Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 224: The 500th Floor of the World Tower

In the distance, a large number of giant trees fell down, sending up dust and birds all over the sky.

A person nearby was wearing a snow-white robe, tapping a fallen leaf in the air with his toes, and his lowered hands seemed to be gently pressing on the heads of the two people.

I never thought there would be anyone in the world who would dare to rob my master's things! The man in white robe looked at the holes in his snow-white robe, with a strong evil look on his brows, and said coldly and condescendingly: I hope you guys can hold on as long as possible. Some, if I can’t chop a few alive into pigeons, it’s really hard to understand the hatred in my heart.”

Zhu Xingguo asked Ren Ruanruan secretly: What hostages? Are you trying to kidnap us?

Ren Ruanruan stared at him dumbfounded.

I deliberately asked him to go back and read more books.

It's a pity that I really am not in the mood to educate idiots at the moment.

With difficulty, she turned her face to the man in white robe above and asked, Aren't you going to get the fairy stone?

The man in white robe snorted coldly: Don't bother, my master will look for it slowly after venting his anger. Now...

The monster eats Grandpa's sword!

An iron sword glowing with blue light shot straight across the sky from the direction of Wanxian Terrace.

Following behind were the two masters and apprentices of Cassia Mingzi.

The long sword was as fast as lightning, piercing the robe in the blink of an eye.

The man in white robe noticed the sharp aura on the iron sword, and in a hurry, he had no time to defend himself and was forced to retreat temporarily to avoid the sharp edge.

After regaining their freedom, Zhu and Ren ran to the fallen Cassia and asked happily: Why are you here?

Cassia did not answer.

He frowned and looked at the white-robed man in mid-air.

The old man behind him floated beside him holding the sword technique to recall the iron sword, and he looked like an immortal in his clothes without any wind.

The man in white robe looked at the two men and sneered: Qiyun Sword? Three years ago, our National Normal University spared the lives of rats like you. If you don't want to take the initiative to die without knowing what is going on, then I will grant it to you!

As he spoke, his robe fluttered, and with a wave of his cuffs, the fallen leaves on the ground turned into sharp blades and stabbed towards Cassia and the others.

Qian Wu Kun Mao Creation Palace, defend and resist! Cassia took a step forward, raised his palms forward, and a blue light curtain like a Bagua array instantly expanded from a tiny point in his palm to several meters in diameter, covering Everyone came together to protect him.

The fallen leaves pierced the light curtain, sizzling and steaming, and soon turned into ashes and fell down as if they were on fire. None of them could pass through the light curtain and cause harm.

Only Cassia Mingzi suddenly burst out with large amounts of sweat, instantly soaking her clothes and pants.

Seeing this, the old man swung his iron sword and shot the man in white robe directly.

The iron sword changes into three in the air, and three becomes nine.

In the end, it also became overwhelming, and it even swept away the fallen leaves on the way to the man in white robe.

The man in white robe narrowed his eyes.

Stretch out your scallion-white fingers and pinch gently.

Thousands of iron swords merged into one again, and the tip of the sword was being pinched by fingers.

Looking at the sword body that was constantly shaking and struggling, the man in white robe sneered: I avoided your sword before because I didn't want my clothes to get damaged again. Do you really think I'm afraid?

The old man's face changed drastically, and he clenched his hands into fists and used all his strength to withdraw them.

The pinched iron sword shook and struggled more violently, and there seemed to be a faint sound of tigers roaring and dragons roaring.

A white-green hand was raised from below, and the index finger flicked the sword blade.


The crisp sound loomed faintly in the forest.

The iron sword stopped struggling and broke into several pieces and fell to the ground.

The old man spat out a large mouthful of blood with a pop sound.

Looking at the broken sword on the ground tremblingly, his spirit began to weaken.

Master! Xia Mingzi was shocked and quickly stretched out his hand to support the old man.

The old man was mentally exhausted, shook his head and sighed: The evildoer has accomplished his deeds. We are no match. We lost today.

Qianwu Kunmao Creation Palace will be destroyed! Cassia Mingzi reluctantly pointed his fingers at the man in white robes from a distance.

The man in white robe casually waved his sleeves to disperse Cassia Mingzi's weak magic power.

Throwing away the sword tip, he clapped his hands lightly, as if he had done something insignificant.


Like no more fun.

Spread your hands with your palms facing the sky.

Suddenly a strong wind blew in the sky.

The sky, which was getting brighter and brighter with the rising sun, was inexplicably covered with dark clouds.

Amidst the rumbling sound, heavy rain poured down that pissed off the Meteorological Bureau.

While still in mid-air, they turned into ice cones with a chilling air, clattering towards the Cassias like pouring rifle bullets.

Qianwu Kunmao Creation Palace, defend and resist!

The blue light curtain opened again.

This time, two hands supported the light curtain.

Master! Xia Mingzi turned to look at the old man.

Be careful! the old man shouted, veins bursting out on his old skin.

The ice pick clanked on the light curtain.

This time, there was no fuss.

Instead, it drilled down like a living creature.

Seeing that the master and the apprentice were trembling and seemed to be about to die on the spot, Ren Ruanruan asked Zhu Xingguo anxiously: What should I do? My Monkey King is still cooling down. Do you have any missiles to kill that damn monster?

Zhu Xingguo hesitated and said: I don't have missiles, but my master asked me to pick out a unique treasure. I said I shouldn't use it unless it was a last resort. I think it should be considered a last resort now, right?

Ren Ruanruan took a closer look at the bottle in his hand.

The prop information given by the aircraft is very simple.

Just one sentence.

[Nine Transformations Golden Elixir], the only type of 300-level treasure (consumed), breaks through the bottleneck and strengthens the overall constitution, recovers from serious injuries and illnesses, and turns the dead into flesh and bones, without any obstacles, without breaking, without repairing, removing all the damage and returning to the original state.

Ren Ruanruan's heart skipped a beat.

Why didn't I see such a heaven-defying treasure when I was selecting it before?

Does the captain even have better eyesight than ordinary people? ?

She asked uncertainly: Are you going to give it to the captain?

Definitely. Zhu Xingguo said, I just don't know if it will work. If it doesn't work, I will be scolded by the master.

Regardless of whether it has any effect, if you don't use it, you won't have the chance to scold us and just burp! Ren Ruanruan shouted anxiously when he saw the master and apprentice holding the light curtain vomiting blood and falling to the ground.

Zhu Xingguo nodded.

Open the jade bottle and pour out a smooth bead with golden light, which looks like a beautifully made toy.

He held the beads and stuffed them into Wang Wen's mouth.

Ren Ruanruan shouted from behind: Is it effective? If not, I will jump!!

Zhu Xingguo's hand was blocked by a finger.

He looked at Wang Wen who opened his eyes in surprise: Master?

Wang Min raised his hand and waved, and a semicircular transparent barrier appeared above everyone's heads, gently blocking all the ice picks.

Get up from the ground.

He threw the beads in Zhu Xingguo's hand back into the jade vase, handed them back to him and said, I told you to use them only as a last resort, don't worry.

Master! Zhu Xingguo suddenly felt the urge to cry: Are you awake?

I've been awake all the time, but my consciousness is a little drifting. If such a big thing happens, you should wake me up earlier. Wang Min patted Zhu Xingguo's arm and walked slowly to the two Cassia Mingzi.

Ren Ruanruan was so excited that she burst into tears when she saw the sleeping Wang Min awake.

I usually hide in the harbor and feel safe.

During the dozens of minutes when Wang Min was sleeping, she felt like the sky was falling.

Climbing the tower was too fast and her strength and vision couldn't keep up.

Wang Wen fell down.

For the first time, the two faced the level of the 500th floor of the World Tower.

I was almost defeated by the exaggerated difficulty beyond all imagination.

Until Wang Wen woke up.

Only then did she feel that her backbone was back.

My heart just dropped back into my stomach.

Thank you [Dajin 7 Group Har] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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