Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 278 Oh, good guy card

Li Manjun said: "This is simple. I designed my underwear myself for convenience, and then asked my mother to sew it for me. It is very simple, but I think you have a studio, and you can make it more comfortable and simple for your people." style.”

Hers was made by Wang Xiaojuan using several pieces of cotton cloth. Because the domestic underwear industry is not as mature as later generations, the adjustable shoulder straps of underwear are not available privately, so her mother made a simple version with elastic bands.

But I have to say that this thing is a life saver, especially during the time when she returned to work. It was impossible not to wear underwear, but when wearing ordinary underwear and there was no inner pocket for absorbent sponges, the nursing bra made by her mother came in handy. usefulness.

"You still need a sponge?" Shirley Zhong asked in surprise.

"Yes, what if it leaks out? If you have to stay outside for a whole day, it would be troublesome even if you bring several sets with you to change." Li Manjun said funnyly, Shirley Zhong seemed to have no experience at all and did not advance in advance. Go do the strategy guide.

Of course, Lu Shengming should have made all the arrangements, and there is no shortage of confinement and child care nanny. Shirley Zhong does not need to think about how to take care of the children, she only needs to worry about her own body.

"If you find it troublesome, you can also feed me milk powder. Imported milk is pretty good."

She weaned Nian Nian very early back then, and stopped breastfeeding after six or seven months. She asked Sister Zhou to soak up the milk imported from abroad through Zhao Yong's connections, and she still grew strong.

Maybe Li Manjun was the first person around him to say that it was okay to eat milk. Shirley Zhong was really dumbfounded, and then she became crazy.

"And if you breastfeed, it will shrink." Li Manjun was not exaggerating about this, it was really deflated.

Not only was it deflated, but when she was breastfeeding in the later stages, her head was bitten open by Nian Nian, who had just reached the oral stage, which hurt her for a long time. Zhao Yong was so distressed that he spanked his daughter's butt for the first time.

This is why she decided to stop breastfeeding.

Breast milk is indeed convenient. You don’t need to prepare big and small bags when you go out with your baby, just have a mother.

But after thinking about the consequences, Li Manjun persuaded him to quit.

Where has Shirley Zhong heard of such a real experience of raising a baby?

Her mother only told her that everyone was like this, and it would be over if they endured it.

Her mother-in-law did mention a few things that happened when she was raising her son, but it was nothing more than those things like biting me, pulling my hair, and refusing to sleep in the middle of the night.

Shirley Zhong thought about it at the time and felt that this was not a big deal. Everyone had come here anyway, so she could live the same life. Besides, her mother-in-law didn't trust her to take care of it herself, so she invited the confinement nanny and the childcare nanny to come. After thinking about it, Easier is not.

"Li Manjun, can you let me see yours?" Shirley Zhong glanced down at Li Manjun's neck, with an expression that she wanted to see but was afraid to see, but decided to take a look anyway.

Li Manjun choked, put his hands on his hips and shouted softly: "Shirley Zhong, if you weren't a pregnant woman, believe it or not, I would beat you!"

What an excessive request!

But you can still touch it.

Li Manjun glanced at the confinement nanny standing by the window. Under her shocked gaze, she grabbed Shirley Zhong's hand and pressed it against her.

"Hiss~, it seems to be a little bit, no longer drumming, and no longer erect." Shirley Zhong had a complicated mood.

"Do you have stretch marks?" Li Manjun asked curiously.

Shirley Zhong's face suddenly fell. She had grown. Although it was not obvious, her belly now looked like a flowery watermelon.

"Then I'm better than you. Maybe my skin is loose. I've been applying medicine for more than two years, and now it's basically invisible." Li Manjun patted his belly and was quite satisfied with the current condition of his skin.

Shirley Zhong hurriedly asked her what medicine she was using, and when the two started chatting, they got out of hand.

It wasn't until Lu Shengming came back from fetching water that the two stopped talking.

However, a brief exchange with Li Manjun brought a lot of inspiration to Shirley Zhong.

At the same time, she still wanted to try breastfeeding first. After all, she still thinks the child is ugly.

But Li Manjun said that breastfeeding can quickly increase emotional connection, so she decided to give it a try.

As for how to try, Li Manjun has left later, so I don’t know.

Shirley Zhong gave birth to a baby, a big fat boy, weighing more than eight pounds. It was hard to tell that there was such a big baby in her tiny pregnant belly.

Li Manjun gave the child a small red envelope and left. She also made an appointment with the village chief in the afternoon to finalize the transfer of the original sorting site.

At the end of June, all the sorting yards were moved away. Now there is only a large cement floor and two public toilets left on the original factory site, and nothing else that can be moved is left.

The small courtyard was originally intended to be purchased, but now that the sorting field is gone, Li Manjun's plan was shattered, the lease was terminated, and the house was returned to the landlord.

She has no plans to buy another old house on the edge of the city, so the investment value is not great.

But she really wanted to buy the large piece of land in the village if the government was willing to sell it.

Unfortunately, there is no such policy now, so we can only transfer it and get some money back.

The meeting place of the three parties was chosen at the village committee. Li Manjun had been to the village many times. Arriving here was like arriving at her own home. All the elderly and children passing by did not recognize her and greeted her warmly.

A new cement road was built in the village, and Luman took the lead in building the bulk of it. The rest was put together by each household in the village, in order to make it easier for the sorting field workers to go home after the night shift.

Now that the road has been repaired and street lights erected, the sorting yard has been moved.

The old village chief sighed for a while, sighing that it was a pity, and then cursed the small merchants on the opposite street, and then got to the point.

The transfer fee has been negotiated from the beginning, and now it is just a matter of adding some details, such as whether the transferor is the village collective or the Greenman Company.

The old village chief was reluctant to let go of the old tenant Li Manjun, so he thought that the contract between the village and Luman would still be valid, and Luman would then sublease it to the current new company, Dadi Paper Mill.

For Dadi Paper Mill, he could accept it as long as the right to use the land was clear.

But for Li Manjun, the risk has increased invisibly.

It was no longer her business, but now she had to act as an intermediary to contain Dadi Paper Mill in order to protect her own interests. It was not cost-effective!

"Village Chief, you can get the money by transferring it once, why bother to transfer it twice? You think so, right?"

The village chief sighed helplessly, but did not persist anymore.

After seeing off the people from Dadi Paper Factory, the village chief invited Li Manjun to his home for dinner alone and told her:

"Manager Li, you are a good person. I just feel safe and secure following you. You will not cheat us farmers. Therefore, after discussing with you, I decided that the rent does not need to be adjusted every year. Let's just set a fixed amount and a dead figure." , it’s as much as you say, as long as you don’t let the big guys suffer.”

"Of course, this land is only rented to you, and this price is only given to you, because we only trust you."

Li Manjun's hand holding the bacon shook, "My dear, she can't stand this condition!"

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