Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 204 Gradually Losing Reason

What is good and evil?

This question will never be answered by Wang Wen.

Call him kind, but his ruthless execution methods and the way he dealt with both pros and cons by beating both parties are completely out of the question.

Even in the face of all the begging, he has a heart of stone and does not spare even children. He is more like a cold-blooded devil.

Call him evil, but at the end of the level, he felt compassion for an unrelated stranger and forced himself to threaten the unlucky guy to improve his progress.


It should be said that everything he did was just to climb the tower.

After all, who can say for sure that the last scene where Wang Min threatened the improvement rate was not part of his deliberate experiment?

Lin Kaihe was saved.

He was lifted out of the pit like a little chicken. He knelt on the edge of the pit and kept kowtowing to Wang Wen and others.

All the tower climbers stood at the entrance, enveloped in white light, quietly watching a group of grateful people bowing to the ground and saluting.

It seems that Wang Wen has done something amazing.

They forgot that Wang Wen just didn't kill him.

He did not kill Lin Kaihe, who could have lived a normal life.

Just thank you for the favour of not killing.

for this ending.

The expressionless Wang Wen didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Shengsheng shrugged indifferently.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan gained more relief and joy.

Ren Ruanruan, in particular, looked at Wang Wen with softer eyes.

She and Zhu Xingguo sighed softly: I didn't expect that the captain is also a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, with a hard mouth and a soft heart.

Zhu Xingguo didn't care about this at all.

His attention was like a mad dog out of the cage, running thousands of miles away. He turned around and asked Wang Wen: Master, if they are really stubborn and stubborn in the end, will you really know how to dig a grave?

Wang Wei glanced at his precious apprentice strangely and said, I don't like to say harsh words or do soft things. What I said before was not a threat, but a polite way of saying something euphemistically. In fact, what I want to do is more important than what I said. To put it more complicated, it is rare to encounter such an unlucky guy who is easy to bully, so many experiments cannot be done at once?

Zhu Xingguo nodded thoughtfully, not sure whether he understood or not.

Ren Ruanruan, who was standing next to him, was stunned and his curiosity exploded: What specific tests will be done?

Wang Min thought: There are many.

For example, now that we know that the skeletons are really conscious, let's test each one to see to what extent it is necessary to eliminate the consciousness of a certain skeleton, and which bone is responsible for the load or the integrity of the whole.

Another example is whether some bone-specific toxins in poison-making techniques will have the same effect on bones in different parts, and whether the effects on bones of different targets will be different.

The other one that interests me the most is to find a serious criminal from the police. I prefer to kidnap or abduct children, and then use the World Tower props to transplant the bones into the criminal's body. If the criminal is lucky to survive in the end, Is this man’s mind his own or the unlucky ghost inside the skeleton?”

Experiments like this cannot be done anywhere else, because the bones that are separated from the human body have no self-awareness, so it is difficult to get real and effective feedback. How can these five bones be as considerate as these?

My only concern is that I want to do too many experiments and there aren't enough of them.

It's a pity that it was not confirmed until the end that they were conscious. As a result, after clearing the level, there was no time to test it. It seems a bit exaggerated to come back just for the test.

A long paragraph comes to an end.

There was even a hint of regret in Wang Min's tone.

Zhu Xingguo was silent.

Let Ruanruan petrify.

Zhou Shengsheng was sweating profusely after hearing this, and his inner evaluation of Wang Min's danger level was even higher.

The four of them waited for a long time on the 351st floor, but the hidden reward was still not distributed.

Zhou Shengsheng asked the aircraft curiously: Why is it so slow? Has it crashed?

It was the first time he heard that there was such a thing as a hidden reward, and he was very much looking forward to it. He showed a rare emotion of impatience, and lost the composure that he had maintained along the way, belonging to the prince of the First Financial Group.

On the other hand, Wang Wen and the other three were very calm.

Someone is even complaining in his heart:

‘Why do you always trigger hidden rewards? Isn’t this hidden reward too hidden? Is it possible that everyone in the world has a copy? ’

In the entanglement of multiple emotions, the mechanical sound finally came belatedly:

[It has been detected that the hidden reward with special permissions has been claimed. This time the reward has been changed to extraordinary skills. All tower climbers in the team can choose an extraordinary skill within 350 floors. The skill list is as follows:]

Zhou Shengsheng was so shocked by the huge amount of information revealed in the mechanical sound that his head was buzzing.

He knew that extraordinary skills, which the elite team in the group had long reported, were the reward for all tower climbers when they first ascended to the super high-rise.

But what the hell are special permissions? ?

This is a word that has never appeared in group intelligence!

And it's already received? ?

Some tower climbers have actually received special permissions?

What kind of special permissions? what's the effect? Who received it? ?

Zhou Shengsheng's brain was almost dry.

The result didn't wait for him to think too much.

Here Wang Wei interrupted the aircraft unhappily: Stop! Why did our rewards change after receiving special permissions? Should we ask for our opinions when changing the rewards? To take a step back, even if it is changed The reward is extraordinary skills, why are there restrictions on tower levels? Do special permissions also limit tower levels? If it is not restricted, then our rewards are not equal. We must either change it back to special permissions, or not limit tower levels. This is reasonable, right. Bar?

At the end of his words, he turned around and symbolically asked Zhu Xingguo and the others.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan hurriedly nodded in agreement: Yes, we must be equal!!

Zhou Shengsheng looked at the three excited people with confusion on his face.

I was extremely shocked: these three guys! They were not curious at all about what special permissions were, and their ideas were so clear! To be able to remain calm and argue rationally in the face of such huge gains is really terrifying and powerful!

but. .

Zhou Shengsheng glanced at the aircraft floating in mid-air out of the corner of his eye.

Secretly shook his head.

There is no record of anyone being able to bargain with the World Tower.

It would be nice to have a reward.

Are you still picky?

Zhou Shengsheng looked at Wang Wen with a hint of regret in his eyes.

This man in front of me.

There have been too many rumors about him during this time.

Not only Grandpa Gu and the former team leaders of the Intelligence Department praised him a lot.

Even the 600-level true gods like Lu Ci, the group's top team, knew something about Wang Min.

How could God know the name of a mortal?

What is so mysterious about Wang Wen?

Zhou Shengsheng came to Tuta with the intention of gathering information.

But at this moment, in his opinion.

Bargaining with the World Tower?

Mortals will be mortals after all.

Always like to be whimsical.

No matter how arrogant you Wang Wen are.

No matter how many big shots pay attention.

No matter how clear the thinking is.

This time, it was all in vain!

Zhou Shengsheng shook his head.

The mechanical sound of the aircraft reached my ears.

[As compensation, each person can choose two extraordinary skills within 350 levels. The skill list is as follows:]

. . .

Thanks again to [Wang Liping] from QQ Reading for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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