Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 139 Controlling Progress

Chapter 137 Controlling Progress

In the stronghold, after landing, Mo Ran stepped on the smashed body of the blood giant and asked loudly: Excuse me, who is the night elf?

Several night elves not far away who were originally being chased by the two blood giants responded happily: We are the ones who are here. Are you the reinforcements sent by the coalition forces?

Well, you are night elves, so these big guys chasing you must be your enemies, right? Mo Ran kicked the corpse at his feet and raised his eyebrows: Exactly, I hate giants!

He seemed to recall some unpleasant scenes, and his anger increased. He turned around, stepped on the ground with his foot, jumped into the air, and rushed to a blood giant. [Dharma Hand] tore apart the flesh and blood armor to rescue the trapped night elf, and then Then he started beating up the blood giant.

With a few punches, the blood giant, which was more than ten meters tall, was beaten into pieces including its head and chest.

Together with the two blood giants just destroyed, the level progress has increased by 0.3 in total.

Mo Ran counted the blood giants present, and there were about ninety of them.

He nodded reassuringly and shouted loudly to the escaped night elves: You all stay away and find a safe place to wait.

Several rescued night elves were disobedient and shook their heads, saying that they would coexist with the stronghold and fight to the death.

Mo Ran had his own way of dealing with hypocritical monsters, and he scolded calmly: You want to get some benefits, right? If you shoot an arrow at a giant, I will go to the boss and sue you night elves for taking my credit! Get out!

Eh, yeah, yeah, yeah?? The night elves were furious when they heard this. They obviously wanted to help but were wrongly accused of taking the credit. This kind of grievance was unbearable!

The night elves are united.

He immediately called all the brothers and sisters to retreat in order, leaving no excuse for that stinky man.

Mo Ran naturally doesn't matter.

As cold as ever.

He chuckled casually and raised his fist to start harvesting the level progress.

Ninety blood giants, you can reach 10% of the level progress.

Not bad luck this time.

Mo Ran was thinking in his mind, jumping up and down with the [Dharma Hand] on, pulling out night elves from the flesh and blood armor, and knocking down the blood giants one by one easily.

The Queen of Night Elf in the distance could only see a golden light in the stronghold rising and falling, left and right, coming and going, and no one was able to join the attack. The originally difficult blood giant unexpectedly continued to attack without the ability to resist. Fall down.

This scene shocked her mouth.

By the time all ninety blood giants were wiped out, only about fifteen minutes had passed.

On average, he knocked down six big guys more than ten meters tall every minute!

Mo Ran stood on the high pile of flesh and blood, his right hand wearing the [Dharma Hand] was lowered, and the thick blood dripped down drop by drop. He held a water bottle in his left hand and raised it, arrogantly looking up to the sky and washing his hair with healthy water. It was so cool. explode.

The water bottle was half drunk, half washed and empty.

Throwing it to the ground without any courtesy, he shook his wet hair and shouted loudly: Who else?!

The thirty or so night elves who survived at the rear pointed to the position of the queen in front of the stronghold and chirped: And over there! There's a weirdo over there!

Mo Ran was slightly startled.

He originally just wanted to be cool and ask casually.

I didn’t expect that there were actually enemies.

He sighed secretly, comforting himself that he just thought of exercising, silently climbed down from the pile of flesh and blood and ran towards the outside of the stronghold.

The blood mist rolled around the night elf queen.

The figure inside burped when he saw that the blood giant was basically unable to fight back, and wanted to run away because he lacked the confidence.

The night elf queen's magic power was exhausted, and she used a large area of ​​​​moonlight to overdraw her vitality. At this moment, she wanted to intercept but was unable to do so. She struggled to get up and then fell down. She could only watch the figure go away with a strange smile.

Mo Ran, who rushed closer, saw a little girl lying on the ground, and a figure running farther and farther in the distance, and it was obviously not towards the stronghold.

There was no question of good guys or bad guys, and the aircraft was summoned to retrieve a big black box.

When he opened the box, he found a heavy sniper rifle more than two meters long! !

Run? Mo Ran set up his sniper rifle and aimed at the figure, with a sneer on his lips and pulled the trigger with his finger.


The sound of this sniper rifle is just like a cannon.

A huge bullet that tore apart the air flew across the sky and hit the target accurately.

And it wasn't until his body was blown in half by bullets that the figure realized that someone was actually attacking him.

From such a long distance, the opponent's attack came unexpectedly and silently. Who is it? Dabbs is coming? ?

The figure turned his head with difficulty and looked back.

Not Dabbs.

Even from such a distance, the figure was sure that the person who attacked him was not Dabus.

A second later, he heard a slow roar.

The figure closed her eyes in loneliness.

My last thought before dying is:

'I didn't expect that besides Dabus, there are such strong masters in the mainland. I would have known better not to betray him. What a shame. . ’

Mo Ran on the other side slowly put away the prop sniper rifle produced by World Tower in his hand, but what he was thinking in his heart was:

‘Wang Wei is indeed right, sometimes it’s really fun to use a gun. ’

He took two steps to the side, patted the night elf queen awake and asked, Are you okay? Who are you?

Just when the shot was fired, the huge air wave knocked the queen who was too close, and the already weak little girl fainted.

However, this question does not need to be answered by the Queen herself.

The night elves who caught up from behind were already carrying their queen back to the stronghold for treatment.

Mo Ran found that he had nothing to do for a while. He glanced at the progress of the aircraft in boredom, and was surprised to see that the guy he killed with a gun actually contributed a full 5 points!

He was stunned and quickly ran to the place where the figure fell.

Not dissatisfied with the blood everywhere, he slapped the figure's face full of sores and shouted loudly: Don't die yet! Hey, do you have any brothers, sisters, brothers, classmates, accomplices or anything like that?

The figure didn't answer.

He was already dead.

Mo Ran felt sad in his heart and said that he wanted to control the progress. There was not even a ghost here. How could he control the progress? !

. . .

About the same time.

Wang Wen and Zhu Xingguo at the other end looked sadly at a man-made ravine that was dozens of kilometers long in front of them.

Not long ago, Wang Wei learned about the target of this trap based on the description of the person in charge of the trap.

I specially ran to the battlefield far away and quietly glanced at the progress of the half-human creature.

Not much, 0.01 per head.

Killing a hundred heads will add 1 point of progress.

In other words, you can pass the level by killing 10,000 heads normally.

But right now, with this trap that is dozens of kilometers long, they deceitfully stated that the target is 100,000 half-human creatures on the main battlefield!

This number made Wang Wen dare not interfere at all.

He didn't know how the aircraft calculated the trap effect.

What if he and Zhu Xingguo help complete the trap in advance, and then all the creatures killed by the trap are counted on their heads?

Not to mention 100,000 heads.

It only takes one tenth of it and it's over, and the great magician's sacred stone production scroll is still missing! If you complete the game at full progress, you will be wasting so much time from beginning to end, not to mention a lot of time climbing the tower.

Lose money and bleed!

But if he didn't help make the trap, the great magician wouldn't be able to escape. He would have to wait five days for the trap to take effect before he could start making the scroll.

Do we have to stay on this floor to stop climbing the tower?

Is the value of a shocking stone enough for me to make such a big sacrifice?

Wang Wen was in a dilemma.

Zhu Xingguo, on the other hand, saw his master in trouble and followed suit.

Even if he didn't know what he was worried about, it didn't stop him from looking at the ravine with Wang Min with a solemn expression.

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