Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 141 Like magic but not magic

Chapter 139 Like magic but not magic

Knowing that the great magician Dabus had gone to the night elf stronghold, Wang Min rushed there by airship without stopping.

He didn't even attend the small celebration party specially held by the coach.

People who made the coach lament that greatness always have something in common, they are all humble and hard-working.

Even if Wang Min's original words were It's not like I beat someone away just to celebrate my success.

None of the adjutants who had disliked him came forward to confront him.

They all said you are busy, you are busy with a smile, and each one looked more like Jingba than the other.

After all, the person in charge of the trap personally admitted that the trap had been completed.

Five days of work was done in one night, and this ability alone was enough to make all the lieutenants shut up.

What's more, there is a magic level that can kill 100,000 enemy soldiers in one move.

No one dares to offend such a top powerhouse in the mainland.

The trend of the war situation basically depends on this kind of magic master.

The good news continued to appear, and the coach was in high spirits.

Order the trap to be activated immediately.

He also took all the adjutants together and personally took an airship to the trap to appreciate the effect of the trap being activated.

Wait until Wang Min arrives at the night elf stronghold.

What I saw was a large dark red mass of black clouds in the distance.

On the wall of the stronghold stood a worried Dabus and a cheerful Mo Ran.

The expressions of the two men were in sharp contrast.

Mo Ran asked Dabus curiously: Why are you so worried?

Dabus said: There are too many people. He asked Mo Ran curiously: Why are you so happy?

Mo Ran thought about it and smiled happily: There are too many people!

Wang Wen arrived in an airship. Before the airship could stop, he jumped off impatiently and rushed to Dabus' side. He said, The trap has been prepared. We will guard it here. You can teach the method of making the sacred stone as soon as possible. Me?

Dabbs looked at him suspiciously, pointed to the endless crimson ocean outside and asked: There are so many enemies, and the other side should be out in full force. How can you defend them?

Old Mo! Wang Wen grabbed the bouncing Mo Ran and solemnly warned: It's up to you at the critical moment! There are only about 80 points left. Just try to rush to places with many people, disrupt the formation and drag people down. !”

Mo Ran smiled, jumped out of the stronghold and headed straight towards the crimson ocean.

Dabbs called out worriedly, Oh you.

Wang Wen pulled him towards the stronghold: Don't worry, he won't die. But if you don't teach me how to make the sacred stone quickly, I will really die.

At this moment, the progress of the aircraft suddenly skyrocketed.

From the original ten o'clock, it seemed to fly all the way, and it almost increased to ten o'clock in the blink of an eye.

In one breath, it reached one hundred.

Wang Min was stunned and turned to look at Mo Ran angrily.

As a result, Mo Ran outside the stronghold was also confused.

He looked at himself, then at the crimson ocean that was still far away and had not yet been touched, and ripples appeared in his heart:

Could it be that the story of killing more than ninety giants in one go last night has spread to the enemy camp?

The person opposite recognized him and was frightened to death?

Mo Ran thought about it and thought it was possible, but felt that the statistical progress of the aircraft was unreasonable.

How can you blame yourself for being so timid and scared to death?

He was preparing to have a good theory with the aircraft.

Just listen to the mechanical voice announcing without emotion.

[Level progress is full]

[Please enter the next level within five minutes, otherwise you will be forcibly transferred]

Wang Wei in the stronghold asked the aircraft: Where does the progress come from?

【Organ Trap】

I tested last night and asked others to use traps to kill the target, but it didn't increase the progress at all? Is the statistics wrong?

[The targets killed by the hand crossbow are mainly the controller, and the targets killed by the automatic mechanism are mainly those who set up traps. The main contributor to the current progress is: Lonely Sandbank Leng 85.610035%]

Wang Min was shocked and turned to Zhu Xingguo: How many mechanisms did you arrange last night?

Zhu Xingguo's face was full of confusion: Huh? I don't remember. I just remember that Master, you always said hurry up...

Wang Min regretted that her duodenum was aching.

Reluctantly, he asked Dabus beside him: Master, can you teach me how to make the sacred stone in four minutes?

Dabbs shook his head in confusion: Of course it's impossible. What's wrong? Are you in a hurry?


A lot of hard work and blood have been wasted.

Wang Wen's eyes were red.

Get on the airship and rush to the front of the crimson ocean in minutes, close your eyes and then open them again.


The ground was sunken, and at least thousands of creatures with a height of half a man were crushed into a pulp by the invisible weight.

He closed his eyes again, a little longer this time, about five seconds.

When it opened again, a quarter of the crimson ocean on the ground was missing.

Mo Ran saw him going on a killing spree, and the desire he had been holding back all night was finally released in the last few minutes.

In an extremely rare move, he replaced his [Dharma Hands] and retrieved a pair of black gloves from the aircraft and put them on.

When his fists touched, lightning suddenly appeared between them.

The fist raised high in the air pierced countless lightning arcs in all directions. The whole person seemed to turn into a light ball composed of thunder and lightning, and fell into the pile of monsters stab la la.

Centered on the drop point.

A thunder and lightning area with a diameter of more than a kilometer appeared out of thin air between the sky and the earth.

Thunder exploded during the day, and arcs filled the sky accompanied by intense high temperatures, carbonizing all living things within the kilometer-diameter circle.

The crimson ground mixed with blood also turned into a layer of amber-like crystals.

Mo Ran stood in the center of the circle with his black gloved hands hanging down. This punch destroyed at least nearly a thousand enemies.

Dabus in the rear stronghold released some unknown magic and appeared outside the high-temperature circle with Zhu Xingguo.

He stared at the vast expanse of scorched earth in front of him with dumbfounded eyes, wondering in his mind whether he could achieve this level without using the forbidden curse.

The top magician in the mainland looked seriously at these newcomers coming from the rear for the first time.

As a result, Mo Ran looked at Wang Min, who was bombing everywhere in an airship, and was very dissatisfied with his results.

I feel that I might not be able to catch up with that lunatic just by relying on my own strength.

So he took out a device from the aircraft.

Very familiar.

It was the 300-level rarity that was originally given to Zhu Xingguo as an apprenticeship ceremony: a simple remote-controlled micro-carrying missile loaded with a highly concentrated thermobaric warhead capable of destroying a small area.


The carrier is ignited and pushed forward, emitting light and dark tail flames and a large amount of smoke.

The already extremely high temperature nearby rose again. Dabus, who was outside the circle, was so startled that he couldn't help but take a few steps back, looking at the flower that was summoned by Mo Ran and jumped up from the ground, rising higher and higher. Caiyun's eyes were a little blurred.

He couldn't understand it.

Where did this group of people come from?

What are these tricks that look like magic but are not magic?

Dabbs' doubts are destined to remain unanswered.

After waiting for the missile to reach high altitude, Mo Ran silently set the missile's landing point to the densest area behind the enemy.

Then gently press the sci-fi red button on the remote control.

Four words came out softly.


The high-altitude missile made a sharp whistling sound and rushed towards the set target location. The movement path of the entire process was approximately like this: ⊿.

The missile disappeared from sight, landing far behind the crimson ocean.

Dabus, the top magician in the mainland, stared at the missile without knowing whether to live or die.

When he first landed, there was only a blinding white light in front of him.

The world is quiet.

It was as if even the wind and air were absorbed.

Then, the roaring sound that followed the shock wave and high heat caused a muffled sound like a buzzing in his ear cavity.

Dizziness, weak legs, nausea and retching, eyes full of tears and unable to see.

In the distance, where the crimson ocean is densest.

The air over there is distorted, and the specific appearance cannot be seen. The ground that can be seen clearly from a little closer is scattered with black and charred objects, and it is difficult to distinguish what they are.

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