Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 252 Incomprehensible Strength

Wang Wen frowned.

Look around at the crowd.

Take a deep breath, open your hands and cover yourself with no wind.

Eyes closed and opened.

A bright blue light curtain rose into the sky.

At the moment when all the fireballs were flooded, the menacing fireballs instantly turned into flames and weakly followed the light curtain into the sky.

Until all the fireballs are extinguished and disappear.

The light curtain also dispersed into dots of starlight.

Everyone below saw this scene, especially the four members of Mililai's team who had just arrived, with their mouths open and their heads raised as if they were mentally retarded.

The old man waving his scepter opposite had a different look on his face.

After smelling it carefully, something strange flashed in his eyes: How could it be? You also have the power of the world!

Hear this.

The crowd shook violently again.

The top four, Vice President Jiang, Xiao Liu, Chen Hansheng, Milailai and Boai, all stared at Wang Min in unison.

The eyes were full of disbelief, and the group of people seemed to have seen a ghost.

Even Li He, who was fighting fiercely with the old monster with a gun, cast a confused look in surprise.

Then the old monster took the opportunity and shot him in the head.

Li Hyuk was so burned that he kept retreating and his face was covered with blood.

When Mi Lailai saw it, he hurriedly led his team up to help.

The remaining two old monsters ignored the surprise and looked at each other and attacked Wang Min at the same time.

No matter how many levels there are, they have finally stopped holding back this time, giving up the mentality of arresting people for questioning, and vowed to kill the target on the spot with all their strength.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan saw Wang Min raise the light screen to take away the large fireball, and their expressions returned to the way they were when they first came out of the tower.

He quickly said to him: Master, you need to rest before your injury is healed. Leave these two to us!

Wang Min nodded, took out a gourd, took a sip, closed his eyes and rested.

At this moment, Zhu and Ren had already fought against the two monsters on the opposite side.

Ren Ruanruan faced an old guy with a scepter who was obviously a magician. He directly transformed into a demon body and relied on his immunity to magic damage to bully him.

Zhu Xingguo, on the other hand, waved [Thor's Hammer] wide open and closed, and occasionally asked Do you love me, which frightened the empty-handed old monster and broke his defense in a hurry.

The two Tiansheng 600-level old monsters became more and more frightened as they fought.

This strange creature that suddenly stood up and almost had the word dog legs on its face actually had the aura of the power of the world on it!

The two of them had enhanced their physiques and extraordinary skills to the fifth level, and they could not defeat each other in seconds!

What the hell is this? ?

They were shocked.

Little did they know that Zhu and Ren were feeling aggrieved.

After all, Zhu Xingguo hadn't reached the 700th floor, and he didn't have crushing props on hand. [Equal Exchange] couldn't be used outside the tower, so he had a lot of missing moves. The only one [Fart Technique] was in his hand, ready to see which of the three old monsters was the best. If you are awesome, just throw it at him.

Ren Ruanruan does have a 700-level prop, but unfortunately it has been used and has been put into a cool-down period. Without [Battle Angel], she is actually a 600-level item with enhanced level four.

The two couldn't beat their opponents and had to delay as much time as possible to wait for Wang Wei to recover.

Wang Wen took a sip of the gourd and rested for a few seconds. After absorbing it, he took another sip and continued to rest.

I don’t know what kind of prop his gourd is, but it can actually bring him out of the World Tower.

What's more important is that it not only heals injuries and strengthens the body, but also helps restore mental strength.

But the number is obviously not large.

Otherwise, Wang Wen would not have been reluctant to use it after leaving the tower, and planned to recover naturally or wait for repairs in the tower.

The situation was urgent now, and he couldn't care less about saving.

Drink every sip to get maximum recovery at full speed.

After a few sips, the gourd was empty.

He also opened his eyes.

My body has recovered about 80%.

It's no longer a serious problem and you can take action with all your strength.


Under the worried eyes of Cheng Queyi beside him.

Not far away, Chen Hansheng and several people from the security department looked at him in confusion.

Wang Wen raised his hand.

Lingkong pinched the heads of the three old monsters.

Fully output mental power.

The strange effects brought about by the four blindfolding methods allow Wang Wen to put mental power into his brain and explode after breaking through the opponent's defense.

That’s a real headshot.

The moment the three old monsters had their heads pinched, they stiffened and stopped moving.

He didn't fight back despite being attacked by others, and resisted with his fifth-level physique.

Their faces were covered with sweat.

His eyes were filled with fear.

Use all your strength to resist Wang Wen's one-on-three attack.

The scene changed from extreme movement to extreme silence.

Seeing that the three monsters were restrained by Wang Wen, everyone quickly beat the drowned dog.

Li He directed Shen Rushuang's puppet to hug the old monster holding a gun tightly and lift his clothes.

Mi Lailai led the team of four to fight the empty-handed old monster to avenge himself for the previous slap.

During the stalemate between the two sides.

The eyes of the old monster holding the scepter suddenly flashed with light. With a tap of the scepter, a huge fireball appeared in the center of the field, and the air temperature instantly increased.

The sweat on the bodies of the five people who were close to Mi Lailai evaporated instantly, and their clothes were dried and turned brown.

Everyone was shocked.

Once such a fireball with a diameter of five or six meters explodes, it is estimated that everyone can escape.

Before everyone could escape.

I saw Wang Min stretching out her other hand and moving a little farther towards the fireball.

Like a needle poking a balloon.

The fireball instantly dispersed into a cloud of water and fell to the ground, cooling the dry air and the earth.

Wang Min said to the old monster with the scepter: It's useless. It never changes from its origin. As long as I still have the strength, your fireball will never explode.

The place was quiet.

You can hear the needle drop.

This group of friends who thought they were familiar with Wang Wei finally discovered that Wang Wei's strength seemed to be incomprehensible.

The old monster tried his best to resist the increasing pressure. His face turned pale, his lips trembled, and he couldn't even make a sound.

Zhu Xingguo walked up to the old man with a scepter with a solemn expression and said to him gently: You still want to fight back? It seems that you are the strongest one, so I will choose you!

After speaking, do not wait for the other party to understand the meaning of the words.

A [Fart Technique] was thrown at the old monster.


The old monster with the scepter farted uncontrollably.

His face changed instantly!

Just now he shouted: Spare!...


His head exploded like a fallen watermelon.

Various liquids splashed all over Zhu Xingguo's face.

The empty-handed old monster's legs and feet were trembling. He was beaten up by the five Mi Lailai men and his face was bruised and bruised all over his body. He saw Mi Lailai turning back and asking for a grenade from Chen Hansheng and heading this way.

I also saw my companion break the guard and die tragically on the spot.

He was so frightened that he waved and shouted: What are you waiting for!!!

A thin line shot from the distant horizon following his movements.

It makes the air ripple like water waves.

It swirled and went straight towards Wang Min's eyebrows.


A sharp collision sound that penetrated the eardrum, like a night ghost's cry, sounded.

Wang Min's forehead is full of brilliance.

The ground under my feet was torn apart like a turtle shell.

A circle of impact air blasted around the body, causing everyone to stagger and even the glass door of the hot pot restaurant not far away was shattered into pieces.

Wang Min could clearly see the objects in front of her.

It is a cone-shaped warhead about one foot long.

The golden metal surface becomes more colorful due to the high temperature caused by high-speed friction.

One second later.

There was a sound like a cannon in the distance.

There are snipers! Zhu Xingguo rushed towards Wang Min.

Ren Ruanruan took out [Monkey King] and transformed angrily, turning around and disappearing.

Wang Min stood there holding the bullet, her mental energy greatly drained away.

As a result, the pressure on the two old monsters suddenly decreased.

The empty-handed old monster gave a sharp shout and swung his palm to slap Mi Lailai on the head.

A tall and handsome team member stood in front of her.

The top climber of the 500-story fraternity tower collapsed due to the slap, and he vomited a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground together with Mi Lailai behind him.

If Qi Ruoyousi sees it, he will not survive.

The old monster let out his anger with one palm, and without further delay, he twisted around and slapped Wang Wen with another palm.


His head also exploded.

The empty-handed old monster never imagined that Wang Wen, who thought he had no remaining strength, could actually be distracted and take action.

The headless body staggered two steps on the ground and slowly fell to the ground.

The last remaining old man with a gun couldn't bear it any longer. He screamed and waved his hands to force Li He and others back, then turned around and ran away.

While running, he shouted: Three hundred floors! Three levels of deception! The intelligence department is so stupid!

His head was blown.

A cloud of blood burst out.

But his body did not fall down, he continued running and disappeared into the night in a few flashes.

Zhu Xingguo was just one distance away from catching the bullet.

However, the warhead penetrated Wang Min's defense and plunged into his forehead with a pop, which he only had time to turn away slightly.

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