Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 280 Does your family also sell land?

Zhao Yong has tasted the benefits of buying land.

It's the land where Junda Company is now located. He and Sun Haiyang bought it together. Now, they can build as many buildings as they want on their own land, and they can build as big a parking lot as they want, because it's their own land. , some villagers nearby were unhappy with them and ignored them.

Li Manjun hissed. It's not that she hasn't thought about buying land. It's just that the wasteland in the village is too complex. In addition to the villagers' land, there is also official land. It can only be used if it is connected into a piece.

"I'll tell you the truth, I've wanted that land for a long time. As for the villagers, I think it's not difficult to buy it as long as I pay the right price and let the village chief take the lead."

"It's an official land. I have no connections. I don't know who to go to if I want to buy it. And now you know Director Liang's group. They have to take things that are in the policy to themselves. What you don't know is still there. It seems like they have wasted so much effort in helping you get things done."

Thinking of the behavior of some people, Li Manjun really felt like he had eaten a fly.

Why not Zhao Yong? He was even more annoyed than Li Manjun because the freight had always been under the control of the post office. Now that private express companies like them appeared, they would be inspected from time to time.

That's it, still under the condition that he fully manages it.

Human society is good or bad, it all depends on what you think.

Zhao Yong pondered for a moment, sat up from the mat, and asked his wife seriously, "Do you really want to buy that entire piece of land?"

Li Manjun thought for a while and nodded heavily, "Yes!"

How could you not think about it? Young people who empty out their six wallets to buy a house know how valuable land will be in the future.

Zhao Yong asked: "What do you plan to do with that piece of land? Now that the sorting field has been moved to the outer suburbs, and it is impossible to move it back again, will it be used as a parking lot? Or will it be rented to the paper mill you contacted?"

Li Manjun thought while answering: "I have to rent it to a paper factory for the time being. Even if I have plans in the future, I still have time from design to implementation. It is most suitable to rent it to a paper factory during this period. I can make some money back."

As for what she wanted to do on that land next, Li Manjun told Zhao Yong to leave it alone, as she hadn't decided yet.

"Let me ask you, how much money can you spend now?" Li Manjun asked doubtfully.

Junda Freight has made a lot of money this year. In the first half of the year, Zhao Yong took one million home all at once. This was just his personal dividend. The turnover of the entire company was estimated to be upwards of five million.

However, Li Manjun still thought less.

Zhao Yong rolled his eyes upwards, made a mental calculation, and told Li Manjun, "If you really want to buy land, I can provide another one million."

Two million, this must be enough, right?

Zhao Yong shook his finger, "It's hard to say. It's definitely enough just to buy the land. The land is only worth a few dollars now, mainly because of this." He shook his fist.

"Do you really want to buy it?" Zhao Yong couldn't help but straighten his expression when he saw Li Manjun counting the number of people she knew on her fingers.

Li Manjun glared at him, "I didn't think about it at first, but after you said that, I feel that if I let this opportunity go, I will definitely regret it!"

When we had dinner together tonight, although the village chief didn't say anything about the villagers wanting to sell their land, she had heard from Long Hao a long time ago that several villagers had come to him and asked if they wanted to sell their wasteland. The manager buys it or not.

Instead of signing a thirty-year fixed rent, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity and buy both pieces of land in one fell swoop!

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Zhao Yong did not want to hit his wife, but reminded her in a matter-of-fact manner: "You are not the only one who likes the land you and the village are renting now."

Especially after she leveled and tidied it up, nearly 600 acres of flat land were spread out, which was a feast for the eyes at first glance.

He and Sun Haiyang went to see it and almost cried with envy. They only regretted that they had not discovered this wonderful place earlier.

After Zhao Yong said this, Li Manjun became more determined and she had to buy it!

Just use two million to operate it. If you can't get it, it's not too late to give up.

Zhao Yong saw that his wife was serious and looked determined, and his heart couldn't help but move.

The couple now have some spare money, which would be good for them to invest in other industries.

"Don't put your eggs in one basket. If there is no light in the east, there will be light in the west. If you really want to buy land, we will buy it!" Zhao Yong said ambitiously.

The couple looked at each other and smiled.

Late at night, the couple lay in bed without sleeping, taking stock of the money they had and assigning work.

Li Manjun is in charge of the village part, and Zhao Yong is in charge of the official part.

Husband and wife are of the same mind, and their strength is as powerful as metal. Zhao Yong feels that this thing can really work out.

The idea was decided. Early the next morning, Li Manjun went to the village chief and asked the village chief to help him ask if anyone wanted to sell land and buy it himself.

Of course, if you want to rent land, you can follow the original agreement.

The village chief was dumbfounded, Li Manjun was really not afraid of trouble.

But as long as the original agreement doesn't change, then she can buy it if she wants.

At this time, the village chief did not know that most ordinary people followed the crowd. When they learned that Li Manjun wanted to buy land, several people who had originally wanted to sell it quickly came to the door and asked the village chief to help tell Li Manjun that they would sell it immediately if the price was right.

In the mood of helping to make peace, the village chief lowered the prices on both sides. The villagers first asked for the lowest price in their minds, and then asked Li Manjun to say the highest price. They made compromises, and basically everyone was satisfied.

But the village chief never expected that if Li Manjun didn't compromise, she would give the villagers who sold the land the highest price in their hearts.

The village chief wanted to ask Li Manjun: Are you okay? Where can anyone bargain like this?

Li Manjun smiled and said to the village chief: "That's the price. We are all farmers, and I have been through hardships. I know that what rural people value most is their land. Go tell them. If you agree, just go ahead and tell them." Just come to our company and find Manager Long Haolong to sign the contract."

Hearing these words, the village chief felt moved and helpless at the same time. On the way back to the village, he counted on his fingers and found that one acre of land was sold for 1,200, which was much more cost-effective than renting land!

He could get more than a thousand yuan at once, and the acres added up to several thousand dollars. He wanted to sell this, and he wanted to rent it!

Moreover, this price is one of the best even if you go to the developed Dongshi market next door.

The original wasteland turned into a golden lump that could generate money. The villagers couldn't help but shine with their eyes just when they heard the number one thousand yuan.

The farmers worked hard and worked hard for a year to get only one hundred and two hundred yuan. Villagers who had not originally thought about selling their land were interested in selling their land.

If one person wavers, two will follow. Within two days, the hot topic in the village has changed from Li Si’s family giving birth to several babies and Lao Wang cuckolding Zhang San, to: Does your family also sell land?

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