Chapter 138 Flood

The trap manager next to them looked at the two of them with a crooked eyebrow.

I don't like being judged by outsiders.

As a result, the two people went to the field to watch, but there was no movement again.

What a waste of time!

The trap leader was angry.

I was about to ask, half mockingly and half puzzled.

Then Wang Wen turned around and said, That's right. Let me explain first that I don't want to do this trap. I just have some technical data that I want to test first. Do you know how to shoot an arrow?

The person in charge of the trap snorted disdainfully. This kind of question is simply an insult to the warriors who have been on the battlefield all year round.

He randomly called a soldier, took the bow and arrow from the soldier's back, stretched out his hand to pull the string, and hit a stone dozens of meters away with an arrow.

Then he shot another arrow, hitting the same stone farther.

Very good. Wang Wen nodded with confidence, took out the trap hand crossbow he made, loaded it with a special arrow picked up from the speed trap, then handed the crossbow to the person in charge of the trap and said, I need to trouble you. Thank you for your hard work, come with us to the battlefield for a test, use this hand crossbow to kill an enemy and see the effect.

The person in charge of the trap didn't know the reason, but that didn't stop him from decisively refusing: The division of labor is clear during wartime. My current task is to supervise the trap, and I won't go to the battlefield with you and mess around.

Wang Wen was not angry either.

He happily pulled him slowly toward the battlefield, and said as he walked: This is what I'm talking about about the trap!

Wang Wen pointed to the special arrows in the hand crossbow and explained patiently: You see this kind of arrow, right? I need to know its power, how many arrows can kill an enemy, so that I can accurately calculate the use of the mechanisms in the trap Do you think this kind of test is necessary? If the data is not measured clearly, who will bear the consequences? In the end, it will not trick you. ?

The person in charge of the trap twitched hard at the corner of his eyes when he heard the last part.

He turned to look at Wang Wen, who had a harmless look on his face, and said in a slower tone: There is a certain truth to it, so speed up and try to measure all the data you need before dawn, so as not to rely on me for not cooperating.

Of course. Wang Wei smiled cordially.

The three of them quietly arrived at the side and rear of the main battlefield, which was only a few hundred meters away from the most brutal central battle location.

Countless people were running around to transport supplies or injured people, and all communication relied on shouting.

An officer on patrol saw the three of them, came over to check their IDs, and then bowed and left.

It can be seen that the identity of the person in charge of the trap is quite high.

He led Wang Min and Zhu Xingguo to the area defended by the giant shield bearer. There were relatively few enemies here.

The reason may be that the most common half-human creatures find this group of iron lumps too laborious and are unwilling to come here.

The person in charge of the trap spotted an opening, held out his crossbow through the gap, aimed at a half-human tall creature at close range, and fired an arrow.

The special arrow penetrates the target's head with a whistling sound like a whistle.

The half-human tall creature fell to the ground stiffly and was quickly eaten by its surrounding companions.

Then the surrounding companions also covered their throats and fell to the ground, vomiting black foam, and were eaten by more companions.

There was nothing unusual about the group of half-human creatures who finished eating this time. They just smacked their lips as if they were wondering about the taste, which seemed a little different from usual.

Wang Wei kept staring at the progress of the aircraft, and the progress did not increase until the half-human tall creature was eaten until no bones were left.

He was a little excited.

For insurance, he took out a special arrow and handed it to the person in charge of the trap.

The trap leader glanced at him impatiently, suppressed his temper and fired another arrow, and another half-human creature fell down.

The level progress does not move.

Wang Min and Zhu Xingguo looked at each other.

Zhu Xingguo's eyes were filled with confusion.

Wang Wen ignored him and waved his hands excitedly. He simply took out the [She Shuizhu] and put it on the arrow, ensuring that the arrow could be torn in half when it flew out. Shot.

The trap leader suppressed his temper and shot an arrow into the sky.

The small arrow shot into the night sky and quickly disappeared.

Just when the person in charge was about to ask Wang Wei how many more times he would need to test.

Suddenly there was chaos ahead.

The person in charge of the trap watched in confusion as a large number of soldiers retreated from the front in embarrassment, as if they were soaked by the rain, and the torches used for lighting were all extinguished.

Confused, he grabbed a soldier and asked what happened.

The other party took a look at his clothes and answered honestly: I don't know where the flood came from. It flooded most of the battlefield. No one who moves slower can swim back.

The person in charge of the trap releases the soldier and lets him retreat with the team.

He returned to Wang Min like a puppet and looked at him steadily: Is it the arrow just now?

Wang Min stared at the aircraft intently and said yes without looking back.

The person in charge hesitated for a while, then asked again: Is it water magic? How much water will there be?

Probably... Wang Min thought for a while, stretched out her hand and made a circle: There are probably as many lakes.

There are so many lakes? the person in charge repeated nonchalantly: That's a lot of water...

The test is over.

The level progress has not increased at all.

Such a strong and stable number not only did not make Wang Min feel relieved, but made her even more worried.

It's not that he's worried about the trap, but he's worried about the situation on Mo Ran's side.

I was testing the truth, but my progress was not improving at all.

Isn't that guy dead?

Wang Min speculated evilly in her heart and led the frustrated person in charge and the confused Zhu Xingguo back to the trap.

He began to confidently and boldly teach the engineers how to lay traps more efficiently.

Many locations do not need to be filled one by one. A large number of mechanisms can be activated at the same time through chain triggers.

This is much more efficient and the results will be better.

Occasionally, Zhu Xingguo would go out in person and lay traps with the engineers under the guidance of his master.

The strange thing is that the person in charge of the trap never expressed dissatisfaction with Wang Min's instructions.

On the contrary, he actively signaled to the engineers and soldiers to cooperate honestly.


The huge project that originally took five days to complete was completed in one night under Wang Wei's guidance.

Not only did it accomplish the original goal, but it also added several additional mechanisms that cooperated with each other to make the trap more terrifying.

Even the enemies who did not have time to fall into the trap after the trap was activated were taken into consideration, and a ground trap was specially tailored for those enemies.

Ensure that all enemies that enter the range, dead or alive, cannot escape.

Looking at the gradually brightening sky.

Looking at the ground where all the terrorist mechanisms had been perfectly hidden, the person in charge of the trap was in a daze.

What happened that night somewhat subverted his outlook on life.

Arranging the airship to return to the headquarters, he personally led Wang Wei to the coach's room to report.

The coach seemed to have just woken up from sleep and was drinking water in a somewhat sleepy manner.

When he heard that the trap was completed and could be activated at any time, his sleepiness disappeared. He stood up and walked around the sand table in front of the trap leader and Wang Wei. He confirmed with surprise on his face: Are you sure? It can really be activated? The effect Won’t there be any discount?”

The person in charge of the trap opened his mouth. He wanted to say that if all the mechanisms could function smoothly, not only would the effect not be compromised, but it would probably be doubled.

But it was too late for him to speak.

There was a commotion outside the door.

Several adjutants rushed to open the newly repaired door and rushed into the room. They looked at the coach, their faces flushed with excitement.

They waved the battle report in their hands and loudly said: There was a sudden flood on the main battlefield. Our casualties were very small. Most of our people successfully retreated, but the enemy suffered huge losses! According to incomplete statistics, when the flood receded, at least nearly 100,000 creatures on the other side would be unable to survive. Survived because from what witnesses saw at the fighting position, they were not tall enough and couldn’t swim!”

The coach was shocked. He took the battle report and looked at it carefully, and asked in confusion: Where did the water come from in the dry area of ​​the main battlefield?

The adjutants turned their attention to the lost person in charge, the confused Zhu Xingguo, and Wang Wen who was looking for someone everywhere. Like a group of professional wedding hosts, their faces flushed with excitement and they shouted: The one closest to the flood appears. The location is in the area of ​​the giant shield soldiers. From what the witnesses saw, it should be the large water magic released by these three, which caught the enemy by surprise!

Large-scale water magic?? The coach turned to look at Wang Wen in astonishment: Mr. Magician, can your magic power cover such a huge area? A hundred thousand enemies, this level is no longer weaker than Dabus's attack ! Could it be said that you have already...

Wang Min didn't know that Your Majesty the Magician was calling him.

He almost forgot that he was still a magician.

Just when I was looking for someone, I found someone talking to me.

So he asked by the way: Where is the great magician? Where has he gone? After finishing the trap, is it time to teach me how to make the magic stone?

Thanks to [Wife Lover Hong Shixian] [Yichen Changfeng] [Yixuelan Bingfengyi] for the reward!

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