Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 214 The follow-up meeting officially begins

But don't! Wang Min shook her head decisively and refused: I am not that capable to compete with your family, let alone 600, 500 levels of Duxuan.

Zhou Shengsheng was stunned: How could it be possible? You are already so strong...


Ren Ruanruan and Zhu Xingguo didn't know which skill they had upgraded to master.

They worked together to make a lot of explosives and blew them up everywhere during the safe period.

Zhu Xingguo even came over and took the chatting master a few steps to the side to avoid being affected by the explosion.

It's true. Wang Wen analyzed Zhou Shengsheng earnestly: Did you know? I have visited the Tiansheng props warehouse. The huge Tiansheng Group has no trace of unique treasures at all in the props warehouse. They are not even rare. Items! It is said that they are all kept by the senior management, who do you think they are all on?

Zhou Shengsheng, who was stunned for a moment, asked instead of answering: Why can you visit the Tiansheng prop library?


Wang Min looked at him displeasedly, like looking at a student who answered the question wrongly, and taught him: Don't pay attention to those details, you have to know that Qin Dongbei, the boss of Tiansheng, has gathered all the resources of Tiansheng Group into one , countless rare props and unique treasures, plus three 600-level old monsters to take the tower at any cost. With this configuration, it took two weeks to reach the 600th level. What kind of background do you and I dare to compete with a large consortium?

Zhou Shengsheng was about to argue.

He was interrupted by Wang Wen: What's more, it's only the second consortium, and your family is number one! How much better is the top team next to the president than the three Tiansheng grandfathers? The Lu team is truly number one in the world at level 659!

Having said that.

Zhu Xingguo came over curiously and asked Wang Wen: Master, how powerful is that army? Can he beat you?

I guess it's quite embarrassing. Ren Ruannuan, whose eyes were flashing like a bomb, continued without raising his head: If you can beat the captain, how can you just be the best in the world?


Wang Min looked at the two people who interrupted, dumbfounded: Have you two enough? We are on the 659th floor overlooking all living beings! We are just novices on the 400th floor, don't you know?

Zhu Xingguo curled his lips angrily: The tower levels do not represent the full strength.

Wang Wen did not answer his words again.

Quietly looking at Zhou Shengsheng opposite.

The prince of the first consortium may have experienced disappointment a long time ago. This time, he suddenly found what seemed to be a thick thigh. He thought he had found new hope, and he was very excited for a time.

As a result, it still doesn't work after analyzing it now.

It finally turned into despair.

Zhou Shengsheng sighed dejectedly: The top team only assists the president, so my father never took me seriously and thought the family competition was a joke. I thought I had found an opportunity to overtake in corners, but I still fell short.

Overtaking on a curve? Wang Min squinted and asked, What level is your dad at now?

Zhou Shengsheng shook his head: It was almost 500 before. I entered the tower this week and I am not sure about the progress of the Army Corps.

Wang Min nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He patted him on the shoulder and said, Okay, see you later, Mr. Prince, this cooperation is not bad, it went smoothly.

Zhou Shengsheng rolled his eyes and asked as if he was cheating: What if I don't leave? Are you just going to stay here with me?

Wang Min looked at him funny: As long as I kick you out of the team, you won't be able to see me on the next level.

Forget it, forget it. Zhou Shengsheng said helplessly: It's too ugly. I'd better leave on my own. It's hard work for Team Wang to take me to 400. I hope we can meet again in the future. See you all soon.


Waving hands.

White light slowly appeared on his body.

Zhou Shengsheng, the prince of the First Financial Group, emerged from the 400th floor of the World Tower in the early hours of Thursday.

What he gained from this trip, in addition to the universal reward of Basic Skill Master obtained from the 400th level, was a total of 1.2 billion square array points.

What's more important is that I personally experienced a rare hidden reward in the world and received a unique treasure below level 350.

On this trip, Zhou Shengsheng had enough content to share with his family or group.

Inside the tower.

Wang Wen was also waving.

When the white light disappeared, the figure was completely gone.

He scowled.

He said to the two people beside him: Are you ready?

Zhu and Ren tilted their heads cutely: ?

Wang Min squinted his eyes, looked around, and spoke softly as if talking to himself: This journey to the World Tower has officially begun.

Zhu and Ren: ???

[Level 400, start]

[Level progress reaches 111%, level 400, end]

[Floor 410, start]

[Progress reaches 100%, level 410, end]

[Floor 420, start]

[Level 420, end]

. . .

[Level 499, end]

[All tower climbers who arrive at the 500th floor of the World Tower for the first time will randomly gain an extraordinary skill. 】

[The tower climber A, B, C, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Guizi, Chou, Yinmao obtains the extraordinary skill: Purification]

[Tower climber A Yan obtains extraordinary skills: Demonic Body]

[Tower climber Lonely Sandbank Leng obtains extraordinary skills: equivalent exchange]

Thursday night.

Zhu and Ren watched the three of them fly up to the 500th floor of the World Tower at incredible rocket speeds.

Zhu Xingguo also asked stupidly: Master, didn't you tell that prince that all five hundred levels are mysterious?

Wang Wen looked at him speechlessly.

There was a vague feeling in my heart that I regretted taking on a disciple.

Ren Ruanruan slapped Zhu Xingguo's arm angrily: Stop talking nonsense and look at your skills!

As she said.

Wang Min and her extraordinary skills are very simple.

[Purify] can remove all negative effects on the target, including but not limited to: poisoning, slowness, curses, etc., and can be used once every 24 hours.

[Devil Body] is even simpler. Transform into a demon, the power of all spells will be increased by 100%, and you will be immune to 50% spell damage. It lasts for 1 hour and has a 24-hour cooldown.

Only Zhu Xingguo’s [equivalent exchange] looked mysterious.

There is no way to know the effect of the skill without the person showing it.

So she was curious and anxious.

Oh. Zhu Xingguo quickly checked his extraordinary skills.

You can sell all the inanimate objects that you can pick up with your hands to the World Tower. After that, every item sold can be bought back at the same price, no limit to the number of times.

He read while looking at the aircraft's information.

As Ren Ruanruan listened, stars began to appear in her eyes.

She was envious again.

Wang Wen even trembled.

He said with a shocked face: This skill??? Isn't this skill beyond the scope???

He immediately took Zhu Xingguo's hand, put a gold coin in his hand and urged him: Quick, let's sell it!

Zhu Xingguo nodded obediently.

The gold coins in his hand disappeared out of thin air.

Wang Min suddenly covered her head and shouted in pain: Ah!

Master, what's wrong with you? Zhu Xingguo was shocked.

Wang Wen shook his head, rubbed his temples and said, It's okay. I didn't expect it to be so ferocious just now. It directly took away my mental energy. How are you? Has the sale been successful?

Zhu Xingguo nodded and said: Sold it, gave me more than five thousand points, and there was an extra gold coin in the skill information.

Wang Wei raised her head and her eyes shone: Can you buy it back as is? Buy it back and see!

Thank you [Pi Dad] for the reward! ——Thank you to Mr. [Ruisi Mushroom] for your generous rewards! ! !

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