Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 245 Books and Periodicals

Both Li Manjun and Zhao Yong felt that Li Lanfang and Zheng Xiaoyou could not make it together.

Moreover, the Zheng family's parents seemed dissatisfied. After they sent Li Lanfang home, Qian Shufen and Li Dalong also reacted greatly, almost feeling like there was no chance.

It was a pity for Zhao Yong. After returning to Rongcheng, he sighed, "I thought I would be able to drink their wedding wine soon, but I didn't expect it to end like this."

Li Manjun had seen too many men and women who were destined to be inseparable, so he was not surprised. It was just a pity that the two of them ran a small factory together.

"If the two really separate, the small clothing factory in the town probably won't be able to continue operating."

Li Lanfang and Zheng Xiaoyou have great expectations for this factory. In the past year, although it has not been prosperous, it has been maintained. I heard that it has received a lot of loose orders, and they plan to build up its reputation step by step.

The situation was originally very good, but if we shut it down like this, we would not only lose money, but also lose our expectations in the future.

Wang Xiaojuan lives in the town. It can be said that she has watched this small factory grow from scratch. She feels it is a pity. She also feels that with the breakup of Li Lanfang and Zheng Xiaoyou, the garment factory will definitely not continue to operate and has changed a little. thought.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, as soon as Li Manjun returned to her home, Wang Xiaojuan called her to borrow money.

"Manjun, you said that if Lanfang and their small factory can no longer operate, how about you and Aunt Wu go to take over the business together?"

"I've done the math, and I think I can almost get one hundred thousand. Your Aunt Wu can provide thirty thousand, and I still have thirty thousand. You can lend me another forty thousand, and that's it."

Li Manjun listened to what her mother said. Although she thought her positive and enterprising personality was good, but now that you are concerned about her factory before they are separated, wouldn't it make people hate you if you say it?

"Are you stupid?" Li Manjun couldn't hold it back anymore and said angrily: "You just said that I'm a toad, and now you're thinking about that person's clothing factory. Don't you mean to be hostile to me!"

"Don't say anything!" Li Manjun sternly warned: "The situation is still unclear. Don't bring hatred to me, and don't talk too much. Let the family discuss whatever they want. Just take care of our own affairs."

It was always Wang Xiaojuan who said this about her children. This was the first time that her daughter had criticized her so harshly. Wang Xiaojuan was dumbfounded.

After reacting, he was even more angry than Li Manjun, "I am your mother, how can you talk to your mother! I wonder if you are itchy? Don't think that you can talk to your mother like this now that you are a mother!"

Zhao Yong heard his mother-in-law's roar and looked at his wife's desperate look of wanting to hit the wall. He couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's rare to see our manager Li frustrated." Zhao Yong joked.

Li Manjun put down the phone, rushed over and gave him a hammer on the shoulder.

Zhao Yong laughed even more happily, which startled Nian Nian, who was squatting at his feet and playing with a little frog. The little girl suddenly raised her head in fright, like a frightened deer, pitiful and cute.

Knowing that he had accidentally scared his daughter, Li Manjun hurriedly knelt down, took her daughter's stocky little body into his arms, and coaxed her, "It's okay, it's okay, mom and dad are playing games."

Nian Nian looked at her father who was laughing so hard that tears would flow out, and then looked at her mother's gentle face, and laughed along with her father, "Hahaha".

"Silly, just like your dad." Li Manjun tapped her daughter's nose and took her to take a bath.

There is no air conditioning in the bathroom in the town. It has been a bit cold in spring these days. I am afraid that my daughter will be frozen. I have not taken a bath for four days. If I don't take a bath, the little girl will have to cover up the smell.

My favorite thing every year is taking a bath with my mother. You can blow bubbles and play with little ducks. As soon as you get into the water, you will flutter happily. The pink dots surround Li Manjun’s mother. The screams of her mother make your heart melt. .

Parent-child time always passes quickly, and we have to go to the company the next day.

Sister Zhou didn't come back until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. Li Manjun and Zhao Yong still followed the old rules and took care of each other for a day.

Fortunately, Li Lijun also came the next afternoon. She worked as a training teacher in her brother-in-law's company. The employees returned to work and the classes continued, so she wanted to continue taking classes.

Zhao Yong felt that attending classes during the day would delay his working time, so he wanted to move the training class to the evening.

Later, the employees objected and it was continued during the day.

However, after the New Year, it was divided into four time periods, and classes were taken in turns to ensure that work was not delayed and the cram school continued.

In this way, Li Lijun's class time remains unchanged, and she still attends half a day with another teacher.

Sister Zhou was away for the past two days. Thanks to Li Lijun's help, Li Manjun and his wife were able to cope with it.

But Sister Zhou is not at home, so there is no one to cook.

Li Manjun doesn't know how to do it, and Zhao Yong doesn't have time to come back to do it. There is too much backlog of express delivery during the Chinese New Year. Once work starts, he has to hurry up and send it out to others. He won't be able to come back before eight or nine in the evening.

Li Manjun and Li Lijun have big eyes on each other.

Li Lijun: "Sister, go ahead and I'll help you look after every year."

Li Manjun, who had just gotten off work, collapsed on the sofa and said, "Go ahead. Aren't experts calling on us to give young people more opportunities to learn?"

After saying that, he pointed to the seat next to him, asked his sister to pick up his daughter, and lay down to look at her.

Li Lijun growled irritably and could only put her niece next to her, "Li Manjun, forget it!"

Li Manjun snorted: "You are eating and drinking here, what's wrong with me asking you to cook a meal?"

Li Lijun was speechless. After dinner was cooked, she remembered that she didn't eat and drink for free. She pointed at her niece who was lying on the sofa watching TV alone, "Didn't I take care of your child?"

Li Manjun was startled, yes.

But if she says it, she won't take it back. Who makes her the sister? She is directly suppressed by blood.

"You're the only one who talks a lot. Is the meal ready?"

Li Lijun rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen to serve the rice, "My eldest lady, you are ready, get up and eat!"

She also prepared her favorite squid porridge every year. She turned off the TV first, coaxed the little girl who was unwilling to leave the sofa to sit down in the restaurant, and fed her with a spoon. The whole process was so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

Li Manjun's conscience found out and asked her: "If there is anything you want, I will buy it for you."

Li Lijun snorted at her: "You have a conscience, but I don't need anything right now. If you want to buy it for me, just order a semester's worth of books for me."

"From Haishi?"

Li Lijun nodded.

This is such a trivial matter, Li Manjun asked: "Which bookstore?"

"There is a newly opened bookstore near our school. They have new books and periodicals every week, which contain some interesting facts about famous universities at home and abroad, and also include many latest research reports and papers. My classmate bought a copy. Everyone in our dormitory is borrowing it to look at it."

The point is: “It’s the Chinese translation!”

Li Manjun nodded, "This is pretty good. I'll also order a set. You can send it to me when the time comes."

Li Lijun instantly had a smile on her face, "Sister, you are the best~"

Li Manjun shakes his shoulders, stop feeling numb!

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