[Level progress reached 136.99%, level 360 cleared]

Once the progress is completed, only five minutes remain.

Wang Min and others discussed it and decided to go back to the cabin to have something to eat and drink and pack some on the way.

Next time I encounter so many high-end ingredients, I don’t know which level to choose.

It’s not a problem to always eat dry food and instant noodles.

Everyone turned and walked towards the cabin.

The captain took the first mate and a group of younger men, following Wang Min like followers.

The first mate looked like he was constipated.

He came up to Wang Wen and said with a low eyebrow: O omnipotent God, please forgive my ignorance, just like you forgive a foolish crawler...

There was just over four minutes left before teleportation.

Wang Wen was in a hurry.

He quickened his pace and walked around him.

Completely ignoring what the other person is saying.

The first mate's whole face turned red from suppressing it.

He turned around and trotted up to Wang Wen. He gritted his teeth and knelt down with a pop: God, please forgive me...

Wang Wen snapped his fingers, and the first mate's body froze in place, unable to move in a kneeling position with his butt raised, and his voice was stuck in his throat.

A group of people moved around him and entered the cabin.

The restaurant that came into view was in a mess, with overturned plates, tables and chairs scattered everywhere.

Various food scraps, drinks, sauces, etc. were scattered on the floor, and were trampled by countless shoes into oil painting-like objects.

No one paid attention.

Seeing Wang Wen appear, they all raised the cake lobsters in their hands and shouted.

Wang Min didn't want to waste his limited time on this group of people, so he waved his hands and piled up a golden mountain that reached the ceiling.

The color of pure gold makes people unable to open their eyes.

Take it yourself, take as much as you can, he told the stunned crowd.

Everyone rushed towards Jinshan with a roar.

There were also smart people who took out the tablecloth and wrapped it in gold and put it on their shoulders.

The captain glanced at the first mate who was frozen on the deck from behind, shook his head helplessly, and quickly ran to Wang Wei's side.

Seeing that they seemed to be looking for something to eat, he introduced them enthusiastically: We have a master chef who grills thick steaks very authentically. Are any of you interested in trying it?

Wang Min shook his head: Forget it, I don't have time.

The captain looked at the few people who were hurriedly stuffing their bags or mouths with complete food on the dining table, and was a little puzzled: What are you so anxious about, masters? The iceberg has been cleared, and you can enjoy any delicious food on the next journey. ! I guarantee with my personality that this time it will be absolutely free! No one who is short-sighted will offend you again!

Wang Min had no time to pay attention to him.

Zhou Shengsheng stuffed a large piece of beef into his mouth, puffed out his cheeks and said, Our mission of rescuing you has been completed and we are about to leave. As I said before, clearing the iceberg consumes too much energy. I'll forgive you for eating some food if I have to.

Of course, of course, please feel free to do so. The captain looked at the few people, then turned to look at the huge Jinshan Mountain not far away, his eyes filled with wonder: It turns out there are really gods in the world. Are the gods going to return to the sky?

A figure burst into the restaurant.

It was Don't disturb who came to Wang Wen and others and bent down on his knees and joined his hands and begged: Boss, please take me away!!

Zhu Xingguo asked in confusion: Didn't you say that this level is enough? Now that you have cleared the level, why don't you leave?

The man let it go and said with a playful smile, This doesn't have a thigh strap. How about a few more layers? I also want to make progress.

Time's up. Wang Wei pulled the aircraft and announced that it would enter the next level.

The aircraft lowers its scanning beam to form a portal in the sky.

Everyone walked in together.

Zhou Shengsheng waved his hand to the dull captain and said Don't disturb.

Don't bother. He was shocked and rushed into the portal and shouted: Hey, you haven't joined me yet!! Damn...

White light rises.

The figure disappeared.

When it reappears.

The four of them have reached the 361st floor.

It’s a level that involves making explosives and blasting that I haven’t seen in a long time.

While Zhou Shengsheng was studying various explosives, he said to Wang Min in a chatty manner: You left so much gold, I guess the gold price there will plummet.

Wang Min, who was recovering with his eyes closed, heard this and decisively dispersed all his mental energy, nodded and said: I'm fine now.

Zhou Shengsheng was stunned. He reached into his pocket and touched it with an embarrassed look on his face: Can you control the duration of these things?

Wang Min closed her eyes and rested.

No more words were spoken.

At this level, even without his intervention, Ren Ruanruan, who is scientifically decrypted and decrypted, can easily handle it.

If it doesn't work, just let Zhu Xingguo crack it directly with violence.

Anyway, he is a bull.

Everyone is getting stronger and stronger, and for many people, the difficult process of climbing the tower has become easier unconsciously.

In addition to taking advantage of the safe period of rest at the integer level.

The rest are rushing towards the tower at full speed.

The 370th floor passed without any hindrance. The additional personnel seemed to be the top leaders of a large consortium. They were quite powerful and had a good attitude.

Seeing that Wang Wen's progress is full as soon as he holds his palm.

He was so frightened that he fainted.

Wang Wei and others who originally planned to form a team to climb the tower regretfully gave up on him.

Floor 380.

Because Wang Wei and others rushed the tower too fast, no one could keep up with the team's progress.

I slept through the safety period without waiting for staff to be replenished.

The aircraft was flying around in a hurry.

It seems that this group of people was given too much rest time.

But there is nothing to do.

Smoking with rage.

In the end, Wang Wei saw it as pitiful, and at the same time she didn't want to wait any longer, so she made a big move and announced that she would start the level without waiting for anyone.

After a good night's sleep, Wang Wen cleared the level faster.

to early Thursday morning.

Everyone has already stepped onto the 400th floor.

[All tower climbers who arrive at the 400th floor of the World Tower for the first time can choose one of the five basic items to become a master. If they are already a master, they will be strengthened. 】

Ren Ruanruan is about to collapse.

She didn't know there was this part.

Squatting on the ground and crying very sadly.

Seeing this, Wang Min comforted her considerately: Don't be disappointed. This reward is just for strengthening, not directly breaking the barrier. Many people may not be able to break through the barrier even if they become masters. If you don't believe me, just ask Mo Ran.

Ren Ruanruan looked up at Wang Min with tears in his eyes: Where are you, captain? Is it broken?

Wang Min shook his head: I just chose the combat physical ability. After strengthening it, I don't feel like breaking through the barrier. It seems that it is still far away. The reward of these 400 levels seems more suitable for reaching the master than breaking through the barrier.

Maybe the ride was too smooth.

Leading to too high expectations for the 400th floor.

I thought I could accomplish five unstoppable feats in this trip.

It's a pity that the 400th floor is only the 400th floor after all.

People give him the title of Half-Step Earth Immortal.

It is only half a step to become an Earth Immortal.

You cannot turn people directly into true immortals.

Zhou Shengsheng, who was next to him, saw that the two of them had finished their conversation. He gently pulled Wang Wen's sleeve like a girl and said with an apologetic smile: Captain, can I follow you a few more levels?

Wang Min looked at him expressionlessly: No.

Don't be like this. Zhou Shengsheng said with a weak smile: Anyway, if there are more people in the team, I won't be too many, but I won't have too many.

Wang Wen: I brought you because I promised Mo Ran. The promise will be fulfilled when we reach the 400th floor. It is not in my interest to go any higher.

What benefits? Zhou Shengsheng was a little confused.

Wang Min told the truth: Your dad bombarded me with missiles and hasn't even apologized yet. This debt must be settled clearly. If you help your dad deal with me after I take you to the top of the tower, I won't move Did it hit you in the foot?

This... Zhou Shengsheng tried hard to use his brain and expanded his thinking: How do you think we can settle this debt? I can persuade my dad later!

You can't be the master. Wang Min shook his head: I want the entire First Financial Group, can you give it to me?

Zhou Shengsheng laughed loudly: Oh, I thought it would be too troublesome! I'm really afraid that if you want my father's life, isn't it just the First Consortium? Our family has already stipulated that whoever reaches the 600th floor first will be in charge. You can lead me For six hundred, I'll give you the group! Is this deal okay?

Thanks to my old friend [Why does every software need a name] for the reward! Thank you Mr. [Sheng Qingjun Shanli] for the reward! ——Thank you [fbfpay] for your huge huge huge huge huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! !

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