Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 203 Evil and Good

The police, if nothing unexpected happened, it was the group of people who had buried the money before who secretly or called someone to report it to the police.

Wang Min never thought of stopping him.

That would be such a waste of time.

It is a very helpless situation to encounter the decryption progress in a level that is obviously an integer level.

This will result in that even with high strength, time will inevitably be delayed.

Just like nine out of ten things in the world are unsatisfactory.

If you can’t choose a starting point, try to run faster in the process.

So Wang Wei was speed-passing from the first second of the level.

Being unreasonable and being reckless.

Regardless of whether he is a human or a ghost, he will beat anyone he sees.

even so.

A lot of time is still wasted on this level.

And now.

He spent time, patience, and even safety in waiting.

The purpose is to see if I can take the initiative to change the progress with my own hands.

as well as.

I want to see if there are things in the world that can be changed by people's efforts and persistence.

Wang Min stood in front of the teaching building, glanced at the growing crowd, and calmly took the time to rest, eat and drink to replenish their strength with Zhu Xingguo.

to be honest.

For Lin Kaihe.

The help Wang Min can give is extremely limited.

That guy is the progress at the end of the level.

As long as you kill him, this level will be cleared, and everyone will not have to jump through levels, let alone end the journey and exit the tower.

Everything will continue naturally.

It is impossible for Wang Min to exchange the fate of several of his own people for the fate of such an insignificant person.

He has no right to spare the other party's life.

He also has no right to help the other party do anything the other party should do.

Not even the right to help.

He could only wait silently.

Selfishly using your own time and that of your teammates to extend the other person's time.

More than half an hour passed.

Lin Kaihe finally separated the bones from the cement and moved them to the hillside outside the teaching building with difficulty.

A pit has been prepared there, and it has been specially paved with wooden boards and cotton cloth found from nowhere.

It can be seen that he is really attentive.

Place the bones on the wooden board and cover them with cotton cloth.

Finally, the soil was covered back bit by bit.

Put up the flattest cement board you can find.

Five innocent victims' lives were engraved on it with a sharp weapon.

The next line is the redeemer stands.

Do it all.

Lin Kaihe looked back at Wang Wen and others who were following him.

Wang Min called the aircraft to check his progress number.

3 points.

Nothing changes.

Wang Wen shook her head at him expressionlessly.

Lin Kaihe's eyes turned red instantly. He sat next to the mound and smiled bitterly: Yes, atonement is not so simple.

He adjusted his posture and slowly knelt down to Wang Min, with his forehead on the ground. He said softly without any emotion: I love my wife very much, but she has been lying in the hospital for a long time and has not woken up. I regret not being there when she is awake. I want to tell her I love her when she wakes up, and I want to tell her I love her when she wakes up.

He looked up at the indifferent Wang Wen and begged: Please, let me go. I can surrender to the police, I can help the deceased take care of their relatives, I can do anything, please, let me live to wait for my wife. Wake up, or just let me live until then, please.”

Wang Min shook her head: You begged the wrong person. It's useless to beg me. Don't you understand?

Lin Kaihe slowly turned around, kowtowed to the mound again, and said sincerely: I'm sorry, everyone makes mistakes. I know I made the biggest mistake. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just ask that you give me time to atone for my sins. Okay? Can you give me a chance to atone for my sins? I really know my mistake...

His kowtow is very rhythmic.

One bump and one stop.

It was very forceful, as if it had a grudge against my own head.

Every time it hits, a lot of dirt will be thrown up.

It quickly became disastrous.

Girls tend to be more emotional.

Ren Ruanruan, a professional tower climber, was the first to be unable to bear it.

He turned away and wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand.

He took a deep breath and discussed with Wang Wen: Captain, let me jump? This level is too bad.

Wang Wen still shook his head expressionlessly.

He glanced at the motionless progress of the aircraft.

He sighed secretly.

He said to Lin Kaihe: It's time, I failed, so be it.

His tone was a little heavy.

The word failure is not only talking about the other party, but also about yourself.

Looking at Lin Kaihe who kept kowtowing, he condensed the giant blade of spiritual power and said calmly: Don't tell me your last wishes. They have nothing to do with me, and I can't help you.

The words fell.

The giant blade of mental power dug a deep pit.

Then he floated over and picked up Lin Kaihe, who was kowtowing until he was in a trance.

Lin Kaihe, who was in a daze, seemed to understand his next ending.

Such a tough man who was determined to survive finally couldn't hold on and burst into tears.

Why... He held his head in pain: I don't want anything, I can give up anything, I just want a chance to live, why can't I??

Wang Wen thought for a moment and comforted him: Not everyone can atone for their mistakes. The most precious thing in the world is the word 'opportunity'. It's normal for you not to get it.

After listening to comfort.

Lin Kaihe pulled his hair hard and cried even more heartbreakingly.

He struggled with all his strength, still trying to escape from the control of the giant mental hand while in the air.

The belief in living seems to have become his instinct.

In order to survive, he forgot the pain, fatigue, and even dignity.

Unfortunately the world is fair.

Opportunities that others don't get, often you don't get either.

He was eventually thrown into a deep pit by Wang Wen.

Even though his nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the fall, he still clung to the earth and rocks with his bloody hands, trying to climb up the pit wall again using his old tricks.

Zhu Xingguo grabbed Wang Wen's hand.

He said with a somewhat unbearable expression: Master, he is so pitiful, please let him go?

Who is not pitiful? Wang Wen asked back: There are so many pitiful people in the world. Are these people buried alive not pitiful? Are the guards of the college who were killed by Shen Rushang not pitiful? Are the deans, teachers and students who were imprisoned and died by Tiansheng not pitiful? ?If we don’t climb the tower, who will let us go?”

Zhu Xingguo opened his mouth.


Zhou Shengsheng, the Crown Prince of the First Consortium, said: I agree with Team Wang. We are here to climb the tower, not to do good deeds. Every life that becomes a progress is pitiful, but the weak are the strongest. We must climb up, and the progress must die. This is The meaning of survival is also the meaning of the existence of the World Tower.

Hearing this, Wang Wen narrowed his eyes instead.

The movement of his hand paused slightly.

In the distance, a group of people rushed out of the crowd and ran to Wang Wen and others, kowtowing and begging. They were old and young, of different ages. The youngest among them was a little girl about 7 or 8 years old, lying down next to the pit. Lin Kaihe stretched out his hand hard to reach the bottom of the pit and shouted, Dad, I'm here to save you.

Wang Wen looked around quietly.

Look at all the people who dare not come forward.

Looking at the strangers kneeling in a row not far away.

Looking at the two faces beside him with requests.

He raised his head, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled softly.

The next second.

Wang Min came to the mound where the five people were buried and said calmly: Improve the situation and let Lin Kaihe go.

The aircraft flew over.

The number 3 shines brightly.

As if making fun of Wang Wen's incompetence.

Wang Wen kicked the mound of soil away and shouted in a deep voice: Is it asking you to improve your speed? Don't you understand? Don't dig graves! Grind half of your bones into powder and mix them with manure for fertilization. Apply the other half with delicious meat sauce. Or feed honey to dogs and wolves to all those who like to chew bones...

He didn't have time to finish his words.

The aircraft has lowered its mechanical sound:

[Level progress reached 100%, level 350 cleared]

[It was found that the subject of this level was first convinced by succumbing to violence, then he was sincerely convinced when he got what he wanted, and finally succumbed to violence again. The tower climber's impeccable clearance performance perfectly fits the integer layer skills and violent cracking. The core purpose of integration triggers unique hidden rewards. 】

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