Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 271 Just moving

Steve was extremely efficient in his work, and he compiled a pile of information and handed it to Li Manjun in three days.

Documented in this document are other sorting companies’ solutions to the problem of odor affecting neighbors.

It varies from place to place, but the most commonly used solution is direct relocation, moving the sorting field to a sparsely populated area outside the city.

Changing places may seem like a very expensive plan at first glance, and it feels like it will cost a lot of money.

But it's not.

Because the price of wasteland in the suburbs is low, the relevant equipment can be transferred without adding or subtracting, so the transfer plan costs the least.

The most expensive part is road construction.

If you build a road that leads directly to the sorting field, depending on the distance, the cost will be less than 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, or more than 50,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Li Manjun immediately opened his laptop to calculate the estimated cost, and found that relocating the sorting field was indeed a feasible plan.

But if she wants to move away, will the villagers agree?

The flat land that was finally repaired was abandoned just like that?

"Hiss~" Li Manjun's flesh hurt, it hurt too much!

I called the employees together again and held a short meeting to ask for their opinions.

Li Wei and Long Hao did not express their opinions. Mo Yang was still doing public relations in the mahjong parlor next to the restaurant, so he was not present. In addition, he was an intern, so it didn't count.

Then only Steve and Liu Yan are left.

Liu Yan had only been at the factory for half a year, and she did not dare to express her opinion on such a big matter as the relocation of the sorting yard.

Steve was silent for a while and then said: "Manager, we are a company, and the company aims to make profits. From a profit perspective, retaining the original location and reducing costs to a minimum is the choice the company has to make."

According to his true thoughts, he will specially arrange people to do public relations and give a certain low compensation. The residents who have received the compensation will sign a voluntary contract and promise not to come to the company again because of the smell.

In this way, even if there is a lawsuit later, they have the contract in hand and have a complete advantage, and the other party can hardly do anything to them.

"This is basically what companies in Rongcheng do now." Steve spread his hands, looking a little indifferent.

Li Manjun seemed to have been hit hard by him, and his mind suddenly became clear.

"It can't be like this, I won't do this." She said firmly.

Steve raised his eyebrows and glanced at Li Manjun in surprise. She didn't seem to be a qualified businessman.

The entire office was silent for a minute. Li Manjun stood up and said firmly: "Move!"

It’s long past time to move!

"Long Hao, please contact the development zone office and ask first if there is any suitable development zone outside of Rongcheng. If not, we can look for it ourselves. We can always find it."

"Wang Dasheng, put aside what you are doing for the time being. Go to Boss Jin's printing shop to get the transfer information. We will transfer the current land, try our best to recover part of the previously invested funds, and give the villagers an explanation."

Li Manjun looked at Liu Yan and Li Wei, "In the next period of time, you two will be mainly responsible for things in the factory. Steve and I will prepare a specific action plan for the relocation."

She raised a finger and said, "We will try to complete the relocation of the sorting field within a month, otherwise when summer arrives in June, the situation will only be more serious than now."

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. You go ahead and get busy. I'll talk to Mo Yang and give him some activity funds to let him play mahjong for a month."

Everyone nodded, suddenly faced with such a big move, they were flustered but did not panic. They all performed their duties, making phone calls, driving out, and returning to the factory.

Steve stayed until the end, not knowing exactly what he was going to do. He was waiting for Li Manjun's arrangements.

After Li Manjun packed up the documents in front of him, he picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of warm water. He looked at Steve and said with regret:

"Steve, it's really unfair for you to let a high-end talent like you work in a small company like mine."

Steve's heart beat two beats faster, and he had a bad feeling. She didn't want to fire him, right?

No, it's not considered expulsion because he is still in the internship period and has not yet become a full-time employee.

Holding the worst outcome, Steve smiled bitterly and said, "You tell me, I can bear it."

A flash of light flashed in Li Manjun's eyes, and he fastened the lid of the thermos cup and said calmly: "I know you were working on project budget. Although our small factory is not that big, the pots, pans, equipment, I don’t think it’s that complicated anymore, dormitories and stuff like that.”

"It's just one thing. Make a plan for what exactly you need to move when we move, how to move it, how long it will take, how many days of downtime, etc."

Steve, who was ready to be fired, raised his head in surprise, "That's it?"

Li Manjun smiled, "That's it? Don't you think it's a bit much for one person to do this job?"

"Of course, you can arrange whatever you need me for." Li Manjun quickly added, fearing that people would be scared away.

Steve couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then he smiled with a confident smile, adjusted his glasses frame, and said in a proper elite style, "Don't worry, I will give you a comprehensive preset schedule in one week. "

As for more details, he would have to wait until Long Hao finalized the new location before he could make it.

Li Manjun looked at Steve's back as he strode away and breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time, he felt that someone could help him solve his troubles. It was so refreshing!

"I'm in such a good mood today. Have you solved the problem of the smell in the street?"

Li Manjun smiled as soon as he entered the house, and Zhao Yong couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Mom!" Niannian rushed over, hugged her mother's thigh, and tried to climb up using her hands and feet.

Li Manjun picked her up, and the little girl sank a little more, feeling a little unable to hold her.

"Do you miss your mother?" Li Manjun turned his face to the side and asked expectantly.

Every year, I kissed my mother on the face and shouted loudly: "I want you so much!"

Li Manjun suddenly felt satisfied and carried his daughter to the balcony. The father and daughter had just been playing with plasticine. Nian Nian slipped from her mother's arms and picked up the "dish" she cooked on the plate to introduce to her mother.

"This is fried eggplant, these are noodles made by dad, and these are steamed buns made every year, meaty ones, for mom to eat."

After that, I stepped on my feet and tried my best to pass the plasticine bun to my mother's mouth for her to taste.

Li Manjun cooperated and took two puffs of the "fairy energy". The villain asked expectantly: "Is it delicious?"

Li Manjun nodded, and she immediately wanted to make a few more for her mother to eat.

After leaving her daughter to play by herself, Li Manjun had time to answer Zhao Yong's question.

"The matter has not been resolved yet, but there is a direction and it is being implemented."

Li Manjun told Zhao Yong his plan to move the entire company to the outskirts of Rongcheng. Zhao Yong was surprised at first. He didn't expect his wife to choose the most troublesome option after taking so long.

But as she said, the current location of the sorting field itself is a problem. It is better to get it right in one step and solve it once and for all.

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