Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 223 If you have something to say, say it nicely

Get out of the way! Wang Wei kicked the driver angrily.

The driver seemed used to being kicked, and he wasn't angry. He was just drooling over the new car.

Zhu Xingguo grabbed the new car hard, finally lifted it up a little and sold it quickly.

At the same time, Wang Wen had nosebleeds.

His body swayed slightly and he almost fell backwards.

Ren Ruanruan quickly supported him.

Fortunately, the 300-level strengthened physique prevented the two of them from falling to the ground together.

Zhu Xingguo bought the physical new car back to the ground.

Wiped the sweat from his forehead.

She walked to Wang Wen's side and supported him, and asked worriedly: Master, can you still hold on? If not, let's just jump. This will be too hard for you.

Wang Min pinched the bridge of her nose, closed her eyes and gasped: If you can dance this time, what should you do next time? This kind of persuasion is not persuasion, but you have to work hard to overcome it.

He opened his eyes, weakly pointed at the old car frames scattered on the ground, and told Zhu Xingguo: Collect all the old cars, don't leave any of them behind, and get some interest back.

Oh. Zhu Xingguo obediently lay down on the ground to pick up wood and sell it to the World Tower. He turned around and saw the driver who was still looking at the new car blankly, and called him angrily: Why are you standing there, why don't you hurry up and hurry up and hurry up? !”

The driver came to his senses and saw the parts of his car disappearing one by one. He said anxiously: Hey, my car? What is this for? I can repair it and it can still be used!

Wang Min said helplessly to the coachman: This new one is for you, and the delivery fee is the same.

That's great! The coachman immediately forgot about his old car, happily put the rope on the new car, and shouted proudly: Let's go!

Set off again.

I don’t know if it’s because of the “toll money” spent or because of the new car.

The second half of the journey was smooth.

Everyone reluctantly arrived at Wanxian Terrace when the sky was slightly bright.

Farewell to the joyful coachman.

The three of them walked up the stone steps.

Soon I saw an open platform paved with very smooth stones.

The platform is very arrogant.

There is a corner hanging out of the cliff.

There is a bottomless abyss underneath.

It was supported only by a few logs and stones.

I don’t know how those almost suspended supports were erected with the current level of technology.

In that corner.

There is a tall car.

The top is covered, so you don't have to worry about wind and rain.

One person sat inside, facing the morning sun.

Wang Wen and the others took a few steps closer.

Suddenly, several young girls appeared out of nowhere and stopped in front of the three of them.

He shouted softly: No one is allowed to approach this important place of saving immortals. Leave quickly or you will be killed without mercy.

Wang Wen tested the scope of his mental power.


Lead the people back.

At the same time, he hooked his hand.

A slightly shiny stone rose from the front and flew towards Wang Wen quickly.

How brave! The person sitting in the suspended corner car in front shouted angrily. He twisted his body and flew directly up, pounced on Wang Wei like an eagle.


A man like an eagle.

It hit the transparent barrier hard.

This transparent barrier can stop even missiles, let alone just one person.

It's just that Wang Wen's face turned a little paler.

He stretched out his hand to grab the fairy stone and directly pulled Zhu and Ren to jump off the cliff.

Halfway up the road, mental energy was gathered to support the bodies of the three people as they descended slowly.

There was a roar in the air.

The eagle-like man was now turned into a human cannonball, which was pounded down without hesitation.

Wang Wen had no choice but to use his spiritual power again to pin the person to the cliff.

The man raised his eyebrows and slapped hard with his backhand, shattering a large piece of the cliff behind him.

The strength relaxed.

His whole body came out like a loach, and he continued to pursue Wang Min relentlessly.

This is the first time someone has broken through Wang Wei's mental constraints since the four items were broken.

See this scene.

Wang Wen frowned.

His current mental strength is very weak.

With the opponent's attitude like a mad dog, there's really no telling who will kill whom in a head-to-head confrontation.

He thought about it.

He condensed the last half of his spiritual power into a small sun and threw it towards the man.


Half of the cliff collapsed.

The sky is filled with dust, gravel, broken branches and leaves.

Taking advantage of the impact of the explosion, Wang Wen and the others fell quickly and disappeared into the forest below.

The center of the explosion.

It seems as if there is really a sun slowly blooming.

The heat swept through everything around it.

Challenge the ignition point of various objects.

The beating-resistant melted crystals turned into a mess of color.

Those who couldn't resist the beating were carbonized and turned black.

Things like branches and leaves evaporate directly without even being burned.

The young girls who blocked the road above the cliff were so shocked that their eyes nearly popped out.

They couldn't even block the aftermath of the explosion, and were swept away one after another. Their clothes were scraped to pieces by the gravel, leaving them unable to cover their bodies.

Most of them fainted immediately after landing.

The only girl who was still awake struggled to climb to the edge of the cliff and looked around, trying to find a figure in the chaos.

. . .


The soft ground is full of fallen leaves and humus.

Wang Wen closed her eyes and did not dare to move.

With his mental energy almost exhausted, he can now be said to be knocked down at the first touch.

This feeling is not the same as the symptoms when one's mental energy is sucked away by the Absorbing Stone.

One is passively sucked away from the outside.

I am very relaxed and will not be too tired.

Now this kind of thing is released on its own initiative.

It consumes a lot of energy and is extremely tiring.

My whole body was in a state of soreness, swelling and numbness.

Consciousness is even more unstable.

It seemed like he was about to fall into coma the next second.

Wang Wen felt a little worried.

Being comatose in the World Tower is not a good sign.

If you are unable to get out of the tower and encounter danger, you will almost die.

Unless someone else keeps protecting and diverting.

at the moment.

Zhu and Ren were standing by very seriously.

Ren Ruanruan has even held the aircraft tightly to prevent it from leaving, ensuring that she can use special permissions to jump levels at any time.

Zhu Xingguo looked at Wang Wen, who had his eyes closed, with worry on his face.

I didn’t dare to express my anger.

at this time.

There was a strange sound in the air not far away.

Zhu and Ren looked through the trunk of the tree.

Over there, fallen leaves are flying and soil is flying.

Rows of trees were uprooted and fell.

The birds and beasts were all frightened and fled in all directions.

Some unlucky guys with no eyesight even ran to Wang Min, but were kicked away by Zhu Xingguo.

Ren Ruanruan winked at him.

The two men gently lifted Wang Wen up and moved in the other direction again.

It turned out that they had transferred in time as early as after landing.

Not stopping at the landing point ensures that the enemy won't follow you.

The two of them supported Wang Wen.

Step softly.

But the frequency is high.

Like trotting on tiptoes.

The leaves in the forest are thick.

The sound of stepping on the ground doesn't carry very far.

I walked for ten minutes straight.

Zhu and Ren put down Wang Wen.

Ren Ruanruan wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked back behind him with lingering fear, and said softly to Zhu Xingguo: You shouldn't be able to catch up with us.

Zhu Xingguo nodded silently.

Still looking at Wang Wen, who had his eyes closed, with a worried look on his face.

But don't want to.

A voice suddenly fell from the top of my head: You guys made it so hard for me to chase you!

Zhu and Ren's expressions changed greatly.

Before he could move.

Their heads were clasped with fingers.

A cold voice sounded above the two of them: Give me the immortal stone!

Feeling the strength on his fingers and the pressure in his skull, Zhu Xingguo broke out in a cold sweat and said cautiously: I know where the fairy stone is. Don't get excited yet. If you have anything to say, talk it over.

Thank you [the person who almost died laughing] for your huge huge huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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