Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 211 Cake Gold Man

As said before.

Mental force = energy;

Poison making = control;

Mechanism=object structure;

Scientific decryption = essence.

Wang Min, who has already been able to create things out of thin air with three decryptions, what kind of state will he reach after adding one more scientific decryption?

Even he himself couldn't explain the details clearly.

Just like the feeling Ren Ruanruan mentioned twice before and after.


This is a feeling that only the person involved can experience and cannot describe in words.

Wang Min only knew that the objects he originally created were basically invisible and transparent. Once the scientific decryption was revealed, it was as if 3D modeling had textures and rendering, and all appearance materials could be clearly created.

Just like the real thing.

And as long as his mental power, physical strength, or vitality and other energy are sufficient to maintain it, the created items will not disappear.

After all, the world is composed of matter. Once he has the scientific decryption to see through the essence of all things, creating all things is easy. It is just a matter of energy.

But even so.

Wang Min can still feel that her development of the four deceptions is far from enough.

True creation is just one of the many terrifying abilities derived from the four deceptions.

Including once seeing through the essence in the mobile speed mechanism and directly realizing the result.

There are still a lot of skills waiting to be discovered in the vast information space covered by the four deceptions.

It also has scientific decryption and decryption.

The difference from Ren Ruanruan's single item breakthrough is that he can get the answer instantly when he sees the question.

Wang Weneng can directly make the answer come true after seeing the question.

For example, Ren Ruanruan saw that the question was How many apples are there on the tree? The answer is two.

So she knows the answer and can tell others that the answer to this question is two apples.

And Wang Wen.

He could take these two apples directly from the question and gnaw them in his hand.

You can also give one to Ren Ruanruan and say, Don't just read the questions and eat together.

For Ren Ruanruan, even if she picked off her head, she still couldn't figure out how Wang Min did it.

It is simply comparing different dimensions.

Wang Wen even speculated that the final form of the four items of breaking through the fog is likely to be words and methods.

As long as there is enough energy such as physical strength, mental strength, and vitality.

Inside the restaurant.

Looking at a pile of gold coins.

Everyone froze.

Some people in the crowd who were very close looked at the gold coins rolling to their feet, their throats trembling.

Today, people who can buy tickets to go on cruises are basically either rich or expensive.

He has an extremely accurate vision of money.

Based on the color and size of the gold coin, and even the elasticity of the sound when it collides, they can roughly estimate how much a gold coin is worth.

If there is no accident.

This place is his pure gold!

Anyone who sees this is going crazy.

To be honest, the boat ticket, which I originally thought was a bit expensive, only costs a dozen gold coins here!

And there are so many on earth.

Just grab a handful.

Not only do you get back the ticket price, but you also get several times more.

Who can resist being moved?

It's like a person with a net worth of tens of millions, who took 100,000 to buy a boat ticket, but the ground in front of him was covered with gold, and he could make hundreds of thousands back just by grabbing a handful.

If you catch a few more, half of your wealth will be taken away?

Why not grab a few handfuls here instead of working hard for most of your life?

Just a few!

A group of rich people cursed in their hearts.

Among them was a middle-aged man wearing an exquisite dress who couldn't help but bend down to pick up a few gold coins.

Before he could hide the gold coins in his pocket.

His hand was held down.

The middle-aged man looked up.

He is the God of Coins who scatters gold coins randomly.

Being caught on the spot, he looked a little embarrassed and reluctantly explained: I am in the jewelry business. The gold looks very good. I can help identify it for free.

Wang Wen pressed his hand and shook his head: You can't take these gold coins. They are the fare and meal expenses I gave to the captain.

The middle-aged man was about to deny it.

But I heard Wang Wen continue to say: If you want it, I'll give it to you separately.


He made a casual move.

A large gold nugget as big as a dog's head fell into the middle-aged man's hand.

The middle-aged man's body swayed and he almost fell forward.

He staggered a few steps and used all his strength to barely stabilize his body. He was completely stunned holding a large gold nugget that was estimated to weigh more than ten kilograms.

He looked at Wang Wen blankly.

I even forgot to put down the gold first and take it easy.

Wang Min asked him with a friendly and approachable smile: I'll give you this gold, do you want it?

The middle-aged man asked blankly: Is it free?

Wang Min smiled even happier: Of course not, I need you to do something.

The middle-aged man looked obviously disappointed, but he couldn't help his curiosity and asked, What are you doing?

Wang Min pointed back at the dining table: I heard someone say before that we don't dare to eat the food we have touched. Do you dare? Go to the dining table and eat a piece of cake and the gold will be yours.

Are you serious?? The middle-aged man's eyes flashed. He rushed to the dining table, grabbed a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth. He showed no manners or grace.

The hearts of everyone present who saw this scene beat hard.

I saw the middle-aged man swallowing, turning around and shouting vaguely to Wang Wei: Keep your word, this piece of gold is mine now!

Wang Min smiled and nodded: Yes, it's yours.

Ouch!!! The middle-aged man couldn't help but howl at the top of his voice.

The excitement was palpable.

He was reluctant to put down the gold nugget in his hand, grabbed another piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth, and said to Wang Min, Buy one, get one free, I'll give you an extra piece!

Wang Wen waved gently.

There was another gold nugget of about the same size on the table in front of the middle-aged man, and the table began to tilt under its weight.

He listened dumbfounded as Wang Min said on the other end: I can't let you suffer. If you eat a few pieces, you will get a few pieces of gold. Take it as long as you can.

The middle-aged man's heart suddenly shook.

Look at the gold in your hand and the gold on the table.

There was a flash of madness in his eyes.

He put down the gold nugget in his hand and picked up the plate filled with cakes.

A strange red color appeared on his face, and his tone seemed to be about to be heroic. He turned around and shouted to Wang Wei: A piece of cake for a piece of gold! Keep your word!

After getting a positive answer.

He just hugged the cake plate and started eating.

One piece after another.

Even if you choke and roll your eyes, you won't let go.

According to the speed at which he was eating, Wang Wen rhythmically placed nuggets of pure gold as big as a dog's head one after another. The table was easy to tip and was thoughtfully placed at his feet.

There is one for the entire restaurant.

All petrified.

The captain and first mate didn't know what to say anymore and looked at the golden light all over the ground in a daze.

Finally, a second person in the crowd couldn't help but came out and asked Wang Wei: I'm sorry to bother you, but can I eat it?

Wang Min was delighted when she heard this: You also want gold? Okay, go and eat.

Afraid of trouble, he simply turned around and said to everyone: We have also encountered lobsters, so lobsters are included. Half a lobster tail is exchanged for a large gold nugget. Anyone who is interested can eat it.

The words fell.

As the third and fourth people rushed out.

The whole place was excited.

Everyone rushed to the dining table.

The cake plate in the hands of the middle-aged man who was still protecting the food was instantly snatched away, so he had to squat on the ground and start protecting the gold.

The people who grabbed the cake grabbed the cake one by one, shouted at Wang Wei, and then stuffed it into their mouths.

Wang Wen didn't miss anyone. As long as everyone ate cakes and lobsters, they were all rewarded with a piece of gold as big as a dog's head.

A strong man who got the gold grabbed a table knife and cut open the gold nugget bit by bit. After seeing the real quality inside, he was so excited that his neck turned red, and he screamed while holding the gold nugget.

The next second.

Everyone started fighting for cakes and lobsters.

A richly dressed lady lay on the ground picking up the pieces of cake that others had accidentally dropped, regardless of the dirty footprints and dust.

Holding a large handful, he stood up and shouted to Wang Wei: Do these broken pieces count? I don't need an extra piece of gold!

After saying that, she stuffed a large handful of cake mixed with various vegetable leaf peels and food residues into her mouth and chewed it.

Wang Wen looked at her quietly.

It wasn't until the other party swallowed it completely that he said to her calmly: I almost forgot, everyone can do it, but you can't.

Thank you [Ling Huangyu] for the reward! ——Thank you to Mr. [Ruisi Mushroom] for your generous reward! ! ————Thank you [Ji Da cigarette bag does not smoke] for the huge huge huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Boss, you rewarded me too much at once! The villain is very frightened! !

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