy the legendary power of the world.

By then, a small company like the Cheng family will be able to fish in troubled waters and act according to the opportunity. As long as they seize the opportunity well, they will definitely be profitable!

Such an important big shot.

Why are you following Wang Min like a follower? ?

Xiao Liu's heart was shaken for the first time.

Could it be that Wang Wen has some extraordinary status?

Everyone walked all the way to the hot pot restaurant on the food street outside the college where Wang Wen went most often.

Xiao Liu was shocked to see.

Zhou Shengsheng, the crown prince of the First Financial Group, and Mo Ran, the former team leader of the intelligence department, were waiting obediently outside the store!

As soon as Wang Wen appeared.

Mo Ran took the lead to greet him, pointed at Wang Min and said to Zhou Shengsheng: Look, he must have not run away! I don't know him yet?

After saying that, he turned around and glared at Wang Wen: You didn't pay for food last time in Shaxian County, and I was the one to blame!

Wang Min stared back at him expressionlessly: Last time you broke something in Sha County and didn't pay for it, I was the one to blame.

Zhou Shengsheng smiled and opened his hands as if to hug Wang Wen: Captain Wang, you are finally out of the tower. I have been waiting so hard! What I didn't say today is my treat. You won't come back until you're drunk!

Behind him, Chen Han said with a smile: Hey, who are you looking down on? It's the crown prince's turn to treat you?

Zhou Shengsheng raised his head in astonishment: Uncle Chen, are you there too? I thought you were in such a hurry to get out of the tower because you were seriously injured and went to the hospital!

They didn't know what happened between them.

The moment they meet, they smell like gunpowder.

The corners of Wang Min's originally smiling eyes fell flat, she looked at the two of them back and forth, and said simply and clearly: You two big consortiums are fighting in a different place. Don't be an eyesore in front of me.

One sentence.

Chen Hansheng and Zhou Shengsheng both lowered their momentum.

He honestly shut up.

This scene shocked Xiao Liu and the five members of the security department to open their mouths and reveal their little tongues.


It seems that the taste of the soup is not strong enough.

A voice approached from the side: The little mouse is so majestic! He is indeed a master of breaking the monstrosity. One sentence scared the prince of the first consortium and the CEO of Boai to shut up. It seems that these two groups have been too comfortable for too long. We have lost our spirit, and it is our turn to be the master of Tiansheng in this world!

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