Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 270 The stench breaks out

The summer of 1994 came a bit late. It was already May Day, and I had to wear long sleeves to go out in the morning.

Zhao Yong came back from a business trip in Shanghai and bought Li Manjun a summer dress. As a result, the couple could only look at the thermometer in front of the window and the uniform gowns worn by pedestrians outside, and gave up the idea of ​​wearing a dress to go out.

On May Day, everyone is working, and only state-owned enterprises and units have a holiday.

The sorting field cannot stop. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. We must speed up the garbage disposal, otherwise the smell will be beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The old neighbors on the opposite street complained several times because of the smell coming out of the sorting yard. Li Manjun could only apologize to the neighbors again and again.

But this only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. As long as the sorting field exists, this smell will happen every year.

The owner of the fast food restaurant diagonally across the door endured it for a while, and the customer flow was getting less and less. Finally, he couldn't hold it in any longer and came to ask Li Manjun to think of a solution.

"We run a restaurant, opposite the garbage dump. It would be strange if the customers don't run away!" The restaurant owner wanted to hold back his temper. After all, Li Manjun is his old customer, but with his livelihood in front of him, it was inevitable to get angry.

Li Manjun hurriedly asked Mo Yang, who was standing aside doing nothing, to pour the boss a cup of tea and ask him to sit down to calm down his emotions first.

Don’t reach out to hit the smiling person. Li Manjun’s good attitude made the restaurant owner slowly calm down and sighed:

"My family has been on this street for so many years, and all the customers who come here are repeat customers. Now the old customers say that the location of my family is not good. They can always smell the smell coming from the garbage dump. They say it's disgusting, they can't eat, and they don't want to eat. Come again."

"I know, I can understand." Li Manjun continued to comfort.

Mo Yang's tea was finally served, and Li Manjun handed it to the restaurant owner with both hands, asking him to take a sip of tea first.

"I will definitely resolve this matter. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble to the neighbors."

"Then what are you going to do?" the restaurant owner asked.

Li Manjun thought for a while and said, "I will heighten the wall and beautify the outer wall to ensure that it does not affect everyone's business."

"Will this work?" the restaurant owner expressed doubts.

Even if the wall is raised, the smell from the garbage dump will not disappear.

Li Manjun actually didn't know. She had not planned for this kind of thing because she had never encountered it before, so she didn't think about how to deal with it.

But after thinking about it, no matter what, the matter must be resolved, otherwise it will cause public outrage and sue Luman, which will be real trouble.

Li Manjun planned to take this opportunity to call all the affected neighbors together and hold a relevant meeting.

Seeing this, the restaurant owner could only urge her to come up with a solution quickly and had no choice but to leave temporarily.

After seeing off the restaurant owner, Li Manjun immediately called Steve over and asked him to contact Toyo Company and learn from his predecessors.

Seeing Li Manjun's expression of bitterness and hatred, Mo Yang asked doubtfully: "We are working on our own territory, but we still have to take care of the business on the other side of the street? There is no law that stipulates this."

There is indeed no legal regulation. Even if they are involved in a lawsuit, in fact, based on the current distance between the sorting field and the street, they are operating within the legal scope.

Li Manjun looked up at Mo Yang and said seriously: "This is reasonable. If you want to run a business for a long time, the most important thing you need to take care of is your neighbors."

Only by settling down your neighbors well and getting everyone's support, and no one will put your foot down behind your back, can a company continue to develop for a long time.

"Do you know what I'm most afraid of now?" Li Manjun asked helplessly.

Mo Yang shook his head, "Is there anything else you're afraid of?"

How not?

Li Manjun smiled bitterly and said: "I am most afraid of inspection now. When I hear the word inspection, my hair stands on end. Do you understand?"

He asked, looking at Mo Yang's stupid look, he shook his head, "Forget it, you don't understand."

"Aren't we paying taxes legally? If they want to inspect it, let them inspect it." Mo Yang couldn't figure it out.

Li Manjun suddenly felt tired, packed up the information and stood up, patted the young man on the shoulder and reminded him, "Just be afraid, cooperate with the inspection and suspend business."

The cost of stopping at her current sorting site for one day is nearly RMB 10,000, but she can still afford it if she stops for two or three days. If she stops for half a month, she won't be able to make any money.

So, you have to have the power in your hands.

I have never seen Mr. Qiu before. In order to become the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, he actively participated in the activities of the Chamber of Commerce in various ways, all for the sake of power.

But once this thing of power cannot be grasped, it will be doomed.

Thinking of this, Li Manjun suddenly thought of Director Liang. He heard that the investigation was strict recently, and he didn't know if he would be affected.

From January to May and June every year, the big guys in Rongcheng have to tighten their skins and be cautious until the people above them evacuate, then they dare to take a big breath.

For this reason, Zhao Yong's social activities were reduced by 90%, and he was able to get off work on time and walk twice in the community with his daughter.

Li Manjun, on the other hand, was very busy because of the smell of the garbage dump.

Steve quickly asked for a "reference answer" from Toyo Company.

It is said to be a reference, but it really can only be used as a reference.

Toyo Company has also encountered problems that affected the lives of surrounding residents. How did they solve them?

There are two options and both have been implemented.

One is to buy all the surrounding residential buildings to solve the root cause of the contradiction, expand the scale, and set up an incineration plant on the spot.

Li Manjun silently flipped through the ledger, then quickly closed it and asked Steve to say the next thing.

The second method is a more conservative plan, building a closed sorting area and increasing ventilation equipment throughout the factory to minimize the various smells generated by the garbage.

After Li Manjun heard this, he felt numb.

Spend money, spend money!

"Isn't there a solution suitable for our ordinary small factory?" Li Manjun looked at all the employees present and blinked sincerely.

Several employees looked at each other, and finally looked at Steve in unison.

Steve was under great pressure and coughed twice, saying that he could contact other similar companies at home and abroad to learn from others' experiences.

"How long will it take?" Li Manjun asked hurriedly.

The restaurant owner couldn't afford to wait. She was afraid that people would get anxious and sue her sorting yard.

Mo Yang rarely raised his hand and said weakly: "Manager, how about I go chat with the neighbors, drink tea, and stabilize them first?"

Li Manjun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Can you do that?"

"What's wrong with this? It's just bragging over tea." He was the best at it.

"Okay, then Mo Yang, you will be responsible for holding back the restaurant owner and the others."

Li Manjun handed over the task in an orderly manner, "Steve, please contact other sorting sites immediately, Liu Yan and Wang Dasheng, please pay attention to the smell of the garbage pile. If necessary, the batch with a lot of wet garbage will be sent directly to the incineration plant for prompt processing. Avoid fermentation.”

Everyone received their tasks and executed them immediately.

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