Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 247 Little Model

Li Lijun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly explained: "It doesn't sink every year. My aunt said that the schoolbag is heavy."

Every year he still shakes his head and says: "It never sinks!"

Li Lijun helplessly bumped her little head with her forehead: "Yes, yes, yes, we don't sink every year, we lose weight every year."

The little girl smiled, her neat white teeth shining brightly.

In the end, Li Lijun went back to school carrying a heavy bag of specialties. She was overweight when boarding the plane and had to check in the luggage. She complained all the way to school. It was not until she saw the surprised expressions of her roommates that she felt some comfort.

Li Manjun failed to deliver it and asked Zhao Yong to deliver it. When the second batch of goods from Toyo Company arrived, she had to watch the unloading in person because Long Hao was sent to the incineration plant to negotiate prices.

Li Manjun worked for a week to collect all the goods.

After finishing my work, I thought about hiring another salesperson and asked my friends if they had any suitable recommendations.

Recruiting workers is too inconvenient now, and it is even more difficult to recruit reliable employees. Only then did Li Manjun think of asking around in a circle of reliable acquaintances.

After waiting for two days, Shirley Zhong called first.

"I have a younger brother who wants to do an internship after graduating this year. He studies computer science. I want him to come to your place to get some experience. It doesn't matter if he doesn't get paid, as long as he gets an internship certificate."

Shirley Zhong said that she was quite embarrassed. It was the first time for her to do this kind of thing.

But her uncle has been good to her since she was a child, and compared with the efforts of her elders, her little reward is nothing.

Li Manjun was a little panicked, "You are a good college student and you let me pick up trash? It would be bad if your uncle knew about it."

"It's okay. My uncle is eager to let him suffer more and change his young master's temper."

It's over, it seems like I've spilled the beans.

"Shirley Zhong, don't trick me!" Li Manjun warned.

Shirley Zhong smiled guiltily, "Well, why don't I buy one and get one free? I'm a salesman, right? I'll find you a professional who is proficient in English, Japanese and French. Do you want it?"

Li Manjun was even more troubled, "The salary I offer is only two hundred yuan. Are you sure that someone like this can accept it?"

"Then can't you increase your salary? For one salary, you can get several free translators as a salesperson, and you won't lose anything." Shirley Zhong said seriously.

Li Manjun said helplessly: "Shirley Zhong, you have changed. You are no longer the cold goddess in my heart."

Shirley Zhong asked curiously: "Then what am I?"

"Philistine businessman!"

Shirley Zhong: "." She was speechless.

"By the way, don't hang up the phone yet. I'm going to ask you a favor. For our third anniversary summer press conference, I plan to have Nian Nian be the finale model of our children's show. Do you agree?"

Li Manjun really can't make the decision. Regardless of how young her daughter is, she has an idea now.

"Let me ask her for you." Li Manjun replied.

Shirley Zhong said in surprise: "Nian Nian is so young, can she understand?"

Li Manjun affirmed: "Yes, you can't underestimate a two-year-old child."

"By the way, when is the summer press conference? Now your belly is starting to show that you are pregnant. Please take it easy and don't stay up late to finish the manuscript."

Thinking about Shirley Zhong's previous workaholic appearance, Li Manjun was really worried that she wouldn't take her pregnancy to heart.

Shirley Zhong smiled and said, "It's okay, I have an assistant now, Qi Hao, do you remember? He helped us when we held the first show. Now he is my deputy, and he will be in charge of this show."

Li Manjun nodded. Of course she remembered, "Students from the Academy of Fine Arts are indeed good. Now you can let go a little bit."

Shirley Zhong told her to go ask Nian Nian quickly and tell her as soon as there was news, so she could arrange it easily.

Li Manjun agreed and ended the call.

But when I think about the company having an intern, I still feel a little bit overwhelmed.

Long Hao wants to bring a new salesperson, Li Wei is busy with finance, and going as an intern will only cause trouble for her. Liu Yan now has to be responsible for both the workers in the sorting field and the maintenance of the machine. She is really embarrassed to do it again. Give her an intern.

After much deliberation, Li Manjun had no choice but to arrange to take care of it himself.

I just hope that this younger brother Shirley Zhong will not be too young.

When he got home from get off work in the evening, Li Manjun told Zhao Yong about Shirley Zhong’s invitation to her daughter to attend the summer press conference every year.

Zhao Yong was quite supportive, but after hearing that the person in charge was Qi Hao, his expression quickly changed and he asked: "Aren't you going to go on stage?"

Li Manjun shook his head, "Of course I won't go. I'm not a professional model."

The first time she walked in a show, it was because Nian Nian was too young and worried about others taking care of her, so she walked in person.

But if she goes every year, she will definitely stay by her daughter's side.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yong struggled for two minutes, pretending to be curious and asked: "Is that designer Qi married?"

"Why are you asking this? How could I know other people's private lives?" Li Manjun glanced at Zhao Yong strangely, "Why are you acting so strange today?" Could it be that someone had taken away your body?

Zhao Yong was speechless. Before going to bed at night, he suddenly whispered, "He sent you yogurt, and you almost accepted it."

Li Manjun was almost seeing Duke Zhou, so she didn't hear what he was mumbling clearly and muttered: "Don't talk, go to sleep."

The next day, Li Manjun specially took Niannian to Zhong Shirley's studio, hoping that her daughter would first understand what being a model is and see if she was interested.

It was Mrs. Qiu who was in charge of the catwalk rehearsals, and she became familiar with her once and twice, countless times. Her professionalism was no less than that of an international supermodel instructor.

For this reason, Mrs. Qiu also went out of her way to get a professional modeling certificate. Last summer, despite Mr. Qiu's objections, she went to Hong Kong to apply for Miss Hong Kong and almost entered the top 50.

This summer there will be a special sale for children's clothing. It is difficult to find older children's models, and there are even fewer children's models. Shirley Zhong and Mrs. Qiu actively mobilized their connections and borrowed children from everywhere.

The older ones have to go to school, but they are too young and ignorant, so it is not easy to gather the number of people.

Mrs. Lin's two daughters and her son, who is now able to run around, were borrowed.

Now there is still a final virgin. Shirley Zhong remembered the performance of Niannian in the first show and felt that a linkage before and after could increase the popularity of the topic in the later period, so she specially invited Niannian to participate.

The children rehearsing in the studio are as young as three and a half years old. They are accompanied by their parents to facilitate communication.

It seems that she is the only one who is so young every year.

Nian Nian didn’t know where her mother was going to take her. She only knew that there would be fun things to do when she went out, and she was extremely happy along the way.

When I came to the door of the studio and saw the beautiful clothes in the window, my eyes widened and I said, "Wow!"

"Mom." Niannian held her mother's hand, pointed at the colorful decorations in the window, and said expectantly: "I like it!"

Li Manjun smiled and said to her: "These are the decorations in Auntie's shop. You can't take them randomly. If Nian Nian is interested, we can go in and ask Auntie if we can let Nian Nian play with them."

Nian Nian wanted to go in but didn't dare to go in by himself, so he pushed his mother's hand and let her go in first.

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