Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 205 Like a chick

Zhou Shengsheng's eardrum almost burst.

I seriously doubted whether I was hearing hallucinations.

He picked his ears with his little finger.

He tilted his head and patted his head hard.

As if this would make me soberer.

But he didn't wait for the buzzing in his head to disappear.

Over there, Wang Wen spoke again.

I saw him smiling angrily and saying to the aircraft: Are you kidding me? Just because someone received an apple reward, they replaced the apple with shit for us. When we raised questions, you just said that Let’s reward two portions of shit, how many fucking portions is it a question of??”

Ren Ruanruan, a professional tower climber and elegant girl next to her, was a little unable to handle this kind of topic and covered her forehead in embarrassment.

On the other hand, Zhu Xingguo was worthy of being Wang Min's good disciple. He immediately nodded and agreed: Yes! It's not a question of how many servings, it's a question of shit!

The aircraft fell silent.

It was as if the World Tower began to think.

Wang Min casually shattered this layer of spiritual illusions that were rising one after another while waiting patiently.

Zhou Shengsheng looked at the aircraft in silence.

He pulled Wang Wei uneasily and said, Team Wang, it's great if there are rewards. There's no need to make it so tense, right? What if the World Tower gets angry and doesn't give out rewards at all? The rules themselves are set by others. .

Skills below level 350 are not considered extraordinary. Wang Wei snorted disdainfully: If this is really just a rubbish reward, it's okay not to give it up.

Zhou Shengsheng couldn't help but take a half step back.

Covering her mouth, she almost cried.

Boss, you don’t want it, I want it. .

He felt sad.

But in the final analysis, the hidden reward this time was created by Wang Wei.

Being able to fish in troubled waters while lying down is already a great benefit.

It’s really inconvenient to question too much.

Zhou Shengsheng could only cover his mouth and look at the aircraft helplessly.

I pray that many adults on the other side will not be angry and run away.

In comparison, Wang Wen and the others seemed much calmer.

Chatting and winking at each other.

Ren Ruanruan analyzed softly: In other words, if someone had triggered the hidden reward before, they should not still raise the issue of special permissions now.

Wang Min nodded: Yes, there is a high probability that it is continuous.

Zhu Xingguo clenched his fists excitedly: Why are we so lucky? We can get rewards that others can't get.

Ren Ruanruan patted him, and secretly glanced at Zhou Shengsheng, who was staring at the aircraft not far away, and said softly: We are also lucky, it is rare to encounter such an opportunity, thanks to the captain's time to study the progress of the level, it was a fluke.

Zhu Xingguo had a bright mind this time and nodded in agreement: Yes, yes, it's really a fluke!

Not far away, Zhou Shengsheng saw that the aircraft had been silent for a long time.

As a result, the three people here were still laughing and chatting heartlessly.

With a mournful face, he said to Wang Wei: Captain Wang, it seems that the aircraft has lost its sound. Have you offended someone so much that you really won't be rewarded?

Wang Min looked at him with disdain: After all, he is also the crown prince of the No. 1 consortium, right?

Zhou Shengsheng widened his eyes and raised his voice: Why not?? This is a hidden reward!! Hidden!! This is the first time in this life. Even if the strength is not improved much, bragging is enough to bluff people, right? I guess even The Army and the others don’t have such a chance!”

Don't worry. Wang Wen patted his shoulder and comforted him: It will definitely happen, don't worry.

Zhou Shengsheng wrinkled his face again: How do you know? How can there be such a certainty...

He didn't believe it when he saw it.

Wang Min reluctantly pulled the aircraft and kicked it away.


The aircraft floated back silently.

There was silence over several people.

Look. Wang Min pulled off the aircraft again and kicked it away again in front of the stunned Zhou Shengsheng: If the reward hadn't been given, the aircraft would have run away long ago. How could it stay here and endure the teasing? This is obviously discussing countermeasures.

Zhou Shengsheng watched with dumbfounded eyes as the distant aircraft swayed back again and stopped at a height that Wang Min could not reach, as if he was afraid of being kicked but could not leave.

He swallowed.

Seeing Wang Min waving from the air, he pulled the aircraft down and fired for the third time.

He turned around and asked him, Do you believe it?

He quickly went up to grab Wang Wen, who was about to catch the aircraft and kick it for the fourth time, and said in a dumbfounded voice: I believe it, I believe it, Team Wang can do it, please don't do this, my heart can't bear it.

Relax, be strong without desire. Wang Min grabbed the stupid flying machine and handed it to him, and asked with concern: Do you want to try your feet?

Zhou Shengsheng felt as if his head was going to explode. He kept waving his hands and backing away, saying, No, no, no, no.

At this juncture, the prince of the First Financial Group died almost on the spot.

The mechanical sound finally sounded after a long absence.

[After verification, the special permissions have been issued as hidden rewards and cannot be selected again. Tower climbers who trigger the hidden rewards this time can choose one of the following three rewards: 1. Two extraordinary skills below level 350; 2. One The only treasure below level 350; 3. Ignore the shackles and forcibly upgrade a basic skill to reach the level of master. 】

The mechanical sound echoed in everyone's ears.

Wang Wen frowned.

Zhu Xingguo pumped his fist excitedly.

Ren Ruanruan had stars in his eyes.

Zhou Shengsheng's scalp became numb, and he gradually lost his mind and stayed where he was. It seemed that even his breathing was not smooth.

He came here with the intention of seeking information.

The information does exist now.

There are many more.

Together with its own gains, it seems to be huge.

But I just don’t know why I always feel like my little heart can’t hold on.

It’s so weird for these people to climb the tower!

He always does things that are incomprehensible.

Then the World Tower will also respond to some incomprehensible feedback.

It felt as if I was a young girl being taken to a brothel for the first time.

It was a lot of fun to watch the familiar people and the madam call the familiar girl in code words.

But he could only stand alone, not knowing what to do.

how so? ?

He was obviously the crown prince of the number one consortium with countless information, and with more than 300 and nearly 400 floors of the tower, he was enough to look down upon the entire team.

I thought that even if I didn't lead the tower on this trip, I would be the main force in the tower attack.

As a result, let alone the main force, even Minato couldn't get in.

Those three people are always in their own clique, and their actions are illogical, irregular and unreasonable.

What are you doing?

What I said at the beginning, I won't hold you back was just a modest remark!

Why do you all seem to take it seriously? !

What’s even more terrifying is why do I even think it’s about to become real? ? ! !

Standing alone, watching the three people who were so close yet seemingly so far away gathered together to discuss rewards.

At this moment, Zhou Shengsheng really wanted to cry and go home.

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