Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 215 Equivalent Exchange

Looking at the exact same gold coin appearing in Zhu Xingguo's hand again.

Wang Wen's hands were shaking a little.

I just feel that the apprentice I have accepted is so well-behaved and lucky, it is really great!

He took the gold coin and held it gently in his hand.

Then he closed his eyes.

A long while.

Under the watchful eyes of Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan.

Wang Wei opened her eyes, looked at the gold coin in her hand, and said somewhat absentmindedly: How can it be a gold coin?

Zhu Xingguo looked at the gold coins blankly, then looked at Wang Wen, and asked in confusion: What's wrong, Master? That's right, they are exactly the same gold coins.

Ren Ruanruan pulled him aside: Don't disturb your master, he thinks too much, you try this on me.

She handed over a bottle of body health water.

Zhu Xingguo was puzzled: Selling water?

Ren Ruanruan nodded: Yes, sell it.

A long sigh came from the distance: Why, damn, it's a gold coin!!!

Master! Zhu Xingguo took time out of his busy schedule to comfort his master: Yes, master, the price has not changed by more than 5,000 yuan!

Ren Ruanruan patted him several times: Don't make any noise! ​​Be careful of getting beaten!

Being beaten? Master wants to beat me? Zhu Xingguo was puzzled.

But he still sold the water honestly and asked by the way: Do you want to buy it back?

Got a positive reply from Ren Ruanruan.

An identical bottle of water reappeared in his hand.

Ren Ruanruan pulled the aircraft over and scanned the prop information, then opened the bottle and drank some carefully.

Can I still buy it? Another bottle! she asked with eyes flashing.

Zhu Xingguo spread his hands: I can't figure out what you are studying after going back and forth! Give it to me.

Seeing him staring at the water bottle in her hand, Ren Ruanruan quickly tightened her grip and shook her head: It's not my bottle, I mean, just buy another bottle like this! Is that okay?

Can't buy it. Zhu Xingguo shook his head: There is no health water in the skill information.

Is it because you don't have enough money? Ren Ruanruan asked reluctantly: I mean, are the points required to buy things in skills the same as what we usually use?

The same kind of points are directly entered into the personal account like the points awarded in the tower. Zhu Xingguo looked at the point balance: There are still more than 200 million, which is definitely enough.

Hear this.

Ren Ruanruan looked disappointed: Can we only sell and buy the same items and not generate them out of thin air?

She smiled self-deprecatingly.

He said softly: There are fewer ways to make a fortune.

He raised his head and saw Zhu Xingguo looking confused.

Sighing: Sure enough, stupid people are blessed. Contentment is really a joy!

She took off her backpack and thrust it into his hands.

Pouting in envy, he said: This skill is very useful. You have developed free storage space! Don't charge me any handling fees for storing things in the future!

Zhu Xingguo seemed to sense that the other party was not very happy, and asked cautiously: Sell the entire backpack?

Of course! With a big bag missing, Ren Ruanruan swung his arms and twisted his neck, feeling much more relaxed.

The backpack disappeared into thin air.

Zhu Xingguo looked at the skill information and muttered stupidly: Hiking bag, rice, lemon sandwich biscuits, canned beef, instant noodles, chocolate, green vegetables, kitchen scissors, fruit knife, spoiled chicken legs, fragrant pears, rotten apples, wow There are too many things in your bag, including luncheon meat, dried tofu, light soy sauce, chicken essential oil, salt and flour, dry wipes, wet wipes, sanitary napkins, and underwear...

Papa pa pa

Ren Ruanruan blushed and slapped his arm hard, frowning and said: Have the chicken legs gone bad? Can you take them back and let me take a look?

oh oh!

A fresh-looking chicken drumstick appeared in Zhu Xingguo's hand.

Ren Ruanruan picked it up and smelled it.

He asked doubtfully: No problem, is the World Tower so pretentious?

Zhu Xingguo spread his hands and said he didn't know, that's how people defined it.

Ren Ruanruan used the back of her fingers to push away the hair that had fallen out of her eyes, washed the chicken drumsticks carefully with healthy water and handed them back.

The two of them were studying the use of new skills here with great interest.

What a joy.

Over there, Wang Wen calmed down.

He came over expressionlessly.

He handed a bead to Zhu Xingguo and said, Try and see how much this can sell for.

Zhu Xingguo looked at the [She Shuizhu] in his hand.


His face suddenly changed: Master! This is so valuable! Hundreds of thousands a piece!!

Ren Ruanruan was confused: Is it She Shuizhu? The price of a rare item on the 30th floor is so high? Then let's go to the market to see if there are any fools selling it. We can make a fortune by taking it back!

Wang Min's expression was complicated, and she didn't know whether she was happy or sad.

He retrieved another bead from the aircraft and handed it to Zhu Xingguo: Look at this again.

The same [She Shuizhu] only sold for more than 90,000 this time.

Zhu Xingguo looked at Wang Min doubtfully.

Ren Ruanruan was thoughtful: Could it be that different beads absorb different amounts of water? Then even if I buy a pile of empty beads from the market, it won't be worth much?

If it's just like this, it's not bad! I suspect there is something wrong here, and equal exchange is not equivalent at all! Wang Min took out a tube of [quick-acting antidote] and handed it to Zhu Xingguo to sell.

The price is 117,000.

Wang Min narrowed his eyes: The highest price?

He seemed to have thought of something, smiled lightly, and did not test the actual object again.

Instead, he condensed a little sun with golden light and carefully placed it in Zhu Xingguo's hand.

Zhu Xingguo shook his head and said he couldn't sell it.

Wang Wen took back his mental power.

Frowning in thought.

Ren Ruanruan pulled the aircraft over and asked.

The aircraft replied:

[Exchange of equal value is limited to physical items]

Seeing that the aircraft was rarely willing to pay attention, Wang Min quickly asked: The first gold coin was obviously my spiritual power. Is it equivalent to taking away my spiritual power and returning it to an ordinary gold coin? My spiritual power is How much is it worth? How was the price determined?”

[All substances are final in the form in which they are traded]

Remember what you said! Wang Wen pointed at the aircraft and had a bold idea in his mind.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly.


Use force.


It lasted for more than ten minutes.

Only then did he wave his hand and throw out a diamond as big as a fist and put it into the hands of the stunned Zhu Xingguo.

Ren Ruanruan's eyes instantly began to sparkle with stars.

Sell! Wang Wei covered her head and got ready.

Zhu Xingguo was left empty-handed.

Wang Min frowned slightly, the pain was not as severe as expected.

His heart skipped a beat, knowing that he had succeeded.

Sure enough, I heard Zhu Xingguo say: Master, such a big one was sold for more than one million points. It's such a loss. It would cost at least several hundred million to sell it outside the tower, right?

It's not a loss.

Wang Wen let go of his hand.

Looking at the flying aircraft spinning around, he smiled happily and said, We are going to make a fortune.

Open the level!

[Level 500, start]

The surrounding fog dispersed.

The three of them appeared in a dilapidated-looking courtyard.

The sound of fighting came from the room facing the courtyard.

I haven't had time to look out to see what's going on.

I saw a slim girl running out in a panic.

A young man in short-sleeved clothes chased after her. He muttered unintelligible words, pointed his sword at the girl's back and shouted: Qian Wu Kun Mao Creation Palace will be destroyed!

Wang Min and others watched helplessly as the oncoming girl screamed and vomited blood and fell to the ground.

They all frowned.

He glanced at the aircraft.

He quickly threw out a bunch of mechanical props and beat the girl to death completely.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man looking at the three people not far away said: ???

Thank you [Reincarnation 147 Again] for your generous rewards! ! !

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