Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 272 Eating independently

Zhao Yong stood up and came behind his wife, pinching her shoulders and saying, "If it's broken, it's broken. My Manjun is very courageous!"

Li Manjun relaxed, sat cross-legged on the carpet by the balcony, and asked curiously: "How is the decoration of our house in Haishi?"

"I knew you wanted to watch it. I recorded the video. Let's watch it together after dinner tonight. I think it's good." The real mahogany study he wanted most was on the second floor of the old bungalow facing the backyard swimming pool. , sitting in front of the office chair and looking at the scenery outside the window, it feels so beautiful~

"Really?" Li Manjun opened her narrowed eyes slightly and glanced sideways at the man behind her. Why did she have an ominous premonition?

"Have all the restorative decorations I mentioned been retained?"

Zhao Yong nodded, "Let's stay. Now our bungalow looks like the big Republican villa in the movies. It's so grand!"

"The modern and convenient bathroom, kitchen and bathroom, living room, etc."

"We have them all. You'll know after a while." Before Li Manjun could finish what he wanted to ask, Zhao Yong started talking. It's better to have more trust between people.

Li Manjun thought about the dark and old-fashioned decoration style in the study, and really didn't dare to have too many expectations for Zhao Yong's aesthetics.

"By the way, why have you never seen the gold necklace I bought you when we got married?" Zhao Yong suddenly asked.

Li Manjun's heart skipped a beat. How could a nice person suddenly care about what jewelry she was wearing?

"Gold is more valuable. I put it in the safe. What's wrong?" Li Manjun thought to himself. He didn't want him to take it out and wear it, right?

If she really wears it out, and Shirley Zhong and Mrs. Qiu see it, it will bring happiness to them for at least three years.

I'm really afraid of what I'm going to do.

Zhao Yong was a little strange, "It looks pretty good. You said you liked it before, but I don't seem to have seen you wearing it once."

Li Manjun closed his eyes and rolled his eyes crazily under his eyelids. Three seconds later he replied with a smile:

"I just like it so much. I'm afraid of breaking it. It's great to put it in a safe. I'm not afraid of losing it or breaking it. After all, it's the first piece of jewelry you gave me. Of course I have to keep it well. When I get old, I'll give it to you again. Take it out to reminisce, how romantic it is.”

Zhao Yong vaguely felt that something was wrong with his wife's words, but he couldn't find any loopholes in the logic for a while. Plus, hearing that she was so precious about the things he gave her made him feel sweet, "It's okay. If you lose it, I'll buy it for you. Let's buy another one." Heavier and bigger!”

Li Manjun is numb. Should she tell her husband that he actually has great aesthetics?

Fortunately, Sister Zhou arrived in time.

"It's time to eat!"

Li Manjun immediately took his big hands off his shoulders, picked up his daughter, who was still working hard to make steamed buns for him, and walked to the dining table.

"Didn't you eat lunch again?" Zhao Yong frowned, looking at his wife's slender figure, he felt distressed and helpless and said: "No matter how busy you are, you can't skip eating. We are like iron rice and steel, and you have lost a lot of weight now."

If Li Manjun didn't know that his so-called thinness was due to his weight when he was at his heaviest during pregnancy, he would really have believed him.

"I weigh 110 pounds now. Shirley Zhong said my height and weight are in perfect proportion, okay?" Li Manjun said.

Zhao Yong had no choice but to laugh and could only keep bringing her vegetables to ask her to eat more.

"We still have to have lunch. Didn't your company invite the cafeteria aunt to open the cafeteria? You said it tasted good last time."

Li Manjun looked at the vegetables piled high in the bowl and hurriedly reached out to cover the bowl, "That's enough, that's enough. If you can't finish it, it's wasted."

"Yeah, it's a waste if you can't finish it." Nian Nian suddenly raised his head from the bowl, frowned and glared at his father, then said protectively to his mother, "Mom can't eat anymore."

Zhao Yong stretched out his long arm angrily and flicked his daughter's little head, "You are really my father's leaky little cotton-padded jacket."

I have forgotten who came home from get off work early these days and took her downstairs to play. Before, she said she loved her father the most.

Nian Nian giggled, and Zhao Yong deliberately pretended to be angry and ignored her.

The little girl was indeed fooled, sliding off the chair and running over to coax him.

Li Manjun knocked on someone's arm helplessly, "It's rare for her to have a good meal, but you tease her and eat yours."

"Let's ignore Dad, eat quickly, eat well, and grow taller." Li Manjun smiled at her daughter, setting an example by opening her mouth and eating big.

Nian Nian nodded "hmm", and with the help of Sister Zhou, he picked up his soft spoon, half spilled and half drained, scooped up a spoonful of white rice, and took a big sip.

Seeing that Li Manjun was cultivating his daughter to eat independently, Zhao Yong did not dare to interrupt. He could only watch his daughter eat a table full of rice like a tiger, feeling heartbroken.

Of course, he felt sorry for the wasted rice. If it flew to the table, he would twist up the rice that was not dirty and eat it himself.

If it fell to the ground, I could only endure the discomfort and let her go.

It’s impossible to squat on the ground and pick it up and eat it, right?

Li Manjun looked at Zhao Yong's uncomfortable look and felt distressed, but not much.

She felt that her daughter was born to defeat her father. Zhao Yong could not control his habit of picking up rice on the table and eating it. She had endured it for long enough, and it was time for him to try to quit.

It's one thing for a couple to be considerate of each other when they're together, but it's another thing to correct bad habits, especially at the dinner table when socializing. This kind of habit will naturally take over, and sometimes it can be really embarrassing.

How could Zhao Yong not know about his wife’s ‘trick’?

But he also knew that she was doing it for his own good, so he could only try to change happily and distressedly.

After finishing a meal every year, the scene cannot be watched. Sister Zhou can't stand it. If it weren't for Li Manjun who didn't care and was willing to let his daughter do it, whoever had to take a shower after finishing the meal would be shattered.

Nian Nian is very happy. She has trouble using a spoon and just grabs it with her hands. Her mother won't scold her and encourages her to eat more, so she can eat full every time.

Even after eating, the bib made by my grandma was immediately dead. The little paws were greasy, and there were green vegetable leaves on the bare feet.

After Li Manjun finished his meal, he took over his dirty daughter's meal and replaced it with Sister Zhou. As long as she was at home for dinner, she would clean up her daughter's mess herself.

Take a bath or not, depending on how messy the little girl is. When it's not that exaggerated, just wipe her hands and feet, and then wipe her face.

Like today, when you drink soup and get your clothes and bib all wet, you have to clean yourself and take a shower.

Zhao Yong was a little worried, "Taking a shower every day? Will it damage your skin?"

Li Manjun grabbed her daughter who was so skinny in the bathtub and squeezed her butt, "We are fine. How could it be so easy to wash it off?"

"Besides, this is just the beginning. She will gradually learn how to use tableware to eat by herself, and she will be fine in the future." Li Manjun has a very good attitude. She doesn't like it most when her children eat. Parents wipe the children while they eat, and they are exhausted. .

How nice it is now that the child can eat enough by herself, she is also full, and we can clean up together in the end, which saves trouble.

Of course, the premise is that you can stand it.

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