Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 206 Monkey King

Three rewards to choose from.

It seems like a forced compromise.

In fact, it just puts the problem back on the tower climber himself.

Because it’s one of three choices.

Not all given.

So at first glance, it seems that I have taken a big advantage, and the other party is very generous.

In fact, the ball rolled back to his feet.

It's time for everyone to have a headache.

At this point, Wang Wen did not dare to be verbose anymore.

The prince said something right before.

The rules are set by others.

It's really too stiff, you don't give in when things are good, you go too far, and you won't get any good results if you make the other party angry.

Wang Min knew that she could only argue within the appropriate scope.

Rather than being unreasonable and making trouble.

Then the choice of these three rewards in front of you becomes crucial.

How to maximize the hidden reward income this time?

He was lost in thought.

It happened that Ren Ruanruan came over to discuss: Captain, which one should I choose?

Wang Wei looked at her, thought for a while, and asked: Are you interested in practicing one more basic skill to break through the level? If so, then I suggest you choose the third reward and pick a basic skill to break through. Mongolian.

Ren Ruanruan's eyes turned into hula hoops: Wait a minute, let me think about it. I already have one basic skill to break the barrier. Captain, you mean I need to practice one more to break the barrier before I can choose the third one. Reward? In other words, you need to have three basic skills to break the barrier??? Why? Am I too idle?

Wang Min glanced at Zhou Shengsheng, whose soul had left his body not far away, and lowered his voice: I can only say now that if you have such determination, then choose the third reward, otherwise it will not make much sense. If you want to improve your strength in the short term, it is better to choose the first reward. Two are more obvious.”

Ren Ruanruan nodded thoughtfully and stepped aside.

Zhu Xingguo came over.

He was about to speak with excitement on his face.

He was interrupted by Wang Wen: You choose the second option, the only type of treasure!

Zhu Xingguo was stunned for a moment and said doubtfully: Master, don't you even need to ask me any questions? It seems very hasty to draw a conclusion so quickly?

No need to ask, no need to think about it, you are suitable for the second item. Wang Wen said firmly: Even if you are undecided about which item you want, I have already thought it out for you.

So fast? Which one should I want? Zhu Xingguo pulled the aircraft down and looked at the list of rewards.

Wang Wei pointed to an item in the reward list and said to him: That's it.

Zhu Xingguo looked at the prop information.

He nodded thoughtfully and stepped aside.

Both were seen becoming quiet and thoughtful.

Wang Wen raised the corners of his mouth.

In the process of teaching others, he also figured out the rewards he needed.

Actually, it’s not that much of a struggle.

Just go with your gut.

Extraordinary skills below level 350 are definitely the first to be eliminated.

Skills at lower tower levels are meaningless. Even if you waste the power of the world, the improvement will ultimately be universal.

There is no doubt that you have to be at a very high level to practice extraordinary skills.

That leaves only the last two rewards.

The only type of treasure that is very powerful and useful. It will definitely increase your strength significantly in a short period of time.

And taking advantage of this rare opportunity, he was quickly browsing the prop information of all possible unique treasures below level 350 listed in the World Tower.

Among them, I even saw the [Giant's Heart] and [Stabilization Bead] I had on hand, as well as the [True Clone] I had used.

Are there any duplicates of unique treasures?

What else do you call the only one?

Wang Wei asked the aircraft carefully about this issue.

The aircraft's reply is that consumed items can be regenerated, and unconsumed items can only be picked up if they have no owner.

Wang Wei raised his eyebrows and prepared to test whether there was no owner one by one. He planned to see how many of these unique treasures from the lower tower levels had been scattered.

As a result, the aircraft immediately interrupted his thoughts.

It means that only after the selection is confirmed, will the owner be notified. If there is an owner, you can reselect. If there is no owner, the reward will be distributed directly.

If you do this, Wang Wen will not dare to mess around.

Because what he wanted most in his heart was the third reward.

Basic skills break through!

Now three items have been achieved.

I also have a deep understanding of the power after breaking through the veil.

He was very eager to know what would happen to the four deceptions.

But now there's a problem ahead.

There are two basic skills left, scientific decryption and combat physical fitness.

He was poor at both.

Especially for scientific decryption, due to the time-limited secret room, he could hardly reach the master level, and there was no extra space at all.

Even the fighting physical ability is better than scientific secrets.

After all, on the one hand, he maintained the habit of his previous life and continued to exercise every day, on the other hand, he strengthened his overall physique once he reached the 300th level.


Originally, according to common sense, the benefits will be greater when the fighting physical fitness is improved.

This should be an easy choice for any tower climber.

One is scientific decryption with very limited use, and the other is fighting physical fitness with wide use.

If you can easily break through the bottleneck and go straight to the breakthrough.

Any fool knows how to choose.

But Wang Wen was hesitant.

He knew there was a crucial point.

The 400th floor of the World Tower.

People who board for the first time can choose a basic skill to strengthen.

Whether you are a master or a broken master, you can strengthen them.

This strengthening does not represent a direct breakthrough.

A very low degree of scientific decryption is likely to remain with the masters.

As for the fighting physical ability that has been practiced a lot and has been strengthened by 300 layers, it is very hopeful that it can be broken through 400 layers of strengthening.

If this hidden reward chooses to break through the fighting physical ability.

In the future, it will either delay the time and not reach the 400th floor for the time being.

Or waste the only reward for reaching the 400th floor on scientific decryption.

This is very embarrassing.

If this trip doesn't go to the 400th floor.

Wang Min is not worried about losing face or other vain things.

You don't have to worry about the feeling of being a little bit untrustworthy. At worst, you can leave the tower first on the 399th floor and let Ren Ruanruan take Zhou Shengsheng to jump to the 400th floor. Anyway, the first login reward can be triggered by standing on it, so there is no need. Clearance.

He just felt it was a waste of time.

and things beyond one's control.

You can still improve your fighting physical fitness through training.

How to enhance scientific decryption?

Not sure at all.

The thought of a time-limited secret room gives me a headache.

These are all things that can stimulate his mental power to a steady improvement.

Mental training doesn’t lie.

Facing the most repulsive thing in your heart does not necessarily improve your mental strength by 100%.

But things that will enhance mental power must be the most repulsive in the heart.

That's why those people were so shocked when they saw the stunning stone that Wang Wei placed on the college playground.

Even the president of the First Financial Group reluctantly gave up trying to recruit people and turned around to leave.

They know how painful and unbearable mental training has been since ancient times. The academy has such a relaxing training method, and people cannot be easily taken away.

For Wang Wen.

Before absorbing the Shocking Stone.

He wanted to train his mental power, and the most effective way was to face the time-limited chamber.

This is what he most rejects in his heart.

Repelling it to the point where every time you face it, you can steadily increase your mental power.

No mistakes were made.

If you want to practice scientific decryption, it is also inseparable from the time-limited secret room.

There is no need to touch it in the World Tower.

Simulations outside the tower can also have some effect.

But this will make Wang Wen more painful.

After all, there is a consolation prize of increased mental power when encountering a limited-time secret room in the tower.

The simulation outside the tower left him in pure pain.

The simulated secret room does not improve mental strength. .

From this analysis, it seems that the best result is to directly break the secret and scientific decryption of the hidden rewards this time.

Think of this.

Wang Wen made up his mind.

For hidden rewards, choose scientific decryption!

. . .

The aircraft slipped away.

It seemed to be flying much faster than before.

There is a sense of pleasure in finally completing the mission and escaping.

I don't know what I'm afraid of.

Leave a group of people who have collected the rewards.

Each has different gains.

Everyone has a different mood.

After all, Ren Ruanruan didn't have the confidence to practice one more basic skill.

Fell into the arms of short and fast.

Got the 300th floor unique treasure [Monkey King] that I have been coveting for a long time.

After using this prop, the user can transform seventy-two times like the Monkey King, and can even pluck a hair to summon countless subordinates to attack the enemy in groups, which lasts for one hour and has a 24-hour cooldown.

The most important thing is that during the duration, a pair of eyes will turn into piercing eyes, capable of night vision, breaking obstacles, and identifying falsehoods and truths, which can maximize the effect of scientific decryption.

This is indeed a very significant improvement for Ren Ruanruan.

After Wang Min learned about her choice, she didn't say much.

If there are only two deceptions, there really won't be as much improvement as a three-hundred-level unique treasure.

She made the right choice.

All I can say is that everyone has their own path.

Others cannot walk for you.

Level 351 will end soon.

Everyone entered the 352nd floor.

It's a speed-moving mechanism.

Ren Ruanruan was overjoyed.

I am interested in trying a new powerful baby.

She retrieved the [Monkey King] from the aircraft.

He said Hey and used the item.

I saw a large puff of colorful smoke rising out of thin air, with golden light coming from inside.

At the same time, it is accompanied by the sound of exciting music.

Ren Ruanruan transformed into the Monkey King and stepped out of the smoke slowly.

She looked back at the life-threatening mechanism behind her that had been activated.

He waved the iron rod that came from nowhere in his hand in a cool and unrestrained manner.

A sudden somersault.

When I landed again, I was already at the finish line.

All the poison arrow mechanisms in the checkpoint room came out all over the sky and rained down on Ren Ruanruan.

She plucked out a hair and blew lightly.

Countless little Ren emerged from the void laughing and laughing, the number even more than the poisonous arrows.

With one hand, he easily grabbed the special poisonous arrows flying in the sky and piled them at Ren Ruanruan's feet.

From today.

As long as the speed-moving mechanism is encountered within the duration of [Monkey King], no matter what level it is, no matter how complicated and dangerous it is, Ren Ruanruan will never be able to resist it.

The only type of treasure.

So scary!

Looking at the teammate who had just started running, especially Zhou Shengsheng, he exclaimed as he ran: Isn't this too exaggerated? Heroine, you are invincible!

Ren Ruanruan looked up to the sky and laughed happily.


Half laughing.

The sound stopped suddenly.

she discovered to her horror.

At some point, someone stood next to me!

Thank you [Pi Dad] for the reward!

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