"Uncle, are you sure? Our signature is for thirty years." Li Manjun picked up a piece of bacon cooked with sour chili peppers, put it in his mouth, and chewed it twice. The special aroma of the bacon completely burst out in his mouth, and he narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

"Do you like it?" The village chief's daughter-in-law came over and asked with a smile: "I made it myself, Manager Li. If you like it, I will decorate it for you to take home. When you don't want to cook, just cut a few slices and cook them in hot pot. , very delicious."

The village chief’s daughter-in-law is from the southwest and prefers spicy and sour tastes, which just hits the mark with Li Manjun’s heavy taste.

She was not polite, smiled and nodded, "I'm not polite, but don't fill it too much, just half a bowl is enough. I'll take it back and give it to my family to try."

The village chief's daughter-in-law nodded and got up to pack bacon for Li Manjun.

The village chief then said: "Everyone agrees, this place is empty anyway."

In fact, there are still a few families who want to sell it, but it is too piecemeal and cannot be sold. Unless the whole village sells it together and becomes one, then no one will want it.

But now the village chief couldn't convince all the villagers, so he didn't tell Li Manjun about it.

Li Manjun knew that land prices would definitely soar in the future, especially in Rongcheng, a large city adjacent to the sea. Relying on the Dongshi, which was the first to develop, house prices would never be low in the future.

The current villagers cannot imagine how high land prices will reach in the future, but they just feel that they are satisfied with the current situation.

But Li Manjun knew the future trend in his heart. In the face of interests, the effectiveness of the contract was weak, which would inevitably make the villagers regret it in the future. Li Manjun told the village chief a lot, asking him and the villagers to think clearly before approaching him.

"We can change the price every five years." This is Li Manjun's final bottom line.

The village chief didn't realize anything. He just felt that Li Manjun was too cautious. It was originally a bad land, and no one thought that they could make money from it. Now it has been built into a large flat land by the Greenman Company, and it has become valuable.

Therefore, even if Li Manjun tried his best to dissuade him, the village chief did not take it seriously and wanted to rent it to Luman for thirty years at a fixed price.

Li Manjun was helpless, "Then I'll say it first, the price is set, and once the contract is signed, there will be no changes."

"Sure!" The village chief rejoiced and was waiting for Li Manjun to agree to renew the contract.

Li Manjun shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, "Let me ask again, is it really a sign of death?"

"Yes!" The village chief nodded seriously.

Li Manjun stopped trying to dissuade him and agreed to the village chief. The two had dinner together and agreed to find a professional lawyer to draw up a contract in two days, and Li Manjun left.

The village chief walked all the way to the entrance of the village, watched Li Manjun drive away, looked up at the street lights that illuminated the entrance to the village, breathed a long sigh of relief, and took a slow walk home with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

The weather was sultry. After a busy day and a full meal, Li Manjun felt languid and lacked energy.

When I was approaching the gate of the community, I saw a roadside shop with a freezer. I pulled over and bought three ice cream sticks and a milk brick.

I ate one in the car first, and drank the ice-cold ice cream to dissipate the heat, and finally regained some strength.

Worried that the remaining ice cream in his hand would melt, Li Manjun immediately drove home.

When Nian Nian heard the sound of the door opening, he immediately got up from the mat and ran towards the door, waiting expectantly for the door to open.

When the door opened and he saw the person coming, he immediately smiled brightly and said, "Mom!"

The little girl squatted down, put her mother's slippers in place, looked up at her mother, and looked like she was begging for praise.

Li Manjun said thank you to her daughter, "Dangdangdang", took out the ice cream in her hand, said "Wow", immediately took it, and carried it to her father.

She had never eaten ice cream, nor had she seen it, but she knew it must be delicious and asked her father to open it.

Li Manjun changed her shoes and put down her bag. She looked at Zhao Yong who was lying on the mat and raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Didn't you say you were going to sing at the karaoke bar? Are you leaving so early?"

"I didn't go because I had something to do. I asked Xiaoguan to go." Zhao Yong was pulled up from the mat by his daughter. When he saw the ice cream in his daughter's hand, his eyes lit up, "You bought ice cream."

"Come on, good girl, give dad one first."

Every year I saw that there were several in the bag, and I generously gave one to my father.

Li Manjun reminded, "The milk brick is for every year. You can change it and eat ice cream."

Zhao Yong didn't care what he ate, as long as he could eat it. He put down the milk brick in his hand and chose a red bean one.

Sister Zhou came out of the bathroom, and Li Manjun asked her to have one too. Sister Zhou politely said no, but Li Manjun said he bought it specially for her, and she came over to get it in surprise.

The ice-cold ice cream is really comfortable to have one on a summer night.

Every year, I saw my father just eating for himself, and then going to my mother with milk bricks. Li Manjun found her a spoon and taught her daughter how to eat.

There was a long delay on the way, but the milk brick softened just enough, and it started to rise as soon as she scooped it up. Li Manjun handed it to her daughter's mouth, opened her mouth wide, and couldn't wait to take a big sip, and then her little brows furrowed, feeling cold. Something she had never tried before.

But she couldn't bear to spit it out, because the milk melted in her mouth, and the rich milk taste was just right. Her frown slowly relaxed. After swallowing it in one gulp, she held her mother's legs with both hands and raised her head. The head looked at her mother in surprise, "Mom, what is it? It's delicious!"

"This is a milk brick, but Nian Nian is still young and can't eat too much ice, so we eat half of it today and put it away in the refrigerator until tomorrow, okay?" Li Manjun discussed with her daughter.

Nian Nian nodded and said yes.

She only ate half of an ice brick, but Nian Nian refused to let her mother put it in the refrigerator. She tugged on the hem of her mother's skirt. When Li Manjun took a step toward the kitchen, she dragged her back. Li Manjun almost pulled her clothes off.

It was Zhao Yong who took action and took the little girl away with his arms. Li Manjun successfully put the remaining half of the milk brick into the refrigerator.

Nian Nian whined and acted coquettishly for a while. Seeing her parents standing in a united front, she knew there was no chance of eating any more cold milk, so she stopped.

It was getting late. Sister Zhou clapped her hands and led Nian Nian to take a bath. Li Manjun had time to lie down on the sofa and stretched out her feet to lightly kick the man who was lying on the floor mat watching TV. "The village chief also wants me to continue renting their apartment." Di, I was a little moved by the conditions given, so I agreed, do you think it’s okay?”

The couple rarely discuss business matters at home. They maintain a delicate balance of taking care of themselves and not interfering with each other.

But if they bring it up at home and ask each other for their opinions, it shows that the two of them are not very confident.

At this time, it will be much better if the couple communicates.

Zhao Yong turned around and asked Li Manjun what conditions the village chief gave her that made her so excited.

Li Manjun said that the rent would be fixed, but Zhao Yong felt that this was not a condition worthy of being moved at all.

"That piece of land is inherently remote. Even if it is an investment, it can only be said to be neither loss nor profit. Why are you excited? Is it going to rise sharply in the future?"

"Unless you buy it and make it your own, there's still something to be done." Zhao Yong crossed his legs and said leisurely.

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