Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 209: I can’t change my name, but I can’t change my surname

My master's strength is mindless, perverted and powerful.

Zhu Xingguo knew this already.

So every time they see Master take action, a group of people who have never seen the world make a fuss.

He just felt bored.

Three hundred floors or four hundred floors, does it matter how many floors there are?

Master, the tower level was not as high as mine back then!

So what?

Don't you still scare me like shit?

Each of you has experienced too little, and what you see is so strange!

I'm really curious. I'll climb the tower with my master, and I'm sure nothing will go wrong with me.


Zhu Xingguo yawned, ignored the frantic person, and suggested to Ren Ruanruan: Would you like to go eat in the cabin? I'll get some for Master by the way.

Let's go. Ren Ruanruan had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and he immediately agreed upon hearing such a good suggestion.

Her current mentality is very subtle.

Subconsciously, the team members were listed into several different levels.

Captain Wang Wei, who has watched him become a fairy and a god, is of course number one.

Secondly, I originally thought that I, who was the first to follow the captain, would be ranked second, but I didn't want to find a fool among the team members in the same batch.

He is as stupid as a bull and doesn't spend money to learn the mechanics.

The result was good, it was just a matter of course that I became a teacher.

In this way, Man Niu, who is the invincible captain's personal disciple, has naturally improved to a higher level in Ren Ruanruan's heart.

She herself had to be reduced to the third level, which was only a little higher than Chen Hansheng and Zhou Shengsheng.

What a pity for the good luck along the way.

So when the five people present dispersed for free activities, she never took the initiative to express an opinion. This was because even though Wang Wei left, there was still Zhu Xingguo, the bully, and she was subconsciously waiting for Zhu Xingguo to speak up and decide the direction.

The reasons for this phenomenon.

It comes down to it.

It's Wang Min who has become too strong now.

It was so strong that Ren Ruanruan felt a sense of surrender from the bottom of his heart, causing him to be followed and obeyed together with his personal disciple Zhu Xingguo.

The two walked down the stairs back to the cabin.

Leave Don't Disturb alone to blow the wind on the deck of the control level.

Not long after, I was shivering from the cold.

But it felt like it was unknown, and I was still scratching my head and thinking in a daze.

Inside the cab.

Zhou Shengsheng pretended to be sorry and said trouble.

The first mate finally came to his senses.

But he found he didn't know what to say next.

The intention given by the other party was too unexpected, as if nothing he said would go well with him.

Obviously they want to catch liars.

How come the liar turned over an army?

Looking for another iceberg?

Why? ?

Picture what? ?

The first mate was puzzled.

The captain who had been yawning before was no longer sleepy at all.

Frowning, he turned back to Zhou Shengsheng and asked with a solemn expression: Who are you? Did you really make the iceberg disappear?

Zhou Shengsheng smiled and said: Let's put it this way, it doesn't matter who destroyed the iceberg. What's important is that you have to help find another iceberg, preferably one that is about the same size. Can you do it?

The captain and first mate looked at each other.

He kept shaking his head and said: After so many years at sea, this is the first time I have heard such a request.

Zhou Shengsheng comforted him: As long as you find the iceberg, leave the rest to us.

The first mate next to him still wanted to make a final struggle.

He retorted with reluctance: Even if you really clear the iceberg, asking us to find another one is too much. How can you ensure that the iceberg can be cleared in time next time? Do you want all of us on the ship to accompany you? adventure?

Zhou Shengsheng looked at the silent captain strangely, and asked curiously: How did this guy next to you get into this position? Is he brainless? I asked you to help find the iceberg, but I didn't ask you to run straight into it? Didn't you do it last time? Forget it if you can't avoid it, but if you can't avoid it next time? What kind of risk are you taking?

It can only be said that everyone in the cab has fallen into a misunderstanding.

Once reminded.

He immediately realized how ridiculous he was.

The first mate in uniform's stiff uniform turned pale instantly and was so embarrassed that he felt ashamed.

The captain finally put away all doubts. In order to prevent his men from making a fool of themselves, he hurriedly respectfully invited Zhou Shengsheng: Leave the search for the iceberg to us. Please take a rest in the cabin with your companions. From now on, you will enjoy The highest level of VIP treatment, any food and drink are completely free, you can make any request to the waiter, and all the waiters are not allowed to refuse, and the chips in the entertainment room can be taken and used at any time without cap, losers are counted on us and winners are counted on you, until the iceberg appears.

Hear this.

Zhou Shengsheng raised his eyebrows, nodded his head neither humble nor overbearing, and said, Then I'll help you all.

Inside the cabin.

Gourmet restaurant.

After the recent iceberg incident, everyone was a little shocked.

One is afraid.

It’s easy to work up an appetite.

The restaurant was filled with people at this time.

Zhu Xingguo dragged Ren Ruanruan to the self-service counter with great difficulty.

When I saw the food on the dining table, I shouted excitedly: Oh my god, the lobster is so big! It's almost as big as my arm!

He grabbed half of the shrimp tail and started to chew it. With his other hand, he took a piece of brown cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

After chewing, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he took another piece and continued stuffing it.

At the same time, he shouted indistinctly: What a delicious cake! The coffee flavor is soft and sweet! Don't you love sweets, Xiao Ren? Try this! If not, I have to pack some for Master.

Ren Ruanruan was still looking at the way the two people were squeezing over with lingering fear, and carefully observed her chest.

The crowded guests around frowned in displeasure.

Hearing voices again, he turned around to see what they were wearing.

One of the ladies with a wavy hairdo didn’t know what she understood. She spoke directly to the waiter at the dining table: Does the main restaurant allow a maintenance worker covered in stains to dine here? If so, I express my disapproval of this visit. Disappointed by the trip, extremely disappointed!”

Ren Ruanruan raised his eyes to look at her, snorted disdainfully, and picked up the food to taste it in small bites.

He also showed a satisfied look.

Zhu Xingguo on the other end had his mouth full of food, and he was holding a huge round plate in his hand.

Hearing the lady's voice, he curiously asked Ren Ruanruan: Where are you? I haven't seen the maintenance master of a cruise ship. How good are these people who can repair such a big ship!

Ren Ruan looked at him helplessly.

Haha. The lady covered her mouth and chuckled, looking at Zhu Xingguo as if she were looking at a piece of shit.

The waiter at the dining table also saw Zhu and Ren.

Frowning, he asked, I've never seen you two before. Are you not a staff member? Please tell me your name and I'll check the guest list.

Zhu Xingguo paused.

He pointed at himself in confusion.

The waiter nodded.

He swallowed the food and said with a grin: I'm going to change my name, but I'm lonely on the sandbank and cold!

Ren Ruanruan's body trembled.

My scalp was numb with shock.

After a second thought, I simply reported it with a smile: My name is A Yan, the A of ABC, the smoke that has vanished into ashes.

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