Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 225 Good strength

Cassia stared blankly at the ice picks above her head that neither she nor her master could resist, being easily blocked by an invisible barrier.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

The old man next to him who was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth also had his mouth open and looked like he had seen a ghost.

Even the man in white robe floating not far away was a little surprised.

This took almost seventy percent of the effort.

Is there anyone in the world who can stop me?

You really can’t underestimate the world’s heroes!

The man in white robe calmed down, looked at Wang Wen and said with a smile: You must have used the golden light before. You are very powerful. If you take the initiative to return the fairy stone, my master can spare your life and even recommend you to your majesty to be mine. Protect the Dharma from left to right.

Wang Wen did not respond.

He leaned over and helped Cassia to the trunk of the tree and found a comfortable position to lean against.

He looked at the old man lying on the ground again.

Think about it.

Thinking of coming all the way here, he hooked his fingers and used his mental power to lift the person up and put him next to Cassia Mingzi.

Stand up straight.

He smiled at Si Dao's gaze and said, I'm sorry for sleeping too long. Leave the rest to me.

Wang Wen turned around and walked near the man in white robe. While fiddling with something on the ground, he casually chatted to the man in white robe: So you are a woman? You look good. If you give up the fairy stone voluntarily, this tower will be the best. The king can spare your life and even recommend you to Senior Li as the gate protector of our college.

The man in white robe couldn't understand what nonsense he was talking about.

But from a nonchalant tone.

And the contrast is analyzed in a neat format.

The other party is making fun of himself!

How brave!! The man in white robe felt that he had really committed a sin. After years of cultivation, he was provoked to the point of losing his temper by the same person over and over again.

She is no longer nagging.

With ten percent of his skill pushed to the extreme, Xiu Pao aimed straight at Wang Min and blasted out a crimson beam of light with a rich smell of blood.

If all previous methods were to use natural objects to attack.

At this moment, the man in white robe was serious.

He directly used his own magic power, no longer being sanctimonious and secretive.

Just by smelling the light, you can tell it's not something good.

It seemed as if tens of thousands of dead fish were crushed here at the same time.

The extremely fishy smell made the four Cassia Mingzi people who were not facing him gagging crazily.

The light beam falls on the transparent barrier.

Wang Wen's movements froze.

He stood up and looked at all the flowers and plants around him that were splashed by the light beam, dying quickly.

He shook his head helplessly and said to the man in white robe: It is immoral to destroy flowers and plants.

The man in white robe sneered and shook his hands.

All the crimson splashed on the ground bounced on Wang Min's body as if alive, wrapping him roundly.

Wang Min supported the transparent barrier that turned into a circle to protect her whole body.

He muttered in the crimson sphere: To be honest, that little sun before was only half as strong as me.

You are still talking tough when you are about to die. The man in white robe sneered: Then you can use all your strength to see if you can hurt the national division at all.

The total strength is too exaggerated. I'm worried that it won't be able to bear it here, and it won't recover that much in this little time. Wang Wei's voice was muffled in the blood cell.

Outside the blood cells, objects gradually appeared.

A black iron can as big as an RV stood on the humus.

The red and blue lines arranged horizontally and vertically on it look like ferocious blood vessels.

Zhu Xingguo not far away looked familiar.

He pointed at the black tin can and kept babbling, but he couldn't call out the name he was racking his brains to think of.

The man in white robe, who was watching this scene from a high position, sneered disdainfully: A cover-up? What do you want to do with such a big iron lump? Do you want to smash me to death? Hahahaha...

Ren Ruanruan's eyes flashed.

He slapped his forehead and shouted: Holy crap! High-speed particle generator!

She grabbed Zhu Xingguo, who was still babbling like a convulsion, and pulled Cassia with her other hand, and the three of them lay flat on the ground.

He shouted anxiously towards Wang Min: Captain! What should we do? That thing doesn't recognize its relatives!

Wang Wen in the blood cell seemed unaware.

Zi Guzi muttered in a muffled voice: What's wrong with the electricity? It's here!

A diesel generator slowly emerged next to the black iron tank.

A certain master who completely ignored the rationality of science and technology continued to mutter: Hey, isn't naphthenic wrong...

Is it going to disintegrate?

This is too wasteful. Instead of a waste of money, we might as well just make a nuclear bomb...

The whole audience froze.

The man in white robe controlled the blood cells for such a long time without draining the person, and something was wrong in his heart.

And the stuff sucked in is weird.

Not like mana.

Not even like flesh and blood.

Empty, as if he had sucked a fart.

This feeling made her very uncomfortable.

Especially when I saw that the big black iron bump underneath really started to roar slowly.

The ominous feeling in her heart became more intense.

Wait until the little light bulbs hanging symbolically on all the lines light up.

Wang Min dragged the blood ball back slowly.

He retreated to the pit where the four people were lying.

Ren Ruanruan and Zhu Xingguo had already pulled out their tools and tried their best to dig down the ground several inches, trying to avoid being at the same level as the generator as much as possible.

The old man, who had not been pulled over originally, saw that the two insiders were mobilizing troops as if facing a formidable enemy.

My heart skipped a beat.

Cleverly crawl over and lie down together.

Seeing the blood ball approaching, Cassia Zi reminded loudly in a panic: Master, master, don't retreat any further. If you retreat further, you will hit us.

Wang Wen seemed as if he hadn’t heard anything.

Still retreating.

Just when the four of them were so frightened that they broke into cold sweat.

However, I saw that the back end of the blood cell suddenly opened a mouth and swallowed all the people in at once.

The mouth is closed.

Wang Min said to the man in white robe in a muffled voice: Don't you want to see my full strength? This move is almost 30% of my strength. You should whet your appetite first, and I will follow up quickly with the subsequent tough dishes one after another.

The man in white robe saw the blood cells squirming and retreated far away.

He raised his eyebrows.

I was hesitating whether I should retreat some distance tactically?

Before she could figure it out.

Wang Wen shouted loudly on the other end.

Attention everyone, light the fire and detonate!

The small lightbulb on the black tin can flashed animatedly.

The originally orderly roaring sounds suddenly became chaotic, as if the originally orderly galloping horses suddenly turned into a herd of buffaloes bumping around.

Just hearing the sound will make your heart beat faster and your spine will shiver.

Wait until all the chaotic sounds reach their peak.

But he fell into a moment of silence.

Man in white robe: ???


Countless high-speed particles spread out in all directions like fireworks.

Annihilating all matter it comes in contact with along the way.

This space in the forest.

It was as if a towering giant spirit had dropped a paint can.

Disrupt the original color cutting and turn it into a radial broken space.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

In addition to gases such as oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

No matter in this radial space can maintain its shape.

Including the blood balls that had been wrapped around Wang Wen were instantly broken.

Just heard a scream from inside: Fuck!

. . .

PS: I feel that these two chapters are quite satisfactory. They clearly describe the real power gap. I wonder if everyone is satisfied with it.

Thank you to Mr. [It’s impossible to get anything you want without working] for your generous rewards! ! !

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