Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 210 Too Young

The waiters were all dumbfounded.

After being stunned for a long time, his face turned cold, and he looked at Zhu Xingguo and the two with disgust and said: I don't even dare to tell you my name. I don't know how you two got on the ship, but today there are all distinguished guests here. Rats should If you have the consciousness of a mouse, no one will care about you when you hide in the sewers and eat leftovers. If you come out to eat dinner openly, it's your fault.

After speaking, the waiter waved to the door and called the security personnel to come over.

Who are you talking about? Zhu Xingguo dropped the lobster tail and glared at him.

Ren Ruanruan gently pulled Zhu Xingguo's sleeve: Forget it, let's go, don't cause trouble for the captain.

Zhu Xingguo makes sense when he thinks about it.

He picked up the disk angrily and turned around to leave.

Seeing the two men flinching, the lady next to her immediately got back into the crowd, and then shouted in a sharp voice: They are thieves! Everyone, catch them! They stole the food and tried to run away!

The waiter also loudly said to the security personnel who rushed over: After confirming that the two of them had no identity, they got on the boat to steal food and threw them directly into the sea.

When the leading security personnel heard this, he looked at Zhu Xingguo who was walking towards him, and said with some hesitation: Isn't it good to throw it into the sea? Someone will die! Can't we just seize it, control it, and hand it over to the police when we return?

The waiter on the other end sneered: These two sneaky rats don't even have identities. Who knows if they ran away from some refugee camp and snuck onto the ship. They might have a lot of dirty stuff with them. It’s an infectious disease. We are all distinguished guests here. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?”

Hear this.

The lead security guard fell silent.

The hat is too big to wear.

If the other party talks about the guests, even if the captain comes, there will be no way.

No one would offend all the distinguished guests for the sake of two lowly lives without status.

The crowd around Zhu Xingguo coaxed them to disperse.

The lady in the back screamed: Look at how smelly, dirty and disgusting they are! I dare not touch the things they have touched!

The crowd buzzed with discussion.

The guests who were still picking up food at the dining table immediately put down their food and stayed away from the table, as if it was not a pile of delicious food but a deadly pollutant.

The waiter frowned at this scene and said to his colleagues: Let the kitchen prepare a new batch of food. Let's remove these first.

Seeing that he was really treated like a dirty rat in the sewer, everyone disliked him.

Zhu Xingguo was so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened.

Remembering not to cause trouble to Master, he put down all the food and walked out quickly with his head down.

He doesn't want to cause trouble.

Others did not let him go.

A group of security personnel stopped in front of him expressionlessly.

The leading security guard sighed and said softly to Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan: I will give you two more life jackets in a moment. Whether you live or die, you will be lucky.

Zhu Xingguo's eyes lit up, and he shouted with joy and grievance: Master!

The lead security guard waved his hand quickly: Don't yell that I don't know you two! I just feel that I can't bear it, so don't hurt me...

A figure walked past him and walked to Zhu Xingguo, comforting Ren Ruanruan, whose eyes were red, and said: It's okay.

Ren Ruanruan nodded and said nothing.

Zhu Xingguo said to Wang Wen with great grievance: I just wanted to bring you some food, but they said I stole it! Just tell me if you don't let me pack it!

Wang Min patted his arm and walked towards the dining table.

The lead security guard was about to say something.

A hand gently rested on his shoulder.

There was a voice from behind: You have a good mind, but if it weren't for these two words, I would have wanted a dog to be the security captain.

The lead security guard turned his head in shock.

I saw the captain leading a group of people standing behind him.

The person who just spoke said to the captain: Okay, everyone is here, it's the four of us.

When the leading security guard heard this sentence and looked at the captain's respectful attitude and complicated expression, his heart skipped a beat.

The captain looked at Zhu and Ren and asked Zhou Shengsheng for confirmation, That's it, are these two right?

Zhou Shengsheng nodded: Yes, we spent some energy clearing the iceberg, so we had to eat some of your food. I'm really sorry!

Don't say that, it really makes me feel ashamed! He had just promised the other party the highest-level VIP status, but was slapped in the face in the blink of an eye. The captain's face was extremely ugly.

The first mate next to him shouted angrily: Everyone is eating something! All the waiters and staff should open their eyes to see clearly! These are the highest-level VIPs on this voyage! All food and drinks are free! All requests are obeyed unconditionally. !”

Better say goodbye. Wang Wen, who was looking at the food at the dining table, suddenly said: No merit, no reward, we will pay for the food.

Zhu Xingguo walked over and pointed to the lobster and cake: I ate these two.

Wang Min nodded, looked up at the dumbfounded waiter and asked, How much do these dishes cost in total?

The captain strode over with an embarrassed look on his face: Guest, distinguished guest! Where do you want me to put my face like this? Never mention the word money again.

Zhou Shengsheng followed closely behind. Seeing the captain bending over and bending his knees, he was somewhat unable to understand Wang Min's actions.

He asked Wang Wen: We don't need to spend money, right? Not to mention the money here...

Wang Wen smiled and shook her head at him: Prince, you are still too young.

Zhou Shengsheng was shocked.

He looked up and down at the first-year college student in front of him, who was probably not even twenty years old. He kept saying that he was young? !

He asked more puzzlingly: What do you mean? We all deserve this, otherwise they would have hit the iceberg ship and destroyed everyone and drank seawater! Will he voluntarily give us the highest-level status and no one will force him?

Wang Min smiled and did not answer Zhou Shengsheng's question. Instead, he said to the captain and first mate: Since you don't believe that we cleared the iceberg, let's wait until the next time we see it.

As soon as these words came out.

Zhou Shengsheng's expression changed.

He turned to look at the captain and others suspiciously.

We believe in things that are not true. The captain denied it repeatedly.

The first mate beside him also kept nodding.

As for the true thoughts of the two people, no one knows.

Zhou Shengsheng fell into silence thoughtfully.

Wang Min did not argue with them, and said to himself: So it doesn't matter how much it costs, whether it's a boat ticket or a meal! I just want to say that we are not liars and thieves who cheat us by eating and drinking, let alone carrying infectious diseases. Sick refugees, need money? There is plenty!

I saw him reaching out his hand and gently placing a shining gold coin on the dining table.

The waiter's eyes widened instantly.

The crowd around them shouted softly: It's gold!

Is this enough? Wang Min looked at the captain with a half-smile.

The captain was still insisting: No, it really doesn't need to be like this. The first mate next to him was staring at the gold coins with confusion on his face.

It seems that's not enough. Wang Wei nodded, waving his hand and throwing up a shower of golden rain.

Every drop of golden rain turned into a golden gold coin when it fell to the ground.

In an instant, the hall was filled with golden light!

The crisp sound of the gold coins colliding repeatedly shook the eardrums of everyone present.

Before long, the ground near the dining table was covered with a thick layer of gold coins.

Everyone was stunned.

Ren Ruanruan looked at the golden rain in the sky and the gold coins on the ground, his eyes full of regret that was so thick that it seemed real.

Zhou Shengsheng knelt down, picked up a gold coin and looked at it carefully.

He found a hard and rough stone surface at the bottom of the dining table and polished it vigorously. He held the ground gold powder with his fingers and gently crushed it.

It's real gold! He raised his head.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Thank you [Ji Da Tobacco No Smoking] for the huge reward! ! ! ! ! My giant giant giant giant giant giant! ! ! ! ! ! The boss spent a lot of money! ! !

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