Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 246 Forty-five pounds

The winter vacation is over, and Li Lijun is going back to school.

The learning and training class of Junda Company came to an end. Li Lijun and another training teacher jointly developed the test questions, printed them out by themselves, and conducted the assessment in the company.

The assessment results exceeded Zhao Yong's expectations. Originally, he thought it would be good if half of the employees passed. Unexpectedly, with the stimulation of study subsidies, the passing rate reached 80%.

The amount of this subsidy is not small, it is 800 yuan. If you use it to rent a house, you can rent a nice single room in the city for 50 yuan, and 800 yuan is almost a year and a half of rent.

Liu Chao stared at the money for two months and studied very seriously. He would study in advance after get off work. Occasionally, he would ask Li Lijun to help with tutoring.

Now that he passed the exam and got 800 yuan, he was so beautiful that he came to Xiaoguan with 800 yuan in cash and said, "Look, 800 yuan, I earned it by studying hard!"

"It would be great if something good like this happens next time. I don't know if Brother Yong will hold a study class."

Xiaoguan looked at his arrogant look, feeling both funny and annoyed, "Who doesn't seem to have it?"

After that, he took out the envelope containing money from under the desk drawer, eight hundred yuan, he also had it.

"How do you plan to spend it?" Xiaoguan asked tentatively.

Liu Chao, a fool, still doesn't know that this so-called study allowance was specially prepared for him by Brother Yong.

Liu Chao said proudly: "I have already chosen the house. It is on the same street as Brother Yong's old house. I will pick up my parents in a few days."

It also relieves the pressure on my sister, so that she will not always be talked about in her husband's family.

"In the past, I was such a bastard that I made my parents worry a lot. Now I should let them enjoy the happiness."

Xiaoguan smiled and nodded, "Indeed, you were such a bastard before when you took advantage of me. By the way, when will your uncle and aunt move here, just let me know and I will help."

"I don't need your help, I can go alone." Liu Chao patted Xiaoguan's shoulder, put away the eight hundred yuan, and went to work happily.

He thought happily that next time the class was held again, he would still attend.

It’s just reading, it’s not that difficult.

"Ah, Teacher Li!"

Just as he was about to go downstairs, a familiar figure walked up.

Liu Chaoren was so tall that he blocked the entrance to the stairs and did not realize that he had to give way.

Li Lijun was holding the teaching materials and could only step aside to let him pass first.

Liu Chao smiled at her, finally reacted, and hurriedly took two steps back to get out of the way, "Teacher Li, you go first."

Li Lijun hummed, walked upstairs, and walked past him, looking particularly dainty.

But she was a teacher, and she couldn't lose her momentum. Liu Chao was pounding in his heart, trying to reduce his presence, as if a mouse had met a cat, but he was the cat, and the scene looked particularly funny.

Zhao Yong stood in front of the office window and looked sideways at the scene in the corridor, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he thought that as expected, every thing comes down. As long as you are a student, there is no one who is not afraid of the teacher.

There was a knock on the office door, and Zhao Yong put away his smile and shouted to come in.

Li Lijun walked in, closed the door, and immediately leaned behind the door and let out a long sigh of relief. Every time she saw a tall and burly man like Liu Chao, she felt oppressed and uncomfortable all over.

Zhao Yong looked surprised and joked: "Are there any teachers who are afraid of students? Didn't you see how cowardly Liu Chao is when he sees you? What are you afraid of him for?"

After being seen through by her brother-in-law, Li Lijun hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, please don't tell anyone, I want to save face."

"I'm just, I'm just a little afraid of boys who are too tall." But when she arrived at her brother-in-law's place, she was really tall. When she entered the classroom on the first day, her hand holding the chalk was shaking.

The eyes of more than ten or twenty men were all focused on you, and they turned around and ran away without any mental endurance.

Zhao Yong did not expect this. He thought Li Lijun adapted well.

"Come and sit down, I'll let the finance department calculate your salary." Zhao Yong pointed to the small sofa in the office and asked with a compensatory attitude: "Would you like something to drink?"

Li Lijun shook her head. When she heard the word salary, she didn't have any fear of men. She smiled and rolled her eyes, sitting on the sofa and waiting expectantly.

Zhao Yong laughed helplessly and went out to ask the finance department to raise the salaries of the two teachers in the training class.

I have been teaching for nearly two months, so if I count it as two months, it is one hundred and eighty yuan a month, and a total of three hundred and sixty yuan for two months.

Zhao Yong thought for a while, collected the money from his own pocket, wrapped it in an envelope and handed it to his sister-in-law.

Li Lijun opened it and saw that it was five hundred yuan. She looked at her brother-in-law and smiled, "Brother-in-law, you are the most generous man I have ever seen!"

"That's right." Zhao Yong smiled proudly and warned, "Take it to buy some new clothes."

Li Lijun nodded heavily, put away the envelope, and picked up the book, "Brother-in-law, I'll go home first. I have to catch a flight tomorrow, and I have to go back and pack my luggage."

Zhao Yong waved his hand, "Go ahead and tell Sister Zhou that I will cook two more dishes tonight for you to practice."

Li Lijun agreed with a smile and went home happily.

She didn't bring much luggage. Li Manjun had already told her not to bring too many things on the road. She was a weak girl, so she shouldn't cause trouble for herself.

So the only things Li Lijun brought with her were books and a change of clothes. When she was at home, she wore her old clothes, and when she went back to school she also bought new clothes. All her belongings on the road could be packed in a backpack.

It was Wang Xiaojuan who brought over a lot of bacon, pickles and other specialties from her hometown, and insisted that she take them back to share with her roommates, in the name of building a good relationship with classmates.

Li Lijun couldn't refuse, so she could only pack them into her bag angrily. It was a very heavy backpack now.

Li Manjun curiously pointed to the small scale on the wall, "Weigh it to see if it weighs thirty pounds."

Li Lijun affirmed: "Absolutely!"

Lifting the schoolbag and putting it on the scale, it was forty-five pounds!

"Mom is really amazing. I said you don't have to let me take it. Why didn't she take it herself if she was so kind?" Li Lijun kept complaining.

Nian Nian pointed to his aunt, "Nian Nian, also known as."

"You want to be weighed too?" Li Lijun instantly put on a gentle smile, her face changing very quickly.

The little head is looking forward to it every year. The two iron butterfly wings on the head are swaying, which is a bit cute.

Li Lijun took off the heavy schoolbag and signaled her niece to stand and weigh herself, twenty-three pounds.

"Sister, my backpack weighs twenty-three pounds every year." Li Lijun shouted into the living room.

"No, I don't want to bring so many things. I'm going to call my mother and ask her to bring it herself!"

Li Lijun picked up her niece. The twenty-three kilograms was a bit heavy, let alone the forty-five kilograms.

Nian Nian didn't know how heavy forty-five pounds was, so he tilted his head and said, "Two, Nian Nian?"

Li Lijun was amused by her, nodded and said, "Yes, my aunt's backpack is so heavy for two years, it's really heavy."

As she spoke, she showed a painful expression, and her brows also furrowed. She stretched out her little hand to hold her face, and coaxed her like an adult: "Niannian, don't sink." My aunt continued to hold her.

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